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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

12/01/2014 09:01 PM (UTC)
Stop. Both of you.
12/01/2014 09:08 PM (UTC)
Most of this topic is gonna be sharefrock and smokeman having a war, isn't it?
12/01/2014 09:43 PM (UTC)
Lordryu Wrote:
Most of this topic is gonna be sharefrock and smokeman having a war, isn't it?

Hopefully not. And hopefully after almost two months of nothing we better not get just a guest reveal or I'll be incredibly pissed off.
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

12/01/2014 09:46 PM (UTC)
Hoping for a PS2-era character reveal. However, I'd gladly take a guest reveal over nothing.
12/01/2014 10:03 PM (UTC)
I'm curious to those who feel Sweet Tooth is a bad idea. Why do you think he is? He's one of the few PS characters I can see working for MK. Nariko from Heavenly Sword would be a great choice as well, except hardly anyone knows her.
12/01/2014 10:19 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
I'm curious to those who feel Sweet Tooth is a bad idea. Why do you think he is? He's one of the few PS characters I can see working for MK. Nariko from Heavenly Sword would be a great choice as well, except hardly anyone knows her.

You and your Nariko obsession. tongue

Sweettooth wouldn't bother me if he was to be the guest character, my thing though is that I've been disappointed so many times with this character, I'm kinda done seeing him. Twisted Metal used to be cool... with the only two games that literally are cool... but ever since the third, I haven't liked a single game from the series, including Black. (Yeah, let's make every character a psychotic killer or would like to become one, let's completely ignore the humor that the first two brought us) I didn't really care for him in All-Stars, I just feel that they've really tried their hardest to make this clown be as scary as Pogo... Unfortunately, he's not, and I don't care for his character anymore.

I refuse to play the latest one after seeing what they've done to the series I loved before... Only three characters? Bullshit.

Honestly, if he is to be the guest character, I most likely wouldn't be that irked. I'll of course see what he's like and judge myself rather than judge immediately before playing (because that's stupid), but I would rather have some other character over him more than wanting the Playstation guest be Sweettooth. Hell, I really wouldn't mind if it was Freddy again.
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I will rock you.

12/01/2014 10:39 PM (UTC)
Guys Ed Boon just said he isn't going to be there. So they might not be a reveal after all well atleast not there anyways.
12/01/2014 10:51 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
You and your Nariko obsession. tongue

Sweettooth wouldn't bother me if he was to be the guest character, my thing though is that I've been disappointed so many times with this character, I'm kinda done seeing him. Twisted Metal used to be cool... with the only two games that literally are cool... but ever since the third, I haven't liked a single game from the series, including Black. (Yeah, let's make every character a psychotic killer or would like to become one, let's completely ignore the humor that the first two brought us) I didn't really care for him in All-Stars, I just feel that they've really tried their hardest to make this clown be as scary as Pogo... Unfortunately, he's not, and I don't care for his character anymore.

I refuse to play the latest one after seeing what they've done to the series I loved before... Only three characters? Bullshit.

Honestly, if he is to be the guest character, I most likely wouldn't be that irked. I'll of course see what he's like and judge myself rather than judge immediately before playing (because that's stupid), but I would rather have some other character over him more than wanting the Playstation guest be Sweettooth. Hell, I really wouldn't mind if it was Freddy again.

Yes I know I bring her up a lot when talking about guests for Playstation. But it isn't without good cause. The variation system plays into Nariko's wheelhouse perfectly. She has 3 main sword styles: Power, Range, and Speed. Boom variation for each one. Storywise, she is a pretty good fit. Her universe talks about deities and such. Wouldn't be too hard to fit her into MK lore. And she doesn't shy away from killing. So she doesn't have to worry about the game being too brutal and what not. The only problem for her is her obscurity.

Sorry I got a little carried away grin. We were talking about Sweet Tooth. I understand not liking the direction Black went and Sweet Tooth being pushed so hard on people lately. But from a gameplay standpoint, I do think he has good potential. PS All Stars opened up the potential for Sweetie outside the truck. I'd love to see what NRS could do with him. I can picture his variations being based around his Machete, Guns, and Flame head.
12/01/2014 10:52 PM (UTC)
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
Guys Ed Boon just said he isn't going to be there. So they might not be a reveal after all well atleast not there anyways.

If not at the PS Event, then maybe at the Game Awards.
12/01/2014 11:07 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
Guys Ed Boon just said he isn't going to be there. So they might not be a reveal after all well atleast not there anyways.

If not at the PS Event, then maybe at the Game Awards.

This gives me hope that its not a guest character.
12/01/2014 11:09 PM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
Guys Ed Boon just said he isn't going to be there. So they might not be a reveal after all well atleast not there anyways.

If not at the PS Event, then maybe at the Game Awards.

This gives me hope that its not a guest character.

This personally makes me sad sad

But any reveal will be more than enough for me.
SweetTooth is the only one I'd like to be there..to represent Playstation in Mortal Kombat ugh. I want him to the point where I'll be disappointed if it's anyone that's not him.

But I hate guest characters in general anyways so the whole thing is gross. GrossGrossGross.

Oh and Twisted Metal Black was awesome. Everyone being screwed up/serial killers was because it's all going on in SweetTooth's head. TMPS3 had problems but overall was an enjoyable experience.

However All Twisted Metals are dogshit compared to the gold standard that is Twisted Metal 4.
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12/02/2014 05:35 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
SweetTooth is the only one I'd like to be there..to represent Playstation in Mortal Kombat ugh. I want him to the point where I'll be disappointed if it's anyone that's not him.

But I hate guest characters in general anyways so the whole thing is gross. GrossGrossGross.

Oh and Twisted Metal Black was awesome. Everyone being screwed up/serial killers was because it's all going on in SweetTooth's head. TMPS3 had problems but overall was an enjoyable experience.

However All Twisted Metals are dogshit compared to the gold standard that is Twisted Metal 4.

Black was awesome, I remember figuring out the minion codes saying that its all in Sweet Tooths head. I don't know how he would work in MK though. All of his fighting is done in an ice cream truck so it would be hard to give him any signature moves. Kratos was easier since in GOW you control him and not a truck. Plus Kratos has magic and all his different weapons to go with his chains.

I don't think they want to do any system exclusives this time and would rather have one guest from a movie or something for both systems.
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