Mortal Kombat HD: In MK2, should the 3 hidden characters be playable?
posted09/26/2010 05:32 PM (UTC)by
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02/10/2003 01:32 AM (UTC)
Smoke, Jade, and Noob Saibot. Yay? Nay? And what about Reptile and Ermac in MK1?

Remember, there's no guarantee they'd have unique moves. We still don't know the extent which these games are being remastered.
09/12/2010 08:00 AM (UTC)
Definately yes.

But I think their unlockability should replicate the vintage super secret fights of MK1 and 2, just how it was when they were in the arcade. I liked how complex it was during those times to unlock the fights with Reptile or Smoke, that instructions basically came from word of mouth and I remember the directions I heard were frequently differing. Friends who said they did it but couldn't replicate it were deemed liars, but eventually vindicated, and I loved that. With the internet now it's hard to do that, nearly impossible. So I think it's something that shouldn't even be revealed by the developers at first, or even hinted at for that matter. The process to unlock these characters should be complex beyond reason, with its triggers ambiguous in order to throw everybody off. I want people to post on forums that they did it, but be unable to exactly say how they did it, and deemed liars. Until weeks later they are vindicated by few youtube videos of other players doing the same, confused on how they unlocked them as well.

That's truly being back the feel of MK1 and 2
09/12/2010 04:26 PM (UTC)
If there's a "remix mode", or something along those lines, then yes. However, if the main game mode is supposed to be no more than a graphic overhaul of the classic gameplay, then no. It really is supposed to just be a remastered version of the original games, rather than changing around playable characters or messing with the gameplay.

But, this is just the purist in me talking tongue
09/12/2010 07:13 PM (UTC)
it would be a nice little bonus, but i do hope they have there own moves now and fatalities would be cool
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09/14/2010 01:11 AM (UTC)
Man, ever since way back when, I wanted to play as those three in that game. I remember hacking the hell out of my SNES with a game genie to use Smoke.

Not often I'll say this, but why not take a page out of SF's book and combine it with MK's? A series of specific directional commands could be entered on the character select screen to select them - but with a catch - the inputs for each are only given upon completion of arcade mode at the bottom of the '____ wins' screen, with a single input given with each successful arcade mode finish, divided into three groups of four:

Let's say you beat arcade mode with Mileena. At the bottom of the screen, you see this, in grey font:

Then it's a matter of beating the game with the other three characters who've got the corresponding colored arrows. After the fourth, perhaps we could hear the character select voice go "Raiden" as a cryptic hint - it turning out you have to start by highlighting Raiden, then entering something like left, up, right right - kaboom! an extra character row opens up off to the right, and next to Jax, Smoke is available for selection. This way, the player would have to work at the game, beating it with everyone before all three characters are unlocked.

Now, should they have their own moves? Absolutely. but perhaps the new versions could be fought in entirely seperate ways.

I'm all for unlocking MK1 Reptile in a manner similar to this as well.
09/18/2010 07:23 AM (UTC)
Since 92/93 I've wanted to play as MK1 Reptile, with his advanced speed, scorpion's spear and sub zero's freeze, as well as their fatalities...(does ANYONE know if he has Scorpion's teleport punch too? It's bugged me for a long time)

However, I remember I felt the exact same way about Goro, and then we got him in MKT and it was a...let down, to say the least.

So perhaps it's a case of best left alone? Might tarnish the fond memories me (and many others around here) have of MK1 Reppy. Goro definitely went down in my estimation after MKT (though went up a bit again in MK4, playing with him then was pretty fun), but judging by the calls for MK9 Reptile to have his ninja costume back, I think lots of his popularity today is still based off his inclusion in MK1.
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People say I'm strange, but that's ok because their brain smells like bacon. [XBL - DOKTOR ALUCARD]

09/20/2010 01:14 AM (UTC)
Divide it up using a "Classic" and "Remix" mode.

Remix mode could have some stuff including unlocking the bosses, turning UMK3 style Combos and Running on or off, and so on.
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09/24/2010 01:13 AM (UTC)
No. There's no point if you've got UMK3 in the pack.

Two high-speed Scorpions and a hyper Kitana... what's the point?
About Me

People say I'm strange, but that's ok because their brain smells like bacon. [XBL - DOKTOR ALUCARD]

09/25/2010 06:39 PM (UTC)
saiZero Wrote:
No. There's no point if you've got UMK3 in the pack.

Two high-speed Scorpions and a hyper Kitana... what's the point?

How about they have their own moves?
That's allowed.
When I was a kid, the rumors were all, "Beat them to unlock them"

I dunno how they'd do MK1 Reptile, either have a stance change command or have Sub/Scorp's moves at the same time remaining in the stance of the character the last move was from.

I played as Reptile with a Game Genie on SNES, you could only use 1 set of moves per round, either Scorp or Sub. :(

I could see them adding Ermac with MK1 versions of UMK3 moves. Or he could just get the spear...
Smoke should keep the spear. It fits into the story better as Scorpion's spear being a stolen Lin Kuei art.

Jade could keep the gold fans or get her UMK3 moves, whatever.

Noob only had the spear, nothing else, iirc so he'd probably be better off with his UMK3 moves, unless they give him spear/freeze like MK1 Reptile. He IS Sub-Zero, and he had the freeze in an MK4 Fatality. The spear use could be from Scorpion killing him :/

Somany rumors, so many possibilities.

Is it just an HD/upscaling/remastering thing or are they actually filming new character actors??!! Frig!

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