Mortal Kombat: Salvation
posted04/03/2010 08:46 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/25/2008 05:12 AM (UTC)
Sometime know I've been working on I believe is a kick-ass story for the next-gen Mortal Kombat game that takes place several decades after Armageddon. I would like to hear back from you of what you think giving you more information about the game and characters used in the game. By giving you characters and their story and interesting details about them. Right now, I'm releasing the game boss, Atae, and two other playable characters. Enjoy!


I was burned by the hands of Taven, on his onslaught on my fellow denizens of Chaosrealm when I was a child. Only to be saved by Havik, therefore I was in his debt and spent years learning the ways of chaos. With the mark on my face left my Taven, I’ve been given the ability to see what the Elder Gods have done and will do. With this ability I’ve found out that their holding a new tournament of Mortal Kombat, and the prize of being named the New Champion of Mortal Kombat, as well as, the life essence of Blaze, held for the warriors of Edenia, Earthrealm, and Orderrealm. I shall obtain the life essence of Blaze, and use it to destroy the ways or Orderrealm and the gods, but in order to do this I shall recruit warriors, therefore I have gone to the Netherealm to free the former denizens of Outworld that survived the onslaught by the Elder Gods so called warriors of light, and send them into battle which not even the Elder Gods could see, therefore I’ve taken the Temple of Gods where the Mortal Kombat tournament will be held, and where Blaze appeared years ago on before the temple was built, on what use to be the Pyramid of Argus. May the Elder Gods give me my prize if no one can stand against me!

Atae looks like a white male with hazel eyes, and black tattoos down his arms wearing a black vest with a hood attached with green marking, covering most of his head that you main see is the purple hand mark left by Taven hands and his hazel eyes, and black pants and boots.

Special Moves
Totem Rush: Raise multiple totems and shift them around the room
Bone Breaker: Grabs the opponent arm, breaks the arm, moves his leg around the opponents leg on the other side of the body, breaks the leg, then with his back right in front of you on a full body grab bends forward to break your back, leaving immobilized for a short time if you survive
Body Slam: Grabs the opponents leg and throws his body straight on the ground
Knowledge Force: Atae glows and creates a force field around him forcing the opponent back
Hand Force: Atae grabs his face and releases creating a red ball of energy shot at the opponent
Rush Force: Atae runs at the opponent grabs them and throws them across the room


I’m an Elder God, I got appointed Elder God for turning the realm of Seido into what is today from the vile, chaotic beasts that once harmed the Sedian people are no more. I haven’t left the heavens in centuries since my accession, but do to the corruption of Blaze, design was for both Taven and Daegon to fight him, but do to Daegon’s death by Taven hands, Blazes defeat would only create more regardless of Delia’s wishes. Once Taven defeated Blaze, Blaze turned Taven into a crazed god and increased the power of all the other Mortal Kombatants, turning into an all out bloodshed, as Blaze life essence turned into an orb that no god could comprehend to use or destroy. Forcing me to intervene, creating a void stopping the fighting instantly and placed Blaze’s life essence into a chest locked until the next Mortal Kombat tournament is held. As I stood at the top of the Pyramid of Argus I raised my trident at hand and slammed it into the pyramid shattering the Pyramid of Argus into rumble. Afterwards I ordered the Edenians to build a new temple, the Temple of Gods, on where the Pyramid of Argus once stood, to one day hold the next Mortal Kombat tournament as well as, keep the essence of Blaze safe. Now it’s time for a new Mortal Kombat tournament and I hereby invite the warriors of Edenia, Earthrealm, and Orderrealm to come and participate in Mortal Kombat.

Hachikane appears African American except with a similar forehead to Dairou except Black incantation and black lines on his checks, with white eyes and white untamed hair all over the place. Wearing armor on the shoulders with various skeletal bones hanging off down his chest with white pants and brown wooden boots.

Alternate Costume
Hachikane has the same facial look except with a white robe like outfit with multiple shelves cuts across and several black lines downward and baggy white pants with wooden boots.

Special Moves
Order Command: Hachikane hold out hand forcing the opponent back
Order Control: Hachikane pulls his hand back to immobile the opponent
Trident Throw: Hachikane uses his trident throws the opponent in the ground and back to the ground

Order Mutilation: Hachikane looks straight at the opponent and acting to rip off his arms which the opponent will copy, Hachikane will move his legs around, and the opponent will lose one leg and hop around and Hachikane karate chops off his head
Trident Stab: Hachikane throws his trident bring the opponent to the ground and goes to whip straight up cutting the opponent in half

Trident Destruction: Hachikane grabs his trident and stabs it in the ground killing him and creating a crater


My brother, Daegon, and I were both sent on a quest to prevent an upcoming apocalypse by are parents Delia and Argus, to go out and find the fire spawn, Blaze. Only to find out Daegon had been awakened for centuries killing are parents and going after Blaze for his own self goals. Forcing my hands to kill him, this was not the way the Elder Gods had predicated, for it was for both Daegon and I to fight Blaze, and the victor would either disarm the kombatants or kill them. Leaving me alone to face Blaze, I had beat him only for his power exploded turning me into a full god and increasing the power of the other kombatants, making this whole quest pointless, therefore I joined the kombatants below in Mortal Kombat, as Blaze life essence turned into an orb useless to a god. The Elder Gods sent Hachikane to interfere and end the chaos by destroying the Pyramid of Argus, and contain Blaze’s essence. Due to the failure of the corruption caused around Blaze, I begged the Elder Gods to allow me to fix this mistake. They questioned me on my proposal, to track down for those you use the power of darkness. Despite their concerns I lead their warriors of light form Edenia, Earthrealm, and Orderrealm to prevent the forces form Chaosrealm and Outworld to come into power . Which lead me to Chaosrealm were I met Hotaru hunting down a dangerous person known as Havik, I joined Hotaru on his search only for some Chaosrealmers to attack us and killed Hotaru. With Hotaru dead, I used his death to fuel my anger and to kill Chaosrealmers until I find Havik, I had a mere boy in my hands ready to die until Havik attacked, and he would be dead, if it wasn’t for Fujin to interfere and stop me on this onslaught of mine throughout the realms, claiming there has been enough bloodshed. I believe one day I’ll show them that this was right to just kill all presence of those to seek harm and not let them escape to the Netherealm, just wait and see!

Taven’s Alternate Costume in Mortal Kombat Armageddon

Alternate Costume
Taven will be where a very similar Elder God robe to Shinnok’s in Armageddon except fully closed with a main focus on black with golden trimming around and a dragon serpent on his back, with black gloves, and of course no head gear.

Special Moves
Inner Fire: Taven blasts a fireball at his opponent
Ring of Hatred: Taven rises into the air and smashes his fist into the ground, causing a shockwave of fire
Godly Charge: Taven charges forward, ramming his opponent with his shoulder in a show of fire
Speed of Light: Taven dashes instantly toward his opponent, connecting with three hits

Godly Speed: Taven dashes toward his opponent, punching him until they explode
Brotherly: Taven goes to his opponent right next to them his arm around them and stab them with his sword

Inner Fire Blast: Taven starts a fire in hands and expands it to explode himself
12/30/2009 07:40 PM (UTC)
It's good so far. Please have Kitana, Mileena and Jade in the storyline as well. smile
01/01/2010 10:19 PM (UTC)
Happy New Years! Everybody i have some more characters the sub-boss, Motaro, and two other playable characters.


For years, myself and my Centaurian brethren have been in dispute with Goro and his Shokan forces. After the defeat of Shao Kahn the Shokan forces joined forces with Edenia and cursing us into Minotaur, bringing us to be are downfall. Until the Pyramid of Argus raised in Edenia with a powerful force that could restore my race back to glory, but only to end in failure. Forcing us back into Outworld, soon after Edenia merged itself with Outworld, for Edenia to conquer being lead by Queen Kitana and the return of her Shokan general Goro, with us being cursed into Minotaurs we were no match forcing us to leave are home world behind and go to the Netherealm. Until one day, Atae came to the Netherealm wanting me and my race to return back to Outworld, I thought he was crazy and a lost cause to take the Elder Gods new Mortal Kombat tournament, let alone returning to Outworld and face Goro and Edenia in this condition. Then he just broke the curse return me and my brethren back into Centaurs, with that we agree to serve him. Atae then brought us back into Outworld, along with vampires, and ordered us to take the Shokan Outpost between Edenia and Outworld, which would be key to get to the Temple of Gods. Then Shokan were surprised to see us back in Outworld then being free from are curse, they didn’t even see the vampire attack. Wonderful, Shokan were dying left and right. And there was Goro standing right in front of me, ready to fight to death! The battle went on between me and Goro for sometime before I could force my front hooves down on him and force them down on his right arm and left leg to rip right off. While looking down at Goro decapitated body I took my fist and punched it straight down in his chest ripping out his heart. Goro is dead!

Just like he was back in Mortal Kombat 3 and Ultimate 3.

Special Moves
Tail Projectile: Motaro fires an energy blast from his tail at the opponent
Grab and Punch: Motaro lifts his opponent up by the throat with one hand and then smashes his fist into their face sending them sailing across the room
Teleport: Motaro vaporizes in a wavy fashion and reappears behind his opponent in the same manner
Bull Charge: Motaro charges at his opponent, knocking them down
Sneaky Grabs: Motaro grabs the opponent with his tail and throws them across the room


For years Havik has studied the ways of chaos, and do whatever to create chaos in the realms. As the Pyramid of Argus rose it was amazing chaos everywhere, but that was shorted lived for the Elder Gods interference stopping the madness, only march into war to create order through the realms. At least Hotaru died when he came to Chaosrealm only, for his friend, Taven, to kill my brethren, battle him shortly to save a child before another god came and they both left. The child, Atae, then followed me for days and I should him no mercy the ways of chaos, it amazed me how fast and powerful he became it amazed me. Chaos will live on, he wanted to send a message to the Elder Gods, I only fear once he has completed his task to destroy the Elder Gods that he will only create a new order. Therefore as he went to the Netherealm to find warrior to fight in Edenia and Outworld, I went to Earthrealm to find the hit man, Hinote, that not even Kabal would have invented him into the Black Dragon clan because Kabal was afraid because he was too powerful. I on the other invent Hinote to come and kill Atae, but first to destroy the Shaolin Temple and the Special Forces.

Havik’s primary costume is the same as in Armageddon and Deception.

Alternative Costume
Havik has a helmet like his primary costume except with an additional armor plate protecting his lower face a black and metal studded hardness across his chest and back with armor on his shoulders, with gloves and arm bands with similar features with black pants and boots.

Special Moves
Torso Spin: Havik spins his torso around, using his arms to strike his opponent
Diving Corpse: Havik dives under his opponent knocking them into the air
Crackling Legs Projectile: Havik sends a projectile from his legs
Ripping Arm: Havik breaks his arm back and releases it forward causing multiple hits
Head Snap: Havik snaps his neck once and then back into place. This restores health and also says WUSAKAY!

The Human Top: Havik spins the opponent’s torso around until their body split in half
Batter Up: Havik rips off his opponent's leg, and bashes their head off with it

Head Off: Havik rips off his own head with both hands, holds it forward, and collapses


For years, both Raiden and I have protected Earthrealm form many threats, only for when Onaga was revived Raiden stood against him and sacrificed his life, he was reborn corrupt having the desire to kill anyone or anything that would cause harm to Earthrealm. It’s disgusting to think that he even revived Liu Kang’s body to serve him, therefore I tried to recruit warrior to aid in this endeavor, and eventually it was up to Kung Lao and me to them. The battle came to Edenia where the Pyramid of Argus rose; bring out an epic battle, to stop Raiden to obtain Blaze’s essence for himself. Raiden didn’t receive this power, it was sealed up, as was Raiden after Hachikane and I catched up with him and sealed him away. Hachikane took his place with the warriors of light they’ve chosen through the realm, and had them hunt down anyone that proposes a threat; I felt I failed at being Earthrealm’s protector for years due to Hachikane tyranny. Only to find out that the Edenian and Shokan forces were taken out by centaurs and vampires, even Earthrealm’s forces were complete decimated in a blaze of death; Kung Lao and the Shaolin Monks, and Sonya Blade and her Special Forces unit. Dead all of them, I failed Earthrealm, but it’s now time for retribution and I shall go out and find new warrior of light to fight this new evil upon us in Mortal Kombat.

Fujin’s primary costume is the same as in Armageddon.

Alternate Costume
Just picture Raiden’s primary costume in Deadly Alliance just subtract Raiden’s head gear with his long pony tail on his primary and also subtract Raiden lower robe and shirt sleeves with metal band around his lower arms. The color schemes changed to a red cape and the clothing green in lieu of white and vest and lower cloth black in lieu of blue.

Special Moves
Gusting Cyclone: Fujin spins like a tornado which sucks the opponent in and throws them to the other side
Air Funnel: Fujin uses a gust of wind to lift his opponent and slam them down
Wind Kick: While airborne, Fujin comes down and kicks the opponent
Tornado Wind: Fujin launches a small tornado at the opponent, causing them to spin around wildly and setting them up for an additional combo

Skinner: Fujin concentrates a huge blast of wind at the opponent that rips their skin clean off
Tornado Crossing: Fujin turns himself into a tornado and goes around each time passing the opponent rips off body parts and afterwards holds up the opponents head

Tornado Eater: Fujin creates a small tornado in his hand and as the other end goes into his and eventually blow up his head
01/07/2010 08:01 PM (UTC)
Here's the next two characters for MK: Salvation.


I’ve years I train to be an Edenian soldier, and once Kitana took the throne as Queen, she ordered us into battle against Goro and his Shokan forces in Outworld for his betrayal against Edenia for siding with Shao Kahn once again after his alleged death, to kill Goro. Due to my virtuosity in battle I was capable of capturing Goro and bring him to Kitana to make a deal. Goro saw to Kitana demands to join force to conquer Outworld together and promoted me to general. Years, I spent was Kitana’s general then one day in Outworld, only to find Rain the half-god that betrayed Edenia years ago and protected due to Taven wishes, I followed him for several days eventually Rain met up with a mysterious female Saurian which was a surprise since all Saurian have died, and overheard an attack was going to happen on Edenia. I immediately attack the Saurian escaped, but Rain wasn’t as lucky I took him into custody bring him to Goro’s Shokan Outpost that lies right on the boarders of Edenia. Days went by and Rain hasn’t given me any information that has been useful. I was on my way to call Queen Kitana, and tell her why I haven’t been back in several days only to hear a roar outside sure enough an attack of Centaurs and vampires against the outpost. Instead this call would now before Edenian soldiers to come to Outworld, I called Edenia opening up a window between the realm and told Jade, Kitana’s advisor, she was going to call for soldiers to come, but she was stabbed behind by a reptilian tail and we looked who it was, to be revealed as Reptile, and shot his acid into Jade’s face. I immediately left the Shokan outpost and opened a portal to the Edenian capital to save Kitana form the same fate that had fallen on Jade. Getting their just in time as Reptile has launched his attack Kitana, I attacked Reptile causing Reptile to drop an Edenian medallion, Reptile rushed to get the medallion before me and Kitana would get it, but Reptile was capable of receiving the medallion back and escaped. I then took Kitana and the Edenian forces to the Shokan Outpost, but I was too late Rain was gone and all the Shokan were dead even Goro was horribly mutilated. There is no doubt in my mind that this was the attack that Rain now about, and it’s now for time for Mortal Kombat.

A large white male with long black hair down to his shoulders, with several red feathers in his hair, with armor completely covering his body except his head with the features likes Li Mei Alternate Costume in Deception and Armageddon.

Alternate Costume
Very similar to his primary except no armor on his arms with red and white feathers hanging out at his shoulder armor and a purple and black cloth hanging off his belt with the color scheme of white replaced with black.

Special Moves
Warriors Rush: Keibi runs at the opponent knocking them down and runs on top of them
Spear Head: Keibi throws a spear head at the opponent
Quick Run: Keibi backs behind him reappearing on the other side of the opponent and kicks them
Ground Bash: Keibi grabs the opponent and slam them to the ground
Impaled: Keibi throws his spear straight at your gut, once used he cannot use his spear

Speared: Keibi takes his spears into an uppercut landing the opponents body on the spear like a head on a pike
Run Down: Keibi runs at the opponents grabs and smashes them into the wall smashing their body

Head Out: Keibi grabs his spear and impales in his head


I was born in slums of Los Angles, as I grew older I discovered that I had pyrokinesis abilities. I used these abilities of mine to get off of living on the streets by blowing up banks and having them move the money to protect it, giving me the chance to attack the vehicles the vehicles and steal the money so nobody to notice, but somebody did notice a business tycoon who paid me a hefty amount annually to use my abilities to literally destroy his competitors. Having worked my way up, I have my dignity that even simple criminal organization that if they came to me for work I’d kill them. Then one day this freak came to me he look weird, he called himself Havik, I wanted to kill him, but he intrigued me he looked different than anything I’ve seen before. He said that their other realm out there beside Earth and that there’s a Mortal Kombat tournament that holds a powerful entity, called Blaze, that could turn him immortal or even a god, I thought he was crazy, but then a vampire, Dian, stepped out from the shadows and showed me what he can do. I then knew he was telling the truth and demanded him to take me to Blaze, but he said that I had to take out someone called Atae to obtain it, but first to destroy some other people before I fight Atae, but not in my conventional way but to announce my intentions.
First I went to the Shaolin Temple set on fire and watched the monks burn, as their grandmaster Kung Lao came out and challenged me, he was indeed strong but no match for me as I snapped his neck. As his body fell a tank shot a cannonball at me, it missed but I pretended it hit me, as Major Jefferson took me on behalf of the US Army, until the Special Forces came and Major Briggs took me to their headquarters, where I met their leader Sonya Blade who had questions for me, but I just turned myself into fire and blew up everybody inside the Special Forces instantly. Now I’m ready Havik, to fight Atae.

Hinote is a half American and half Japanese with short black hair, he’s shirtless with a dragon tattoo on his chest wherein black kung fu pants and shoes and arm bands as well as a red scarf and belt.

Alternate Costume
Hinote is wearing an orange prison outfit with a white t-shirt with black shoes with broken shakes on his wrists.

Special Moves
Magma Ball: Hinote creates a ball of magma and throws it at the opponent
Fire Up: Hinote taught the opponent and regains some health
Ring of Fire: Hinote creates a ring around himself and extends it across the arena
Rolling Fury: Hinote rolls toward his opponent and delivers an uppercut that sends them into the air
Fire Transform: Hinote turns himself into fire for several seconds preventing you from attacking without getting hurt

Fire Dome: Hinote turns himself to fire and turns the arena into fire that all you see is fire and when the fire goes down Hinote stands normal next to a burnt skeleton
Volcano: Hinote creates a hole under his opponent which they fall into only to erupt with lava coming out of it with the opponent’s head that Hinote catches

Look at My Heart: Hinote grabs his chest and rips out his heart and laughs then falls over
01/12/2010 06:38 AM (UTC)
I haven't heard many people thoughts and ideas on my futuristic story after Armageddon. Come on don't be shy and share. Here are two more playable characters.


Kitana for years served under Shao Kahn only to learn of his desiteful nature that he indeed killed her parents and later revived her mother, Sindel, to be his queen. Kitana couldn’t allow that she freed her mother form Shao Kahn manipulation, but not her soul since Shao Kahn couldn’t trust Sindel wouldn’t regain her memories about Kitana being her daughter since he liked to seal people souls to his life for if he’d die they would die creating abound that cannot be broken. Kitana returned to her home world, Edenia, with Sindel and regained her place as princess, and doing her duties even getting ground in Outworld against Shao Kahn by forming an alliance with Goro and the Shokan race, only for later the alliance broke and the Shokan returned to Shao Kahn. Shortly after finding out this truth Kitana was visited by Blaze, telling her about the battle to come, she got ready to go into her allies to prevent the forces of darkness to obtain Blaze’s power, only to find the battle was a complete blood bath with warriors perishing right and left even Shao Kahn died by Onaga’s hands. Causing all those people forced to pledge their souls to him to die right then, Kitana rushed to her mother and held her for one last time.
Leaving Kitana only to fell anger and vengeance to fight, only for the Elder God Hachikane to interfere moments later and stopped the fighting she cursed the gods to allow this to happen. She returned to home only no longer being princess Kitana, but Queen Kitana, she could deal with the loss. Several days after Taven came saying he want the warriors that survive to attack those who would prevent a threat like this to happen, Kitana agreed instantly allowing the gods to merge Outworld and Edenia for a hostile takeover on Outworld, and all that inhabit it. The warrior Keibi came to her, because he had captured Goro, he was instantly promoted to general; Kitana and Goro made a deal allowing Goro and Shokan race to rule Outworld, since it’s too big for Kitana to rule as well. Bringing Outworld into a new regime of order and any race that resided there that ever presented a threat was killed or fled to the Netherrealm.
Years later, she heard that Hachikane is holding a new Mortal Kombat tournament with Blaze’s power up for grabs again and she was invited, but declined the offer cause she has everything she needs only to be attacked by Reptile, which surprised her because Reptile should have died years ago for he’d pleaded his soul to Shao Kahn, not having her fans to defend herself as Reptile was in the dark hiding waiting to attacking, when Reptile attacked Keibi interfere causing Reptile to drop a medallion, Kitana recognized the medallion, it was given to her by Shao Kahn a long time told her that it’s a key to an ancient powerful device that could destroy the realms if fallen in the wrong hands, and that it would be in better hand with her than himself. Kitana and Keibi rushed towards the medallion only for Reptile to swoop in a grab it and escaped. Kitana was in shock only to find out that Jade and Goro both died in attacks in the same day, and that Rain was apprehend several days ago talking about a mysterious Saurian only to find he was captured by the Centaurs and Vampires that attack Outworld. Kitana will join the Mortal Kombat tournament now, but she only hopes that the mysterious Saurian is there and not just a distraction.

Kitana outfit that made the cameo in Deception’s various endings with her veil.

Alternate Costume
Kitana is wearing a shelve less dress with a cut down the side and the same color sequence for her dress black with blue trimming around the ends. She changed her to be up in geisha style.

Special Moves
Square Wave Punch: Kitana jumps into the air and attacks incoming foes with a flying punch
Fan Lift: Kitana uses her fans to make the enemy levitate helplessly in the air
Pretty Kick: Kitana flies toward her opponent with multiple kicks
Pixie Dust Teleport: Kitana disappears in a violet cloud and reappears behind her opponent
Ground Fan: Kitana throws one of her fans to her opponent

Kiss of Death: Kitana removes her mask and kisses her opponent on the cheek, who expands like a huge balloon before exploding into pieces
Wind Fan: Kitana uses her fans an swipes them toward her opponent creating a wind movement at them and slices them into pieces

Twirling Fans: Kitana throws her fans into the air only to fall straight down on her slicing her in half


Yin and her twin sister, Yang, where both born native in the realm of Chaos during childhood she fell in love with the boy next door, Atae, they were inseparable until one day when Taven attacked there village. Yin hid with her sister, in the morning after Yin looked for Atae, but could be found. Over the years Yin and Yang trained together having very similar fighting style, but could never match their fighting styles with each other, so much alike, yet so different with Yin’s inhabitations to help people and free loving spirit incapable to let anyone else in her heart except Yang, after the loss of Atae. Then one day, Atae returned to his home village with much have changed with him, Yin recognized him immediately running towards one another arms and just as before they were inseparable. Atae told her that he owed his life to Havik and trained hard to be a warrior, and about his ability and what he say that the Elder Gods killed off races thru the realms or forced them from their homes into the Netherealm for their own will, and now their holding a tournament to finish want happen years ago when they were kids, that it’s time for them to face what they’ve done and that it’s not about their will, but are will for us that live in the realms. Yin’s heart melted hearing such a sad story, saying that she will join him, but Atae refuses for her assistance. She said she’s going to help and that her and Yang a force to reckon with. Atae had to leave to the Netherealm to find warriors to fight, before he left he sent Yin and Yang to Earthrealm to join the Lin Kuei, and find out if the Grandmaster, Sub-Zero, has any endeavors as the others warriors invited to Hachikane Mortal Kombat tournament if so to kill him. Sub-Zero accepted them right away with open arms, Yin was surprised by Sub-Zero actions and tried to help them match their fighting styles as an invincible tag team, but just could get it right, Sub-Zero asked both Yin and Yang, “What do you fight for?” Yin replied, “Too fight for those who are too weak to fight for what they believe in their hearts is right!” Sub-Zero smiled at Yin for her answer, only for Yang not to answer the question, but attacked Sub-Zero felt he had no choice but to fight back, freezing Yang in a block of ice. I cried for my sister’s action against Sub-Zero, I looked at Sub-Zero and my sister frozen in ice, I didn’t know how to feel only to met the demonic woman, Sareena, and I feel I knew my sister was evil and I couldn’t admit it before, so I left the Lin Kuei temple, and went back to Atae. I see he has taken the Temple of Gods in Edenia and all the warriors and families that where hurt years ago looking up at him like a hero, like us years ago, but I don’t know how to feel Atae looks at me and he knows I don’t feel well and says “Everything is going to be alright, I love you.”

Yin looks like a young white girl with three red lines going down her right side of her face with long dark brown hair. Having similar attire to Kitana only for her top has only one shelve on her right side of body and works its way down to the left side by the waist covering her chest with a dress below and a slit on the right side all having a red color scheme with black trimming with black heel top boots.

Alternate Costume
Yin is wearing very sexy red lingerie with the top covering down to the upper stomach and the bottom going down to the ground forming similar pants like Li Mei’s primary outfit in Deadly Alliance

Special Moves
Sparkle: Yin shoots a red ball of energy at the opponent
Split Kick: Yin jumps towards the opponent first kicking the opponent with one leg back and with the other leg forward
Rollover Kick: Yin slides her body on the ground and kicks the opponent back
Prayer: Yin holds her hands together and prays to regain some health

R.I.P.-Yin lights up the arena when the light fades Yin holds a rose and throws the rose and walks away and reveals a tombstone stating R.I.P.
God Almighty: Yin starts to pray and a lightning bolt comes down from the sky splattering the brains out of the opponent and falls

Cry Me a River: Yin starts crying blood until see eventually dies
01/12/2010 08:23 PM (UTC)
I like what you did with Kitana especially with her "Wind Fan" fatality. It reminds me of Temari from Naruto. Yin is an ineresing character too. I can't wait for Yang's story. The spear and trident fatalities of your characters are also cool. I hope you have a female sadist character in your story line as well. Maybe some girl like Catwoman or Belladonna from Thrill Kill who would shove weapons into people's intimate places. Good job though. Keep up the good work.
01/15/2010 07:35 AM (UTC)
Here are the next two playable characters.


For years, Jefferson has served in the United States Army and has been gotten promoted to Major, for his skills to help his fellow man by doing whatever is necessary. Until the Shao Kahn merged Earthrealm with Outworld creating dark voids killing millions of people in large cities. Jefferson acted quickly to get various Army personal to the cities to control the situation only to lose them, before he knew it the crisis was over looking for what happen he learned of the Special Forces was the organization to stop this threat and wished to join. Except his military file dealt with bloodshed due to his aggressive behavior and that he wished to wage war with Outworld, therefore Sonya Blade rejected him not allowing him to join the Special Forces, for years after that Jefferson believed he would be the right person for the job and held hostile action towards the Special Forces. Years later he heard the Special Forces have gone to new heights in security and has destroyed both the Black Dragon and the Red Dragon clans, he dared returned to Special Forces and gave them praises, and still wished to join only to be turned down again except this time by Major Briggs. Jefferson shortly left his base in America and traveled to the base in China, only to find a threat has caused a major fire at the Shaolin temple, and he dared brought his troops in with tanks to apprehend the suspect, Hinote, and was ready to question him, only for the Special Forces to show up and Major Briggs took him and said, “This is a matter for the Special Forces.” Jefferson got mad and couldn’t stand the Special Forces, and later heard that they all died by Hinote hands, Jefferson then rushed to return to America and fight Hinote, on his way he met Fuijin and him approval to face this new threat and prepare for Mortal Kombat.

Jefferson is a large white wearing military clothing with short sleeves in camouflage colors dark green, olive green, and brown with a dark green beret and black military boots and a handgun in his hostler on his belt

Alternate Costume
Jefferson is reviled with short blonde spiked hair wearing a black tank top and fingerless gloves and dark green pants with his military boots and a handgun in his hostler on his belt and sunglasses

Special Moves
Tank Launch: Jefferson yells “Fire” and a cannonball comes across the arena
Handgun Shoots: Jefferson takes out a handgun and shoots the opponent
Power Punch: Jefferson rams forward and punches the opponent
Grenade Clip: Jefferson runs past the opponent and attaches the opponent with a grenade

Bring in the Tank: Jefferson goes off the screen and a tank comes back drives right up to the opponent with the cannon in their face, they scream, and the tank shot blowing up the opponent into pieces
Eat It: Jefferson pulls out a grenade and pulls the pin and puts in the opponents mouth and watch their head explodes

Brains Out: Jefferson grabs his handgun and puts it in his mouth and pulls the trigger


Years ago, Stryker was part of the Riot Control Brigade in New York when Shao Kahn opened portals to Outworld causing millions of people to die. Even fellow comrades died and yet, his soul was spared and didn’t know why, until he had a vision with Raiden of his importance and to met up with his fellow warriors of light and defeat this threat, despite he didn’t believe himself of great importance. Stryker did his part and stop this threat; with the threat gone he was offered to work for the Special Force by Sonya, Stryker refused. Stryker felt that didn’t deserve to be spared nor work with people who worked on saving the world from threat from other realms. Stryker then became a drunk-ass cop in New York until he got suspended for being drunk at work. Sonya came to him and offered him a job with the Special Forces yet again and that something big was going to happen he will be part of it, but he refused. He later found out Sonya was right cause one day after drinking he woke up in Edenia wearing his out tactical outfit as the Pyramid of Argus rose, and caused everyone to fight. Stryker did fight, but seemed that power and the urge to kill overcame him, despite his wishes to just give up and die. The chaos ended once the Elder God, Hachikane, came and stops us from continuing to fight and returned home. After returning home Sonya, yet again came and visited me and offered me a job with the Special Forces to help them hunt down individuals that want to harm people like the Black Dragon and Red Dragon, only for Stryker to refuse once again, and continued to live in his drunken sorrow and wished a life that he didn’t need to worry about the threat of Earthrealm form another realm or Mortal Kombat ever again. Until one day, the Elder God, Fujin came and visited him, and told him that Sonya Blade and all the Special Forces units were destroyed and needed his help to stop this new threat. Stryker refused Fujin offer, but Fujin was persistent and teleported them to the US Army under Major Jefferson control to aid and help them to defeat the advisory Hinote, it seemed Major Jefferson didn’t like Stryker that much to help, but Fujin stated the Stryker has had experience with type of problem and with that Fujin left them to face Hinote.

Same as primary costume in Armageddon except shotgun on back in lieu of knifes.

Alternate Costume
Stryker has a scruffy beard with a black socking hat with is wearing a blue t-shirt and black pants with boots and a holster for his shotgun on his back going over his right side.

Special Moves
Baton Throw: Stryker jumps forward and uses his baton to fling the opponent behind him
High Grenade: Stryker throws a concussion grenade at his opponent
Low Grenade: Stryker throws a concussion grenade at his opponent
Shotgun: Stryker pulls out a shotgun and shoots the opponent

Explosives: Stryker attaches an explosive charge to his dazed opponent and detonates it from a distance, causing them to explode in a mess of bones and gore
Take This: Stryker walks up to the opponent knock them down pulls out his shotgun and put it in their mouth then pulls the trigger with their brains out

Lost Cause: Stryker walks off the screen only for a beer bottle to roll toward the screen
01/15/2010 04:19 PM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
I hope you have a female sadist character in your story line as well. Maybe some girl like Catwoman or Belladonna from Thrill Kill who would shove weapons into people's intimate places. Good job though. Keep up the good work.

You scare me. A lot. Please don't include this in your ideas :o
01/16/2010 04:33 AM (UTC)
Nic-V Wrote:
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
I hope you have a female sadist character in your story line as well. Maybe some girl like Catwoman or Belladonna from Thrill Kill who would shove weapons into people's intimate places. Good job though. Keep up the good work.

You scare me. A lot. Please don't include this in your ideas :o

Have at least one female character please. glasses
About Me
01/16/2010 10:55 AM (UTC)
Make Noob Saibot
01/18/2010 06:56 PM (UTC)
Don't worry, Nic-V I knew all of my story before I even started posting it on-line, don't be so tell me of what you think of my story. Besides Sadistic_Freak is kool, and I like the way she thinks. In the meantime here's are next two kombatants.


For years, Sub-Zero has been a member the Lin Kuei, an assassin clan, as his brother before was, the only except was that his brother had the clan be obcessed with power and did whatever to get it even work for the fallen Elder God, Shinnok and killing the leader of the Shirai Ryu, Scorpion. Sub-Zero was a member for years not much like his brother, but being more honorable and good, not desiring the same goals as his brother. One day Sub-Zero got in a fight with Sektor once the Dragon Medallion was found to become grand master and became more powerful, Sub-Zero defeated Sektor and became grand master. With Sub-Zero becoming grand master, he could now begin and change the interpretation on how others see the Lin Kuei, by moving the organization to the Arctic and began recruiting new members. This sounded promising except the new recruit Frost wanted to become grand master, and obtained the dragon medallion, but was unable to control her powers was frozen. Sub-Zero then traveled to Outworld to bury Frost only to discover an extinct civilization of cryomancers, and there he found a new suit of armor that increased his power even more. Only find out a new threat has emerged form the shadows to fight, Onaga, I then shortly met my brother, who had became a wraith Noob Saibot, and teamed up with Smoke, I was surly done for if not for Sareena , a demonic woman who once served my brother and was indepted to the Lin Kuei. I accepted her help and traveled to the Netherealm to defeat my brother, we were capable of defeating Noob-Smoke, but in the fight Sareena got injured and her human facade was removing and I panicked and attacked her, she ran into the Netherealm I cannot believe I attacked I would have gone after but its been awhile since I was at the Lin Kuei temple. Upon my return, I learned that several members didn’t like how Sub-Zero was changing the Lin Kuei and created a new clan with the desire to destroy us called the Tengu. Soon after are temple was infiltrated by Taven that was on his quest, I initially thought he was a member of the Tengu only to learned he killed them, and obtained armor in are temple. We were attacked by Noob-Smoke again with Taven help we were capable of defeating them, Taven shortly left I said he was always welcomed and I was to try and cleanse my brother’s soul. This however took time, but it wasn’t enough time before the Temple of Argus rose in Edenia, and Noob Saibot to escape to Edenia and fight in the crater. I followed him to Edenia and found all the kombatants of Mortal Kombat ready to fight for the power of Blaze, Sub-Zero was strong to fight the temptation that had consumed the other warriors, only to be attacked by Scorpion, how he had allied with and broke his rage against the Lin Kuei, by revealing the people truly behind killing his clan was Shinnok and Quan Chi, but Scorpion was more interested to kill me and prevent me from obtaining Blaze’s power, I didn’t understand why Scorpion was attacking me. Before long the fight was over once Hachikane came and destroyed the Pryamid of Argus, and took Blaze’s essence away. I returned to the Lin Kuei temple, shortly after was visited by Taven to join him and other warriors of the Elder Gods to go out and kill other warriors that work for the forces of darkness, but Sub-Zero refused stating the Lin Kuei is not in the killing business anymore, but to protect Earthrealm. Later, I was visited by Fujin who was pleased I turned down, but he begged me to defeat Scorpion, and that he was hunting down the Elder Gods, for reviving the Shirai Ryu clan as undead warriors. Only for Scorpion to attack us interested in killing Fujin, forcing Sub-Zero to freeze Scorpion in a large block of ice, that Scorpion couldn’t escape from. Sub-Zero could bear to hold Scorpion at the Lin Kuei temple, so Fujin opened a portal to the Netherealm and banish Scorpion into the ninth plane of the Netherealm. For years Sub-Zero Lin Kuei clan didn’t have any problems, even when he was offered to participiate in Hachikane’s new tournament only to refused, and shortly after got two young girls, Yin and Yang, trying to become stronger warriors and Sub-Zero allowed them to join the Lin Kuei and improve their skills, he say promise that they could become a strong tag team. But something was holding them back so he confronted them on what they desired he was pleased with Yin, but Yang attacked him forcing Sub-Zero to freeze her in a large block of ice. He was concern that Yin would attack him as well, but she didn’t she only cried and faced that fact that her sister was evil, didn’t feel comfortable to talk to her, so he just walked away and Yin left. Surprised to find that Sareena had arrived at the Lin Kuei temple and wished for her to forgive him about his attraction in the Netherealm, she accepted his forgiveness, but came to warn Sub-Zero that a new threat had came into the Netherealm and freed a lot of former warriors of Outworld, that called himself Atae. Sub-Zero then contacted the Elder God, Fujin, and asked about this threat and indeed that he had taken the temple of gods in Edenia and is looking for warriors to help. Sub-Zero vouched for Sareena can help, Fujin did accept Sareena’s help only because that Scorpion had escaped the Netherealm, and that he believes Scorpion doesn’t know about the tournament. For Sub-Zero to wait for Scorpion to attack him at the Lin Kuei temple, as Fujin and Sareena both left. Waiting for Scorpion as in the temple meditating, and hears someone yelling, “Get Over Here!”

Sub-Zero has the same as primary costume as Armageddon.

Alternate Costume
Sub-Zero has the same alternate costume as Armageddon.

Special Moves
Ice Blast: Sub-Zero sends a blast of ice horizontally towards the opponent to temporarily freeze them in place for a free hit
Ice Clone: Sub-Zero creates an ice statue of himself anywhere he chooses, and anyone who touches it will freeze
Ice Nugget: Sub-Zero makes a nugget out of ice above his opponent, which comes crashing down onto the opponent
Ice Shard: Sub-Zero throws a shard of ice at the opponent
Cold Shoulder: Sub-Zero rushes the opponent with his shoulder, leaving a trail of ice behind him on the ground

Spine Rip: Sub-Zero punches into an opponent's neck, and tears out their spine and skull
Deep Freeze Uppercut: Sub-Zero deep-freezes his opponent, then uppercuts their upper body, shattering it in the process

Froze Over: Sub-Zero breaks the Dragon Medallion causing him to fall and gets consumed by his freezing ability has he tries to move away.


For years, Sareena was forced to serve as Quan Chi’s personal assassin with her demonic kin, until the Elder Sub-Zero spared her life because she wished to leave the Netherealm, and aided him to defeat Quan Chi. Unfortunately Shinnok struck her from behind rendering her dead, unfortunately for her, Sub-Zero she didn’t know that her human form was destroyed and remained in the Netherealm for her betrayal. Years later, she followed Quan Chi out of the depths of the Netherealm and regained her human form without Quan Chi help. Then went to the Lin Kuei temple and met the younger Sub-Zero, she met years ago and gave her sanctuary in the Lin Kuei, and aided him into defeating his brother. Even returning to the Netherealm to find and defeat Noob Saibot, and with Noob Saibot teamed with Smoke proved worthy. In the battle her human form was destroyed and Sub-Zero attacked not wanting to harm him she ran off into the Netherealm, only to run into Quan Chi who returned her to her human form and forced her to work for him again with her demonic kin, Kia and Jataaka again, but this was shorted lived because Taven enter the base they were at and protect the Red Dragon, but was defeated allowing her to escape Quan Chi grasp. Though working for Quan Chi she heard of the ultimate power of Blaze and decided to go to the Pyramid of Argus in Edenia to get it. Sareena found her not powerful enough to reach the top of the pyramid which didn’t matter because the Elder Gods destroyed the temple, not wanting to face the aftermath of Armageddon she returned to the Netherealm for her protection. Shortly after natives from Outworld entered like the Centaurs, and vampires it created a war with the demons and Oni, which didn’t matter she remained inert and sided with the Centaurs and tell them about the Netherealm for their safety. Years later, the Netherealm had a visitor named Atae, that opened the portals to the realms and made alliances with the vampires and Centaurs for war against the Elder Gods, but I was to have no part in it I escaped with them, but went to Earthrealm and warn Sub-Zero. Upon my arrival at the Lin Kuei temple, she found a young girl, Yin, and befriended her to do what is right and watch her leave the Lin Kuei to go home. Sareena then found Sub-Zero he wished to apologize for his actions the last time they saw each other in the Netherealm, she instantly accepted his apologize, and warned him about Atae and his plan. Sub-Zero then contacted Fujin, who was fully aware of the problem only for Scorpion has escaped the Netherealm that would need Sub-Zero to deal with him, Sub-Zero persisted that I was a worthy warrior for the forces of light, Fujin, however seemed uneasy that I was a demon, but accepted Sareena’s help and took her to the Temple of Gods to prove herself in Mortal Kombat.

Sareena has grown out her hair with white stripes on both sides, and has grownin into her look in the same outfit from Mythologies except with additional black clothes on the sides of her belt.

Alternate Costume
Sareena will have black braces on her arms that don’t match, and a black belt with her typical cloth in the front with her black boots and two metal braces around her neck and midriff with black leather crossing into an x shape to cover her chest.

Special Moves
Twirling Kick: Sareena does a forward flip, kicking the opponent in the process
5-Star Kick: Sareena thrusts forward with her leg extended and if she makes contact, she will kick the opponent 5 times before they fall back
Gut Buster: Sareena charges her fist, then shoots forward with a powerful punch that knocks her opponent back
Throwing Knife: Sareena throws a large knife at her opponent

Demon Morph: Sareena changes into a large demon form and starts eating from the opponents chest then looks at the screen
Flip N’ Rip: Sareena rush toward her opponent and grabs them does a backward flip in the air ripping the opponent in half immediately and releasing the opponent at the climax of the flip and lands

De-Skinned: Sareena starts ripping off her skin that makes her look human until she is a demon and growls
01/24/2010 06:24 PM (UTC)
Here are the next two kombatants!!


Nitara was sent on a task by her father and leader of the vampire clan, Chiouja, with the pendent around her neck that would allow her to escape the orb that held her vampire clan captive thru time and space. Her quest was to find the orb and return her people to Outworld as Shao Kahn had conquered their realm years ago, and merged it with Outworld only for Shao Kahn to make a deal with the Lycans to seal my people in a prison. Nitara looked the Lycan camp form a far, but couldn’t find it only for her to attack a lcyan that was in the village to find the orb and killed them once they told her were it was. Only to find out that it was in molten lava, she traveled the realms to find someone who could get it, she found Cyrax of the Special Forces waited for him to go into Outworld, knowing Cyrax wouldn’t do it for free Nitara exploited Reptile by him Kirehashi blade from his home realm, to destroy Cyrax’s arm piece forcing him to make a deal with her to go into the lava and retrieve the orb and she’d send Cyrax back to Earthrealm. Nitara broke the orb returning her home realm merge back into Outworld, because the orb only contained her clan. Leaving us to the slaughter by the mysterious warrior Ashrah, Nitara’s father once again gave her freedom to leave the confides of the clans hunting grounds to kill Ashrah and bring her remains back for them to eat, that lead her to Edenia and the Pryamid of Argus, where Nitara joined the fight and killed Ashrah only for other warriors to attack as well, until Hachikane came and stopped the violence. Shortly after Outworld was under attack from various warriors form different realms, Chiouja died in battle as for the rest of the vampire clan ran into the Netherealm and hid for many years as she nominated herself to be their queen. Until Atae opened a portal for her clan to leave, she allied herself and her clan under Atae’s control and believes that he can lead her people back to their promise land. Nitara was ordered to attack a Shokan outpost with the Centaurs and everything within it, except Nitara notice a strange purple clad ninja fighting against the Shokan, Nitara decided to aid herself with him, he called himself Rain, she flew them out of there as Rain used his abilities to drown out the Shokans. Nitara then brought Rain before Atae for him to decide Rain’s fate.

Identical to Nitara’s secondary outfit from Armageddon and Deadly Alliance except without the white make-up and black incantation on her belt and breast plate.

Alternate Costume
Nitara’s primary outfit from Armageddon and Deadly Alliance

Special Moves
Unicorn Kick: Nitara flips forwards and kicks the opponent
Blood Spit: Nitara spits a ball of blood at the opponent
Jumping Blood Spit: Nitara flies in the air and spits a ball of blood at the opponent
Quick Escape: Nitara jumps away from the opponent with considerable distance

Neck Bite: Nitara pounces on her opponent, and bites into their neck, draining their blood. After spitting out chunks of flesh, she bites again, then kicks their drained corpse to the floor
Neck Slash: Nitara rushes towards her opponents goes past them and blood come quirking out of their neck then their head falls off and body falls

Stacked: Nitara pulls out a wooden stack and stacks herself in the chest and falls over


Dian is part of the vampire clan, he has served under Chiouja, and their clan has rivaled the lycan clan for years feeding off of them in Outworld. Until the day the lycans made a deal with Shao Kahn, and trapped their clan in a void in time and space. Chiouja had a jem to allow one of us to escape are prison to free us, I urged him to allow me to go his second in command, but he choose his daughter Nitara. Years I waited to be free, but when we once free and returned to Outworld only to be slaughtered to the warrior Ashrah, and yet again Chiouja has put his faith in his daughter and go after Ashrah, I very much doubt he has the skills to be are leader anymore. Nitara returned covered in blood talking an ultimate power known as Blaze, that could bring are clan back into power, but warriors from different realms entered Outworld and started slaughtering everything in sight they even killed Chiouja, when that happened I smiled and we were force into the Netherealm, as well as various other clans of Outworld, even the lycan clan do to the energy in the Netherealm, the lycan clan was unable to transform into their beast form, I ordered the charge against them and killed the remaining lycans to survive the onslaught in Outworld. Nitara was pleased by this action, and had a large part of my clan on her side so I bit my tongue, and didn’t say she wasn’t a worthy leader not yet, for someday I will be the clan’s leader. Years later a man enter the Netherealm, Atae, he freed the vampires form hell and returned us to Outworld, Nitara has chosen to serve him and we launched an attack on a Shokan outpost killing Shokan, this was a first step into obtaining the power I desire. I then met Havik, he was concerned that Atae was going to create a new order in the realms, and wanted my assistance to convince a powerful warrior that could Atae in Earthrealm, Hinote. Hinote did decide he would kill Atae, all I have to is wait for Atae to kill everyone in his way to kill Atae, including Motaro and Nitara, then I can rule Outworld.

Dian has long black hair that forms into a ponytail with a red band, his skin is a tanner then Nitara with the vampire wings wearing a dark brown harness in an H shape on his chest and a dark brown shoulder armor and dark brown pants on with etchings up his legs with a dark brown armored plate off his belt in front with grey spikes coming off of it.

Alternate Costume
Dian is wearing a different harness this time black in the shape of an X with grey armor should pads and belt with black pants and boots similar on Nitara’s primary costume.

Special Moves
Blood Splatter: Dian shots various chunks of blood and guts in front of him to hit the opponent
Wing Tip: Dian flaps one wing to move away from the opponent and hit the opponent with the other wing
Skull Bash: Dian thrusts forward extremely fast, smashing his opponent in the head
Quick Bite: Dian flies straight past the opponent and takes a bite out of their neck

Dark Night: Dian grabs his opponent and uses his wings to cover them both up and opens them and drops a dried up body
Come to Me: Dian looks at the opponent and says “Come to Me,” and they come only for Dian to bite off their head and fall

Epic Flight: Dian flies up in the air off the screen and drives straight down into the ground turning himself into little chunks and blood
01/24/2010 06:33 PM (UTC)
I hate to be an asshole, but this should be in the fan fic section. I know I seem like a douche, but it really pisses me off when I think there is new, news or something cool about MK9, and then it's just this stuff.
01/28/2010 08:06 PM (UTC)

For years Scorpion blamed the Lin Kuei for his clan’s death, as the Elder Sub-Zero killed him, Scorpion had fulfilled and killed Sub-Zero. Later by the efforts of Sub-Zero’s younger brother learned that it wasn’t the Lin Kuei fault for his clans death, but Quan Chi. Therefore, Scorpion had made peace with the Lin Kuei and sought out only vengeance against Quan Chi. Scorpion followed Quan Chi out of the Netherealm, and into Outworld were Quan Chi made a deadly alliance with Shang Tsung and gone to Shang Tsung temple to kill Quan Chi, but encountered the Oni that protected Quan Chi in the Netherealm and was overpowered and thrown into Shang Tsung’s soulnado. While in the void of the soulnado, Scorpion met the Elder Gods and the course of events as the deadly alliance destroyed by Onaga. The Elder Gods therefore, bestrewed on him stating he is their champion to defeat Onaga, but if Scorpion was to defeat Onaga, the Elder Gods then must resurrect his clan to their former glory. The Elder Gods agreed and Scorpion went back to Outworld and defeated the Onaga. The Elder Gods did resurrect the Shirai Ryu clan, but as undead hellspawned warriors like himself with this action Scorpion was enraged and would strike the Elder Gods starting with killing Taven to prevent his quest to obtain Blaze’s power, but ended in failure. None the less, Scorpion soon made his way to the Pryamid of Argus along with other warriors and has the chance to obtain Blaze’s power, in the fight Scorpion say the Elder God Fujin, and decided to attack while Fujin was occupied, but soon Sub-Zero came and aided the Elder God. Once Scorpion saw this he knew that anyone aiding the Elder Gods must die and attacked Sub-Zero, the battle with Sub-Zero lasted till the Elder God, Hachikane came down and stopped the fighting and took Blaze’s essence away. Scorpion ran off as did many, but he knew where he was going the Lin Kuei temple. Scorpion did find the Lin Kuei temple and battled Sub-Zero, but lost being froze in a large block of ice, but Scorpion couldn’t escaped, Sub-Zero then contacted Fujin and banished me to the ninth plane of the Netherealm, after the ice melted I tried to get out of the depths of hell felling his skin burn off only for the denizens of Outworld prevented him from getting out of too many people in the higher planes. Until one day, when all denizens of Outworld were returning to Outworld giving Scorpion the chance to escape fighting his way thru the demons and oni, and got to the portals in the nick of time. Scorpion was now in Outworld, he didn’t choose to follow the denizens of Outworld to see what was going on, instead he found away into Earthrealm and returned to the Lin Kuei temple and attack Sub-Zero, but Sub-Zero was too strong and was going to beat Scorpion, if it wasn’t for a large block of ice breaking freeing Yang with this distraction, Scorpion evaded Sub-Zero attacks and grabbed Yang and escaped. Scorpion and Yang shortly conversed afterwards informing Scorpion of the Elder Gods tournament that Atae has taken hold of, with that Yang told Scorpion how to find Atae.

Scorpion’s primary costume form Deadly Alliance and Deception that’s the same as his alternate in Armageddon

Alternate Costume
Scorpion is a flaming black skeleton with chains around his body with black ninja pants and boots with his skull symbol on his belt with a torn-up cloth hanging in front.

Special Moves
Bloody Spear: Sending out a rope with a tipped Kunai at the end, it impales itself into the victim's chest, allowing Scorpion to pull him or her through the air towards him for a free hit, as well as cause a small bit of damage
Hellfire Punch: Teleporting behind his opponent he connects with a punch
Hellfire: Scorpion summons the fires of Hell to burn his opponent from underneath
Flaming Backflip Kick: Scorpion performs a backflip kick followed by a trail of fire
Fire Shoot: Scorpion creates a ball of fire and throws it at the opponent

Extremely Bloody Spear: Scorpion sends out a rope that turns into four ropes with Kunai attached at each end into the opponent’s arms and legs and pulls them back ripping off their limbs
Lava Pool: Scorpion manifests a pool of lava below him and descends into it whilst a second drags the opponent in as the victim is burned by the hellfire later the body is thrown back out of the pit, now reduced to a skeleton

Snapped: Scorpion kills himself by snapping his neck


Yang and her twin sister Yin grew up in Chaosrealm, for years Yin has been the good sister being flirtatious with Atae, and her parents like her more. Until the day Taven and Sedian troops went through their realm creating genocide she looked as people died and like it. After all was said and done her sister Yin, looked for Atae, but couldn’t find him so she closed herself off form the world and became my only companionship. Yang did find out that Atae was alive and being trained by Havik, but had no desire to back her relationship with her sister, that were trying to become a couple of deadly assassins. Then one day Atae returned and Yin returned to her old self, Yang couldn’t except this so she was going to kill Atae, only to be stopped by Havik to wait that claimed it wasn’t time for Atae and that she wasn’t strong enough, and that she had to wait as he found a powerful enough warrior to kill Atae. With Yin’s persistence Atae sent both Yang and Yin to Earthrealm and determine if Sub-Zero was a threat against his plans, Yang was excited as she had heard of Sub-Zero and the Lin Kuei assassins and how they killed the Shirai Ryu, and to train with them and improve her skills she was okay with that and who knows maybe Sub-Zero would be strong enough to kill Atae. After meeting Sub-Zero it wasn’t what she was expecting of how much he was creating an army of righteousness and good, she then knew this wasn’t the Sub-Zero she had heard about and attacked him, only to end up frozen in a block of ice, she saw as her sister, Yin, left her there and left the Lin Kuei. Yang remained in the ice for several days until she saw Sub-Zero fighting with Scorpion the former leader of in the Shirai Ryu, and was fueled by enough energy to break out of her prison. With her escape Scorpion dared help her escape as well, after Yang got enough energy back she told Scorpion about Atae, and what he represented and told Scorpion how to find him, she followed Scorpion to the Temple of Gods and see if he is strong enough to kill Atae!

Yang looks like a young white girl with three red lines going down her left side of her face with long black hair. Having similar attire to Kitana only for her top has only one shelve on her left side of body and works its way down to the right side by the waist covering her chest with a dress below and a slit on the right side all having a black color scheme with red trimming with black heel top boots.

Alternate Costume
Yang is now wearing black leather studded ninja outfit with cress-cross string in the back with long black leather studded sleeves and boots, also with a choker around the neck and black ninja mask.

Special Moves
Obsessive Clawing: Yang gets on her opponents waist and claws them, then kicks off their chest
Dark Voodoo: Yang creates a black ball of energy and shots at the opponent
Head Twister: Yang jumps on top of her opponent and twists their head around with her legs
Spine Rip: Yang grabs her spine and snaps it out of place and bends forward to fix it, which recovers a little health

Gutted: Yang rushes toward the opponent and guts them down the chest to the groin with organs falling out and to finish it she licks her hands that are full in blood
Don’t You Like Me: Yang walks up to the opponent and wraps her hands around them and starting licking them and rips out the opponent’s spine

See My Insides: Yang starts ripping her chest and rips out her ribs and falls forward
02/03/2010 10:02 PM (UTC)
Here people are the next two characters to MK: Salvation!


Rain was born in the realm of Edenia, but during his childhood Shao Kahn merged Outworld and Edenia together killing his village even his father. For years Rain suppressed it and couldn’t remember the onslaught, but roamed Outworld for years and eventually pledge his soul to Shao Kahn for his survival, and aided him to conquer Earthrealm, but when severing under Shao Kahn, Rain met Kitana under Shao Kahn rule and was informed he was form Edenia and that Shao Kahn killed his father. Rain then turned on the emperor and went against him in Mortal Kombat only to die, but somehow Rain later woke up in Edenia and didn’t understand why, and traveled the years thru the realm trying to find some sort of evidence before serving Shao Kahn. Until the day Quan Chi came to Rain and revealed the truth that Kitana lied about who his father was, Argus, and that he was a god, making Rain a half god, Rain was unwary of this he demand proof, so Rain and Quan Chi returned to Edenia to the place Rain woke up after his death, and revealed the place was a temple built for his father, Argus, and that if a bloodline of Argus would die in a mystical death would be revived here and broke the deal that he made with Shao Kahn. Rain then demanded to Quan Chi to tell him where his father was, but Quan Chi informed them that both his parents were dead, and that the only way his father would be revived at the temple would be because another god would have killed them, Rain then demanded to know who killed them Quan Chi informed Rain that it was his brother, Taven, and the quest he’s on. With that information Quan Chi teleported Rain to Earthrealm, to kill Taven and take over his quest, but failed Taven bet Rain and left him for dead. Rain then returned to Edenia to find the Pyramid of Argus that Quan Chi talked about, Rain tried to get up the pyramid, but got distracted by helping Quan Chi then attacked by Kitana, Kitana shortly ran off once Shao Kahn was killed and her mother, Sindel went down. Kitana then got in a great rage and attacked Rain; Rain was capable of holding off Kitana, until the Elder God Hachikane destroyed the pyramid and sealed Blaze’s power away. Rain then left and returned to Edenia to heal and attacked Kitana and Taven once again, but wasn’t strong enough Kitana was capable to use her fan and got him pinned on the wall. As Kitana and Taven came over to finish him off, Rain shouted did you like killing my father to Taven, Taven didn’t understand until Rain revealed that Argus was his father and that Quan Chi informed him that Taven killed him, but Rain was again deceived and was revealed the truth about his other brother, Daegon. Kitana was going to finish off, but Taven stopped her saying he lost all his family and wasn’t going to lose anymore putting Rain under Taven’s protect against Kitana’s Edenian forces that were ready to take over Outworld, Rain participated per Taven’s request to build a relationship, but Rain felt uneasy about conquering Outworld, so he just stood back and watched. Afterwards Kitana still had it in for him, and Taven wished for Rain to join him into Edenian royalty and even the heavens, but Rain refused and went into Outworld and see wondered around, Rain still retained a friendship with Taven despite his aggressions in Outworld and Chaosrealm, and with Kitana’s troops on his tail to kill him. Rain discovered something interesting in recent days that the Saurian race was wiped out and that Reptile was alive and another mysterious Saurian woman, until she mysteriously disappeared and Reptile run off. Rain then spent the next several days going to villages in Outworld if they seen any Saurian but everywhere I go people didn’t see anything, except of a disappearance of a Sedian that’s been roaming around in Li Mei’s city. It didn’t matter shortly after I met the mysterious woman, only to be attacked by Keibi who followed him since Li Mei’s city and taken to a Shokan outpost for days and interrogated Rain, but no one believed him so he was going to be set for execution, but the outpost was under attack by Centaurs and vampires I fought my way out against the Shokans, my talents where notice by the vampire, Nitara, who aided in Rain’s escape as Rain killed Shokans. Rain was then taken before Atae, to prevent himself and to tell him, who he was. Atae decided not to kill Rain, because he fought with his troops and didn’t do any aggression against the realms per the Elder God wishes, Rain told Atae about the Saurian’s, but Atae didn’t care what the Saurian’s were doing. Atae then ordered Rain to go out and kill Taven, Rain accepted this offer and went off on his way to see his brother.

Same as Rain’s primary costume in Armageddon

Alternate Costume
Rain is wearing a scarf around his neck and mouth that hang down the back which is purple with gold trimming on the outside, his scarf matches his ninja trimming into a V shape very similar and the belt and same colors for the armor around the hands and a white underlying under the ninja V and the pants that are a bit baggy that goes to brown boots with cress-cross strings on them.

Special Moves
Water Blast: Rain shoots a high-pressure stream of water at his adversary, knocking them down
Mystic Vapors: Rain submerges himself in a small pool of water and emerges behind his opponent
Windy Feet: Rain propels himself forward with a blast of water from behind
Shocking Bolt: Rain raises his arm and summons a blue lightning bolt to strike his enemy

When Lightning Strikes: Rain sends a bolt of lightning that strikes the opponent over and over until they explode to pieces
Flash Flood: Rain opens his arms releasing water all over the field floating above the water seeing the water rise over the opponent head as they struggle then die

Liquidify: Rain creates a blue orb and releases it and turns himself into a puddle of water


Reptile had pleaded his soul to Shao Kahn, to save himself form death as Shao Kahn killed the rest of the Saurian race that Reptile once hold dear. While Shao Kahn fell defeated by Earthrealm warriors Reptile served for Shinnok to hopefully revive his Saurian race, but failed. Reptile then returned to Shao Kahn while out on a mission Reptile ran into Nitara, who reviled that information that could be useful to Shao Kahn and a blade form Reptile’s home world, and for this Reptile attacked Cyrax and damage him. Only to return to Shao Kahn and find out Shao Kahn was driven out by the Deadly Alliance. Reptile went out to bring Nitara to Shao Kahn for holding Reptile up, for not serving his master. The journey for Nitara leads him to a chamber that held a dragon egg as the dragon egg hatched and beamed onto Reptile transforming into the Onaga, the Dragon King. Onaga was defeated by Scorpion allowing Reptile to return to normal and control his body, Reptile had a new bound to life and not serve Shao Kahn ever again, but to revive his people. Even teaming up with the Red Dragon making reptilian warriors, but ended shortly upon Taven’s arrival and destroyed the lair. Reptile shortly after joined the forces of darkness and fight at the Pyramid of Argus, but ended up being a bad idea as a lot of warriors defeated once Shao Kahn was killed by Onaga as warriors that bound their souls to him died, but not Reptile do to magic used that changed him into the Dragon King. Reptile disappeared into the shadows in Outworld as Edenian forces took over even killing Onaga, Reptile was going to attack, but was pulled back by a mysterious Saurian woman calling herself, Oracle. Reptile was aroused by her, and was willing to serve her so for years Reptile hid in the shadows as the other warriors believe him to be dead. Until the day Oracle ordered Reptile to steal an Edenian medallion and anyone that got in the way Reptile made his way into the Edenian capitol and stole the medallion, killed Jade and was going to kill Kitana, but Keibi stopped Reptile, he then just left Edenia upon Keibi attack and return to Outworld to give the medallion to his master.

Same as his primary costume in Armageddon

Alternate Costume
Reptile with his dark green skin and large reptilian mouth as his primary outfit with a black ninja V on his chest with metallic shoulder armor coming out of the sides and with similar metal for his arm bands and boots to his knees and belt unit that covers his crouch with purple leggings to his boots.

Special Moves
Acid Spit: Reptile spits acid at the opponent
Chameleon: Reptile disappears or reappears in a puff of smoke
Super Crawl: Reptile crawls under the opponent's feet knocking them over
Running Serpent: Reptile swiftly runs behind the opponent and delivers a successful elbow into their face

Tasty Meal: Reptile opens his mouth and stretches out his long tongue, sticking it to his victim's head, then quickly retracts it, ripping off the head and eating it
Acid Puke: Reptile gets close to the victim, opens his mouth, and spews acid over them, melting them down to a sizzling puddle

Acid Fountain: Reptile starts throwing up acid as he looks up and the acid come straight out of his mouth melting the skin off his face
02/09/2010 07:50 PM (UTC)
The next two characters.

Li Mei

For years Li Mei lived in the confides of the village in Outworld she lived in until Shang Tsung and Quan Chi enslaved her village, but Li Mei had a chance to save them by precipitating in their tournament. Li Mei indeed won the Deadly Alliance tournament, but Quan Chi and Shang Tsung had no intentions of freeing her people it was to be that Li Mei’s soul would be the last one to revive the Dragon King’s army. Luckily for Li Mei before the soul transfer was complete into one of the Dragon King’s undead solider Bo’ Rai Cho saved her. Afterwards when Li Mei came to Li Mei had a different point a view as she was an undead solider for a moment, but became an even better fighter even without Bo’ Rai Cho help. With her village destroyed, Li Mei went on a quest of her own with a new desire for power. The journey lead her to Edenia where the Pyramid of Argus rose and fought despite getting mortal wounds; Li Mei sprit was high incapable of death. She eventually fell due to Hachikane destroying the pyramid, Li Mei however stayed in Edenia to take care of her wounds, she was then noticed by Kitana by her fighting who offered her a position to return to Outworld and destroy whatever plagued it. Li Mei was not one to fight in an army therefore Kitana order Li Mei to kill Reiko who was creating an army to take on the Onaga, the Dragon King to become ruler of Outworld. Li Mei did find Reiko and killed, as Kitana and the Shokans destroyed Onaga forces. Kitana then appointed Li Mei to be the human race liaison in Outworld with Outworld having new laws governs by Edenia, and took her place in command at Shao Kahn/Onaga temple, as the highest royalty there. Recent days many humans have been coming to the temple for protection since villagers have had lycan attacks and find their own villagers transforming into lycans, creating a problem for Li Mei to fix only for the lycan has made its way into Li Mei’s city and taking up all her time even pulling out of the new Mortal Kombat tournament, but couldn’t even conceived that the tournament was taken by force, therefore its now going to be time to fight.

Same primary outfit form Armageddon

Alternate Costume
Same alternate outfit form Armageddon

Special Moves
Nova Blast: Li Mei shoots a purple ball of energy at the opponent
Carnival Spin: Li Mei flips forwards in a circular motion, bringing her feet over her head kicking the opponent and then landing back on her feet
Flying Flurry: Li Mei launches herself forwards with a series of punches to the opponent's face
Flipping Heel Kick: Li Mei spins backward and kicks the opponent in an impossible fashion

Fatal Kicks: Li Mei kicks her victim's stomach, lodging her foot in his/her innards. She keeps it there for a second before pulling it out, then kicks the victim's head off
Brutality: Li Mei punches her victim all over his/her torso at an incredible speed. She then backs off, allowing her victim to explode with no further action on her part

Toss Up: Li Mei throws her sword into the air and bends over, then sword falls back down and cuts off her head


For years the lycan clan has been the food supply for the vampires, until Wolf’sfather made a deal with Shao Kahn to trap them in a mystic orb. At last the lycan clan was free or we thought until Shao Kahn forces came into the lycan den and starting slaughtering us. Only a few survived for years afterwards they remained in hiding not interfering with other affairs in Outworld. Until chaos commenced in Edenia when the Pyramid of Argus rose, Wolf’s father ordered him go to Edenia and fight, but Wolf was no match for the kombatants, who have fought for years therefore rendered Wolf unconscious. Wolf woke up much later as the pyramid has become rubble, he ate the remains of fallen warriors only to find alone warrior waking aimlessly, Wolf decided to attack, but this warrior had dark powers that Wolf never felt before and started to drain the life out of Wolf, but stopped causing Wolf to go into a coma. Years went by as Wolf was in a coma, he woke up he found himself in an Edenian cave. Shortly after Wolf returned to Outwold to find his clan, but his clan was nowhere to be found. Wolf began to hear rumors that they have been banished to the Netherealm. Wolf therefore started terrorizes small villages to allow their mystics to take him to the Netherealm, but they wouldn’t leaving him to start turning people in the village into lycans. Before long the villagers in Outworld moved into Li Mei’s capitol which lead Wolf to start terrorizing the people within the city creating chaos. Until he was visited by Havik, who told him that the Outworlders have returned from the Netherealm and that they were serving new master called Atae. Wolf wanted to know where Atae was with his clan Havik told him, and went out on his way to find Atae and his clan.

White male with a short black hair with a very muscular body shirtless only wherein a torned up white pants with a black belt with slightly longer fingernails

Alternate Costume
Wolf is wearing torn up brown clothes that have a hood and no sleeves for his arms and a black belt.

Special Moves
Wolf Morph: Wolf transforms into a werewolf providing extra strength for a short time
Vicious Claws: Wolf rushes forward giving the opponent slashes across the chest
Bite Throw: Wolf grabs the opponent with his mouth and throws them around
Howling: Wolf starts to howl towards the sky and a little health recovers
Spirit Run: Wolf runs backwards off the screen and returns sliding behind the opponent

Let’s Eat: Wolf transforms and pounces over the opponent and starts eating them as they scream blood and chucks fly away off Wolf and all that remains are a bloody skeleton
Ultimate Bite: Wolf grabs the opponent with his mouth and throws them around until they break in half

Hearts Out: Wolf puts his hands together with the fingers towards himself and jabs them into his chest causing the heart to come out his back and falls over
02/10/2010 12:09 AM (UTC)
fire_fatality Wrote:
The next two characters.

Li Mei

For years Li Mei lived in the confides of the village in Outworld she lived in until Shang Tsung and Quan Chi enslaved her village, but Li Mei had a chance to save them by precipitating in their tournament. Li Mei indeed won the Deadly Alliance tournament, but Quan Chi and Shang Tsung had no intentions of freeing her people it was to be that Li Mei’s soul would be the last one to revive the Dragon King’s army. Luckily for Li Mei before the soul transfer was complete into one of the Dragon King’s undead solider Bo’ Rai Cho saved her. Afterwards when Li Mei came to Li Mei had a different point a view as she was an undead solider for a moment, but became an even better fighter even without Bo’ Rai Cho help. With her village destroyed, Li Mei went on a quest of her own with a new desire for power. The journey lead her to Edenia where the Pyramid of Argus rose and fought despite getting mortal wounds; Li Mei sprit was high incapable of death. She eventually fell due to Hachikane destroying the pyramid, Li Mei however stayed in Edenia to take care of her wounds, she was then noticed by Kitana by her fighting who offered her a position to return to Outworld and destroy whatever plagued it. Li Mei was not one to fight in an army therefore Kitana order Li Mei to kill Reiko who was creating an army to take on the Onaga, the Dragon King to become ruler of Outworld. Li Mei did find Reiko and killed, as Kitana and the Shokans destroyed Onaga forces. Kitana then appointed Li Mei to be the human race liaison in Outworld with Outworld having new laws governs by Edenia, and took her place in command at Shao Kahn/Onaga temple, as the highest royalty there. Recent days many humans have been coming to the temple for protection since villagers have had lycan attacks and find their own villagers transforming into lycans, creating a problem for Li Mei to fix only for the lycan has made its way into Li Mei’s city and taking up all her time even pulling out of the new Mortal Kombat tournament, but couldn’t even conceived that the tournament was taken by force, therefore its now going to be time to fight.

Same primary outfit form Armageddon

Alternate Costume
Same alternate outfit form Armageddon

Special Moves
Nova Blast: Li Mei shoots a purple ball of energy at the opponent
Carnival Spin: Li Mei flips forwards in a circular motion, bringing her feet over her head kicking the opponent and then landing back on her feet
Flying Flurry: Li Mei launches herself forwards with a series of punches to the opponent's face
Flipping Heel Kick: Li Mei spins backward and kicks the opponent in an impossible fashion

Fatal Kicks: Li Mei kicks her victim's stomach, lodging her foot in his/her innards. She keeps it there for a second before pulling it out, then kicks the victim's head off
Brutality: Li Mei punches her victim all over his/her torso at an incredible speed. She then backs off, allowing her victim to explode with no further action on her part

Toss Up: Li Mei throws her sword into the air and bends over, then sword falls back down and cuts off her head


For years the lycan clan has been the food supply for the vampires, until Wolf’sfather made a deal with Shao Kahn to trap them in a mystic orb. At last the lycan clan was free or we thought until Shao Kahn forces came into the lycan den and starting slaughtering us. Only a few survived for years afterwards they remained in hiding not interfering with other affairs in Outworld. Until chaos commenced in Edenia when the Pyramid of Argus rose, Wolf’s father ordered him go to Edenia and fight, but Wolf was no match for the kombatants, who have fought for years therefore rendered Wolf unconscious. Wolf woke up much later as the pyramid has become rubble, he ate the remains of fallen warriors only to find alone warrior waking aimlessly, Wolf decided to attack, but this warrior had dark powers that Wolf never felt before and started to drain the life out of Wolf, but stopped causing Wolf to go into a coma. Years went by as Wolf was in a coma, he woke up he found himself in an Edenian cave. Shortly after Wolf returned to Outwold to find his clan, but his clan was nowhere to be found. Wolf began to hear rumors that they have been banished to the Netherealm. Wolf therefore started terrorizes small villages to allow their mystics to take him to the Netherealm, but they wouldn’t leaving him to start turning people in the village into lycans. Before long the villagers in Outworld moved into Li Mei’s capitol which lead Wolf to start terrorizing the people within the city creating chaos. Until he was visited by Havik, who told him that the Outworlders have returned from the Netherealm and that they were serving new master called Atae. Wolf wanted to know where Atae was with his clan Havik told him, and went out on his way to find Atae and his clan.

White male with a short black hair with a very muscular body shirtless only wherein a torned up white pants with a black belt with slightly longer fingernails

Alternate Costume
Wolf is wearing torn up brown clothes that have a hood and no sleeves for his arms and a black belt.

Special Moves
Wolf Morph: Wolf transforms into a werewolf providing extra strength for a short time
Vicious Claws: Wolf rushes forward giving the opponent slashes across the chest
Bite Throw: Wolf grabs the opponent with his mouth and throws them around
Howling: Wolf starts to howl towards the sky and a little health recovers
Spirit Run: Wolf runs backwards off the screen and returns sliding behind the opponent

Let’s Eat: Wolf transforms and pounces over the opponent and starts eating them as they scream blood and chucks fly away off Wolf and all that remains are a bloody skeleton
Ultimate Bite: Wolf grabs the opponent with his mouth and throws them around until they break in half

Hearts Out: Wolf puts his hands together with the fingers towards himself and jabs them into his chest causing the heart to come out his back and falls over

Li Mei's fatalities are her good previous ones. glasses
02/14/2010 10:43 PM (UTC)
Here are the next two playable characters, as well as Yamiko, who would be the character we would follow for a conquest with all the Mortal Kombat characters in the game.


Kai was a member of the White Lotus Society along with Liu Kang and learned skills thru the Champion of Mortal Kombat. Kai also joined the Earthream warriors in beating Shinnok, after Shinnok was beat Kai went out by himself thru the realms to find self-enlightenment. On his quest for self-enlightenment the realms were once again in peril, and aided Earthrealm warriors once again in Edenia as the Pyramid of Argus rose. Kai noticed and felt that this is not what he’s searching, but couldn’t overcome this feeling to fight. Kai felt relieved once Hachikane ended the madness, shortly after Kai was approached by Kung Lao to aid him in travels to beat the Tarkatan horde, but refused and went back on his quest in search of enlightenment with no ordeal to deal with his fellow warriors to invade and destroy lives. Eventually Kai ran into Yamiko, who was on a quest of his own to find himself, Kai offered the boy his experiences and shortly became his pupil on his quest for enlightenment. Until the Elder God Fujin, came to them and asked for their assistance that the new Mortal Kombat tournament has been taken by a mysterious force and have killed the warriors that Kai once aided him. Kai agree to serve Fujin and help him with this ordeal and went to Edenia to fight this new threat.

Same primary costume form Armageddon

Alternate Costume
Same secondary costume form Armageddon

Special Moves
Downward Fire: Kai shoots a fireball into the ground, juggling his opponent
Fire From Above: Kai launches a ball of fire into the sky, where it then slams down onto his opponent's head
Lunging Roundhouse: Kai lunges forward and finishes with a roundhouse kick, sending his opponent flipping sideways
Hand Stand: Kai moves into a hand stand position
Twirling Kicks: After performing “Hand Stand,” Kai spins himself toward the opponent receiving multiple kicks
Feet Flip: After performing “Hand Stand,” Kai grabs the opponent with his legs throwing them on the other side of the arena

One into Two: Kai lifts his opponent above him and rip him into two pieces
Switching Positions: Kai performs a hand stand grabs the opponent by the feet flipping himself back up putting the opponent in the hand stand position stilling doing a wiggle and Kai finishes them off by taping them over revealing that their dead

Fire Below: Kai launches a fireball into the ground and comes up under Kai bellowing himself up


Unknown of Yamiko orgins, form the first memory after Armageddon happened, Yamiko found himself waking up in the debris form Hachikane’s destruction of the Pyramid of Argus. Looking around seeing dead bodies and uncertain of who he is and what his purpose. Yamiko was soon attacked by a lycan called Wolf, Yamiko did battle with him, but in the battle his veins turned black and surged with power that when he hit Wolf, Wolf went into a coma. Yamiko felt pain from his veins and thought he was cursed. Yamiko then grabbed Wolf and went to a cave, and waited for Wolf to wake up to give him answers, but Wolf never did. So Yamiko left the caves and traveled the realms to find out what his purpose is and what is up with his abilities. Yamiko traveled Edenia, Outworld, Orderrealm, Chaosrealm, and Earthrealm, by the time he arrived in Earthrealm Yamiko has met many warriors, but none were able to provide the answers he was looking for. Until he met Kai, who was on a quest for enlightenment Yamiko decided to join Kai on his quest hoping that enlightenment could help him out control the darkness within him. Thru the time with Kai he had controlled his ability, then one day Fujin came and asked Kai for his help, Kai offered and also rendered Yamiko to help as well. Then Fujin brought them both to the Temple of Gods to fight, and as Yamiko stood before the Temple of Gods he felt something strange as if his destiny was going to unfold and understand everything.

Yamiko is an Asian with black Kung Fu pants and shoes, only with no shirt with short black hair.

Alternate Costume
Yamiko looks like a bald man that is black with red glowing eyes wearing black kung fu pants with a dark blue strip on the side and shoes.

Special Moves
Dark Enforcer: Yamiko turns his own veins black to slightly increase his health
Blacken Up: Yamiko turns his veins black allowing to slightly increase his strength
Rolling Ball: Yamiko rolls up into a ball to hit the opponent multiple times
Flying Force: Yamiko launches himself at his opponent to hit them with his fists
Dark Force: Yamiko creates some short black electric waves off his hands

Make It Black: Yamiko grabs his opponents and watches as their veins turn black then their body and drops them and they turn to ash
Right Touch: Yamiko uppercuts his opponent's head off, then does a backflip kick that forcefully moves it to the victim's body, making it explode

Slit: Yamiko starts cutting himself with his veins turning black and eventually bleed to death
02/20/2010 03:54 PM (UTC)
Here are the next two kombatants!

Liu Kang

Liu Kang was the champion of Mortal Kombat, but died years later by the hands of the Deadly Alliance, therefore making the Elder Gods to create a new champion of Mortal Kombat, Scorpion. However demanded the Shirai Ryu revived, and after they were Scorpion turned his back on the gods. Leaving the time the Pyramid of Argus rose, that no warrior would be capable to stop it since Taven mission got tainted due to Blaze got tainted by Onaga allowing no god to defeat Blaze and use its power. Liu Kang was revived during this event but by Raiden, who also got tainted and wanted to destroy anything that purpose a threat to Earthrealm. Forcing warriors to fight left and right in the chaos during Armageddon, until the Elder God Hachikane came down and took Blaze’s essence and lock it away, and destroy the Pyramid of Argus ending the chaos. Liu Kang was ready to hand over his title after a warrior would have won Hachikane new tournament with Blaze’s essence up for grabs, but the tournament has been taken by the warriors of Chaosrealm and Outworld. Putting the Elder Gods in harm way from them, but Liu Kang came before the Elder Gods and asked them to revive him and allow him to return to Earthrealm and aid his friend. The Elder Gods agreed to Liu Kang’s request and returned him to Earthrealm to aid the Earthrealm forces with the warrior Hinote, who seemed to be too powerful to handle and afterwards lead them into Mortal Kombat at the Temple of Gods!

Same secondary costume form Deception and Armageddon

Alternate Costume
Liu Kang is wearing red tank-top and kung fu pants with a black belt and kung fu shoes

Special Moves
Flying Kick: Liu Kang flies across the screen and connects with a kick to the opponent's torso
High Dragon Fire: Liu Kang sends a fiery flame in the shape of a dragon across the screen out of his hands at his opponent
Low Dragon Fire: Kneeling down, Liu Kang sends the same fireball at his opponent's feet
Flying Bicycle Kick: Liu Kang flies across the screen with a series of multiple kicks to the opponent's torso
Dragon's Tail: Liu Kang does a cartwheel kicking his opponent

Dragon: Liu Kang's signature fatality, in which he morphs into a large dragon and consumes the upper body of his opponent
Chi Fireball: Liu Kang extracts what appears to be the opponent's chi and charges it with his own before firing it back at the victim, tearing them to pieces

Spirit Out: Liu Kang’s spirit leaves his body out his ear and the body falls over


Dairou, once a Sedian guardsman for the realm of Seido, who had lost his family years ago and went after the man he believed killed them, therefore his fellow guardsman Hotaru had imprisoned him for his actions. However, the Sedian resistance lead by Darrius freed him and used him as a mercenary for them to help them overthrow the senate. Darrius hired Dairou to kill Hotaru, therefore Dairou left Orderealm to kill Hotaru in Outworld, but was side tracked as a Sedian Senator came to him, who informed him that Darrius was the man that killed his family and milipated him to do his dirty work. Dairou did go search for Hotaru, but found he was slain already, therefore Dairou on his way back to Orderealm, but it was chaos and he couldn’t find Darrius anywhere. Later Dairou heard that Darrius went to Edenia and Dairou went there to find him, then the Pyramid of Argus rose, and more chaos commenced as warriors form all over fought. Dairou found Darrius and fought then battle went on until Dairou was capable of killing Darrius, as Dariou killed Darrius Hachikane came down from the heavens and destroyed the Pyramid of Argus ending the madness. Dairou afterwards then went back to Orderealm and help them rebuild Orderealm as it was before Darrius’s attack. After it was built Dairou was offered to return to be a guardsman by Rade the new general of the Sedian guard, but Dairou didn’t accept and left Orderrealm shortly after Dairou ran into Hotaru, who was revived by Onaga after he was killed Hotaru and offered Dairou to help him kill Chaosrealmers Dairou declined again. Dairou went into Outworld and later Chaosrealm to help the villagers to restore their lives after their homes being destroyed. Until the day Hachikane came before him and asked for his help, and asked him to go to Outworld and find the Sedian high priestess Oracle and see what she’s up to.

Same primary costume in Deception and Armageddon

Alternate Costume
Same secondary costume in Deception and Armageddon

Special Moves
Tombstone Drop: Dairou falls flat on his back, causing his opponent to fly in air
Stealthy Shadows: Dairou switches both the positions of his and his opponent, leaving a puff of yellow smoke in both positions
Iron Knuckles: Dairou hits his fist together creating a wave of three pointed stars at the opponent
Iron Leg: Dairou blasts a three pointed star from his leg
Stretch and Slam: Dairou knocks the opponent down while holding their arms and rests a foot on their spine. From there, Dairou begins pulling violently against the limbs and then releases, sending the opponent into the ground with full force, causing them to explode
Eye Stab: Dairou rips two ribs from the opponent's chest and stabs them in the eyes with them

Twisted: Dairou twists his body around, which results in the destruction of his spine as his body lays on the floor, horribly bended
your very creative good work i liked the first few but then i noticed you got less and less creative with your new characters
03/05/2010 08:06 PM (UTC)
Here are the last two regular characters for Mortal Kombat: Salvation.


Oracle was a mysterious sorceress found after Edenia invade Onaga’s throne, but it was unknown to Onaga that Oracle was in his dungeon since Shao Kahn imprisoned her centuries ago, and was forced to serve him as she could foresee events to come, which Shao Kahn took very highly of. After she was freed by the Edenian forces she began to construct a new order in Outworld that caught the eyes of the Elder God Hachikane, who announced her as a priestess in Orderealm and use her abilities to aid Orderealm into a new order after the resistance destroyed the old senate. Unknown to them however is the fact Oracle is really an ancient Saurian using magic to appear human, who once served Onaga to aid him in releasing the One Being before Shao Kahn killed him. After her release and while aiding Orderealm Oracle have been traveling to Outworld under magic to be unseen by the Elder Gods and met with Reptile her personal assassin to eventually retrieve a magical medallion that would allow her to converse with the One Being and his power to start seeping into the realms. That day has come as she saw the warrior Atae coming freeing the Outworlders in the Netherealm and taking Hachikane tournament, as a wonderful distraction leaving Orderealm and return to Outwolrd to use Reptile to steal the medallion form Kitana.

Oracle appears to be a white woman with black hair, but unable to see much of her face since she wears a white ninja mask as well as a hood with a very erotic dress covering her body and most of her legs with gold chains around her wrists and waist with crystal heels

Alternate Costume
Oracle appears to be Saurian like Reptile, but with more feminine features to the face with long dark green hair eventually till a black stripe with red tips, wearing a black and grey armored breast plate, boots, and belt with black and green cloth coming off the front and back of the belt with additional yellow reptilian boney spikes down her spine, and around her shoulders, elbows, and knees.

Special Moves
Orb Shatter: Oracle throws an orb at the opponent and it shatters when it hits them causing damage
Dance of Demons: Oracle dances around her opponent to evade them
Eyes of Sight: Oracle creates a short range energy burst from her eyes to force the opponent back
Time Phase: Oracle creates a white light that will temporary freeze everything in the arena except herself

Portal Opening: Oracle opens a portal and the opponent gets sucked in and they start designate into nothing
Saurian Rage: Oracle transforms herself into a Hydra and rips the opponent apart and eats them

Dance of Death: Oracle dances around the stage and falls over the edge


Rade has served as a Seidan guard for years working directly under Hotaru loyally despite he didn’t agree every decision until Hotaru left to serve Onaga in Outworld which lead to the resistance to take the senate and create a revelation. Darrius was in charge of the resistance creating a stronghold in Orderrealm, Rade was left to pray then Hachikane came before him blessing him with godly powers to destroy the resistance while Darrius was gone to Edenia, single handed Rade destroyed the resistance. Hachikane was pleased have Rade become Seido’s new general and no longer required to listen to Hotaru’s return to take Chaosrealm and destroy Havik’s forces. Rade stayed in Orderrealm to help rebuild what was lost that Hachikane created here eons ago. Rade helped rebuild the senate, but a new priestess was appointed among the highest royalty and wasn’t native to the realm. Rade didn’t trust the priestess Oracle or the story she told that she was forced by Shao Kahn to serve him keeping him in power for ages therefore Rade watched her carefully. Noticing that Oracle have been leaving Orderrealm to go to Outworld Rade told Hachikane, Rade wished to follow her, but Hachikane declined and told Rade to guard his tournament in Edenia. As Rade watched with the Temple of Gods with the Seidan forces before the tournament was to start a barged of warriors came to take the temple Rade’s forces were slaughtered as Atae and Rade fought, but Atae was the victor letting Rade to return to Orderrealm, as Rade healed himself only one thing came to mind revenge.

A large white male with short black hair with Seidan armor like Hotaru’s primary costume form Deception and Armageddon except no samurai flags and a blue cloth in front of red.

Alternate Costume
Rade is wearing his Seidan armored pants but is shirtless seeing various battle wounds on his chest with a black and red cloth squared tied it to wear around his neck with it only going on one side of his body

Special Moves
Electric Shock: Rade sends a bolt of electricity at his opponent
Electric Wave: Rade sends a lightning bolt wave across the arena
Electric Force: Rade rushes toward the opponent forcing electricity onto the opponent back
Shocker Grab: Rade grabs his opponent and electrocutes them
Shocker Punch: Rade punches the opponent with an electric force back

Electric Detonation: Rade grabs the opponent’s head and sends electricity thru their body and when he pulls their head off to hold their body then explodes
Electrocution: Rade lodges his hands into his opponent's chest, lifts them over his head, and sends surges of electricity into their body making them explode

Electric Charge: Rade charges electricity in his hands until they go off exploding his arms off and wonders and falls down
About Me

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03/06/2010 12:46 AM (UTC)
Honestly man, I like what you're writing, but there is a tab at the top that says "Fan Submission." From there, you can upload all of your bios and people can read them and rate them and what not.

This really doesn't belong in the Future MK section since it's your own fan fiction. I know there's a bit of a line as far as how you'd have characters return in the next game and fan fiction and that line can get blurry, but everything you're posting, from stories etc really doesn't belong in this section.

I'm not saying this to be a tool. I'm saying that you should cut and paste your fan fic ideas, put them in a fan fiction and let people view them and rate them. That's what that entire section of the site is devoted to and that's where this should be.

Let this thread go and put your work where it belongs. I'd bet you'll get a lot more feedback for it there anyways.
03/06/2010 01:20 AM (UTC)
Oracle sounds good.
03/06/2010 01:29 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 I don't know how to change it.
03/10/2010 11:36 PM (UTC)
Here are two hidden characters that would need to be unlocked to play as.


Bosou is a member of the Shokan race belonging to a royal family that has taken refuge in Edenia since Goro made a peace treaty with them about controlling Outworld. Upon hearing of Reptile’s attack on Kitana, Busou went with Kitana and Keibi to Outworld and saw what the Centaurians did to the Shokan forces and killed Goro. Upon seeing what Motaro and his forces did to his brethren Bosou seeks vengence, Busou returned to Edenia with Queen Kitana to prepare for Mortal Kombat.

Shokan Sheeva size, but skin like Goro’s without the green on his back and with more human like eyes and hair black like Goro’s, but with a front hair line by the forehead, wearing a black X shaped harness on with blue belt with a cloth in front

Alternate Costume
Bosou is wearing a black and blue Shokan royalty wear covering his chest and single pieces of cloth coming off the shoulders going down the arms with and additional cloth down his belt like his primary costume, but longer

Special Moves
Shokan Roll: Bosou rolls himself into a ball and throws himself towards the opponent
Shokan Beating: Grabbing his opponent with his lower arms, Bosou pounds them with his upper arms, shaving off a good portion of his opponent's life
Untamed Stomping: Bosou jumps off screen and comes crashing down on his enemy
Battle Roar: Bosou roars cause waves across the arena forcing the opponent back and causing additional damage the closer the opponent is
Shokan Juggling: Bosou does four punches with each of his hand to keep the opponent in the air

Body plus Accessories: Bosou grabs the opponent with his hands by the arms and legs and rip them off the opponent’s body
Nail Driver: Bosou brings her fists down upon the opponent's head in succession, driving them into the ground

Lift Off: Bosou gets down on the ground putting a lot of force down and forcing himself into space


Jarka was born into the Centaurian race after their race was cursed by the Shokans into Minotaur. Jarka for years tried to get his father, Motaro’s approval, but was never such a look. Even when Edenia invaded Outworld forcing them into the Neterealm, Jarka help his brethren into being spared by entering the Netherealm only for Motaro to give him a snare and said, “They should have stayed and fought.” Jarka while in the Netherealm stilled tried to get Motaro’s approval, but failed. Atae came to the Netherealm to free the Centaurians form the Netherealm as well as the curse put on us by the Shokans, but due to the fact Jarka was born as a Minotaur he was unable to grow a back set of legs due to the face he was born a Minotaur. Upon Jarka return to Outworld and the defeat of the Shokans, Motaro was still unable to give Jarka the approval he desired if anything it got worse with the curse lifted and still just a Minotaur. Jarka will prove his father that he is worthy one way or another as the warriors of light come to the Temple of Gods as Jarka has plans to kill them all.

Jarka is very similar like Motaru’s primary costume in Armageddon except a little smaller and the horns are very straight that don’t curve and his tail isn’t metal but it’s like a bulls tail

Alternate Costume
Jarka is wearing red armor with silver rimming around the outside over his chest and back as well as his shoulders, braces on his lower arms, and armor coming down on his legs and front

Special Moves
Glowing Fists: Jarka fires an energy blast from his fist at the opponent
Bull Kick: Jarka turns around to kick the opponent in the air
Backwards Runs: Jarka runs backwards and rams the opponent on the other side
Unparallel Power: Jarka bends down and launches himself into the sky and only to break up from the ground undercutting the opponent in the air
Vanish and Appear: Jarka creates green smoke and appear behind the opponent

Head Rip: Jarka grabs the opponent by the neck and rips off the head and raises it in victory
Burrowing Underground: Jarka grabs the opponent and runs himself with the opponent into the ground and breaks out of it with the opponent’s bloody corpse at hand

Stoned: Jarka burrows himself underground and picks up a big piece of rock, but can’t hold on it so it smashes him to death
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