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05/17/2009 08:37 PM (UTC)
If i couldhave a chance a send this idea up to the MK Team, i would say:
MK vs 300..................
Anyway... maybe not really s croxx over but more of like an MK game that uses a mutlidirectional fighting engine like SM did..
but thats just my oppinon... from the vids on youtube... I would like

MK as Street Fighter
just because all the street fighter fans are degrading Mortal Kombat
that way Ryu can die at the hands of Scorpion....... or something along those lines.......
About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

05/19/2009 05:05 PM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat vs. all of the people who make "MK vs." threads
05/19/2009 08:30 PM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat vs star wars...lol
05/20/2009 08:44 AM (UTC)
Killer Instinct. Maybe if they did that instead, mk fans wouldn't have been so pissed off. Obviously nothing would be taken away, ultra brutalities, more fatalities, awesome stage fatalities, it could be it's own series maybe even reboot the killer instinct series. Should've been an obvious crossover but i guess not.
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Well... At least you tried...
06/11/2009 09:39 PM (UTC)
if mk ever crossed over with another fighting franchise, the other developer would have to balanced the entire game because ed boon and co dont know how.

MK is a big franchise and im sure competing games dont want to teach its obvious secrets.

I like mk and all, but its got problems.
06/16/2009 01:28 PM (UTC)
I think the "90 percent" he was talking about was probably due to the fact that many fans, at that point, reluctantly said "well, fine" and got on board simply because it was an MK game and something new to play, NOT because they were salivating over it. I am hoping Boon sees this.
As for me, I want MK vs MK. And I want LESS super-power type crap (air combat? What a joke in MKA) and more mystical martial arts. I want game balance. And I want digitized actors. And I want 2D.
I want this, and then some


Throw in a free-roaming Konquest mode with story specific missions for each character and I would never buy another game again. Well, unless they did another to top it.

Baraka407 Wrote:
Mortal Kombat vs Mortal Kombat

It's a game where MK stays in it's own universe, develops an awesome new story for old and new characters alike and has a fighting system that isn't based off of 2D gameplay with a dial-a-combos and worthless gimmicks like freefall kombat and rock em sock em robot (ie klose) kombat.

Too bitter?

Sorry, I'll just say then that I really don't want the next MK game to be a versus game. Boon said in his recent Gamepro interview that the initial reaction to MK vs DC was largely negative from MK fans, but that about 90% of the fans were on board by the time the game shipped.

Sorry, but I seriously doubt that guestimation of 90%. Ask ANY MK fan which they'd rather see, another MK vs game or a straight up new MK game and 90+% of them will take the latter every time. I'm not sure where the 180% swing comes in, but maybe Ed doesn't realize that MK fans would rather buy a new MK vs game as opposed to not having a next gen MK game at all.

Wow, what a great choice.

Keep making MK fans make that decision and you'll find more MK fans who would rather go without than buy a game that they don't want.
07/18/2009 01:20 PM (UTC)
Mortal kombat VS Bleach
Mortal kombat VS Naruto
Mortal kombat VS Full metal alchamist
07/19/2009 04:36 AM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Unive....

Wait, that's a terrible idea
Baraka407 Wrote:
Mortal Kombat vs Mortal Kombat

It's a game where MK stays in it's own universe, develops an awesome new story for old and new characters alike and has a fighting system that isn't based off of 2D gameplay with a dial-a-combos and worthless gimmicks like freefall kombat and rock em sock em robot (ie klose) kombat.
Is it just me, or did it suddenly get smarter in this room?
10/12/2009 02:18 AM (UTC)
when will u guys get it....Crossovers are not good. I mean MK vs DC was OK (5/10) but MK vs anything other than MK is LAME!
10/12/2009 02:44 AM (UTC)
NinjaMaster44 Wrote:
when will u guys get it....Crossovers are not good. I mean MK vs DC was OK (5/10) but MK vs anything other than MK is LAME!

What's also lame is people bumping three month old threads. Stop doing that, beware of the date of the last post before you write something.
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MKO Moderator, Story Writer, Actor
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10/12/2009 02:35 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
NinjaMaster44 Wrote:
when will u guys get it....Crossovers are not good. I mean MK vs DC was OK (5/10) but MK vs anything other than MK is LAME!

What's also lame is people bumping three month old threads. Stop doing that, beware of the date of the last post before you write something.

He's within the date limit.
10/12/2009 02:43 PM (UTC)
i thought i was. Isn't the date limit 3 months? and i wouldn't mind another crossover but it needs to be rated M (MK. Vs Marvel)
10/12/2009 07:04 PM (UTC)
Jerrod Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
NinjaMaster44 Wrote:
when will u guys get it....Crossovers are not good. I mean MK vs DC was OK (5/10) but MK vs anything other than MK is LAME!

What's also lame is people bumping three month old threads. Stop doing that, beware of the date of the last post before you write something.

He's within the date limit.

Woopsies, my fault.
Historical Favorite
10/12/2009 07:17 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:

Font color=cyan>Woopsies, my fault.

Maybe next time you'll let the mods be the mods.

As far as crossovers go, the obvious answer is MK vs Jurassic Park. Show me someone who wouldn't a game with ninjas fighting dinosaurs and I'll show you where their soul was removed.
10/12/2009 10:04 PM (UTC)
MK vs Tekken

Fatalities for my favorite Tekken characters:

Nina Williams-
1) First, Nina kicks the enemy at the balls (she has a move like that btw). Next, she slaps him/her, making the enemy fall to the ground. Then, she does her foot stomp, grinding her foot on the victim's groin. After that, the opponent moans of pain and Nina shoots him/her at the head with a handgun.
2) She plants a bomb on the opponent and blows him/her up.

Anna Williams-
1) First, she throws her small daggers all over her opponent's body. Then, she shoots her bazooka at the enemy, blowing him/her up.
2) She does her throw where she slaps the opponent multiple times from Tekken 5 but when she does her final back hand slap, the head falls off.
10/13/2009 03:21 AM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:

Font color=cyan>Woopsies, my fault.

Maybe next time you'll let the mods be the mods.

As far as crossovers go, the obvious answer is MK vs Jurassic Park. Show me someone who wouldn't a game with ninjas fighting dinosaurs and I'll show you where their soul was removed.

Jesse, it was an honest mistake, you seriously had to add your two cents in there? Besides, I'm not trying to act like a mod, there's other users on this site that do that perfectly well than I do... even though I'm not trying to act like one.

But, since I'm going to ignore the fact that I made a mistake, I'll contribute to this thread...

What will be a good crossover game for Mortal Kombat to go up against? All the cereal mascots... Sub-Zero vs the Trix Bunny... What a classic match up.
Historical Favorite
10/13/2009 06:55 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:

Jesse, it was an honest mistake, you seriously had to add your two cents in there?

At least I didn't call you a cunt like that dude in the other thread. Give me some credit, if nothing else my disagreements are harmless. grin
10/13/2009 02:35 PM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:

Jesse, it was an honest mistake, you seriously had to add your two cents in there?

At least I didn't call you a cunt like that dude in the other thread. Give me some credit, if nothing else my disagreements are harmless. grin

Gee, thanks for reminding me about getting picked on that was unnecessary and uncalled for. Like I asked, you really had to add your two cents in here? And no, I won't give you credit, you didn't do anything that's worth any credit. Spare me some dignity why don't you, and mind your own business.
Historical Favorite
10/13/2009 07:48 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:

Hi, I'm Icebaby. I like blue fonts and starting inane threads. I wants to be a mod. Don't disagree with me or I'll get defensive and cry.

Fixed that for ya. wink

10/13/2009 07:54 PM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:

Hi, I'm Icebaby. I like blue fonts and starting inane threads. I wants to be a mod. Don't disagree with me or I'll get defensive and cry.

Fixed that for ya. wink

You might as well have just called me a cunt instead of acting like an idiot to save you the trouble on "twisting" my words around.
Historical Favorite
10/13/2009 07:56 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:

Hi, I'm Icebaby. I like blue fonts and starting inane threads. I wants to be a mod. Don't disagree with me or I'll get defensive and cry.

Fixed that for ya. wink

You might as well have just called me a cunt instead of acting like an idiot to save you the trouble on "twisting" my words around.

No, my way is more fun. Both for me and for anyone who reads it.
10/13/2009 08:00 PM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:

Hi, I'm Icebaby. I like blue fonts and starting inane threads. I wants to be a mod. Don't disagree with me or I'll get defensive and cry.

Fixed that for ya. wink

You might as well have just called me a cunt instead of acting like an idiot to save you the trouble on "twisting" my words around.

No, my way is more fun. Both for me and for anyone who reads it.

Sure thing, kid. Though, you're entirely wrong on the eh little greeting you have for me to say to people. Wrong on the whole thing to be exact... Just a bit of a heads up for ya.
Historical Favorite
10/13/2009 08:05 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:

Hi, I'm Icebaby. I like blue fonts and starting inane threads. I wants to be a mod. Don't disagree with me or I'll get defensive and cry.

Fixed that for ya. wink

You might as well have just called me a cunt instead of acting like an idiot to save you the trouble on "twisting" my words around.

No, my way is more fun. Both for me and for anyone who reads it.

Sure thing, kid. Though, you're entirely wrong on the eh little greeting you have for me to say to people. Wrong on the whole thing to be exact... Just a bit of a heads up for ya.

I love that you changed your font just to "prove me wrong". Maybe you could continue the trend by posting things that are relevant or kind of worthwhile.

10/13/2009 08:09 PM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:

Hi, I'm Icebaby. I like blue fonts and starting inane threads. I wants to be a mod. Don't disagree with me or I'll get defensive and cry.

Fixed that for ya. wink

You might as well have just called me a cunt instead of acting like an idiot to save you the trouble on "twisting" my words around.

No, my way is more fun. Both for me and for anyone who reads it.

Sure thing, kid. Though, you're entirely wrong on the eh little greeting you have for me to say to people. Wrong on the whole thing to be exact... Just a bit of a heads up for ya.

I love that you changed your font just to "prove me wrong". Maybe you could continue the trend by posting things that are relevant or kind of worthwhile.

Actually, no, just felt like writing in a different color because it's hurting my eyes from white to blue white to blue... though I might change the color up so that it stops hurting my eyes and and I can go on with my life and you stop thinking you're such great guy because fighting over the internet with a strange is sure a great thing to do, isn't it?

And seeing how one tiny mistake led to all this shit, this thread is going to get closed thanks to you for ignoring me when I asked you to mind your own business. But that led to an insult, which honestly, you could have just called me a cunt to save you the work you had to go through with re-writing something that is such a dumb thing to re-write... Please, you think my goal in life is to become a mod? Like I have no life outside of this site? Yeah okay, sure... That's my goal in life, you win a cookie for acknowledging my goal in life.
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