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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

10/10/2014 10:29 PM (UTC)
FROID Wrote:
You think you're disappointed, I'm pissed off that he does not have his Airthrow, his Rising Star Kick, or none of his moves from Mortal Kombat Mythologies. I guess him not having his multi-stomps confirm that Goro is using that move now.

It doesn't confirm anything. MK9 alone proves that. Sheeva, Kintaro, and Quan Chi, all had teleport stomps in that game.

KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
I hated Quan Chi's Telestomp in MK4. It was so goofy it looked like a kid throwing a tantrum. MK9 cleaned it up a little, but I really like the MKX version. Feels much more savage than any previous incarnation of the move.

(They could've just had Quan Chi just stomp on the head instead of slamming it, but then I feel like it would look to much like Chief Thunder's head stomps.)

It's hard to put into clear detail on why I love Chi's MK4 move.
The only way I can put it is like a weird and yet aggressive looking maneuver that screams "Takethisyoufuckinglittlefuckingfuck!" in my head.
While I have a "Ooooooh got damn!" look on my face.
10/11/2014 02:12 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
RIP Quan Chi's MK4 teleport stomp.
God damn it, NRS. You had one job!

And his victory animation summons skeleton warriors!


Maybe he uses skeletons in his second or third fatality. And you haven't seen al the moves maybe the skeletons haven't been put in this demo game. We don't now his full move list until the game releases.
10/11/2014 02:13 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
C: "So I finally meet Scorpion"

S: "And now you shall regret it!"

C: "Or You will."

Sounds like they do not meet in story mode because nothing of relavence is being discussed and they are meeting for the first time.

Really liking Cassie. She was really sweet to play as and good personality.

I'm thinking Scorpion isn't very involved in the 25 years after period if him and Cassie never meet.
10/11/2014 02:20 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
FROID Wrote:

It's hard to put into clear detail on why I love Chi's MK4 move.
The only way I can put it is like a weird and yet aggressive looking maneuver that screams "Takethisyoufuckinglittlefuckingfuck!" in my head.
While I have a "Ooooooh got damn!" look on my face.

this made me laugh so hard lmfao
10/11/2014 03:37 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
SlickRick82 Wrote:
Raiders win pose is pretty sweet!

Love the way he crosses his arms. That's the Thunder God we've been missing.

Agreed. The first few years of MK Raiden was a badass. I think the movie version of Raiden made him a pussy thereafter. The developers kept associating the God of Thunder to Lambert's passive, jokey wuss who just crackled his fingers with sparks. Just keep Raiden the way he was meant to be, i.e. a blatant clone of Lighting from Big Trouble in Little China.
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

10/11/2014 05:11 PM (UTC)
ArieV81 Wrote:
WeaponTheory Wrote:
RIP Quan Chi's MK4 teleport stomp.
God damn it, NRS. You had one job!

And his victory animation summons skeleton warriors!


Maybe he uses skeletons in his second or third fatality. And you haven't seen al the moves maybe the skeletons haven't been put in this demo game. We don't now his full move list until the game releases.

I can only hope. I can only only hope.
Because some days ago, it's been discovered that Sub-Zero has a new air attack in one his variations. That variation where he's like the fucking Green Lantern of Ice. That one.

If not. Shinnok better step up to the Skeleton summoning.

KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
I'm thinking Scorpion isn't very involved in the 25 years after period if him and Cassie never meet.

It could be that, but in the past games, if you think about it. Think of all the characters and their story line, they're busy doing their own thing.
Liu Kang is like Story A. Y'know, trying to save Earth.
While Scorpion and Sub-Zero are always chasing each other in their own little thing, Story B.
See what I mean?

So, Cassie never meeting Scorpion, not even taking account to her age, is really, really no surprise. You can probably think of more characters that never saw Scorpion.
10/11/2014 05:25 PM (UTC)
Randwulf Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
SlickRick82 Wrote:
Raiders win pose is pretty sweet!

Love the way he crosses his arms. That's the Thunder God we've been missing.

Agreed. The first few years of MK Raiden was a badass. I think the movie version of Raiden made him a pussy thereafter. The developers kept associating the God of Thunder to Lambert's passive, jokey wuss who just crackled his fingers with sparks. Just keep Raiden the way he was meant to be, i.e. a blatant clone of Lighting from Big Trouble in Little China.

You learn something strange everyday. grin
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10/11/2014 05:52 PM (UTC)
Randwulf Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
SlickRick82 Wrote:
Raiders win pose is pretty sweet!

Love the way he crosses his arms. That's the Thunder God we've been missing.

Agreed. The first few years of MK Raiden was a badass. I think the movie version of Raiden made him a pussy thereafter. The developers kept associating the God of Thunder to Lambert's passive, jokey wuss who just crackled his fingers with sparks. Just keep Raiden the way he was meant to be, i.e. a blatant clone of Lighting from Big Trouble in Little China.

The whole mentor stuff simply was not necessary. And that was introduced in MK2.

For once i would like to see a setting where the heroes are able to handle themselves without some overtly powerful mentor, who by all logic, should intervene on their side.

Remember when Raiden entered Mk out of spite because Shang tsung wanted his soul for himself? He basically gone there, won, and fucked shit up on global scale.

Raiden ain't takin' none of that shit y'all, pause.

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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

10/11/2014 07:14 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
C: "So I finally meet Scorpion"

S: "And now you shall regret it!"

C: "Or You will."

Sounds like they do not meet in story mode because nothing of relavence is being discussed and they are meeting for the first time.

Really liking Cassie. She was really sweet to play as and good personality.

I'm thinking Scorpion isn't very involved in the 25 years after period if him and Cassie never meet.

It could be but I am more thinking that there is no reason for them to meet. I do not think Scorpion and Cassie have any issues with one another and they mght have the same goal in getting rid of the bad guy(s).

Reading the dialogues I think Scorpion is going to meet Sub-Zero and possibly Raiden and Quan Chi. I can not think of why he would want to meet the others.
10/16/2014 11:29 PM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:
Well, before jumping to that I repeat that I don't even know if they come (I hope) and even then I'm not sure I would have access to Ed himself, I'll go there as a game developer, so I will be there during the press and professionals day (Thursday 16th) but I'm not part of the press. If I get to talk to him of course I will try to ask him some stuff ^^ (if I can I will even try to make him play our game, as a fan it would be awesome for me, but again, a lot of ifs involved here).

Aaaaaaaaand... sadly, there is no trace of MKX at WB booth on Madrid's Games Week, just some Hobbit stuff. At least not during the companies and press day.

I was hoping to see them as I was truly determined to get ALL Sub-Zero relevant dialogues clear, no matter how many replays I would need, in order to reveal that identity...
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