Mortal kombat Story and Lore
posted11/16/2014 12:50 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
11/14/2014 07:28 PM (UTC)
Hey there guys I'm new to MKO although not new to the MK franchise as I am a fan from childhood.

While I was searching for a video about the Lore and overall story of Mortal kombat I couldn't find any.

So I decided to make one my own and where better to share it and get feedback than from other MK fans like me.

Give me your thoughts about the video guys :).

11/14/2014 07:55 PM (UTC)
Very nice. Good video for all. Well done
11/14/2014 08:08 PM (UTC)
Thanks very much :)
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11/14/2014 11:21 PM (UTC)
Good work, thanks for sharing.
11/15/2014 12:09 AM (UTC)
Thanks man, and you're welcome :D
11/15/2014 04:15 AM (UTC)
I've only skimmed over the video a bit so far, but the first thing I noticed is It's chronologically a bit out of order.

For example, you covered Argus and Delia/Armageddon, and Shinnok's war with Raiden before mentioning Shao Kahn or Onaga, but Delia had her vision and their sons were put to sleep during Kahn's war with Edenia, after he had already killed Onaga and taken over Outworld. And Shinnok attacked Earthrealm after Taven was put to sleep, so of the three events, it would come last..
You also didn't mention that Kahn used to be the protector-god of Outworld, that Shang Tsung stole control of the tournament after Goro won, or that Sub-Zero stole the fake amulet from Shinnok and returned it to the temple at the end of Mythologies. I don't think you even mentioned that the Deadly Alliance killed Liu Kang.
After that, there are issues that depend on which timeline you're talking about. For example, in the MK1-thru-Armageddon continuity, the plan to resurrect Sindel began before Mythologies, not after MK2. And Shang's tarkatans attacked the Shaolin temple before Liu came home from MK1, he didn't challenge them to MK2 until AFTER that. Those are things that happened differently in MK9.
Also, not to be mean, but it's a little difficult to understand what you're saying sometimes with the accent and how fast you're speaking.
11/15/2014 10:20 AM (UTC)
Wait Razor, where did you get the information that the Tarkatans attacked the Shaolin Temple before Liu got home? I don't remember that ever being clarified.
11/15/2014 12:27 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

I knew it
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11/15/2014 01:01 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

I knew it

11/15/2014 01:17 PM (UTC)
@RazorsEdge701 I appreciate all the points you've mentioned and I am very happy to see that :).

After reading your post I went through the chronologically of Mortal kombat again. and you have some points but as I'm sure you know mortal kombat had many endings and many stories I tried my best to represent the right order and what seemed to fit

But my Order was right and I'll explain why.

Notice that I didn't talk about Armageddon but rather that Delia had visions which was thousands of years before the Mortal kombat tournament with earth even before the reign of Onaga or Shao kahn this is the second set of events that happened.

After that Shinnok's war with Raiden happened which was before both Onaga's reign and Shao kahn's reign because if you go back to the story they say that Onaga's reign time is unknown meaning It could have been before or after. So I just went with what made more sense.

Also Shao kahn never killed Onaga, he poisoned him, he tried to kill him but failed as everybody found out thousands of years later with the dragon king returned.

As for if Shao kahn's war on Edenia happened while they were putting the two brothers to sleep. It is impossible because as I mentioned before Argus and Delia put the two brothers to sleep more than thousands of years before Shao kahn's reign even before shinnok's war on earth.

As for Shao kahn being the protector-god of Outworld, I never knew that could you please direct me to where it is said that Shao kahn used to be a protector-god?

And I have mentioned that the Deadly Alliance killed Liu Kang. at 7:49.

In the End, I respect your points and I am very happy that you pointed these things out after all I came to get feedback and it was amazing to see your post. and you are right there are two timelines now but the one I was talking about is the first timeline and I did my best with research even going through the games again to get it right. again thanks :).

11/15/2014 01:21 PM (UTC)

I Don't know lel



Well he might be right like I said I am just like any of you a Mortal kombat fan and I tried my best to show mortal kombat fans aswell as new people that mortal kombat really does have a good story unlike other fighting games.
11/15/2014 01:28 PM (UTC)
RainReptile Wrote:
Wait Razor, where did you get the information that the Tarkatans attacked the Shaolin Temple before Liu got home? I don't remember that ever being clarified.

Liu's MK2 bio is pretty clear about it. Not to mention the Official MK2 comic by Tobias.
11/15/2014 01:48 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
After that Shinnok's war with Raiden happened which was before both Onaga's reign and Shao kahn's reign

Incorrect. Taven knows Shinnok. But during Armageddon Konquest, he thinks he's still an Elder God and a good guy and is surprised to learn Shinnok has been banished to the Netherealm, because it happened while he was asleep. And he's easily tricked into doing things for Shinnok because he doesn't realize Shinnok is evil.

sharefrock Wrote:
Also Shao kahn never killed Onaga, he poisoned him, he tried to kill him but failed as everybody found out thousands of years later with the dragon king returned.

Onaga was dead, dude. His corpse is clearly buried in a tomb in Outworld.

When he died of the poison, his spirit went into the egg, and when it hatched, the spirit possessed Reptile and turned him into a new body, bringing Onaga back to life.

At the end of Deception, Nightwolf sucks Onaga's soul out of Reptile and traps it in Hell. And in Armageddon, Onaga returns because Shinnok frees his soul and resurrects him a second time by putting it back into his original body, which is still in that Outworld tomb.

sharefrock Wrote:
It is impossible because as I mentioned before Argus and Delia put the two brothers to sleep more than thousands of years before Shao kahn's reign even before shinnok's war on earth.

Watch the very first cutscene of Armageddon Conquest.

In that scene, Argus and Delia are talking about how they've just built the pyramid and are in the process of putting their sons to sleep. During this scene, they outight SAY they're currently at war with Shao Kahn. (Which means either Outworld just won the necessary 10 MK tournaments, or the tournament hasn't been invented yet and this is his initial attempt to invade. Either way, that definitely proves Onaga is dead and Kahn is ruling Outworld at the time.)
Delia talks about being afraid of leaving Taven and Daegon's sleeping bodies in Earthrealm because Kahn might attack that realm one day too, and Argus tells her not to worry because he thinks Kahn will be too busy trying to conquer Edenia to go after another realm (ironically not realizing that Edenia is going to lose and get merged and that Kahn will indeed target Earthrealm eventually.)

This definitively proves that the chronological order of events is:
Onaga dies -> Kahn tries to invade Edenia -> Taven and Daegon are put to sleep -> Shinnok attacks Earthrealm and is banished to Hell

sharefrock Wrote:

As for Shao kahn being the protector-god of Outworld, I never knew that could you please direct me to where it is said that Shao kahn used to be a protector-god?

It's vaguely hinted at in two places in Deception Konquest. One is when Damashi tells Shujinko that when he was Onaga's advisor, Kahn used to be to Outworld what Raiden is to Earth, and another is one of those speech clips where a person in the Netherealm or Chaosrealm talk backwards and if you reverse the clip, it says something secret. One of them says "Raiden, Shao Kahn, and Lucifer belong to the same race of beings."

But John Vogel has also confirmed it outright on Twitter. I was going to provide a link to the tweet, but unfortunately, it was posted in June 2011 and it looks like all of his tweets from before October have been erased. I can show you my responses to those tweets if you like, they're still on my timeline, but his half of the conversation is gone.

He actually responded to this with a joke that Kahn is "the god of mean-ness".
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11/15/2014 01:48 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
@RazorsEdge701 I just went with what made more sense.

Then the date is unknown or unset by the authors. This is a mistake, just because you cannot precisely place something you should not decide based on incomplete evidence or information.

Just leave it open. We as humans have a need to see everything in patterns and we DO have a tendency to make patterns when we either do not see the whole or is no information at all.

So leave it open.
11/15/2014 02:22 PM (UTC)

I don't know how to do quotes so i'll just put " lol

"Incorrect. Taven knows Shinnok. But during Armageddon Konquest, he thinks he's still an Elder God and a good guy and is surprised to learn Shinnok has been banished to the Netherealm, because it happened while he was asleep. And he's easily tricked into doing things for Shinnok because he doesn't realize Shinnok is evil. "

So you are saying what I am saying that After the brothers were put to sleep the war happened which if you watched the video you can tell that I put the events of shinnok's war on earth after they were put to sleep.

"Onaga was dead, dude. His corpse is clearly buried in a tomb in Outworld.

When he died of the poison, his spirit went into the egg, and when it hatched, the spirit possessed Reptile and turned him into a new body, bringing Onaga back to life.

At the end of Deception, Nightwolf sucks Onaga's soul out of Reptile and traps it in Hell. And in Armageddon, Onaga returns because Shinnok frees his soul and resurrects him a second time by putting it back into his original body, which is still in that Outworld tomb. "

He was not dead he was poisoned before being transferred into the egg, Shao kahn thought he was dead but in reality he was transferred and the evidence is the ending of reptile plus the whole game mortal kombat deception, if he was dead how do you explain his return in that game and how do you explain the egg and reptile in mortal kombat deadly alliance.

And it is exactly as you said his spirit was in the egg meaning he was still alive that's the whole point, that was the plan from the beginning to transfer Onaga's spirit into the egg so that he can live eternal life.

As for other points you've made you do have a point and like I already said I am a Mortal kombat fan and I tried my best to tell the story as it was said and I am sorry if I screwed some things up but as with any fighting game there is always going to be changes to the origins and other things for example in "Sub-zero mythologies" sub-zero kills fujin which is the god of wind and yet he remains alive in mortal kombat 4.

11/15/2014 02:24 PM (UTC)

I was trying to tell the story of mortal kombat as nobody out there tried to tell it, my events "Might" have not be set right but those events did happen meaning people could learn about mortal kombat and it is what I wanted.

I did not mean to screw the whole mortal kombat story because I actually like it.
11/15/2014 02:36 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
So you are saying what I am saying that After the brothers were put to sleep the war happened which if you watched the video you can tell that I put the events of shinnok's war on earth after they were put to sleep.

The important part though is that Kahn taking over Outworld and attacking Edenia comes first.
sharefrock Wrote:
He was not dead he was poisoned before being transferred into the egg, Shao kahn thought he was dead but in reality he was transferred and the evidence is the ending of reptile plus the whole game mortal kombat deception

Can you quote anything in the game that actually SAYS the holy men put his spirit into the egg BEFORE the poison killed him, or are you just speculating? Because I've never seen anything that words it like that. The games call Onaga "dead" and say he "came back" multiple times.

sharefrock Wrote:
if he was dead how do you explain his return in that game and how do you explain the egg and reptile in mortal kombat deadly alliance.

It's called a "Resurrection"

Spirits are not alive. They're ghosts. The way the games suggest it happened is that Onaga died and his holy men's spells made it so that his ghost went into the egg instead of going to Heaven or Hell, and the spells made it so that when the egg hatched, his spirit would possess the nearest compatible body - which is a thing ghosts do, they possess people.

There's even been suggestion that Reptile being the body was destiny, that he was always MEANT to be the one who was in the cave when the egg hatched or that Onaga's men predicted he'd be there, and that maybe even his devolution wasn't really "because he was separated from his race", his body was actually being slowly mutated by Onaga to make a better host...but that's not confirmed canon, it's just something the devs hinted at in interviews.

sharefrock Wrote:
for example in "Sub-zero mythologies" sub-zero kills fujin which is the god of wind and yet he remains alive in mortal kombat 4.

Fujin's Armageddon bio explains that when gods die, they reincarnate, and that's why Raiden came back after he blew himself up in Deception. (But in Raiden's case, something went wrong and he came back evil. Shang's bio explained that what went wrong is that since Shang, Quan, and Raiden all died at the same time, their souls got tangled up on the way to the afterlife and a bit of the sorcerers' personalities became part of him.)

Also, if any of my posts sound aggressive, I apologize. I mean no ill will, I just like to make sure people have the most accurate information possible when they talk about the MK lore.
11/15/2014 03:01 PM (UTC)

No I understand you're not being aggressive and it's good to have this discussion you make some good points but again like I said the stories change and every character has his ending and his story some canon some not like I said I am only a mortal kombat fan who tried to represent the mortal kombat story as best as possible.

thanks for all the points you've made :).
11/15/2014 03:05 PM (UTC)
That's cool, I'm glad you're not like intimidated or offended or anything.

I know you're new here and it takes people time to get to know the other posters. As you can maybe already tell, I'm kind of the local expert on storyline and continuity stuff, it's been a passion of mine for years and years now to keep track of all that stuff and figure out the chronology and everything and help people out and answer questions about it.
11/15/2014 03:14 PM (UTC)

Yeah I understand and respect that, thanks for all the info you gave me I'll make sure to do more research but I am glad I didn't ruin the whole thing :).
11/15/2014 03:24 PM (UTC)
I don't think anything in the video really "ruins" it as a source of information, it covers things well enough for a 9 minute long video. The real problem is nine minutes isn't really enough to illustrate just how insanely deep and detailed the backstory of MK is. It would take hours to cover everything, but people who are watching Youtube videos probably don't have the attention span for that, so you did as good as can be expected.
11/15/2014 03:37 PM (UTC)

Exactly and I am actually thinking of making more videos about the characters and how they play apart in the story but I dunno maybe with your help I could make more videos about origins of characters or more about the story :).
11/15/2014 03:45 PM (UTC)
Well I'm always happy to help, any time you need just throw a question about a specific character or event out there and I'll dig up every little detail that exists about it for ya.
11/15/2014 03:54 PM (UTC)

Thanks man :)
Historical Favorite
11/15/2014 08:45 PM (UTC)
Good primer. Hilarious thread.
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