Mortal Kombat X guest character ideas
posted12/05/2014 10:31 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/10/2014 01:05 AM (UTC)
So I was sitting down in a chair, and i thought "I'm hungry." But then afterwards i start thinking about guest characters for MKX. We know there are going to be guest characters but who could it be? Well, i've compiled a list of possiable guest characters for PlayStation, xBox and all platforms. Note, i do realize some of these have a slim to nothing chance of being put in the game but I could still see them making an apperance. So let's start with PlayStation.
PlayStation character 1: Sweet Tooth (Twisted Metal) : alot of people are thinking Sweet Tooth will be the guest character, myself included. He was talked about for MK9, and since Kratos was in MK9, that increases Sweet Tooth's chances in MKX. Well, maybe. I think he would play similiar to Lex Luther, being a powerhouse type character but he would also have a lot of ranged attacks.
PlayStation character 2: Col. Radec (Killzone) : So Radec hasn't really been talked about for MKX and for good reason. For one thing, he would play like DeathStroke, one of the most hated Injustice characters. Also, he would seem out of place because, you know, he's a future soldier. But I guess he COULD appear. You never know.
PlayStation character 3: Cole Macgrath (Infamous) : Another character who hasn't been talked about for X is Cole Macgrath. Well, it seems like a logical choice however. For one thing, his varisions would be Ice, Electric and Fire and i guess he would pay like maybe Kung Lao or Catwomen. The only problem: his games don't have gore. know, kind of lowers his chances.
xBox character 1: Fulgore or any other KI kharacter (Killer Instinct) Oh yes, the big one. With Killer Instinct finally revived on xBox One, i seems like a logical pick. With arcade rivals finally facing off. Just 2 problems. 1, KI doesn't have gore. Or a least on the levels of MK. But the second problem is, which character?! I think the most likely picks are Jago, Spinal, Cinder or, as a lot of people are thinking, Fulgore. I guess Fulgore would play like slower more powerful version of Cyrax.
xBox character 2: Lara Croft (Tomb Raider) With Tomb Raider now becoming a xBox exculisve character, it, at first, doesn't seem to be too smart of a pick. But if you played the reboot, you'll know why she has a HUGE chance. Her game has gore but, maybe not on the levels of MK. Same promblem with Fulgore. I think she would play like Stryker or Green Arrow.
xBox character 3: Master Cheif (Halo) Alright here we go. The mascot of xBox. The only problem, do you really see Master Cheif's face getting cut off? Well he was in Dead or Alive so he could be a guest character and he could play like Doomsday or Lex. Just if they allow Cheif to take a trip to the butcher shop.
3rd party character 1: Jason (Friday the 13th) Well with Freddy Krugger being in MK9, a lot of people are thinking a lot of horror characters will come to MK. The first of which would be Jason. I guess he'll play like Bane or Grundy. Maybe Ferra/Torr.
3rd party character 2: Predator (Predator) Now I would explain why he couldn't be in the game, but just go watch this video by Max Dood.
You back? OK. He'll play like Doomsday. What's that 3 characters now who should play like Doomsday?
3rd party character 3: Umm...i don't know. Sorry.
So what character do YOU want to appear in MKX? Make sure to post a comment below.
12/04/2014 01:42 AM (UTC)
Look, it's another one of these threads! wow Like we don't have enough of them already.
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12/04/2014 01:45 AM (UTC)
What is it with people obsessing over guest characters, are the MK ones that boring to them?
12/04/2014 02:25 AM (UTC)
I wouldn't be too thrilled about Sweet Tooth. Cole could work, but Infamous games are T so depending how picky Sucker Punch is with their characters could be an issue. , also it seems like Delsin would be more likely since he is Infamous's new hero (Or villain depending on what Karma you play)

I think Mercer would fit, and so could Death from Darksiders, but I have heard no news of a new Prototype or Darksiders game so I doubt they were even considered for MKX.
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

12/04/2014 03:25 AM (UTC)
as long as The Xbox one is not left out I'll be happy

This game made Kano interesting whoever we get will be badass!
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"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.

12/04/2014 05:00 AM (UTC)
Let's bring back Freddy Krueger and Kratos!!! =^)

Then we can add in

1.) Spawn

2.) Venom

3.) War- Machine

4.) Batman

5.) LEbron James

12/04/2014 05:15 AM (UTC)
starzilla83 Wrote:
So I was sitting down in a chair, and i thought "I'm hungry."

Well, it's a start.
12/04/2014 07:01 AM (UTC)
BADASS6669 Wrote:
as long as The Xbox one is not left out I'll be happy

This game made Kano interesting whoever we get will be badass!

....... um Kano was always great
12/04/2014 03:58 PM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
What is it with people obsessing over guest characters, are the MK ones that boring to them?

Because, obviously, you can't both like MK characters and want guest ones. Heh.

Anyway, for the Sony side, I agree with Sweet Tooth and Mael Radec. Cole could be alright, I guess.

On the X-box, any KI characters other than Jago. I like Jago, but he'd be too predictable as the KI guest, not to mention, he doesn't differ significantly enough from any MK characters.

It'd be awesome to see Master Chief or Marcus Fenix get slaughtered MK-style. Lara Croft would be alright. Personal picks of mine for X-Box exclusive guests would be Joanna Dark from Perfect Dark, Conker, Stubbs the Zombie, Locusts such as Raam or Skorge, or the Arbiter.

As for third-party characters, I have way too many in mind to list them all, but I agree with Jason and the Predator. I wouldn't mind Freddy returning, this time with Robert Englund's likeness and only one glove.

Finally, I'll say this: do not bring back Kratos. They took the joy out of killing him with his special treatment, and what was also sad about that was that he was fun to play as. Such a shame we didn't get Sweet Tooth in the last game like we almost did. Though if Sony got a little less insecure with Kratos' image, I could be okay with him returning.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

12/04/2014 04:05 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
starzilla83 Wrote:
So I was sitting down in a chair, and i thought "I'm hungry."

Well, it's a start.

I seriously stopped reading right after that.
12/04/2014 04:05 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind Kratos again lol my main issue with him in MK9 was how he played, he seemed clunky or something. Idk he didn't play very smooth to me for some reason.
12/04/2014 06:54 PM (UTC)
It's like...since Mortal Kombat (2011) had a guest character,from now on every new Mortal Kombat game needs have a guest character -_-

But if I had to choose...

Ryu Hayabusa ( Ninja Gaiden )
Imagine seeing Scorpion battle against Ryu Hayabusa
I think out of all the characters you can pick to be a guest character in Mortal Kombat I think he fits perfectly.If you take a look at some gameplay of Ninja Gaiden...Ryu also likes to slice his opponent's head off and the game itself has a lot of blood and is M rated.It would really cool to see Ryu fight with his Dragon Sword and pull of some crazy combos with him.

Here's how Ryu looks like : http://img4.wikia.nocook

Here's some Ninja Gaiden 2 gameplay ( don't mind the red bonus outfit) :
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

12/04/2014 07:21 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
I wouldn't mind Kratos again lol my main issue with him in MK9 was how he played, he seemed clunky or something. Idk he didn't play very smooth to me for some reason.

And honestly? I'd prefer to see him again over most of the other speculated guests. (That's mainly because idk who half of them are!) However, I did enjoy his gameplay.
12/04/2014 07:48 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
I wouldn't mind Kratos again lol my main issue with him in MK9 was how he played, he seemed clunky or something. Idk he didn't play very smooth to me for some reason.

And honestly? I'd prefer to see him again over most of the other speculated guests. (That's mainly because idk who half of them are!) However, I did enjoy his gameplay.

I'd rather have Freddy.

12/04/2014 07:48 PM (UTC)
Sweet Tooth is probably the number one Playstation pick because he's such an iconic Playstation character. Plus, he fits MKX's dark vibes and could work nicely with the variations as well. I'd be happy if he was the guest for Playstation.

My number one pick for Playstation though is Nariko from Heavenly Sword. She can easily fit the lore, is perfect for variations, and fits MK's brutal nature.

For Xbox there really shouldn't be any other guest besides a KI character. This is about as close as we will get to seeing a MK vs. KI crossover. Fulgore, Jago, Orchid, or Spinal can easily fit the bill.

As for the DLC guest, no question it has to be Ash Williams from Evil Dead.
12/04/2014 07:51 PM (UTC)
Guys, Kratos was deconfirmed for MKX by Boon a long time ago. Pining for his inclusion or omission is pointless.
12/04/2014 07:58 PM (UTC)
Lets just expect the unexpected ok?
12/04/2014 08:03 PM (UTC)
I don't want Kratos again. I mean yeah, with the variations he'd actually be pretty awesome, especially since he stunk in MK9. But I feel like it would undermine MKX's whole thing about everything being new. Like new characters, new gameplay, new story, and recycled guests?

Lol no.
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We share blood, we are not brothers

12/04/2014 09:38 PM (UTC)
ScoRPion-KILLER Wrote:
It's like...since Mortal Kombat (2011) had a guest character,from now on every new Mortal Kombat game needs have a guest character -_-

But if I had to choose...

Ryu Hayabusa ( Ninja Gaiden )
Imagine seeing Scorpion battle against Ryu Hayabusa
I think out of all the characters you can pick to be a guest character in Mortal Kombat I think he fits perfectly.If you take a look at some gameplay from Ninja Gaiden...Ryu also likes to slice his opponent's head of and the game itself has a lot of blood and is M rated.It would really cool to see Ryu fight with his Dragon Sword and pull of some crazy combos with him.

Here's how Ryu looks like :

Here's some Ninja Gaiden 2 gameplay ( don't mind the red bonus outfit) :

MK2011's best-selling DLC was Freddy, IGAU's best-selling DLC was Scorpion, so yeah, you should expect at least one guest character in MKX.
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12/04/2014 09:40 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Denizen Wrote:
What is it with people obsessing over guest characters, are the MK ones that boring to them?

Because, obviously, you can't both like MK characters and want guest ones. Heh.

Funny. You didn't understand what I said, I like hamburgers and chocolate milk mix, but not together, at the same time, this isn't a cross-over game, buddy. A main MK title using resources just to satisfy dream-matching wet dreams is a waste. MK9 could afford that luxury since its roster was pretty much complete. MKX is another story. And I'm sorry to say this but some of your suggestions are just delusional.
12/04/2014 09:40 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
I wouldn't mind Kratos again lol my main issue with him in MK9 was how he played, he seemed clunky or something. Idk he didn't play very smooth to me for some reason.

And honestly? I'd prefer to see him again over most of the other speculated guests. (That's mainly because idk who half of them are!) However, I did enjoy his gameplay.

Yeah I would prefer him over some of the characters that people have suggested as well (Sweet Tooth is a good example)

@Icebaby: I wouldn't mind Freddy again either, I would choose him over Sweet Tooth anyday lol
12/04/2014 10:04 PM (UTC)
Give us Chucky for f..k sakes, lol jk tongue
12/05/2014 12:42 AM (UTC)
12/05/2014 02:03 AM (UTC)
The thing I wonder about Predator is, would the characters name just be "Predator" or would we be getting a specific Predator like Celtic, Scar, Chopper or Claw?

I think "Predator" might work better that way they could have a variation for different types of Predators, if there are different types that is. I believe there are different "clans" and stuff like that, but im not sure im no expert on them.
12/05/2014 03:01 AM (UTC)
Predator wouldn't be bad. I also wouldn't mind a Watchmen character or something like that, hell I'd even take Freddy again. As long as it's Robert Englund and not Jackie Earle Haley Freddy.

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