Mortal Kombat RPG *Story Updated*
posted03/25/2006 05:15 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/18/2006 02:35 AM (UTC)
I updated the storyline This is my idea for a turn-based MK rpg, while trying to add the mortal kombat speed.
It features allmost all the characters in the MK series. In the beginning you will have a tutorial as Shujinko to get you used to the controls
You begin with Shujinko and Sub-Zero on your team.
In the end you will be able to chose most of the characters.
The game begins with Sub-Zero training with some Lin Kuei warriors, until a bloody Shujinko approaches him and asks him to stop Raiden, who has been chasing him for a week now, then a thunder storm begins, Sub-Zero shouts "Inside! Everybody! Now!" then a battle ensues beetween Sub-Zero and Raiden, Sub-Zero was now fighting the man he once fought with. In the end their powers were equal and Raiden was forced to retreat. Now Shujink is taught by Sub-Zero how to defend himself against Raiden, this is were the tutorial begins. After, Sub-Zero and Shujinko go searching for Nightwolf, to see if he could cleanse the taint from Raiden's soul, however he notices that Shujinko, a man he had once cleansed had now gained the evil back in his soul, Nightwolf agrees eventually, but he must do this without Shujinko, because of trust issues. Shujinko leaves the team and Nightwolf and Sub-Zero become your team. Now you must go to the Sky Tower to fight Raiden, the first Boss in the game (There has been random battles in the fields before this).
When you attack with a character you will get a timeframe to attack your opponents depending on your characters agility. You have 2 fighting styles with each character and each one has different attacks. Special moves can be performed at any time during the timeframe and can be linked up with combos and other attacks. But when a character uses a special move it has a chance to perform a fatality, 2% when opponent is at max health, 18% when at half health, and 40% when they're health turns yellow (Yellow is extremely low, and you will often have already killed you opponent when they get to it). For example, you use scorpions spear when they opponent is at max health then you press down to reel them in, but a fatality is performed and instead it rips a chunk out of the opponent, this is a Special Fatality (Note because special moves can be blocked, Special Fatalities can be blocked). You can also use actual fatalities, if you do the correct command, these have a higher chance of success, 5% at max health, 20% at half health, and 48% when there health turns yellow, Animalities, 8% at max health, 23% at half health and 50% when there health turns yellow, Brutalities, 10% at Max Health, 25% at half health and 50% when there health turns yellow. Also, performing a fatality gives you more EXP, +5% with a special fatality, +10% with a normal fatality, +14% with an Animality and +20% with a Brutality. Also if you throw an enemy onto one of your teammates they have 1 second to attack and start their own combo, so if you have half a second left on your timeframe with scorpion you throw your opponent too sub-zero so you can get an extra combo in, but if you don't start the combo in time, your teammate will be hurt. When you get EXP from a fight you can spend it on either upgrading that characters attributes or learn a special move command or learning a special combo.

I'll add more later...
Tell me what you think
03/18/2006 04:01 AM (UTC)
That's very confusing.

But I'm an idiot, so go on.
03/18/2006 05:46 AM (UTC)
Please get hired by midway. I love the idea. The only problem I have with it is starting off with those three. It should start off with the guy who wants revenge on Onaga a.k.a Shujinko a.k.a the guy everyone hates. Starting off with him for a tutorial round would be great. I love the idea
03/19/2006 03:23 AM (UTC)
Yes, i didnt know who youw ould start with, because i thought starting with 1 person would take to long to pick up, but yes I think a tutorial with Shujinko would be good
03/25/2006 04:28 AM (UTC)
Smoke_The_Ninja Wrote:
Yes, i didnt know who youw ould start with, because i thought starting with 1 person would take to long to pick up, but yes I think a tutorial with Shujinko would be good

I don;t like the story. Shujinko being taught by Subby? Nah.
03/25/2006 05:15 AM (UTC)
i just threw something together, because i wanted you to have sub-zero, i wanted to explain the shujinko tutorial, i wanted nightwolf's abilities in there, and i wanted Raiden as the first boss, so if you can think of something better please tell me
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