Mortal Kombat: The Partnership
posted09/30/2006 03:00 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/26/2006 11:14 PM (UTC)
Well I've been dreaming of a, Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks-type game, but with 4 players, ko-op. There would be some sort of way to prevent the players of pissing each other off by pulling the screen back (if you know what I mean).
You choose from Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Reptile, Ermac, and a few other unlockable players (Noob, Smoke, Rain, etc.)

You level up your character by gaining experience, earned by killing foes. When you level up you can raise a skill, (Freeze, Spear, Acid Spit, etc.) And you also get stat points, you can raise your Strength (Attack Power), Agility (Attack Speed, and walking/running speed), Vitality (Health Points and Defence), and Intelligence (Skills and Mana Points). You would get 1 Skill point and 5 Stat points a level. It would be like Gauntlet: Dark Legacy, you would spend hours, just leveling your person with your buddies, the max level would be ,like, 200.

Each foe you kill, you get koins, which you can use to buy potions, deadly weapons, skills, and protective armors and shields. You could get a Kori Blade for Sub-Zero, an upgraded Sword for Scorpion, and so on, from a shop, and there are different shops in each Villages you go to, and there are a lot of different Villages. And you could buy new clothes (Like Deadly Alliance Costume, Deception Costume, Shaolin Monks Costume,etc.) But you must be a certain level to use a certain equipment. Like for Scorpion, you must be level 10, you use the Steel Katana. At level 20, you use the Fire Sword, and so on. Each weapon more powerful then the last. The same principles would work for armors. The higher the level you are, the higher level the equipment the Villagers sell you. But to get the most deadliest weapons and equipment, you would have to get them from the high leveled, dangerous foes. You and your friends would spends hours, killing at, say, the deepest regions of the Armory, to find the Hell Sword, which is Scorpions level 150 spear. You would have an inventory, to hold items dropped by your fallen foes, that you collect for side-quests.

The fatality system would still be the same, but you could pull off team fatilities, that would work like Multalites, but with bigger range, and if all the 4 players perform it, it would wipe out the whole screen. The combo system would still be the same, but the player would get air-recovery, and other boss luxuries you lacked in Shaolin Monks. But since you get such a boost, the game would be much harder, and you would depend on the help of your friends to beat the game, and watch your back. Even if you don't have any friends with you, the AI would help you in your 1, 2 ,3 player game (Four Players Required). It'd be like in Shaolin Monks, with like Johnny Cage and Sub-Zero. And the game would be much, MUCH longer then Shaolin Monks. And NO, you don't share a life bar. Each player has their own bar. If he die's, he would get a fatality on him, but in the Villages, you can buy an item that you use to revive your fallen ally.

To keep hungry gamers, who beat the game in the record-time of 3 monthes, the game would be jam-packed with a ton of secrets, you see, this game isn't just "go here and go there, kill him and that's it", no, this game would give you the power of interaction, where you can costumatize your game, like hidden missions, for example: a town villager wants you to kill 50 tarkatan warriors and bring back 25 tarkatan blades. When you do so, he gives you "_" amount of experience and "_" amount of koins. But there would be harder quests, that would give you a reward of a hidden costume or a secret weapon or an elusive skill. This game let's you wander, like, an MMORPG. There would also be different secrets, such as: hidden boss battles, survival mode, boss rush mode, Game+ ( Like Chrono Trigger, where you start from the beginning of the game, but with the same character you beat the game with; with the same level and stats.), along with multiple endings (depending on what quests you have completed in your journey, and other features.

There would be versus mode, with all the characters in the game, like Shang Tsung, toned down bosses, like, Kintaro, Goro, Shao Kahn. There would be an arcade mode, where you beat have to beat all of your foes in the ladder. And there is even a Cooperation Arcade mode, which, at max, would be 4 vs. 4, with friends or AI. In the versus mode, there would be 2 vs. 2 battles, 1 vs. 1, 1 vs. 2, and 3 vs. 1. And with an Online mode to challenge friends, or conquest with friends, in the arcade mode (sorry, no Story-Mode Online, that would be too much dreaming).

This game focuses on Co-op play and is simmulating a MMORPG. My friends and I would love spending every week, jamming in every second on the weekends and rush to one's house after school, playing this for, like, a year, and still not have had enough of this game.

The story of the game would be right after Deception, and according to this game, the time span between Deception and Armageddon is exactly 1 year. Okay, Scorpion's ending is true: he kills Onaga, but when he does, the spirit of the Dragon King leaves the incarnation, leaving a wounded Reptile. Scorpion, who pities the reptilen warrior, and aids him back to health (As demanded by the Gods). Reptile is rellucant to recieve such pity, and attempts to attack Scorpion when he got only strong enough to stand. But Scorpion stopped Reptile, and asked him why he would attack. Reptile responds with, "I must return to my masters, you were a fool to help me!". Scorpion says, "You are the fool, being so loyal to these 'masters', haven't you realized that none of your 'masters' ever had a plan of reviving your people?". Reptile realizes his foolishnish of him wanting to be with his own kind for so long, it blinded his vision. Reptile says, "You are right, you are the one I shall now serve, Master." Scorpion replied,"No, I don't need a servant...I need an ally."
Scorpion then seeks Sub-Zero, who at first, was shocked and went into a fighting stance. Scorpion told him to cease, and asked him to join his alliance. Sub-Zero was confused, "Why should I join you? You are the murderer of my brother!". Scorpion was ready for that question but had a bigger answer,"True, I am, but I need your assistance, to kill whom who killed my clan and yours too. He has been the sorcerer of much chaos, and must be killed." Sub-Zero instantly knew who he was talking about: Quan-Chi. Sub-Zero thought about it, "I will join you, in avenging the deaths of my clan brothers." The trio ventured, in need of one more to join their alliance, to seek revenge on those who wronged them, and they found Ermac.
Ermac was confused why they would chose them, they said, "We don't need to ally with you, you are bent on revenge, We seek only to do right." Reptile responsed, "We are an allianace, if you join, that means that we are brothers-in arms, we will protect each other and" Ermac, realized that if he didn't join this alliance, that means that he will just be another target, in the pits of war. "We will...join you."

That would be an awesome game, that would sell like hot cakes. tongue.gif

Sorry for the long post and spelling/grammar errors, I was lost in my dreams...
About Me

Watch me work them plays like its 95 madden.. I call it Dope Boy Magic!

09/28/2006 10:45 PM (UTC)
LOL your making only the ninjas playable. Iono seems alright but of all people scorpion would go solo, he wouldn't seek others help, hes just not like that.
About Me

I hate this place.

09/29/2006 12:27 AM (UTC)
09/30/2006 04:50 AM (UTC)
Hawkus Wrote:
Well I've been dreaming of a, Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks-type game, but with 4 players, ko-op. There would be some sort of way to prevent the players of pissing each other off by pulling the screen back (if you know what I mean).
You choose from Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Reptile, Ermac, and a few other unlockable players (Noob, Smoke, Rain, etc.)

You level up your character by gaining experience, earned by killing foes. When you level up you can raise a skill, (Freeze, Spear, Acid Spit, etc.) And you also get stat points, you can raise your Strength (Attack Power), Agility (Attack Speed, and walking/running speed), Vitality (Health Points and Defence), and Intelligence (Skills and Mana Points). You would get 1 Skill point and 5 Stat points a level. It would be like Gauntlet: Dark Legacy, you would spend hours, just leveling your person with your buddies, the max level would be ,like, 200.

Each foe you kill, you get koins, which you can use to buy potions, deadly weapons, skills, and protective armors and shields. You could get a Kori Blade for Sub-Zero, an upgraded Sword for Scorpion, and so on, from a shop, and there are different shops in each Villages you go to, and there are a lot of different Villages. And you could buy new clothes (Like Deadly Alliance Costume, Deception Costume, Shaolin Monks Costume,etc.) But you must be a certain level to use a certain equipment. Like for Scorpion, you must be level 10, you use the Steel Katana. At level 20, you use the Fire Sword, and so on. Each weapon more powerful then the last. The same principles would work for armors. The higher the level you are, the higher level the equipment the Villagers sell you. But to get the most deadliest weapons and equipment, you would have to get them from the high leveled, dangerous foes. You and your friends would spends hours, killing at, say, the deepest regions of the Armory, to find the Hell Sword, which is Scorpions level 150 spear. You would have an inventory, to hold items dropped by your fallen foes, that you collect for side-quests.

The fatality system would still be the same, but you could pull off team fatilities, that would work like Multalites, but with bigger range, and if all the 4 players perform it, it would wipe out the whole screen. The combo system would still be the same, but the player would get air-recovery, and other boss luxuries you lacked in Shaolin Monks. But since you get such a boost, the game would be much harder, and you would depend on the help of your friends to beat the game, and watch your back. Even if you don't have any friends with you, the AI would help you in your 1, 2 ,3 player game (Four Players Required). It'd be like in Shaolin Monks, with like Johnny Cage and Sub-Zero. And the game would be much, MUCH longer then Shaolin Monks. And NO, you don't share a life bar. Each player has their own bar. If he die's, he would get a fatality on him, but in the Villages, you can buy an item that you use to revive your fallen ally.

To keep hungry gamers, who beat the game in the record-time of 3 monthes, the game would be jam-packed with a ton of secrets, you see, this game isn't just "go here and go there, kill him and that's it", no, this game would give you the power of interaction, where you can costumatize your game, like hidden missions, for example: a town villager wants you to kill 50 tarkatan warriors and bring back 25 tarkatan blades. When you do so, he gives you "_" amount of experience and "_" amount of koins. But there would be harder quests, that would give you a reward of a hidden costume or a secret weapon or an elusive skill. This game let's you wander, like, an MMORPG. There would also be different secrets, such as: hidden boss battles, survival mode, boss rush mode, Game+ ( Like Chrono Trigger, where you start from the beginning of the game, but with the same character you beat the game with; with the same level and stats.), along with multiple endings (depending on what quests you have completed in your journey, and other features.

There would be versus mode, with all the characters in the game, like Shang Tsung, toned down bosses, like, Kintaro, Goro, Shao Kahn. There would be an arcade mode, where you beat have to beat all of your foes in the ladder. And there is even a Cooperation Arcade mode, which, at max, would be 4 vs. 4, with friends or AI. In the versus mode, there would be 2 vs. 2 battles, 1 vs. 1, 1 vs. 2, and 3 vs. 1. And with an Online mode to challenge friends, or conquest with friends, in the arcade mode (sorry, no Story-Mode Online, that would be too much dreaming).

This game focuses on Co-op play and is simmulating a MMORPG. My friends and I would love spending every week, jamming in every second on the weekends and rush to one's house after school, playing this for, like, a year, and still not have had enough of this game.

The story of the game would be right after Deception, and according to this game, the time span between Deception and Armageddon is exactly 1 year. Okay, Scorpion's ending is true: he kills Onaga, but when he does, the spirit of the Dragon King leaves the incarnation, leaving a wounded Reptile. Scorpion, who pities the reptilen warrior, and aids him back to health (As demanded by the Gods). Reptile is rellucant to recieve such pity, and attempts to attack Scorpion when he got only strong enough to stand. But Scorpion stopped Reptile, and asked him why he would attack. Reptile responds with, "I must return to my masters, you were a fool to help me!". Scorpion says, "You are the fool, being so loyal to these 'masters', haven't you realized that none of your 'masters' ever had a plan of reviving your people?". Reptile realizes his foolishnish of him wanting to be with his own kind for so long, it blinded his vision. Reptile says, "You are right, you are the one I shall now serve, Master." Scorpion replied,"No, I don't need a servant...I need an ally."
Scorpion then seeks Sub-Zero, who at first, was shocked and went into a fighting stance. Scorpion told him to cease, and asked him to join his alliance. Sub-Zero was confused, "Why should I join you? You are the murderer of my brother!". Scorpion was ready for that question but had a bigger answer,"True, I am, but I need your assistance, to kill whom who killed my clan and yours too. He has been the sorcerer of much chaos, and must be killed." Sub-Zero instantly knew who he was talking about: Quan-Chi. Sub-Zero thought about it, "I will join you, in avenging the deaths of my clan brothers." The trio ventured, in need of one more to join their alliance, to seek revenge on those who wronged them, and they found Ermac.
Ermac was confused why they would chose them, they said, "We don't need to ally with you, you are bent on revenge, We seek only to do right." Reptile responsed, "We are an allianace, if you join, that means that we are brothers-in arms, we will protect each other and" Ermac, realized that if he didn't join this alliance, that means that he will just be another target, in the pits of war. "We will...join you."

That would be an awesome game, that would sell like hot cakes. tongue.gif

Sorry for the long post and spelling/grammar errors, I was lost in my dreams...

09/30/2006 03:00 PM (UTC)
I was...bored.
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