Mortal Kombat MMO (Idea for MK8)
posted05/02/2007 11:44 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/30/2007 12:02 PM (UTC)
I decided to repost this on its own as i think it merrits its own post. If you like the idea and think there could be changes that please do add you own.. But the way MK is heading and expanding i personally think this is the road they should be going. Also MMO's are the next big thing


whilst on the toilet today after browsing forums, i thought.
"hmm maybe the story of mortal kombat is too all over the place"
"yeah!! they should make an MMORPG!" ZOOOOMG

so thats my new idea!! It wouldn't be a real MMORPG, like Experience, Ding Level up, new talents, leatherworking gets you cloths and stuff.
It would be a real Fighting MMORPG, if they can make MMOFPS why not MMOF's

Now not only does this make everybody happy because:
a) you wont lose your favourite characters
b) youll get your own favourite characters
c) more of a Story

but also there are alot of people that like their instant action and offline modes so obviously there would be this mode, though with no direct story line or any affect on the main story, however there can still be endings, just non-cannon endings..



Names: Mortal Kombat: Konquest
Mortal Kombat: Destiny

Kreate a Kharacter: Like most RPG games you can create your character, this would should be alot mroe customisable, in terms, of build, body shapes, head sizes, eyes, gender, ethnicity, hair style, nose, skars and piecings etc. This would give everybody the chance to make their own individual characters, perhaps maybe even doing offline stuff (arcade mode, can unlock extra things). However due to fan boys (which i am one) they would have to make sure there wernt names like "Scorpion" or "Sub-Zeros-kid" etc etc.. (if you played LOTR or WoW youll see what i mean with elf hunters/rangers being called things like Legoolas etc)

Once the character is made, you enter the world of Mortal Kombat, Earthrealm should start out as a training area so to speak, you do quests which do you koins (like Konquest Mode). With these coins you can buy cloths (which don't boost stats, otherwise the game becomes item based and too RPGish like WoW) however they alter your look making you look more diverse, and they can be totally customizeable (Patches, dyes, Rips, Blood Stains etc.) I havn't entirely figured everything out yet but ill work on it.

Building the Kharacter to be something special:
You chose different Fighting Styles however you can only learn a certain number of them (cant say really), you can however discard them if you wish to take on another (which can be learnt at different masters in each realm - the strongest of the Styles can even be hidden and only come out at a certain time of each year and a set time). The first things you learn are the basic moves with the trainer (in the style you do in MK konquest), however you need koins to start training, and you can only learn certain amounts at a time due to energy bars, then to learn the more extreme fighting styles you need Kombat Points (which are earnt through Kombat - will explain later). To learn some Kombos you will need to pay Koins or sometimes they can be secrets quest items or drops from the npcs...

For this game to work, they need to have the same fighting style that they have in mortal kombat at the moment, as it works. However it can alter for different scenarioes. Its hard to explain so please bare with me...
Fighting NPCS - Im guessing the most logical way would be to simply fight these outside of an "arena" (so to speak) like in shaolin monks using your styles, however harder ones that have been tagged by you will be fought in an "arena".
Fighting other players - The main point of this game is to build your character to be something magnificant and different to everybody elses. So by Fighting other players and winning will gain you Kombat Points, which can be spent on training extreme stuff. Im guessing the most logical way would be to walk up to them and use action which asks them to a fight. If the player accepts a ring will be formed around them (like in the first black and white game ) and they will fight, if there if there is enough room (otherwise they will be taken to a different Arena). If you defear them you can do the usual Fatalities, Brutality, Mutality, Friendship or simply just uppercut them.
Fatality: This wouldn't perminantly kill their character, however it would make them not available to fight or train for sometime (like rez sickness in wow). And 1 HP with 0 Energy until they recover...
Butality: Doing this would be similar to Fatality, instead it simply leaves them with 1 hp and 0 energy until they recover.
Mutality: These would have to Mutilate in someway hence the name, so i'm guessing the best way would be to Scar the face, if it is done enough they would like look Kabal sad. Again this leaves them with 1HP 0 Energy and also half the time of not being able to train or fight (of fatality)
Friendship: Not only do you get a free doll off their player (which will simply be an item that says "name is your friend" which you can discard but you will be left with full hp and the same energy you had before you started the fight.
A normal Uppercut say would just leave you with 1HP but alot of energy when you get out of Kombat...

Events: I think Tournaments would be awsome. and say maybe at the end of each month the players with the most wins can chose to enter "Mortal Kombat" the winner will be the only one to benefit. And he will automatically be entered for the next one (if he keeps winning) however those that lose cannot enter for sometime (the winner longer than others). Otherwise it just isnt fair, and doesnt give casual players the chance to catch up. However throughout the weeks there can be mini Tournaments with a prize at the end of each of some kind...

Realm/Allignment/Klans: Of course just because your from the Netherrealm doesn't mean your bad, or from earth doesnt make you good. You get to change your characters Destiny based on an ever changing universe! You can become part of a Faction, which gives you different Training (in weapons or kombat) and also join Klans with friends, with this you get your own mark so to speak...

Im tired for now... But seriously wouldn't this just be great!!! You would still encounter NPCs however i cant really say how anything would work as im not making it lol (nobody is :P) but i really do think thats a great idea. And a game like this should most definately head that way as i really do think it will be popular...

What do you guys think please C&C. I personally love the idea, this would be my dream game!
05/02/2007 09:12 PM (UTC)
There's already a thread for this, and the mods and admins likes to keep same topic in the same thread... So here...
05/02/2007 11:44 PM (UTC)
In Before The Lock
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