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11/15/2014 09:12 PM (UTC)
Razor, I'll take advantage of your MK knowledge to ask for your opinion about something...

As you already know, Shao Kahn was the victor in Armageddon, although in the intro of that game you could see how Onaga grabbed him and flew away (that shit created a lot of controversy). Most people say that he managed to escape from Onaga, go back to the pyramid and destroy everyone, but I once saw a crazy theory about it on the Internet: Havik's MKD ending (the one in which he stole the Dragon King's heart and used it to revive the clone of Shao Kahn that was killed by the DA) is canon. So, with that being said, you could assume that Onaga grabbed that clone, while the real Shao Kahn was the one that won the Armageddon Battle.

It seemed a pretty cool theory to me, but then I realized about something: Shujinko absorbed the fighting skills of many warriors and kicked the shit out of Onaga. After that, his body transformed again into Reptile (because Nightwolf sucked the DK's soul and trapped it in the Netherrealm). And I don't really think that Shujinko would stand idly by while some guys stole Onaga's heart quickly before his body changed. So, do you think that theory is complete BS? If so, am I right with the reason I just gave?
11/15/2014 10:26 PM (UTC)
Havik's ending definitely can't be canon because as you said, Shujinko didn't kill Onaga, Reptile was unpossessed, so there is no heart with resurrection powers for Havik to steal.

It seems like the battle at the pyramid simply lasted long enough for Kahn to escape being carried away and come back.
11/16/2014 12:21 AM (UTC)
Razor, I got another one for you. How long after MK1 did MK2 take place?
11/16/2014 12:30 AM (UTC)
The answer to that question is a bit of a plothole, lol. The best canonical answer I could give is "weeks, maybe months".

It was short enough that by the time Liu got home, he found his temple slaughtered and immediately went to the second tournament...but long enough for Johnny Cage to start making "Mortal Kombat: The Movie".

Y'know how long pre-production on a movie takes? Liu must've gotten lost at sea paddling home from Shang's Island or something.
11/16/2014 01:13 AM (UTC)
Haha. Yeah, it has always been something that irked me.

And don't forget, long enough for Liu to grow his hair out another 6 inches...
11/16/2014 02:01 AM (UTC)
That too.

You could actually excuse it... According to the canon MK2 comic, Johnny Cage was portalled to safety after the tournament by Raiden, where he was picked up by Jax and the Special Forces who were searching for Sonya...but Liu had to boat himself home.

Shang's Island exists in a twilight zone between Earthrealm and Outworld, and was in the process of collapsing and being sucked all the way into Outworld after Shang was defeated.
It's possible that when crossing in and out of this area, it acts like a bit of a timewarp. That could account for a lot more time passing as Liu travels home than he realizes, like that scene in Deception where years fly by around Shujinko and he ages but doesn't even notice because he's standing in magic Chaosrealm water.
Obviously, this is fan speculation, nothing in the games says this...it's what Stan Lee would have called a "No-Prize".
11/16/2014 02:36 AM (UTC)
Better explanation than any I've heard.
11/16/2014 06:03 AM (UTC)
Yeah, that was a great explanation, Razor. Fuck man, you really impress me with your knowledge of the MK universe.

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11/16/2014 08:33 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:

I was trying to tell the story of mortal kombat as nobody out there tried to tell it, my events "Might" have not be set right but those events did happen meaning people could learn about mortal kombat and it is what I wanted.

I did not mean to screw the whole mortal kombat story because I actually like it.

Sure, no prob.

Just keep in mind what your goal is. If you want to catalogue the facts, then try not to put information into it based on your speculation. If you want to write a story, then there are a ton of other things to keep in mind.

As a historian, you do not get to guess. As a writer, if it helps the coherence and the overall cohesion, go nuts, but you must remain loyal to the aspects and peculiarities of the MK world.

Again, it depends on what is your goal.
11/16/2014 12:50 PM (UTC)

I understand and my goal is to help New mk fans aswell as old mk fans understand the story better, Like I said I am an MK fan myself ever since the first one and I didn't really get to dig deep into the story until now to understand it better and wanted to share what I know with other people and hope to get even more people into mortal kombat because the story is actually interesting
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