03/21/2007 11:19 PM (UTC)
I came across this and thought it looked great. It really would be so cool if they made an adventure game based on MK Gold!

P.S. If you're still trying to figure out which characters to do next, how about either Reptile, Baraka or Shinnok. I'd like to see theirs.
03/27/2007 12:14 PM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
Jarek: Screw you, you bitch! You may have nailed everyone else but you aint getting me!

Jarek jumps down from the roof into an alleyway where a motorbike is parked.

Jarek: Aiós blondie. You're lucky I don't kill chicks. Good thing I left my bike here.

Sonya swings her arm over the ledge of the rood, pistol in hand, fury in her eyes

Sonya: You're not getting away that easy!

View of Jarek racing away through Sonya's scope

Sonya: One more second...

Jax(Radio): Come in Sonya! This is Jax!

Sonya, fuming, takes out a portable radio link with a video screen. Jax's face is on the screen.

Sonya:Damn it, Jax! I almost had Jarek.

Jax:There's time for your vendetta later. The OIA has been monitoring some interdimensional fluxes over
southwestern China and you're our closest agent. A chopper is on the way to pick you up.

As soon as he says this a helicopter lands down on the roof Sonya's on. A hand gestures from inside the
helicopter and a voice calls out to Sonya.

Voice: Hi Sonya Long time no see.

Sonya: Johnny Cage?! What the hell are you doing here?

Cage: Just a little research for my latest movie, Massive Strike. It's about two special forces agents
who fall in love.

Sonya: Dream on Cage. Massive Strike Out, maybe. Who authorised this?

Pilot: Jax said he could come as long as he doesn't touch anything.

Sonya: That won't be a problem.

The helicopter takes off. Cut back to the crater with Liu, Kai and Fujin.

Narrator: Back at the crater, Liu and Kai have their hands full.

Liu Kang uses his fly kick against a demon.

Liu Kang: Get away from him!

Kai tackles a demon behind Kang.

Kai: Liu! Watch out!

Liu Kang: Thanks Kai. I don't know whats going on here but it looks like we have ourselves a fight.

Liu and Kai stand back to back, surrounded by demons. A badly beaten Fujin lies on the ground. Suddenly,
lightning blasts through the horde of demonic warriors. Raiden has arrived.

Liu Kang: Raiden! What are you doing here?

Raiden: These demons are the servents of Shinnok and this is Fujin, the god of wind. He fell
from the heavens while defending the Elder Gods' Eternal Palace from Shinnok's attack.

Liu Kang: The Elder Gods are under attack?!

Fujin: Uhh. It was a sneak attack. Somehow he gained access by going through Edenia.

Liu Kang: Edenia. That's Princess Kitana's world. I've got to help her!

Raiden: Patience Liu. Fujin and I are the last of Earth's god and the Elder Gods have been weakened
by Shinnok's attack. If we're going to be successful we must coordinate a planned attack. Fujin and I will
return to the Eternal Palace and battle Shinnok's forces. You gather Earth's warriors and return to Edenia to
continue the fight there.

Kai: Wait!

Raiden and Fujin have already left

Kai: How do we find Earth's warriors? How will we get to Edenia?

Liu Kang: Relax Kai. Things just seem to happen when Raiden is around.

The OIA chopper comes and begins to land

Liu Kang: See, I told you!

The chopper lands and Sonya and Cage step out.

Liu Kang: Sonya! Johnny! Kai, these are my friends Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage.

They shake hands

Liu Kang: How did you arrange to fly a U.S Special Forces helicopter into Chinese Airspace?

Sonya: I'm not with Special Forces anymore. I joined the Outerworld Investigation Agency, an
international organisation that was formed after Shao Kahn almost destroyed Earth. My team should be
able to provide us with information. What did you see Liu?

Liu Kang: Oh not much. Just the God of Wind and a half-dozen demons crashing into the Earth. Can't you
figure that out with your fancy gadgets?

Sonya: Well, partly. I was told a portal opened in the sky about two miles up but after our
experience in Outworld I'd believe anything you say.

Liu Kang: Good, because we're going to have to return to Edenia.

Cage: Hold on a second. I didn't sign on for anything like this. I've got to get back to La-La Land.

Liu Kang: This isn't a joke, Johnny. The Elder Gods are under attack by the ruler of the
Netherealm, Shinnok. Raiden said we would all be needed. Sub-Zero!

Sub-Zero has arrived on the scene.

Sub-Zero: Liu's right. Shinnok is evil incarnate. I think my brother had some sort of encounter
with Shinnok. It may be what caused the whole thing. It's up to us to put an end to this.

Kai: I'm in.

Cage: Oh alright. It's not like I was going to win an oscar or something.

Liu Kang: Now we've just got to figure out how to get to Edenia.

Sonya: I can help out there. My team can create a portal the will allow us to reach Edenia. We've been
able to emulate inter-dimensional portal distortions, kind of like Raiden does. The only problem is that ours
requires a nuclear generator.

Sonya and a member of the OIA lift a large ray gun like device out from the chopper. Sonya starts it up and
a green flash consumes the scene. The portal is opened. Liu, Kai, Cage and Sub-Zero run through. Sonya
addresses the rest of her team.

Sonya: Good job, team. Radio Major Briggs with our location and tell him to send some back-up

Sonya walks through the portal

On the other side of the portal they are greeted by Quan Chi, hovering in front of the Royal Edenian Palace
which has taken on a Netherealm appearence along with the rest of the realm.

Quan Chi: Welcome humans! Welcome to a Mortal Kombat like you've never seen before.

So that's the intro. Any other side story (Cyrax, Kung Lao, Baraka, Mileena, Goro etc) will be done throughout the game. Next I'll move on to playable characters in Story mode, V.S Mode, moves, fatalities, outfits, etc.

Unless I'm mistaken, this came from the MK4 comic book right? I've read it before.
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