Mortal Kombat: Shirai-Ryu
posted05/06/2005 06:14 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/25/2004 07:11 PM (UTC)
I think a cool concept for a new game would be this. You'd play as Scorpion before he died or any of his family was killed, starting even before he was initiated into the Shirai-Ryu. At first, you'd start out as Hanzo trying to get in the ninja clan, proving your allegiance. Then you'd move on to becoming one and doing missions for them. Next, you'd fight Sub-Zero in the very temple Scorpion died in in Mythologies, then proceeding onto his time roaming the Netherealm, all the way to MK 4 where he found out the truth.

However, it wouldn't be like all the other 'side projects', it'd be a stealth-action game. Think.. Metal Gear Solid or Splinter Cell meets Devil May Cry or God of War. So there would be several stealth influenced missions, where you don't wanna get caught, but also many fast paced, adrenaline pumping action sequences. I don't know about everyone else, but I think it'd be one of the best MK games, and definately THE best sidequest game. Shaolin Monks looks alright, but so did Special Forces(when I read about it....). This would be the definitive MK: SQ game if it happened.

Appreciate my idea? Tell me about it. DEpreciate my idea? Go screw yourself, but tell me about it before you do.
05/06/2005 02:39 AM (UTC)
They mever do a Scorpion game, But it's something I'm waitng for.
05/06/2005 06:14 AM (UTC)
Some people have already considered this, but I honestly doubt it would work. Unless it was completely based prior of him dying at the hands of Sub-Zero, the entire game would be terrible: Fights, dies. Fights, dies. Fights, dies. I'm not offending your idea, but noone would like to play a game like this if he dies at the end by Sub-Zero. Midway should have released a game called Mythologies: Scorpion prior the Sub-Zero title, because then Sub-Zero could embark on his journey after defeating Scorpion. The character following would completely switch but it would still be like we were playing the sequel of the same game. wink
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