Mortal Kombat Gold (Adventure)
posted03/27/2007 12:14 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/05/2004 11:12 PM (UTC)
Hey there.

A while ago I posted a few ideas on how an MK3 adventure game could go. Well now I am focusing on an MKGold adventure game. I'll be posting in here regularly with new stuff. I'm currently writing out the intro.


Opening Full Motion Video:

Narrator: For centuries, the realm of Edenia was shrouded in darkness, ruled by the vicious Emepror, Shao Kahn. Under Kahn's rule, Edenia was merged with the realm of Outworld. He had killed the Edenian King, Jerrod and taken his queen and daughter as his own. But while Shao Kahn was attempting to take the Earth both learned of their true past and their rightful place in Edenia. Both Queen Sindel and Princess Kitana assisted in the defeat of Shao Kahn, thereby freeing Edenia fro his vile rule.

The camera has flashed through scenes of Outworld's wastelands, to Shao Kahn sitting in his throne, to his killing of Jerrod, his entrancing Sindel and Kitana. Fastforward to MK3 and shows Sindel and Kitana
fighting against Kahn. Flash to a peaceful, Shang-Ri La like Edenia. Zoom into the Edenia Palace Windows.

Narrotor: Along with her daughter, Queen Sindel works to rebuild the realm of Edenia and bring to justice those who betrayed her.

Shows Sindel sitting on her throne, two Edenian guards (see Kung Lao's MKGold Ending) stand either side
of her.

Guard#1: Your Majesty, the traitor Reptile awaits your sentence.

Sindel nods and looks at her prisoner, her eyes blazing with fury.

(Btw, Sindel just became good after thousands of years of evil. I still want her bitchy)

Queen Sindel: Do you have anything to say before I make my decision?

Reptile stands before her, two guards on either side of him, his hands bound, a look of disgust on
his face.

Reptile: Your words have no power over me. I am proud to have served Shao Kahn.

Sindel allows herself a small cruel smile

Sindel: Reptile, for your crimes against the realm of Edenia, I hereby sentence you to life
of hard labour in the cobalt mines of Shokan.

Sindel gestures to the gaurds standing beside Reptile

Sindel: Take him away.

Reptile: You will pay for this Sindel. I will destroy you and your people.

As Reptile is led out the Ambassador to new realms is ushered in. He is accompanied by a number of
hooded figures and a woman in a golden leotard and wearing a long plait.

Sindel: Ambassador to new realms, why do you seek my council?

Sindel crosses her legs and the newcomers approach her

Ambassador: Your Majesty, my daughter Tanya was contacted by another realm that is being oppressed
by an evil ruler.

Tanya: They seek your wisdom and guidance.

Tanya gives the tallest hooded figure a quick glance and looks back at the Queen. Sindel folds her arms.

Sindel: You may approach. I would like to hear your story.

A hooded figure walks past the others, Tanya and her father and stands directly in front of Sindel. Only
his mouth can be seen beneath his hood. He has pale white/greyish skin.

Hooded Man: Thank you, Queen Sindel. I come from the realm of Treche. We were a peaceful realm known
for our devotion to the arts until two years ago, when Treche was invaded by the evil sorcerer Shil Kaad.
He quickly conquered our people and forced us all into slavery.

The figure bows his head. Sindel raises an eyebrow.

Sindel: I've never heard of Treche or of the sorcerer Kaad. If your realm is known for its artistry, why
have we never heard of you?

The hooded figure's reply is quick. Quick enough to seem suspitious.

Hooded Man: We are a quiet people, your majesty, but I have brought you a gift made by our most
talented artisan.

The man takes out an orb that seemes to be on fire. The blue flames swivel around it and spiral.

Hooded Man It is said that you will see you're heart's desire when you gaze upon it.

The Man hands it to Sindel, she stares into it, her eyes glowing, the corners of her mouth tug up.

Sindel: It's so beautiful. I've never seen anything like it. I feel like like I could stare
at it forever.

The Man removes his hood. It's Quan Chi.

Quan Chi Just as I had planned.

This is as much as I have so far plus a few little notes on Sonya which I'll post later. I'm going to finish this intro which is based on the MK4 comic which was written by John Tobias. I hope to make this more in-depth than my MK3 thread. I also hope this lasts longer than one page. lol.
06/16/2006 06:34 PM (UTC)
I like the way this is going, good amount of thought put into it. The bodyguards in Kung Lao's Ending are "Edenian Imperial Guards", according to the Mortal Kombat 4 comic book (which is considered factual). Not to mention the fact that they're identical in appearance.
06/16/2006 06:41 PM (UTC)

Ok, I've branched out a little this time. To include more info from Tanya because she doesn't do much in the comic. Anyway. Here we go.

Sindel stares deeply into the orb. It begins to glow brighter and brighter. Sindel stands,
not taking her eyes of the orb. Suddenly, the orb flashes, blinding everyone in the room.
Sindel is knocked of her feet.

Narrator: The orb Sindel held was in fact a portal delivered by the Sorcerer Quan Chi.

The orb raises up above everyone in the room and explodes. A portal is opened. A man floats down out of it
accompanied by many winged demons.

Quan Chi: Welcome to Edenia, Shinnok. Once Sindel took the orb your presence here was guarenteed.
For that we have Tanya to thank.

Tanya's father looks at her shocked. She smiles wickedly

Ambassador: Tanya! What have you done?

Tanya: I did what I had to to stay alive!

Ambassador: You betrayed your realm! You've

Tanya: Come with me father. Quan Chi has promised me more power than I could have ever imagined.

Ambassador: Well enjoy it then.

Tanya's father begins to help the Edenian Imperial guards fight Shinnok's demons. He is picked up
by one of the demons and thrown out Sindel's Window.

Tanya: Father!! No!

Tanya runs to the window and looks down. She falls to her knees, crying.

Shinnok: Enough! Edenia is just my passageway out of the Netherealm. My goal has always been
to reach into the heavens and confront the Elder Gods, Quan Chi. Now I have my chance.

Zoom out from looking down on the scene. Sindel is still unconcious. Tanya is kneeling by the windows
dozens of dead guards litter the ground. It's a bloodbath.

06/16/2006 08:07 PM (UTC)
Wow... very good. Keep going!
06/16/2006 09:48 PM (UTC)
Narrator: Several days later in Earthrealm, Sub-Zero returns to China to the Temple of the Elements.
The Temple's location is secret but Sub-Zero learned how to find it from his older brother,
the Original Sub-Zero.

Shows Sub-Zero sitting on a small cliff of ice overlooking a deserted Temple of Elements.

Noob Saibot (Echo): The Temple of The Elements exists to protect Shinnok's sacred amulet that keeps him
trapped in the Netherealm. As long as the amulet remains on Earth, Shinnok cannot escape the Netherealm.

Sub-Zero: What has happened here brother? I came here to make piece with the gods of the
elements that you fought, but they are all gone. The temple is unguarded.

A light in the sky starts to fall

Sub-Zero: What is that? Maybe it's a sign. I'd better check it out.

Narrator: Fifty miles from Sub-Zero and the temple of the Elements, Liu Kang and Kai spar near the newly
reconstructed Shaolin Temple.

Liu Kang fly kicks Kai

Liu Kang Come on Kai, you can do better than that!

Kai: Damn it Liu! I'm never going to be as good as you.

Liu Kang: There's more to martial arts than just fighting. You have to become one with your spirit.
Only then can you summon your real inner strength and have the kind of power that you've only dreamed about.

Kai: Easy for you to say, you're the immortal champion of Mortal Kombat.

Liu helps Kai to his feet. Two monks approach.

Monk#1: Your grandfather requests your presence Master Liu.

Liu Kang: Tell my grandfather I will be there shortly.

Something from the sky hits the Earth resulting in an explosion in the distance.

Monk#2: Master Liu! Look!

Liu Kang: Let's go Kai. We've got to find out what happened. You boys go back to the temple and tell
my grandfather we're examining what fell from the sky.

Liu Kang and Kai reach the craters edge and gaze at the horrific scene below. Fujin is being held at
knife-point by a dozen of Shinnok's demons.

Narrator: In Shanghai, Sonya Blade has tracked down Jarek, the last member of the Black Dragon. She no
longer works for the U.S Special Forces but Sonya vowed to capture every member of the Black Dragon.

Shows Sonya being punched by Jarek

Narrator: Luckily, her membership in the Outerworld Investigation Agency allows her to go to places she
couldn't when she worked for the Special Forces.

Jarek kicks Sonya. The fight is set on a rooftop

Narrator: Too bad the fight isn't going her way.
06/18/2006 04:30 PM (UTC)

Jarek: Screw you, you bitch! You may have nailed everyone else but you aint getting me!

Jarek jumps down from the roof into an alleyway where a motorbike is parked.

Jarek: Aiós blondie. You're lucky I don't kill chicks. Good thing I left my bike here.

Sonya swings her arm over the ledge of the rood, pistol in hand, fury in her eyes

Sonya: You're not getting away that easy!

View of Jarek racing away through Sonya's scope

Sonya: One more second...

Jax(Radio): Come in Sonya! This is Jax!

Sonya, fuming, takes out a portable radio link with a video screen. Jax's face is on the screen.

Sonya:Damn it, Jax! I almost had Jarek.

Jax:There's time for your vendetta later. The OIA has been monitoring some interdimensional fluxes over
southwestern China and you're our closest agent. A chopper is on the way to pick you up.

As soon as he says this a helicopter lands down on the roof Sonya's on. A hand gestures from inside the
helicopter and a voice calls out to Sonya.

Voice: Hi Sonya Long time no see.

Sonya: Johnny Cage?! What the hell are you doing here?

Cage: Just a little research for my latest movie, Massive Strike. It's about two special forces agents
who fall in love.

Sonya: Dream on Cage. Massive Strike Out, maybe. Who authorised this?

Pilot: Jax said he could come as long as he doesn't touch anything.

Sonya: That won't be a problem.

The helicopter takes off. Cut back to the crater with Liu, Kai and Fujin.

Narrator: Back at the crater, Liu and Kai have their hands full.

Liu Kang uses his fly kick against a demon.

Liu Kang: Get away from him!

Kai tackles a demon behind Kang.

Kai: Liu! Watch out!

Liu Kang: Thanks Kai. I don't know whats going on here but it looks like we have ourselves a fight.

Liu and Kai stand back to back, surrounded by demons. A badly beaten Fujin lies on the ground. Suddenly,
lightning blasts through the horde of demonic warriors. Raiden has arrived.

Liu Kang: Raiden! What are you doing here?

Raiden: These demons are the servents of Shinnok and this is Fujin, the god of wind. He fell
from the heavens while defending the Elder Gods' Eternal Palace from Shinnok's attack.

Liu Kang: The Elder Gods are under attack?!

Fujin: Uhh. It was a sneak attack. Somehow he gained access by going through Edenia.

Liu Kang: Edenia. That's Princess Kitana's world. I've got to help her!

Raiden: Patience Liu. Fujin and I are the last of Earth's god and the Elder Gods have been weakened
by Shinnok's attack. If we're going to be successful we must coordinate a planned attack. Fujin and I will
return to the Eternal Palace and battle Shinnok's forces. You gather Earth's warriors and return to Edenia to
continue the fight there.

Kai: Wait!

Raiden and Fujin have already left

Kai: How do we find Earth's warriors? How will we get to Edenia?

Liu Kang: Relax Kai. Things just seem to happen when Raiden is around.

The OIA chopper comes and begins to land

Liu Kang: See, I told you!

The chopper lands and Sonya and Cage step out.

Liu Kang: Sonya! Johnny! Kai, these are my friends Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage.

They shake hands

Liu Kang: How did you arrange to fly a U.S Special Forces helicopter into Chinese Airspace?

Sonya: I'm not with Special Forces anymore. I joined the Outerworld Investigation Agency, an
international organisation that was formed after Shao Kahn almost destroyed Earth. My team should be
able to provide us with information. What did you see Liu?

Liu Kang: Oh not much. Just the God of Wind and a half-dozen demons crashing into the Earth. Can't you
figure that out with your fancy gadgets?

Sonya: Well, partly. I was told a portal opened in the sky about two miles up but after our
experience in Outworld I'd believe anything you say.

Liu Kang: Good, because we're going to have to return to Edenia.

Cage: Hold on a second. I didn't sign on for anything like this. I've got to get back to La-La Land.

Liu Kang: This isn't a joke, Johnny. The Elder Gods are under attack by the ruler of the
Netherealm, Shinnok. Raiden said we would all be needed. Sub-Zero!

Sub-Zero has arrived on the scene.

Sub-Zero: Liu's right. Shinnok is evil incarnate. I think my brother had some sort of encounter
with Shinnok. It may be what caused the whole thing. It's up to us to put an end to this.

Kai: I'm in.

Cage: Oh alright. It's not like I was going to win an oscar or something.

Liu Kang: Now we've just got to figure out how to get to Edenia.

Sonya: I can help out there. My team can create a portal the will allow us to reach Edenia. We've been
able to emulate inter-dimensional portal distortions, kind of like Raiden does. The only problem is that ours
requires a nuclear generator.

Sonya and a member of the OIA lift a large ray gun like device out from the chopper. Sonya starts it up and
a green flash consumes the scene. The portal is opened. Liu, Kai, Cage and Sub-Zero run through. Sonya
addresses the rest of her team.

Sonya: Good job, team. Radio Major Briggs with our location and tell him to send some back-up

Sonya walks through the portal

On the other side of the portal they are greeted by Quan Chi, hovering in front of the Royal Edenian Palace
which has taken on a Netherealm appearence along with the rest of the realm.

Quan Chi: Welcome humans! Welcome to a Mortal Kombat like you've never seen before.

So that's the intro. Any other side story (Cyrax, Kung Lao, Baraka, Mileena, Goro etc) will be done throughout the game. Next I'll move on to playable characters in Story mode, V.S Mode, moves, fatalities, outfits, etc.
06/18/2006 06:07 PM (UTC)
Sweet stuff so far.
06/18/2006 07:31 PM (UTC)

Playable Characters


Liu Kang
Sonya Blade
Johnny Cage

VS Mode

Kung Lao
Liu Kang
Sonya Blade
Johnny Cage
Quan Chi
Noob Saibot

In Story Mode, at the end when your character beats Shinnok, you will see their ending from MK4/MKG. Only in today's standard of graphics, updated with more or better dialogue.

Anyway onto characters.

And I can't think of a better one to start with than:

...:::Sonya Blade:::...

Name: Sonya Blade
Age: 26
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 140lbs
Known Relatives: Major Herman Blade (Father), Erica Blade (Mother), Daniel Blade (Brother, deceased).
Legal Status: Citizen of the United Sates.
Birthplace: Austin, Texas.
Alignment: Good
Allies: Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Jax, Raiden, Kitana, Kai, Fujin.
Foes: Quan Chi, Jarek, Shinnok,

After her journey into Outworld and Shao Kahn's near destruction of Earth, Sonya becomes a member of Earth's own Outerworld Investigation Agency. Her first mission leads her to join Liu Kang on his quest to aid the troubled Thunder God, Raiden. She must survive long enough to warn her government of the new menace brought on by Quan Chi.

Moves: (X-box) I don't know what it would be for PS.

Ring Toss: R+X
Leg Throw: R+A
Square Wave Punch: R+Black
Bicycle Kick: R+B
Air Throw: R+White


Kiss of Death: D, D, D, U, R

Leg Split: U, D, D, U, Y

Purple Haze: D, D, B, (B)


Sonya stands on top of a very high cliff over looking the Edenian landscape, admiring the veiw. She's exhausted after the battle and is enjoying her few minutes peace. But something was tugging at her mind.
Jarek arrives.

Jarek: Well?

Sonya turns to face him

Sonya: Well what?

Jarek: This is over for me now. I've done my duty and now I'm free to go.

Sonya: No.

Jarek: What?!

Sonya: It's over Jarek. Shinnok is dead. The good guys won. You're coming back with me.

Jarek: Never Sonya! I agreed to help defeat Shinnok and I did. I helped you save this realm and Earth. You have to drop the charges.

Sonya: And what? Let you back into the streets so you can steal, murder and rape innocents? I don't think so. The Black Dragon is dead. It died with Kano.

Jarek: You never did tell me what happened to Kano?

Sonya: Did I detect a genuine note of concern in your voice, Jarek?

Jarek: Kano was one of the biggest bastards in the Black Dragon. Whoever killed him had to be some fighter.

Sonya: Why thank you.

Jarek: You killed Kano?!

Sonya: Yes Jarek. I did. He was being a pain in the ass just like you are now. So are you going to come quietly or not?

Jarek: I think not.

Sonya: Suit yourself.

The two trade punches and kicks until Sonya is at the edge of the cliff.

Sonya: You're the last one Jarek!

Jarek: NO!

Jarek runs and jumps at Sonya. She rolls underneath him and he flies over the edge screaming. Sonya walks cautiosly to the edge. A hand reaches up and tries to grab her leg. She dodges and kicks Jarek
down to his death. She then takes out her radio.

Sonya: Come in Major Briggs. This is Lieutenant Sonya Blade. Over.

Jax: Sonya! Glad to hear your alive.

Sonya: Hah. You actually sound happy to hear from me, Jax. Things getting a little boring without me?

Jax: Nah. Not since you followed Liu Kang into the Netherealm. Where's Jarek?

Sonya: Depends on whether he was naughty or nice.

Jax: I see.

Sonya: Well it's over now. I'm returning to base. 10-4 Jax.

Sonya salutes. Her long ponytail blowing in the breeze. She takes one last look at the scenic view, smiles and walks away.

06/18/2006 08:30 PM (UTC)

Name: Mileena
Age: 9,408
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 128lbs
Known Relatives: Kitana. (Cloned)
Legal Status: Does not apply.
Birthplace: Outworld.

Reborn in the Netherealm and servant to Shinnok since her rebirth, Mileena finds that the coming battle gives her both a chance to escape her fearful servitude to Shinnok and to avenge her own death. Knowing Kitana will fight for Edenia, Mileena ensures and easy escape route is left as she moves into battle with Shinnok.


Soaring Sai: R+X
Rolling Thunder: R+A
Sai Fury: R+Black
Kick From Above: R+(B)
Frankensteiner: R+White


Nail Spit: F, B, F, A

Sai Fury: F, F, B, X

Man-Eater: B, B, B, (B)

...:::Fighting Styles:::...

Ying Yueng

Mian Chuan


Kitana is gazing out the window of her throne room. She sighs.

Kitana: It's over father. Edenia is safe.

A figure emerges from the shadows behind her

Mileena: Kitana!

Kitana: Mileena? Your alive! How..

Mileena: Death is a foe easily conquered.
Didn't you find it odd how easily you escaped from Shinnok's guards?

Kitana: You let me go? Why?

Mileena: Because Shinnok wouldn't have allowed me to harm one single hair on your precious little head. Don't you understand? I want your status! I want to be Princess of Edenia. It is my right!

Kitana: No Mileena. You have no right. You are not my sister. You were born of Shang Tsung's sorcerery.
For Shao Kahn. What right do you have to the throne of Edenia?

Tears are rolling down Mileena's cheeks.

Mileena: No. NO!

Mileena falls to her knees. Quietly sobbing

Kitana: You are evil and have no place in this world.

Mileena stops stops sobbing

Mileena: You are right Kitana. But if I have no right to this realm...then neither will you!!

Mileena uppercuts Kitana (Palm King, Ying Yeung, MKD) and she lands in her throne. Mileena advances. She draws her sais.

Mileena: You ungrateful little bitch. Father offered you everything and you betrayed him. You think you've had it so hard? Father never gave me the attention he gave you.

Kitana: Mileena! Shao Kahn is not your father! He is an evil, souless monster. He doesn't love you!

Mileena: No Kitana. He doesn't. But look at you. You've got a great life. You've got the throne. The title, the power. Even that bitch mother of yours must be some sort of comfort. I can't wait to enjoy it all. You will die sister. And I will take this realm for myself!

Mileena raises her sais above and behind her head and then launches them directly at Kitana. The impact sends her and the throne out of the window.

Mileena: Goodbye...princess...
06/18/2006 10:29 PM (UTC)

Name: Tanya
Age: Unknown
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 130lbs
Known Relatives: Edenia's Ambassador to New Realms (Father, name unknown)
Legal Status: Citizen of the Edenia
Birthplace: Edenia
Alignment: Unknown
Allies: Unkown
Foes: Unknown

As the daughter of Edenia's ambassador to new realms, Tanya invites a group of refugees fleeing their own
world into the safety of Edenia. But after Queen Sindel allows them through the portal she learns that one
of the warriors is none other than the bannished Elder God, Shinnok. The portal leads into the pits of the
Netherealm and the once free realm of Edenia is now at the mercy of Shinnok.


FireKracker: R+X (can also be done in Air)
Korkskrew Kick: R+A
Find Me: R+Black
Split Kick: R+B
Neck Cracker: R+White
Boomerang Toss:R+Y


Kiss of Doom: D, D, U, D, R

Neck Breaker: D, F, D, F, Y

Femur Finisher: D, F, B, (B)

...:::Fighting Styles:::...

Zi Ran Men

Yue Chuen


Tanya and Liu Kang walk down a dark corridor. Skeletons are chained to the wall. Tanya is holding a flaming

Tanya: Follow me Liu, Raiden has asked that I lead you to him.

Liu Kang: But what about the others? Where are Sonya, Cage and Kai? Where is Kitana?

Tanya: Do not worry Liu. He has something very special planned for them.

They walk through into a chamber, a huge steel door slams down behind them, locking them in.

Liu Kang: Tanya? What's going on?

Tanya laughs wickedly

Tanya: You idiot! I don't know what Kitana ever saw in you! Still not figured it out Liu?
This is a trap!

Liu Kang: What!?

Quan Chi is standing behind him. Shinnok is hovering in front of an inferno.

Quan Chi: Haha! Welcome Shaolin Warrior. I see Tanya managed to get you down here rather easily. I
must say I expected more from you but Tanya's skills are quite impressive.

Tanya: You flatter me Quan Chi. But I wouldn't worry about the great Liu Kang too much. I can honestly
say he's as thick as two short planks.

Liu Kang: You bitch Tanya!

Quan Chi: Shocking behaviour from a Shaolin Monk. It's over Liu Kang. Your thunder god is beaten.
Earth's warriors destroyed.

Liu looks horrified

Liu Kang: Sonya...Johnny..

Quan Chi: You're the last remnants of the forces of light. Do you wish to beg for mercy from your new
master? The Lord Shinnok!

Liu Kang: Never sorcerer!!

Liu tries to fly kick Shinnok but is met halfway by an energy ball from Shinnok that causes Liu to
explode on impact.

Shinnok: Fool! Haha.

06/18/2006 10:46 PM (UTC)

Name: Kitana
Age: 10,004
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 128lbs
Known Relatives: Queen Sindel (Mother), King Jerrod (Father), Mileena (Clone, Sister)
Legal Status: Princess of Edenia
Birthplace: Edenia.
Alignment: Good
Allies: Sindel, Jade, Liu Kang, Sonya Blade, Johnny Cage, Raiden
Foes: Shinnok, Quan Chi, Mileena

As Quan Chi's forces leave her realm of Edenia to battle Raiden and his forces, Kitana manages to escape
the remaining guards surprisingly easily. She thinks little of her escape and moves quickly into the battle
against Quan Chi and Shinnok. Edenia's future depends on her sucess.


Fan Throw: R+X (can also be done in air)
Pretty Kick: R+A
Shoulder Jump: R+Black
Tessen Wave: R+(B)
Fan Fury: R+White
Square Wave Punch:R+Y


Decapitation: F, F, D, F, A

Quartered: B, D, F, F, Y

Tessen Torment: D, F, F, D, X

...:::Fighting Styles:::...

Eagle Claw



Kitana is gazing out the window of her throne room. She sighs.

Kitana: It's over father. Edenia is safe.

A figure emerges from the shadows behind her

Mileena: Kitana!

Kitana: Mileena? Your alive! How..

Mileena: Death is a foe easily conquered.
Didn't you find it odd how easily you escaped from Shinnok's guards?

Kitana: You let me go? Why?

Mileena: Because Shinnok wouldn't have allowed me to harm one single hair on your precious little head.
Don't you understand? I want your status! I want to be Princess of Edenia. It is my right!

Kitana: No Mileena. You have no right. You are not my sister. You were born of Shang Tsung's sorcerery.
For Shao Kahn. What right do you have to the throne of Edenia?

Tears are rolling down Mileena's cheeks.

Mileena: No. NO!

Mileena falls to her knees. Quietly sobbing

Kitana: You are evil and have no place in this world.

Mileena stops stops sobbing

Mileena: You are right Kitana. But if I have no right to this realm...then neither will you!!

Mileena uppercuts Kitana (Palm King, Ying Yeung, MKD) and she lands in her throne. Mileena advances. She
draws her sais.

Mileena: You ungrateful little bitch. Father offered you everything and you betrayed him. You think you've had it so hard? Father never gave me the attention he gave you.

Kitana: Mileena! Shao Kahn is not your father! He is an evil, souless monster. He doesn't love you!

Mileena: No Kitana. He doesn't. But look at you. You've got a great life. You've got the throne. The title, the power. Even that bitch mother of yours must be some sort of comfort. I can't wait to enjoy it all.
You will die sister. And I will take this realm for myself!

Kitana: NEVER!

Kitana slams her fist on a button on her throne. The floor Mileena is standing on gives way and she is tipped intoa huge pit. The bottom can't be seen. She's screaming furiosly as shes falling.

Kitana: You had a hard life Mileena. And for that I'm truly sorry. And I'm sorry for what I must do...
06/19/2006 01:39 PM (UTC)

Name: Cyrax
Age: Unkown
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 650lbs
Known Relatives:
Legal Status: None
Birthplace: Earthrealm
Alignment: Neutral
Allies: Sektor, Lin Kuei
Foes: Sub-Zero

Cyrax is finally rescued from his desert prison by the Lin Kuei. The physical damage sustained while in the
desert was relatively easy to repair, but Cyrax seems very different from when he first set out on his original
assasination mission against Sub-Zero. Only time will tell how well Cyrax has overcome his ordeal.


Net Launch: R+X
Spinkicks: R+A
Detonator (Far): R+Black
Slice & Dice: R+B
Detonator (Close): R+White
Air Throw:R+Y


Suicide Bomber: D, U, D, U, (B)

Grinder: F, F, D, U, X

Chopper: F, F, B, A

...:::Fighting Styles:::...




In an OIA lab. Cyrax is lying on a metal slap. Sonya and Jax walk towards him.

Sonya: Alright Cyrax all systems are go. Are you sure you wanna go through with this?
If this fails we won't be able to recover your main processor.

Jax: We'll lose you for good.

Cyrax: I understand. After experiencing the flashbacks with my fight against Shinnok,
I realized that my existence is unnecessary, unless I can fully recover my human psyche. We must continue
with the process.

Jax: Alright then, I'll begin the scanning process. Sonya you hit the regeneration switch on my

Jax walks over to a large lever. Sonya walks towards a control panel. They both exchange nervous glances.

Sonya: All set Jax, ready on your go.

Jax pulls down the lever and and a large scanner moves over Cyrax.

Jax: Sonya hit the switch on 3. Ready? 1....2..

Sonya bites her lip.

Jax: 3!

Sonya flips the switch. A green light shines over Cyrax. Sonya and Jax shield their eyes.

Jax: Okay. Power!

Sonya: Okay.

The green light fades. Cyrax leans forward and removes his helmet. You can see his human face.

Cyrax: I.... I am human. I feel life once again and I remember everything. Thank you so much.
I am forever in your debt. I will not return to my Lin Kieu roots as a assassin. I instead choose to fight
at your side for Earth.

Jax: Well that's good news.

Jax and Sonya smile to each other.

Sonya: Let's get you out of these harnesses. You've been trapped long enough.

06/19/2006 03:09 PM (UTC)

Name: Sektor
Age: Unkown
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 673lbs
Known Relatives: None
Legal Status: None
Birthplace: Earthrealm
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Cyrax, Lin Kuei
Foes: Sub-Zero

Ever suspicious of the effect of Cyrax's prolonged exile in the desert, the Lin Kuei are forced to send him
since their forces are vastly reduced. In the guise of fighting alongside his Lin Kuei comrade, Sektor's
orders are to watch and report on Cyrax. Sektor's reports will decide whether this is the last mission for


Missile Launch: R+X
Homing Missile: R+A
Flipkicks: R+Black
Tele-Punch: R+B
Flamethrower: R+White
Air Throw:R+Y


Flame Thrower: F, F, U, U, (B)

Compactor: F, B, F, D, Y

Missile Massacre: F, F, B, A

...:::Fighting Styles:::...


Choy Lee Fut


In an OIA lab. Cyrax is lying on a metal slap. Sonya and Jax walk towards him.

Sonya: Alright Cyrax all systems are go. Are you sure you wanna go through with this?
If this fails we won't be able to recover your main processor.

Jax: We'll lose you for good.

Cyrax: I understand. After experiencing the flashbacks with my fight against Shinnok,
I realized that my existence is unnecessary, unless I can fully recover my human psyche. We must continue
with the process.

Jax: Alright then, I'll begin the scanning process. Sonya you hit the regeneration switch on my

Jax walks over to a large lever. Sonya walks towards a control panel. They both exchange nervous glances.

Sonya: All set Jax, ready on your go.

Jax pulls down the lever and and a large scanner moves over Cyrax.

Jax: Sonya hit the switch on 3. Ready? 1....2..

Sonya bites her lip.

Jax: 3!

Sonya flips the switch. A green light shines over Cyrax. Sonya and Jax shield their eyes.

Jax: Okay. Power down..oh!

Sonya: No! Sektor!.

Sektor has arrived. He takes on look around, his chest opens revealing a dozen missiles. He fires them.

Sonya: NO! AAAH!

Jax: AHH!

Sektor closes his chest. Sonya lies dead, trapped beneath a machine. Jax lies in a pool of blood.
Cyrax's human head is lying in another pool of blood.

Sektor: Mission Accomplished.

06/19/2006 07:03 PM (UTC)

Name: Raiden
Age: Eternal
Height: 7' 0"
Weight: 230lbs
Known Relatives: None
Legal Status: None
Birthplace: The Heavens
Alignment: Good
Allies: Liu Kang, Sonya Blade, Johnny Cage, Princess Kitana, Kai, Fujin
Foes: Shinnok, Quan Chi.

The God of Thunder returns to Earth after the defeat of Shao Kahn but finds a new threat when Shinnok's forces
led by Quan Chi attack the Elder Gods. With the heavens in disarray, Raiden exists as one of the last gods
on Earth. He must come to the aid of his elders and put an end to the villainous reign of his ancient enemy.

Lightning Bolt: R+X
Tele-port: R+A
Shocker: R+Black
Torpedo: R+B
Air Throw: R+White
Lightning Dash:R+Y


Electrocution: F, F, U, B, (B)

Staff Shock: U, U, U, D, R

Godly Essence: U, D, F, (B)

...:::Fighting Styles:::...

Nan Chuan



Raiden levitates up into the heavens from the Wind World. He now hovers before an Elder God's giant blue

Elder: Raiden, for many ages you have protected the Earthrealm from the forces of evi. You have earned
your place among us. With your ascension into the pantheon of Elder Gods you must choose your succesor as
protector of Earth.

Raiden removes his coolie hat. His long silver hair blows in the wind.

Raiden: With the aid of Earth's warriors I have once again managed to defeat Shinnok and his minions.
The Earthrealm is safe once again as is Edenia. I choose Fujin. He will guide the mortals of Earth as they
move into the next millenium.

Elder: Are you certain? Do you truly trust Fujin with the Earthrealm and all its inhabitants?

Raiden: I do.

Elder: Very well. Welcome Raiden.

Raiden fades into the spot where the Elder was like in MK4.
07/01/2006 11:37 AM (UTC)
Good stuff...

Your idea of an MK Gold adventure game is great!
Your intro is great!
Your profile on each character is great!
Your artwork is great!

Good job... smile
About Me

I've gone back to my original forum as the ban messages have drove me insane...empty as hell though. FILL IT UP! Tetra_Vega, get on your myspace...

07/04/2006 01:41 AM (UTC)
Artwork? They're the original MK4 Renders...
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
07/04/2006 05:20 PM (UTC)
Awesome work here, buddy! I love it!
07/04/2006 06:20 PM (UTC)
Excellent work so far.
07/10/2006 12:26 PM (UTC)
Gijoker Wrote:
Artwork? They're the original MK4 Renders...

Click on the little link after his posts that say 'My Artwork'. That is what I meant, not the renders lolz
07/12/2006 10:14 AM (UTC)

Name: Fujin
Age: Eternal
Height: 7' 2"
Weight: 237lbs
Known Relatives: None
Legal Status: None
Birthplace: The Heavens
Alignment: Good
Allies: Liu Kang, Sonya Blade, Johnny Cage, Princess Kitana, Kai, Fujin
Foes: Shinnok, Quan Chi.

Better known as the God of Wind, Fujin joins Raiden as one of the last surviving gods of Earth. Their counterparts were defeated in a war of the Heavens between Shinnok's forces and the Elder Gods. He now prepares for the final battle between the forces of light and Shinnok's warriors of darkness.


Whirlwind Spin: R+X
Levitate: R+A
Slam (After Levitate): R+Black
Flying Knee: R+B
Air Throw: R+White
Dive Kick:R+Y


Skinner: D, F, U, F, R

Krossbow Kill: R, L (x8)

Levitation: U, F, F, Y

...:::Fighting Styles:::...




Fujin stands before the Elder Gods in their temple. The face of an Elder appears in the blue light before him. He bows.

Fujin: Our forces of light have defeated Shinnok. Now, I must return to my duty as Earthrealm's God of Wind.

Elder: You have served your element well Fujin, but we have a new mission for you.

Raiden appears in a bolt of lightning. Fujin doesn't flinch (If he's going to be protector of Earth realm he shouldn't flinch there)

Fujin: Raiden?

Raiden: Our battle with Shinnok's forces is over. I must move on to my new position as an Elder God and you Fujin, you must take my former place as Protector of Earthrealm.

Fujin: Raiden, it would be my honour to suceed you.

Raiden: Take special care of the mortals of Earth. They are great people but have the ability to self destruct. Be patient and offer your wisdom and guidance.

Fujin: Farewell Thunder God. I will not fail you.

Raiden dissappears

Raiden: That is why I picked you.

Fujin smiles
07/13/2006 02:38 AM (UTC)
that last part was cheap
07/14/2006 12:52 AM (UTC)
thegodofevilman Wrote:
that last part was cheap

There isn't much to add to Fujin's ending. Not a whole lot happened in his.
Waiting to do the next character. Havn't decided who yet.
07/14/2006 02:30 AM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
thegodofevilman Wrote:
that last part was cheap

There isn't much to add to Fujin's ending. Not a whole lot happened in his.
Waiting to do the next character. Havn't decided who yet.
do quanchi
07/14/2006 11:16 PM (UTC)
...:::Quan Chi:::...

Name: Quan Chi
Age: Unknown
Height: 6' 7"
Weight: 210lbs
Known Relatives: None
Legal Status: None
Birthplace: The Netherealm
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Shinnok, Reptile, Tanya, Noob Saibot
Foes: Forces of Light

A freeroaming sorcerer, powerful in the black arts, Quan Chi uses his abilities to free the now evil Elder God,
Shinnok from his confines in the Netherealm. In exchange for his services, Shinnok has granted Quan Chi the
position of Arch-Sorcerer of his now expanded Netherealm.


Flying Skull: R+X
Juggler: R+A
Choke-Hold: R+Black
Slide Kick: R+B
Air Throw: R+White


Leg Rip: B, D, U, U, Y

Mimic: U, F, F, F, X

Amulet Annihilation: F, B, F, White

...:::Fighting Styles:::...

Tang Soo Do



Quan Chi bows before a hovering Shinnok in the haze of a tomb in the Netherealm. Quan Chi can
barely contain a smile

Shinnok: As payment for your loyal services Quan Chi. I grant you the gift of your existence.

Quan Chi's smile instantly vanishes replaced with a look of pure outrage.

Quan Chi: My existence?!?

Shinnok: You must understand, sorcerer, I consume all energies including the life forces
of all that live. But, I shall spare you.

These words due nothing to ease Quan Chi's anger

Quan Chi: If it were not for me. You would still be a tortured soul rotting in the bowels of
the Netherealm. I gave you unquestionable loyalty. I carried out your every order. And all I'm given in
exchange is my existence!?!

A look of ammusement falls over Shinnok's face

Shinnok: You dare question me?

Quan Chi: I do more than question you, Shinnok. I challenge you!!

Shinnok: Then you, infidel, shall die!

Shinnok hurls an energy ball at Quan Chi but it as no affect. Shinnok is shocked. Quan Chi
merely laughs, coldly.

Shinnok: What!?

Quan Chi: Your powers are useless against me!

Shinnok: How can this be?

Quan Chi: I am in possesion of your once sacred amulet. Years ago I delivered to you an exact duplicate.
While I retained the original. I even fooled the Thunder God! Now I am Ruler Supreme.
And you, Elder God, are FINISHED!

Quan Chi shoots a ball of energy from the amulet at Shinnok which cause him to explode. Quan Chi takes a
look at the amulet, smiles and walks away

07/15/2006 12:32 AM (UTC)
nice ill take back what i said
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