Mortal Kombat Kontinues *** 8 bios + pics
posted01/24/2007 09:14 PM (UTC)by
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01/29/2006 02:51 AM (UTC)
This isn't an idea for a game, just a retelling. I am going to make a little kontinuation starting like Mortal Kombat started. 7 playable characters, 2 bosses, 1 hidden character for the first game. Then the second installment, 12 playables, 2 bosses and 3 hiddens. Then so on, just as the real MK has done.


It is 500 years after Armageddon.
Luckily only the combatants were annihilated.
The rest of the universe was left untouched and unharmed.
Everything has returned to a balance.
Earthrealm and Outworld.
Chaos and Order.
Edenia and the Netherealm.

The realms no longer face danger from constant invasions.
Some realms have flourished from this balance.
Edenia has remained untouched by war for centuries.
Zattera’s Saurian race has been repopulating itself.
The realm of Chaos is happy in its turbulence.

The other realms however each have their own problems.
Out World has been left in a civil war without an overlord.
With the death of resistance leaders from Armageddon;
The realm of Order has returned to a strict rule.

Earthrealm has become unstable with the loss of so many of its defenders.
The Lin Kuei has lost their grand master, but they still exist.
The Outworld Investigation Agency has been dismantled.
There were no threats of invasion.
Nor did anyone step forward to replace Sonya, Jaxx, Kenshi and Cryax.
Even the Tekunin army had been left leaderless.
Without Sektor to command the army, Japan was full of motionless robots.

A Chinese businessman named Lee Att Hunn signed an agreement to remove the motionless robots from Japan.
Shipload after shipload the robots were moved to a storage facility in China.
Hunn had promised with his agreement that the cyborgs would be safely destroyed.
However Hunn took control of the army of robots for his own sinister purpose.
Only he alone knew how to control them.
Hunn then reactivated the final prototype created by Cyrax.
Model TEK-1010 or as the Chinese would dub him, “Dread.”
Dread’s body is as tall as Goro, and as mighty as Onaga.
With his cybernetic army and Dread at his side, he took China from within.
While the Chinese army was massive in number;
They were not made of the same unyielding, unrelenting metal that made the Tekunin.
China was easily conquered.
Soon the rest of Asia was under control of Hunn.
It is now forbidden for any member of the Shaolin Monks to participate or teach the art of fighting.

Hunn sought the same immortality his robotic army possessed.
He would participate in the first tournament after Armageddon and win.
Without any Shaolin Monks to participate, the hearts of each combatant have been corrupted.
Each competitor has fallen prey to greed, envy, jealousy or their own over confidence.

For nine generations straight, Hunn has won each tournament.
Those defeated in the tournament were deemed worthy.
Worthy to be assimilated into Hunn’s cybernetic army.
If he wins another tournament the universe will become unbalanced.
Everything that the previous generation of warriors died for will be in vein.

Lee Att Hunn is not from Earthrealm.
Nor is his name really Lee Att Hunn.
He is Karnak from the realm of Order.
His tournament victories have all been for the realm of Order.
If Karnak wins one more tournament victory;
He will be granted the right to invade his home realm with his cybernetic army.

I have ordered a messenger from the realm of Order to warn the warriors of Earthrealm.
Neither realm is prepared to face the major consequences of another victory by the hands of Karnak.

-- These are the words of Thundra, Goddess of Order –-





Emperor Karnak

01/03/2007 05:06 AM (UTC)
I had thought about placing the storyline 500 years after Armageddon in a similar way how the first Mortal Kombat game took place after Kung Lao's death at the hands of Goro, good concept on that but the rest of the story draws away from basically most of Mortal Kombat. I feel that you have too much stuff going on and most of your plot is about robots... Since when was Mortal Kombat about robots?
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01/03/2007 05:41 AM (UTC)
I needed a familiar evil without rehashing the same old... Kahn's (Onaga's, or Shinnok's) army has invaded *fil in blank.* Plus being that its set 500 years into the future, who says there won't be a lot of robots?
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Test your Mortal Kombat trivia with 6 levels of difficulty:

01/03/2007 06:05 AM (UTC)
Real Name: Major Aaron C. Eckhart
Gender: Male
Status: Secret Agent (of England)
Alignment: Good
Origin: Earthrealm
Styles: Jujutsu, Karate, Jeet Kune Do
Weapon: NONE (his guns are not allowed)
Allies: NONE
Foes: Beretta, Nitiko

Emperor Hunn’s robotic army had swept across Asia in a span of 400 years. With the threat of a Tekunin invasion, Europe’s nations joined an alliance that was affectionately known as SUE (States of a United Europe). Every nation’s armed forces were merged as one. Universal translators brought more than a million troops under the control of a single good man.

My father, General Lance Eckhart was an exceptional leader and had held off the Tekunin in the deserts of the middle-east. The Tekunin had sent a masive invasion force across the desert. Our forces were able to destroy hover ships, but that could not stop the robots from traveling on foot to Europe. However in the desert, the Tekunin quickly discovered their robots would become disabled once they had taken in too much sand. Thousands of robots had halted in the desert, but it was not so much a victory as it was an opportunity to think of a strategy to get into the heart of China and to the commander of the Tekunin. With only one man controlling them all, Lee Att Hunn was the only one that needed to die in this war against the machines. There was one easy path to victory though.

As centuries had passed, Mortal Kombat had become a forgotten legend in Earthrealm, but not to General Eckhart. In the field of combat, he wanted to learn it all. He knew the legacy of the tournament, and he knew that Lee Att Hunn had been the tournament’s most recent winner. The general was allowed to enter the tournament. Hunn had welcomed the opportunity to kill the general. The two would save millions of lives if one could defeat the other in Mortal Kombat.

Just as Hunn was untouchable in China, General Eckhart was untouchable inside of Europe. That is General Eckhart was untouchable to the Tekunin, but not to the corruption of his own men. Before the general could even participate in the tournament, he was killed.

I had woken up early from a noise. A crash had brought me out of my slumber and when I went into my father’s bedroom, there was one of the soldiers assigned to guard duty. She was on top of him as my father slept. She put her finger up to her mouth and whispered, “shhh.” The soldier then pulled her knife out of his chest and told me, “You’ll get what’s coming to you.”

When I screamed, she disappeared. She had taken her knife, my father’s life and the greatest hope Europe has to win its war against the Tekunin. While others have taken the place of the general, the Tekunin have still managed to gain territory on their continued invasion of Europe.

I have studied the martial arts, and armed combat in the armed forces. I have even studied Mortal Kombat as well. I have followed in my father’s footsteps. My life has been devoted to completing my father’s greatest mission; the death of Emperor Hunn and the destruction of the Tekunin army.

Real Name: Unknown
Gender: Male
Status: Lin Kuei Warrior
Alignment: Good
Origin: Earthrealm
Styles: Shotokan, Dragon
Weapon: Daggers
Allies: NONE
Foes: Konda

With Grandmaster Sub-Zero dead in the Armageddon the Lin Kuei had been left leaderless. There has been no one worthy enough to even stand in the shadow of our great leader. The robotic assassins that were created by the Lin Kuei had upgraded into the Tekunin and now hunted the Lin Kuei once again. Faced by hundreds of robots we were forced to withdraw from our temple as it was burnt to the ground.

There was little hope left for those that were left. We had two choices, either face hundreds of robots and die with our blood to stain the snow or we could out smart them. We chose the latter. In a cave high in the mountains, we each froze one another next to the entrance. With our bodies in cold stasis, the robots with their infrared could not find our frozen bodies. Nor could they find any life signs as our hearts had slowed to a dull beat.

The elements of nature would protect us until one day in the near future the light from the sun would shine into the entrance of the cave and melt us free! Even if one of us had melted free, he would be able to rescue the others. Our plan had not gone smoothly though. The sun shining into the cave had finally melted me free. I was stunned to find a Shirai Ryu in the cave with my frozen clan members.

He told me that his name is Konda. That was just before he shattered the last member of my clan in front of me. He informed me he had waited weeks for me to thaw in order to prove that only the Shirai Ryu were worthy enough to walk Earthrealm. Konda then challenged me to battle where only the winner would be alive after it was over. It was honourable considering his clan had been wiped out without a chance to fight back.

I accepted his challenge with the burden of my entire clan on my shoulders. If I perished, the legacy of the Lin Kuei would have been only a dream in our sleep. Konda never expected me to be so powerful after just being thawed out. During the battle, Konda fled before his fate of death! Our battle is not yet finished, and for the death of my sleeping clan, I will not rest until he is dead!

About Me

01/03/2007 03:20 PM (UTC)
Good God, since when does physical combat dominate a world where guided missiles and nuclear/biological/non-conventional warfare can eradicate milions within hours?

Tsk. Tsk.
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Test your Mortal Kombat trivia with 6 levels of difficulty:

01/03/2007 04:14 PM (UTC)
You are absolutely right, but since when can people survive bullets fired from the gun of Jax or a punch from a metal arm? I once pointed out the flaws in MK's logic when people said my logic was flawed smile

The tournament keeps going to keep Lee Att Hunn's immortality going, hence why Mortal Kombat still continues. I will throw that into Karnak's (Hunn's) bio when I work on it.
About Me

Test your Mortal Kombat trivia with 6 levels of difficulty:

01/05/2007 04:03 PM (UTC)
Real Name: Nitiko
Gender: Male
Status: Guard
Alignment: Neutral
Origin: Realm of Order
Styles: Nan Chuan, Ba Shan Fan
Weapon: Staff
Allies: Beretta, Thundra
Foes: Karnak, Dread, Ace

The Goddess of Order appeared to me with an order. As a guard I tend to have an overactive imagination and her body was too good to be true. Thundra commanded me to enter through a portal to Eathrealm with a warning to those in Mortal Kombat. I knew that she was no figment of my imagination when I woke up in Eathrealm with a gun to my head.

I gave the warning to the woman that threatened me, but she did not believe me. Instead she wanted to kill me, but before she was able to pull the trigger, I was saved by a towering hero named Ace. I was saved from the woman with a gun to my head, just not from Ace. He felt I was in alliance with her, and fired a flurry of ammunition at us both.

The woman fled and I followed closely behind her to escape Ace. We made our escape on a boat that was set for a land called China. I remained hidden under a canvas in one of the life boats. I soon overheard we were on route to the place of the tournament and that the woman’s name was Beretta.

When we arrived, I was found by the crew that brought me to Karnak himself. I told him that Thundra knew his plot to invade the realm after his tenth tournament victory. Beretta wanted Dread to execute me, but Karnak saw differently. He wants me to participate in the tournament to prove that Thundra not prevent his invasion.

My mission to warn the warriors of Eathrealm of Karnak’s plot had failed. I will myself do as Thundra instructed. Karnak will be stopped from winning a tenth tournament.

Real Name: Basilisk
Gender: Female
Status: A princess of Saurians
Alignment: Good
Origin: Zattera
Styles: Eagle Claw, Crab
Weapon: Dragon’s Teeth
Allies: Thundra
Foes: Troggar

I am one of hundreds in Zattera with the title of queen. Each village has its own queen that makes the village thrive and exist. Well, I am still a princess; I have yet to mature enough to lay eggs to be a queen. If there is another female hatched, she is whisked away into another area to help populate it. It is a spoiled life that I lead. Unable to ever see my mother, the warriors of my tribe have raised me since my birth.

The Saurians have achieved an age of enlightenment. We now have laws that will keep us thriving as a species and united even if there is another invasion of our planet. No Saurian may attack or kill another unless it is verbally agreed upon by both people before the attack. Other laws of our species that I personally must abide by are that I cannot choose the suitor that fertilizes my eggs.

The Queen Supreme of Zattera has established that it is best for each village that duty falls upon the greatest warrior of our village. The heart has nothing to do with it. For 99% of the Saurian race, there is no heart, warmth or compassion. My love and I fit into the other 1%. Our bodies follow our hearts not our instincts or the rules of our species.

There is only one that is able to alter our laws that will allow my love and I to be together. I had sought out the Queen Supreme to be allowed to choose my own suitor. I was merely laughed at by the Queen Supreme and called a silly young princess.

When I told her that I would rather die than be without my love, the Queen Supreme saw this as a chance both for myself and the pride of the Saurians. Her idea was for me to compete in Mortal Kombat. If I lose I will receive the death that I want without my love. If I win and bring pride to the Saurian race, the Queen Supreme has promised I shall be able to choose my suitor. I now have with me a token of good luck given to me by my love. It is his head wrap that I wear proudly as a scarf.

01/07/2007 07:19 PM (UTC)
I didn't have time at this moment to read the storyline, but those are some nice character designs.
About Me

Test your Mortal Kombat trivia with 6 levels of difficulty:

01/08/2007 08:41 PM (UTC)
Real Name: Loretta O’Neil
Gender: Female
Status: Terrorist
Alignment: Evil
Origin: Earthrealm
Styles: Tong Bei, Tae Kwan Do
Weapon: Nightsticks
Allies: Karnak, Dread
Foes: Ace

I was born Loretta O’Neil to a mother in Ireland. I had no father, nor did I need one. The local gangs taught me all I needed to know about survival out there. Then when I was arrested, I was sent off to military school. There was no happy home for me when I was a teenager, only strict discipline. When I graduated, I was unable to cope with a civilian life, I found myself returning to my previous street gang. However, I had outgrown the days of life on the streets, so I soon joined the united army of Europe.

The army was very eager to have someone that had gone through the academy. I rose through the ranks quickly and it was there that I earned the codename: Beretta. Some of the gents called me Loretta the Beretta; they did not survive to spread the nickname. Because I was born a female, the army gave me cushy jobs, like guard duties of one of the generals.

How I longed for some action. Guard duty of a general that is never attacked was so dull. I just had to take that offer from Emperor Hunn. It wasn’t about the money, it was about the excitement. After my first assignment, Emperor Hunn found me valuable. I could infiltrate where his robots could not.

I performed many tasks for him successfully; however the newspapers of the United Kingdom labelled me a terrorist for my actions. I was always noted for making a telephone call to detonate bombs. When there was an answer, I said “You’ll get what’s coming to you.”

For my services to Emperor Hunn, he will not release me. Not even with death was I set free. An agent by the name of ACE had found me as I placed a bomb in an outpost in western Russia. Instead of arresting me, he muttered something about his father, and then shot me straight through the heart.

When I awoke, I had been retrieved by the Tekunin and brought aboard one of their ships. I was also now 5% machine. My heart was replaced with a mechanical one that keeps me alive against my will. I am trapped to follow the will of Emperor Hunn.

Real Name: Jun Kondo
Gender: Male
Status: Undead Assassin
Alignment: Evil
Origin: Earthrealm
Styles: Hapkido, Pi Gua
Weapon: Ninja Sword
Allies: Karnak
Foes: Acrtik, Dread

I am the animated dead, resurrected by a fellow clansman named Scorpion. I have existed now for centuries with no threat of returning to the Netherealm. When Emperor Hunn took Japan, the Shirai Ryu were some of the first to be sought out. The other members of my clan were assimilated into robots, just as had been done to the famed Cyrax.

However, I was the last to be assimilated or at least I was supposed to have been. I had overheard Dread speak to the emperor that the Tekunin were unable to locate the last surviving members of the Lin Kuei. There were limitations that the Tekunin had that humans did not have, such as normal sight.

I gave my allegiance to Emperor Hunn to remain in my current form. I made a vow to hunt down the remaining members of the Lin Kuei. For the Tekunin to know that I would be spared from assimilation the emperor had me branded as one of his followers. It was the price to stay alive.

With the whereabouts of the Lin Kuei Palace now mapped, the task should have been easy, but with the heavy ice storms I was lost. Centuries in the mountains went by and I was unable to find the location of the Lin Kuei. I assumed that they were dead and buried under feet of snow, but if I returned to the emperor without evidence they were dead, I would be dead.

The emperor’s patience had worn thin over the years and he sent Dread to personally send me back to the Netherealm. In the snow, the huge robot could not see my body heat. I remained safe until I discovered the hidden cave used by the Lin Kuei. They were all completely frozen. It was too easy to be true. I began to smash their frozen bodies as I collected their frozen heads.

There was however one left and I thought that they should be given the honour to fight for their clan’s existence. I allowed the final Lin Kuei to unthaw. When he was finally free, I challenged him for a fight to the death. It was my upper hand being undead. However, he still managed to best me and I was forced to run off into the wilderness.

With the heads of the last Lin Kuei I have presented them to Emperor Hunn as trophies. He was proud of my accomplishment to do what his robots could not. Dread was not impressed though, only he knew the count of the Lin Kuei and that I had failed to bring the last head.

About Me

Test your Mortal Kombat trivia with 6 levels of difficulty:

01/24/2007 09:14 PM (UTC)
Real Name: Troggar
Gender: Male
Status: Tarkatan Warrior
Alignment: Evil
Origin: Out World
Styles: Silat, Hung Gar
Weapon: Arm Blades
Allies: Karnak, Dread
Foes: Basilisk, Thundra

With the abundance of Saurians comes the abundance of Saurian eggs and the Tarkatan migration into Zattera. We have become their major foe. Our tribes exist outside of their villages, and when the time is right we strike on the village. Nothing is left but the queen. The males are killed and we take the eggs. The queen is the only thing left, because of a protective shell that is raised to defend her against attack, until reinforcements arrive.

It is a balance of numbers in a mutually beneficial relationship. They give birth, we eat their eggs and when they are older, we battle over the eggs.

There is a princess maturing into a queen. My clan has discovered the princess has taken leave of Zattera and traveled into Eathrealm to participate in Mortal Kombat. After she stepped through a portal, we sturck her compliment of guards! I was the only one to make it through the portal. It is just me and her.

I intend to kidnap the princess and await her maturity into an egg laying queen. When I return her to my clan in Zattera she will be a new source of life. Even unfertilized eggs will bring us sustenance. My best chance to get close enough to take her will be at the tournament.

Real Name: Thundra
Gender: Genderless (but takes the form of a female)
Status: Goddess of Thunder
Alignment: Good
Origin: Realm of Order
Styles: Tang Soo Do, Yuan Yang
Weapon: Chain Mace
Allies: Nitiko, Basilisk, Ace, Arctik
Foes: Karnak

While I have no power in other realms, I am able to watch everything that happens. Humans are unordered, uncontained and no better to my realm than that of Chaos. Separate leaders, leading countries have failed them and caused great wars throughout the beginning of time. I silently observed Karnak as he swept through Earthrealm and tried to conquer it. He tries to bring them commendable order under the guise of Emperor Hunn.

With his nine victories in Mortal Kombat that is great concern for me. If he is able to gain one more victory on behalf of the Realm of Order, he will be allowed to bring his Tekunin army to invade us. This would greatly disrupt the order that Armageddon had restored.

Unable to use my powers in Earthrealm I have taken the form of a beautiful woman to entice Nitiko into following my commands. He hardly believed that I the Goddess of Order could take the form of someone so brazen; I proved that I am Thundra by opening a portal to Earthrealm.

Nitiko is my willing messenger, who will warn the warriors of Earthrealm to band together as one to defeat Emperor Hunn or as I know him. Karnak. I will continue to remain vigilant against an invasion of my realm.

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