Mortal Kombat PS3 and 360?
posted01/26/2008 09:06 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
01/14/2008 09:43 PM (UTC)
I've been playing Mortal Kombat sense the age for 12 and now i'm almost 30 and I love all the games. The one thing that I wish you guys would do that you did in the frist 3 games is have alot of secerts like you did. Like if you play 50 matchs you get to play a secet game. Or there are 2 or 3 super secert people that you have to do all these things right to unlock. That's happen in the past couple of games but it's been made to easy to find. I just remember the days where mortalkombat 3 came out and it took months for people to unlock everything that it had or find out all fatailtys. ANd even when everthing was found out. People would always think that there was something left to find. Now everyone knows that once they get the game they already know all fatalitys and everyhting before they even hit the power button. Just give it some thought. HIde things that you know will take months to find.Like people stuff like that. Or a secret stage where there is another secert pit .. Just some ideals.
01/24/2008 06:44 PM (UTC)
What does that have to do with "Mortal Kombat PS3 and 360?
01/24/2008 07:01 PM (UTC)
01/25/2008 03:35 PM (UTC)
i think that internet ruined the game's secret unlockables.

however you are free to do not read walkthrough and FAQs so the problem isn't that bad for me.

01/25/2008 08:33 PM (UTC)
It's true, the internet spoils surprises, but that's the companies fault for releasing too much info. If they can release info little by little, like how Rockstar's doing it with GTAIV.

For all we know MK8 is a miracle waiting to happen, we don't even know if the game is still in production since we haven't heard anything from Midway for over a year. Of course they are working on MK8, that's Midway's biggest franchise, it would be stupid of them not to, but what do we know besides the old details that come up every now and then? grittier, darker like gears, more serious / no comic relief, all new fighting engine, mostly new characters, etc. We need to know at least if the game is in production, some sort of evidence if you will.
01/26/2008 09:06 AM (UTC)
ShaolinChuan Wrote:
It's true, the internet spoils surprises, but that's the companies fault for releasing too much info. If they can release info little by little, like how Rockstar's doing it with GTAIV.

For all we know MK8 is a miracle waiting to happen, we don't even know if the game is still in production since we haven't heard anything from Midway for over a year. Of course they are working on MK8, that's Midway's biggest franchise, it would be stupid of them not to, but what do we know besides the old details that come up every now and then? grittier, darker like gears, more serious / no comic relief, all new fighting engine, mostly new characters, etc. We need to know at least if the game is in production, some sort of evidence if you will.

i think it's some kind of mistake by Midway let us wait too much time.
look at Street Fighter 4:the same day as it was annunced they showed a easer plus a pic of Ryu.
a week later show Ken.
a Month later they show a new extended trailer.
now in february will be a playable demo.

i think that the waiting time for a game release should be about a year at max.
NOW it's time to spoil something to mk8.
if they taking a wrong path and we don't like the way mk8 is going to be,Midway is still n time to change direction.
instead if they show us a 80& completed game,we'll be too late to corridge errors.
i think that the team have some trouble on working with UE 3:look at ALL Midway games,all of them have huge issues with that game engine(Stranglehold had abysmal frame-rate and bad proportions,area 51 was good graphically but it had a abysmal AI,UT3 was good ut was developed by Epic,etc) so midway is taking time to work with the graphics.
also the team working on TNA Impact(Midway) have some trubles on working with Unreal Engine 3.
I think the same problem regards the third Mk movie:they can't find an agreement with third parties.And i think that mk8 and the movie will be realted,but it's just my opinion.

so i think that now midway,if can't show us the game itself for tecnical issues,should at least talk us about the storyline or continuing with the bios.
they started to work on mk8 since before Armageddon was released,so they now haven't any kind of problem reguarding development time.
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