Mortal kombat vs. Soul Calibur vs. Tekken
posted05/23/2009 02:25 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
01/04/2009 12:15 AM (UTC)
Just my ideas

Story: the darkness thrives, between the realms and dementions, and when chao struck it's alarm, it will reawake armageddon, and brought everyone into a living hell. And now, it is awaken


Mortal kombat:
Scorpion(kunai+ holstered katana*--hellfire)
Sub zero(kori blade)
kitana(steel fans---glorious beuty)
mileena(Sais---wicked grace))
liu kang(fist)
Shang Tsung(long sword*---supernatural)
Quan Chi(fist)
Shao Kahn(hammer*---emperor's wrath)

Soul Calibur
Nightmare(huge sword---soul edge)
Siegfried(huge sword----soul calibur)
Ivy(serpent blade----valentine)

Kazuya(fist, have devil transformation)
Jin(fist, have devil transformation)
Nina(twin daggers*)
Bryan(fist+ganttling gun---ravager*)
Dragunov(fist+auto rifle*--Kalashnikov)
Asuka Kazama(fist)

One being(resemble azazel from tekken, only bigger+more grotesque---claws...)

* after weapon means despite the character had weapon, they have large amunt of move on their own body


largely similar to tekken, but with soul clibur's 8-way run and others.

shave damage: most hit cause no damage when blocked, but some contains shave damage, others and temporarely break the block

grapple: can be used to get through blocking opponent, some may result in QTE, graples and be broken when victim catch the QTE before attacker

Air combat: most character have levitation move, and if performed right moment and got opponent in air, a air style may be performed.

counters: counters can be used on every move on aspecific time.

supermoves: both single and combo, they typically have QTE after statin, and can be broken easily, a failed supermove will result in being stunned

fatality: it can be performed by press the QTE when opponent's health is low and when they are in a stunned state, if oponent got the QTE before you do, the fatality does not do anything, and the attacker may get stunned

Stage interaction: multi level and death traps, some stage based operation(such as throwing weapons or operate stage mounted traps like wall mounted gun and elevator), low wall can be broken

Character creation + edit: see soul calibur 4


Shao Kahn's fortress( deathtrap: off cliff activatable:falling floortiles; stage weapon: wraith hammer)-----Shao Kahn, Raiden, Baraka
Shang Tsung's palace,(death trap: soulnado ;stage weapon: sword on walls)Shang tsung,kitana, mileena ,Liu Kang
Mishima Zaibatsu( level: throne and dungeon bonus after falling: fight NANCY robot)Heihachi, Kazuya
Hell(deathtrap, lava pool. level: diffrent plate. stage weapons, swing chains)--Scorpion,nightmare
Nethership(deathtrap: fall into water)----cervantes,
Greek temple---Sophitia,Cassandra
kunpatchu spire---Astroth
treasure pit(deathtrap: fall into water)---Voldo
Lin Kuei temple( stage weapon: icesycles)---sub zero, siegfried
Mishima High(weapon: fleeing student lol)---Jin, Xiaoyu,Asuka, Lili
Sub way( deathtrap: trains stage weapon: random bottles)--Nina, Anna
Japanesre temple( deathtrap: fall off)---Mitsurugi, Taki, Yoshimitusu
Military camp( activatable): wall mounted gun stage weapons: random M16) Dragunov, Bryan,
French palace(activatable: dancing music, extremely large, can have more than one fighting on stage on tag) Raphael, Ivy mode: story: a combination that tells one's story, many scenes for everyone include a devil may cry-ish minigame for stages(fightingmultiple generic enemies, the mode is going to be vague and small) as well as normal fighting arcade: a plain fighting mode versus: versus, against player of CPU(include CPU vs. CPU), including normal and tag practice: parctice with many options Creation:create new characters, as well as change original characters Gallery: view images+ cutscenes even models online: a extenive online system, most like SC4, but adding new character+ account filter and tag fighting

more specific design will come
05/12/2009 02:35 AM (UTC)
I've seen three threads like this before and were all shut down by other users who simply said that these three games could not be capable of creating such a game like this for specific reasons that I don't feel like doing the research...

But I've also said in these types of threads... "no more crossovers."

I'm sorry, I know that you took the time in thinking of a good game, but, crossovers are done with MK... I don't want to see them anymore, and even though I liked MK vs DC, I don't expect another crossover.
it fine, it my idea, i never seen these though
05/14/2009 03:57 AM (UTC)
if namco buys rights to midway i could actually see this happening on the count of mkvsdc. i actually dont mind if mk branches out into other fighting game series as long as mk can remain violent, bloody and m for mature while still maintaining the shock factor of the younger mk games.
05/14/2009 05:35 AM (UTC)
If I recall your previous posts correctly Acid, I think you've got your terms mixed up.

Younger = more recent (ie. MK4-A)

Older = original games (ie. MK1-UMK3)

Just trying to make sure you get your terms right, cause I'm a tool like that. As for actually making a crossover with all these other games, no I wouldn't want to see it happen. No to Soul Calibur, because they focus entirely on weapon fighting and only a select few have any magical abilities that would translate into special moves. Though the did recently come up with the equivalent to a Fatality (Critical Finish) I don't think their mood fits very well. Also, all the characters are from 500 years ago, whereas MK is in modern times. As for Tekken, since it's actually the same world as SC, from what I understand, I'll disagree for the same point on special moves. Slightly more appropriate due to more of a hand-to-hand focus and being in the modern era, but I still would say there's a lot that isn't compatible.
Business matter dealing with the game

A game would not worth $45 if not for the business. You see, most of money was spent on dealing with Business and other matters relating to sales. What would a disk worth without the game, less than $10! And I understand a lot of it is profit and pay for the workers, but if it hold true that all these profit from 1.9 million+ sale of MK vs. DCU goes to profit, Midway would not be bankrupted. However, if we lower the amount spend on these from announcing Mortal Kombat, Soul Calibur, and Tekken separately by announcing them together, A large sum head into dealing and other business needs can be EASILY TURNED INTO PROFIT. And that alone, would be a SWEET DEAL FOR BOTH SIDES.

Although many fans may hate it happen and refuse to buy the game, but that would be a small figure. it would be clear that most of casual fans would not care even if THE GODDAMNED SUPERMAN is in the game as long as THEIR FAVORATE CHARACTER IS IN AND THE GAMEPLAY IS STILL RESEMBLING A FIGHTING GAME, and that is the reason MK vs. DCU do still get a large sale. And the large scale of the game would surely be attracting other gamers (DOA gamer, VF gamer, maybe SF gamer), and the other parts of the game is that 2 companies working means 2x the speed, 2.5x the quality (well, project soul and project Tekken work separately), 2x the creativity, and most important of all, 2x THE ADVERTISEMENT! And from that, that would expect not just old gamers, but a ton of noobs well, and we all know, noobs is what keeps the game alive and progressive.

And even if the game does not sale well, the next MK will guaranteed a boom as to that MK fans would be anxiously waiting for a new game when one is failed, and at same time, a number (large or small) fans of Soul Calibur and Tekken would start looking at MK as well, and when the crowd became steaming with shout for another game, MK (whatever came after MK vs. SC vs. TK, likely 12 or 13) will be their savior (and they will rush to get it)

More over sales business, the temporary merging would provide Mortal Kombat an Asian market, as well realizing the dream of Namco to move into America and expand on Europe, which may slowly increase sales for both games. Furthermore, with influence from SC and TK gameplay, MK would surely learn useful things and merging them with their own style to create a new (hopefully excellent) game style, all while SC and TK series would break off their repetitive gameplay (the movelist never changes in these two games in case you don’t know), and that would add life to all three series.

And you now may ask why I want MK to fund their competitors, the answer is simple, competitions provide progress, and progress is what MK needed to be good
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