Mortal Kombat: Eye of the Storm (Red Dragon clan Bios up now. Kano bio revamped. 12 Bios total) Feel free to discuss, comment, and critique...but no nagging
posted11/01/2006 01:58 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/08/2006 07:12 PM (UTC)
This is my long winded setup for the next Mortal Kombat. I will first post an overview, and then a list of the charecters that are included. I will then proceed to issue bios for each of the charecters listed, which will include a history, list of special moves (five for each charecter is the plan), weapon, personal fatality (I only have one, considering the next game would probally still have KAF), and there costumes.

If I finish all this and there is still interest, I might edit all the posts to have endings for them, post up my ideas to explain what happened to charecters NOT included in the game during armageddon and leading up to this game....maybe even make a sequel lol
It has been many years since the last Mortal Kombat. When Havik unleashed the hordes of fighters with the magic of Onaga’s heart, it looked as if Armageddon was inevitable. Taven rose to the challenge and quenched the great pyramids thirst for blood, and in doing so became a god. As protector of Edenia he has kept the peace for the last decade, holding friendly tournaments to keep the remaining combatants happy, as few as they might be. But something is brewing in the realms, and a new evil is surely about to be unleashed, as is the cycle of the battered worlds.

On Earth: While the death of its many champions still pains the heart of Earthrealm, it has slowly begun to rebuild itself. Sonya and Jax have retired from the OIA, leaving its leadership to Kenshi. Sonya settled down with Johnny Cage, who himself has retired from the movie business, unable to keep up with the madness of it all in his old age. The Red and Black Dragon clans have reformed under new leadership, and while they still present a bit of a threat, they keep mostly to their own bitter feud. The Lin Kuei has also pulled itself together, after the apparent death of its beloved Grandmaster Sub-Zero. With his death, and the destruction of his dragon medallion, the curse on Frost was lifted. Saddened by her former misdeeds, she strove to purify her soul, her journey to do so ending with her becoming the grand master herself. Rumors persist of the Shirai Ryu having returned, but reports are few and far between, mostly consisting of seeing a single, female ninja. The White Lotus is again dedicating itself to Mortal Kombat, even if the current tournaments are for friendly fare. Two new students have been selected to be trained under the last remaining warrior of the Lotus, Kai, and the Protector of earth, Fujin the wind god.

As for Edenia itself, Taven has overseen a great age of prosperity. While the royal family was wiped out by Armageddon, a new royal family has sprung up in its place, with Jade as its queen and the still young son of Kitana her prince. The Shokans have gathered under the combined banner of Sheeva and her new mate, Mazaro, working happily with the armies of Edenia, being given a respect that before they could only dream of.

In Outworld, the once great empire of the Realms, a new, more peaceful regime has taken shape. Under the great Shao Reiko, the Outworld has become a place of at least slightly subdued turbulence. Reiko often sends his generals into the fray of the friendly Mortal Kombats when they roll around. Lately though, Reiko has grown slightly troubled, and many wonder if the deadly madness that has consumed his two predecessors will take him as well.

The Netherrealm has not enjoyed the peace given unto the other realms. The influx of powerful souls had created a great rift in the Nether, and endless battle consumed it. However, upon his entrance, Shang Tsung immediately consumed the countless souls of his former enemies and took up the throne of King of the underworld. While he easily conquered the vast underworld, due to the constraints of his power he was unable to ascend to the other realms and continue his conquest. Strange shadow creatures watch from the sidelines as this unfolds, and plot parallel to Tsung on their eventual escape.

In Seido, a strange peace has also taken hold. Darrius, having overthrown the Seidan seats of power, has created a government even more corrupt and evil then what he was fighting against. The great dictator, as he is now jokingly called by all outside his realm, idly sits by as his realm fades into darkness and chaos. Dairou has formed a counter revolution, and quietly plots the demise of his former commander.

Havik, along with his cult of madness, is slowly leaking out of his own confines. He often appears ringside at the recent Mortal Kombats, as if taking note of the performance of the warriors involved. Few can truly guess at what his crazed mind is planning, if anything.

The Realms have been at peace for ten years now, but the fragile state is about to shatter. Reiko has declared a true Mortal Kombat tournament on Edenia, and while he is honorable enough to keep to the rules of Kombat, the others who may participate in the new tournament may not be as adherent to the law. Shang Tsung has managed his way out of the Nether, bringing with him his undead minions and the Brotherhood of Shadow. Dairou has erupted Seido in internal conflict yet again. Earthrealms warriors have been called in to aid Edenia, knowing that if Edenia fell, Earth would be next. A demented madman and his equally insane consort have entered the tournament, claiming to foretell an even darker future then Armageddon. What lies ahead for the realms?
This is a message to anyone who thinks they are clever or funny by pointing out how much content I post and how little It gets commented has been done, twice, and it was not all that cute the first it. I am well aware how I am more disciplined then most in my writing output...have a nice day.
So, coming up is my first bio. I plan to include one for every charecter listed above. As for gameplay, I will act as if the next game would carry over everything from the fighting style and one weapon, equal special moves for each char (five), and KAF. However, im taking away the specific -named- styles in exchange for more freeform, charecter specific structured styles. Im also adding one charecter specific fatality for each char, at least two costmes for each charecter, and three for most, and beginning and ending FMVs (the details of which I will add to each charecters bio if and when I get some interest). If you have any questions or comments, feel free, as well as giving creative criticism. However if all you want to do is flame and bash, please take it elsewhere.

As for why im not putting this into submissions...I tried, but it didnt seem to go through, and ill get more views here anyway.
Name: Fujin
Affiliation: Good
Origin: Earthrealm

Bio: When the Deadly Alliance was formed I sat idly by. Though my realms foremost warrior was slain, it was not my place to chase after Quan Chi and Shang Tsung. They were Outworld’s problem, not mine. That’s what I kept telling myself, that it was not my problem. Even after my brother formed a party to destroy the Deadly Alliance, and they were all slaughtered. Even after my brother himself was killed by his own hands in an attempt to stop Onaga...I did nothing. I watched as Earths warriors were wiped out, and did not raise a finger as I saw my brother’s descent into madness. But as the apocalypse loomed, I took arms against Blaze. I was at the final battle; I saw the havoc caused by all of the returned warriors’ crazed violence. I aided Taven in defeating Blaze, and I watched as most all of the warriors fell in the resulting shockwave. I gathered the ones that I could and returned home. Peace has been with us since then. Raiden has ascended to Elder God status once again for his aid in the preventing of the Apocalypse. I see now why he took so many pains to help humanity, even when it meant reaching beyond the means of his status. I can only hope that I may be as valiant when the time comes.

Main - The Wind God: White sash around neck, blue armor slightly reminiscent of the MK4 look, but more leaning towards the full body look of Raiden. Hair is let down, eyes glow a deep yellow.
Alt - Classic: Simple as updated version of the MKA main costume.
Alt 2 - Hand-Me-Downs: Armor like that of Raiden in MK:D, including hat and cape, though in a lighter shade and with a more greenish tint.

Weapon - Staff of the Four Winds: Ceremonial looking staff. Large rod, with a weighted bottom for balance. Scepter portion is a garish assortment of golden bits surronding a orb of topaz.

1-Tornado Launch: Creates a tornado under his opponent, causing them to launch in the air towards him.
2-Tornado Tug: Fujin spins, pulling the opponent towards him and setting up a free hit.
3-Gust: Fujin splays out his hands, sending a gust out at the opponent. Acts like a projectile.
--Levitate (state): Fujin flies into the air.
4-Wind Kick (From Levitate): Quickly descends with a strong kick.
5-Wind Slam (From Levitate): Pulls enemy up to Fujin, who then tosses the enemy down.

Fatality - Fury of the Four Winds: A tornado forms around the enemy. Each of their appendages, finishing with their head, rips off of their trunk before it explodes into a bloody mess.
Name: Mao Sang
Affiliation: Good
Origin: Earthrealm

Bio: Mao was left at the entrance of the White Lotus’ temple. On the basket which carried him was a tag that was written in a language that only the oldest, and most senile, sage could understand. As far as he could tell it was a nametag, but as for the name itself, he could only make out Sang. The monks raised him as one of their own, and taught him their ways. At an early age he showed a remarkable amount of strength and dexterity, and so was put under Kai to study to become Earths chosen warrior if the need ever arose. He has forged a tight friendship with his mentor Kai, Fujin, and his partner -Li Zi-, and has shown great ability in fighting, but lacks the necessary leadership or teamwork skills to be a true champion. As of yet he has not participated in any of Taven’s friendly tournaments, as he has been considered too young for even these. However, now that a true Mortal Kombat looms, Mao has been dispatched to represent Earthrealm.

Main - Trainee: Loose black pants. Large rings around wrists, prayer beads around neck. Hair completely shorn.
Alt - Prayer: Traditional monk robes. Same hair as above.
Alt 2 - Fathers Son: Weapon - Straight Sword: As simplistic design as the name suggests. Handle wrapped with cloth, a bit of which is hanging down as if from years of use. Handle is contorted from blunt trauma, and blade is chipped away at.

1-Fireball: Fires ball of flame out of hand. (taken from Liu Kang)
2-Flame Wall: Claps hands together, sending a small wave of fire forward. Does mild damage and can set up attack if done close enough to enemy.
3-Soul Punch: Uses spirit energy to punch from long distances.
4-Spiriling Kick: Jumps into air and comes down with a small flurry of kicks.
5-Soul Wave: Sends out a shockwave of energy, dazing if it connects.

Fatality - Soul Splinter: Goes into a prayer position before disappearing. Enemy staggers for a moment, swells to a distorted size, and blows into chunks. Mao, covered in blood, appears in place. (taken from Liu Kang)
(White Lotus)
1. Fujin (God of wind and protector of Earthrealm -replacing Raiden-)
2. Mao Sang (Chosen warrior of Earthrealm. Will Explain Communist name later...)
3. Li Zi Toi (Chosen warrior of Earthrealm. Working Name)
4. Kai (Trainer of the two Earthrealm warriors)
(Lin Kuei)
5. Frost (Newly reformed woman and grandmaster of the Lin Kuei)
6. Cicle (Ice covered Lin Kuei ninja. Working Name)
7. Sub-Zero (Returning but not in Lin Kuei Role)
(Shirai Ryu)
8. Spider (Female Shirai Ryu warrior)
9 Scorpion (Returning, but like Sub-Zero, not in traditional role)
(Red Dragon)
10. Kano (Leader and all around Badass)
11. Jarek (Loyal Dog)
12. Al (Female operative. Working Name)
13. Tremor (Yes...THAT Tremor. Why? Cause I LOVE Ninjas)
(Black Dragon)
14. Kabal (Leader, also Badass)
15. Kira (Because if it came between her and Kobra, she would win)
16. Rex (Male filler, will try and think up something worthy of MK for him)
17. Kenshi (Leader, sort of ninja coolness)
18. Janey Cage (Sonya and Johnny’s daughter...will proudly take place of Father as a big joke)
19. O14 (Green Cyborg, ala Cyrax. Yes...a cyber ninja...for the new GENERATION!!!)

20. Taven (God and Protector and whatnot)
(Edenian Royal Family)
21. Jade (Queen and hardcore chick)
22. Ruby (Yes...THAT RUBY...see Tremor for reasoning. Will not have same storyline)
23. Lapis Kang (Son of Kitana and Liu Kang. Working Name)
24. Mazaro (Big, Male, Lion Shokan)
25. Sheeva (Queen, finally gets her due)

(Outworld Empire)
26. Shao Reiko (Will explain later...)
27. Akari (Female assassin, Ala Sareena...but not Sareena...cause Sareena is tis suxorz)
28. Zaroia (Female Tarakatan warrior.)
29. IXE (Purple Cyber Ninja, will look much different from normal Cyninja fare)
30. Newt (Female Saurian. Possibly daughter of Reptile and Khameleon)

(Undead Army)
31. Shang Tsung (Because what would you do without him. Leader of the undead)
32. B (Giant messy put together of a beast. Possible sub-boss character)
33. Elza (Female Oni warlord. Possible sub-boss character)
34. Bub (Big dumb male Zombie. Possible sub-boss character)
(Brotherhood of Shadow)
35. Noob Saibot (Leader...YES, WHOLE with it Boon)
36. Mica (Female know the drill)
37. Luca (See above)
38. Rin (Male assassin, YAY!!!)

(The Republic)
39. Darrius (It was inevitable...Leader)
40. Mizkax (Random Working Name. Black armor wearing Seidan Guardsmen)
41. Cat (Darrius’ bride. Working Name)
(The Counter Revolution)
42. Dairou (By popular demand. Leader)
43. Zimnay (Again, Random Working Name. White armor wearing Seidan Guardsmen)

44. Havik (Leader extraordinaire)
45. Intrapy (Helpful priestess girl)

46. Johnny Cage -Earthrealm- (Looking after his baby girl, and joke no longer...well...sort of)
47. Bloodswan - Earthrealm- (Nightwolfs daughter)
48. Crad (Male Vampire and apparent enemy of below)
49. Bass (Super Crazy fighter man)
50. Gigi (Super Crazy fighter girl)

This is a list of all the characters I am planning to put out profiles for. This is the start of my project to create an outline of the -next gen- Mortal Kombat game, or at least how I think it should be. Feel free to make suggestions on the names of the characters who have -Working Name- next to them.
You might notice that there are many more female charecters then in the last games, and that a good piece of the new chars are either female forms of old charecters, ninjas, or both. If you have a problem with this, sorry.
Name: Li Zi Toi
Affiliation: Good
Origin: Earthrealm

Bio: Unlike her companion Mao, Li Zi’s past isn’t all that mysterious, though she sometimes wishes it was. During the events of Shao Kahn’s invasion of Earth, Li Zi’s parents were killed by death squads for being chosen Earthrealm warriors. She wandered through the charred country side of Thailand for many years before making her way into China and finding the White Lotus sanctuary. There she trained with fervor unseen by the monks since Liu Kang left them. She was chosen, alongside Mao, to train under Kai to become a Mortal Kombatent. She is much faster and, some would argue, brighter then her male counterpart, and has shown the qualities for leadership he lacks, thus making her a good counterpoint to him.

Main - Trainee: Loose black pants and a form fitting black tank top. Large rings around ankles. Hair pulled back in a bun.
Alt - Chosen: Basic armor around arms and legs. Golden gown laced with white lotus emblems. Sashes tied around neck, wrists, and legs. Hair let down to flow around face.
Alt 2 - Great General: Full armor (none of that half revealing, no use armor usually seen on female characters). Face painted like a dragon. Hair cropped very short.

Weapon - War Axe: Large axe with dual head, which is slotted to be lighter. Rusted away at parts, the pole being crumbly and the blades of the axe being chipped and damaged.

1-Launch Kick: Rears back and delivers a hard kick, tossing the enemy to the side.
2-Kicing Wave: Kicks forward, launching a wave of energy from the strength of her kick (slightly taken from Dairou)
3-Spin Kick: Like the spinning kick animation from MKA...but much more graceful.
4-Sash Whip: Flicks Sash out, turning enemy around and setting them up for a hit.
5-Sash Spin: Whirls sash around enemy then pulls back, sending them spinning. Set up attack like above.

Fatality - Triple Launch Kick: Holding enemy down with one foot, kicks enemy three times, the first one busting their gut open a bit, the second sending their chest flying off, and the third kicking away the still spinning head.
10/21/2006 02:03 AM (UTC)
wow I like this. Keep up the good work.
Name: Kai
Affiliation: Good
Origin: Earthrealm

Bio: After I had helped Liu Kang destroy Shinnok and received Raiden’s staff, I began a journey of enlightenment. I traveled around the world more times then I can count, and met more masters of fighting then I could stand to remember, and through all this, I became one with myself and with the world. When I returned to the Shaolin temple, I found both Liu Kang and Kung Lao dead, Kung Lao being the more recent as he was slain at the Pyramid of Argus. I made my way to the Pyramid as fast as I could and I fought many combatants, but when I reached the peak the great calamity was over. I returned to my temple in shame, and helped bury my brothers. I have spent the time since then training Mao and Li, and participating in Taven’s tournaments whenever possible. While it was put forth by the grand masters that the two students were to represent the temple at Mortal Kombat alone, I could not help but fear for their safety, and have joined them in the fight.

Main - Teacher: Shirtless with white stripes looking more tribal then in older forms. Hair dreaded out much longer then before, still tied back. Tight maroon pants, gloves, and shoes.
Alt - Classic: Same as Costume from MK4 except with two sashes instead of one across chest, and longer hair.
Alt 2 - The Woodsman: Camo painted entire body, with only a green pair of shorts to cover. Hair completely shaved off.

Weapon - Lighting Staff: Simple long pole with a couple of bells hanging off the end. Lightning aura surronds it.

1-Descending Fireball: Fireball fired down (MKA holdover)
2-Ascending Fireball: Fireball fired up (MKA Holdover)
3-Fireball: Fireball fired forward (MKA Holdover)
4-The Shocker: Kai shoves the pole into opponents gut and lifts them up, giving them a shock, and then tosses them aside.
5-Lightning Shot: Fires a small bolt of lighting out of his staff.

Fatality - Overload: Kai holds up his staff, and lighting strikes it. With an electric aura around it, he shoves it down on his enemy, it piercing the top of his enemy’s skull and erupting from their lower body. The aura grows until the enemy begins convulsing. Enemy lights aflame and gets burnt to a crisp. Kai lifts up Staff, enemy still attached, and munches down on them.
Name: Frost
Affiliation: Neutral
Origin: Earthrealm

Bio: I have done many misdeeds in the past because of my pride and arrogance. For my ambitions I was destroyed...incased in ice by daring to take Subzero’s medallion. In the cave I sat, conscious of my fate, but unable to do more then ponder my existence. The effects of Armageddon somehow reached out to me and freed me from my cold prison. When I came out of the cave I was a changed woman, and I vowed to redeem myself in the eyes of my Lin Kuei brothers and sisters. When I returned to the temple, I found that Sub-Zero was gone, apparently killed in the events of Armageddon. The Lin Kuei had not heard of my treachery, being that Sub-Zero had never returned since leaving for Outworld to stop the Deadly Alliance, and announced me the new Grandmaster. While the new Mortal Kombat is of little concern to me, as I could care less who rules what realm, I decided to join in on the proceedings to bring honor to my clan and to prove myself to my former Master, wherever his soul may rest.

Main - Grand Master: Near exact female replica of Subzero’s main MKA costume, sans the hood. Hair only slightly longer then last game, but with more stiffness and laid upwards.
Alt - Medallion’s Curse: Oldschool Ninja costume. Frost is covered in ice which has small cracks throughout. Hood up, so no hair is shown.
Alt 2 - Off Time: Frost, without frozen body parts like other costumes, is a two-piece blue swimsuit (total fan boy copout, I know, but I could not really think of much to do as far as costumes for Frost)

Weapon - Long spiked daggers that come directly out of the wrists of Frosts costume (are held by leather bands when using bathing suit costume)

1-Freeze: A freezing blast. Frost rears back and uses both hand to launch a small slurry of ice.
2-Ice Clone: Steps back, leaving behind an icy clone that freezes enemy if touched.
3-Ice Puddle: Freezes the ground in front of her, causing the enemy to slip if touched
4-Ice Shower: Ice falls from the sky, freezing opponent.
5-Slide: Slides across ground, flinging opponent into air.

Fatality - Inner Cold: Frost shoves her hand into the opponent’s stomach. After a few moments, the enemy stiffens up, before their entire body becomes incased in ice. Frost lifts her arm up from inside the enemy, causing their upper body to shatter.
Name: Cicle
Affiliation: Neutral
Origin: Earthrealm

Bio: Cicle is a new recruit to the Lin Kuei. He is a direct apprentice to Frost, as Frost was to Sub-Zero before him. While he is quite the brash upstart, he is at least more disciplined then Frost was. Due to a large amount of Cryomancer blood in his genetics, Cicle is blessed with innate cold abilities that most Lin Kuei could only dream of, even Frost herself. However, his lack of drive, ambition, and aggression will most likely keep him from ever gaining all of his power. Due to the prowess of his internal cold, his body is constantly covered in some form of ice. While he usually keeps himself well shaven so that only a fine white dust lays on him, he is known to get fully encased in ice if he leaves himself as is for too long. He travels with Frost like a loyal dog, and does anything she bids, showing great respect and reverence for her, though both of these might be attributed to the fact that he and Frost are near the same age and he holds a flame for her, so to say. He enters the tournament with the intent to impress Frost.

Main - Lin Kuei: Basic Lin Kuei ninja costume with non-form fitting hood. No face mask, and arms are bare. Exposed skin is covered in a fine white powder, which makes a light cloud when he is hit.
Alt - Ice Cold: More like Sub-zeros MKA primary costume in design, but with a lighter blue and more of it. Head and arms are exposed. All uncovered body is covered in ice. Hair is short, spiky, and made of ice.
Alt 2 - Free: MK3 ninja design in light blue (like classic Sub-Zero, but without hair cap hood). Nothing covering exposed arms and head. Hair is same as above, but flowing and black now that it is not frozen.

Weapon - Ice Axe: Large, single blade axe made out of ice. Back end is posted with a few spikes. Is giant, but is one handed, with a much larger blade then would befit the size handle it has. Ice at the front is stained with blood.

1-Icecicle Crush: Cicle leaps up and then crashes down on opponent, having grown small spikes out of his torso.
2-Icecicle Punch: Cicle extends Icecicles out of his knuckles and then rushes an opponent, knocking them down with a hard punch.
3-Icecicle Throw: Cicle winds up by whirling around and then tosses a large icecicle at opponent. If hits, will impale and stick to nearest wall, if suitable wall is present, setting up for wall combo.
4-Icecicle Slam: Cicle launches himself forward, bashing them with his spiked stomach. (Akin to Bo Rai Cho’s Belly Bounce attack)
5-Snow Blow: Blows a large cloud of ice out at opponent. If opponent is hit, they freeze.

Fatality - Ice Maiden: Cicle goes up to opponent and gives them a firm hug. Small spikes briefly flash out of his body and back in during hug. He backs off and the enemy begins laughing. One little hole appears spouting bloody mess, then another, and another, until the enemy’s entire body is covered with a mesh of the little holes. Enemy drains a large pool of blood on the ground then collapses.
Name: Sub-Zero
Affiliation: Neutral
Origin: Earthrealm

Bio: I was there at the pyramid of Argus for the finale battle. The fiery monstrosity was no match for my great least not the combined power of the two gods Fujin and Raiden, the Half God Taven, the evil general Reiko, the sorcerer Shang Tsung, Nightwolf, my spectral rival, Scorpion, and I. Though I was a bit shamed to have to share the battle with so many warriors, I was at the same time humbled to be included with these champions. It was Scorpion, Taven, and I who struck the final blows to Blaze. I relished in my victory, but was soon angered to find that a piece of the power had crept its way into me. The powers I received were brought me near madness. I hid myself away in the Artic, training my mind and body to handle this new deep freeze. Rumors of my death preceded me wherever I went when I had finally prepared myself. The Lin Kuei was now in the hands of Frost, and this was well enough, as the young woman had now seemed to have matured. I have entered this new Mortal Kombat to appease the primal force that is at this very moment brewing and bubbling deep inside me. I only hope that combat will be a good enough outlet for it to calm itself. God as I may be now, I fear tapping into the true depths of the cold.

Main - Ice God: Looks to be naked, with ice covering all but the upper part of the chest and his head. Scar much large then earlier and now has a large scar on chest. Hair is a deep white, and flows down his back. Has an aura of snow.
Alt - The Grandmaster: Updated version of MKA primary costume, with more icy features and with hood off, allowing for same hair as above to flow down.
Alt 2 - Good Old Days: Classic MK1 ninja outfit. Face is covered in the same white powder that covers most of his body in the main costume. Scar is not shown.

Weapon - Ice Blade: Large, long blade made of ice. Edges are slightly tinged with blood. Hilt and handle are covered in spikes, which pierce into Sub-Zero’s hands whenever he uses it.

1-Ice Ball: Large ice ball erupts from a single hand held up by Sub-Zero. Freezes enemy upon touch.
2-Ice Fountain: Ice erupts from the ground under enemy, freezing if it touches.
3-Ice Spike: A spike of ice pushes out from under enemy, launching them forward towards Sub-Zero.
4-Ice Aura: Sub-Zero pounds ground with one fist, sending out a shockwave of pure cold energy. If is not blocked, does damage and freezes enemy mid-air.
5-The Cold Shoulder: Sub-Zero launches toward opponent, shoulder first, and shoves them forward.

Fatality - Spine Rip: Sub-Zero lays his hand on his opponents head. Opponent freezes, at which point Sub-Zero rips off his opponents head, spine and all. He walks toward camera, presents it, then drops it to the ground and stomps it, shattering it into many shards of red ice.
Name: Spider
Affiliation: Evil
Origin: Earthrealm

Bio: Spider is a young woman from the Shirai Ryu clan. When she was just a child she had been sent outside the walls of her clan’s village to hunt as a ritual to bring her one step closer to adulthood. It took her a few days, mainly allotted to her friend Inzo’s constant pestering. When they returned, they found the village decimated and all their clansmen dead. Spider swore an oath of vengeance, gathered up the robes of her mother, and began training with Inzo to become the ultimate tool of revenge against the Lin Kuei. During her training she heard many conflicting reports of who the true perpetrator of the crimes were. Considering that both Sub-Zeros and Quan Chi were now dead, Spider felt unfulfilled. To this end she has entered the Mortal Kombat tournament...she will kill everyone, indiscriminately, to insure that whoever is to blame is punished.

Main - Daughter of the Shirai Ryu: Yellow corset set ala Kitana. Large sash hanging down front and back with a black window sitting on a web as a design. Face covered with sash. Feet covered with leather straps circling upwards. Hair black and cropped short.
Alt - Widow: Black old school female ninja outfit with a reverse coloring of a black widow spider on back. Face is uncovered and heavily makeuped, with purple eye shadow, heavy mascara and eyeliner, and black lipstick. Wearing pumps and fishnet stockings. Hair in double buns.
Alt 2 - In His Footsteps: Old school ninja outfit, draped loosely over her, as is made for a male ninja. Hood and sash covering almost all of face except for two glowing red eyes. Sleeves reach past hands. Yellow coloring of course.

Weapon - Spider Fangs: Dual daggers held blade facing down. Front side of blade is of course sharpened, while back is serrated. Short and stubby.

1-Poison Spit: Rears back and spits at enemy a small green glob. Semi-projectile move.
2-Web Catch: Tosses her web ball out at enemy, leaving them open for an attack if they get caught in it.
3-Web Slam: Tosses web ball at enemy. Upon reeling them in, puts arm out and slams opponents head into it, causing them to slightly launch.
4-Sticky Trap: Lays down a sticky mess, immobilizing enemy if stepped on.
5-Fang Toss: Spider throws dual knifes at enemy, before snatching them back.

Fatality - Spider’s Kiss: Spider takes off sash, if applicable, and bites down on enemy’s neck. She then walks a few steps back as enemy melts into a pile of red and purple goo. (Goo color may vary)
Name: Scorpion
Affiliation: Neutral
Origin: Earthrealm (resides in the upper plane now)

Bio: I defeated the Dragon King without mercy. He crumpled before my power, the combined might of heaven and hell. He begged for his life to be spared, but I heard none of it, as I tore through him like a rag doll. When I returned to the Elder Gods to claim my prize, they told me of not only Onaga’s resurrection, but of the resurrection of all the past Mortal Kombat warriors. They sent me to sort out this mess alongside Taven, and I did so. I killed Onaga, Shao Kahn, and Quan Chi during my ascent to the top of the pyramid, and put a fair dent into Noob Saibot. Blaze begged just like Onaga before him as I crushed his very soul with my hands. Free of any debt to the realms, I was allowed to enter into the Elder Gods plane with my family. As I watched time unfold before me, I caught a glimpse of a single warrior of my clan. I was alarmed, to say the least, and I could only wonder about the implications of this and the upcoming Mortal Kombat. My heart yearned for battle, and though I feared leaving my wife and child again, I knew they would be safe. And so I have returned to the world of the living to show all of the young upstarts, who hold the fate of the realms in their hands, what Mortal Kombat is truly about.

Main - Mortal: His Shirai Ryu costume, ala MKA primary, but without his hood or face mask. Eyes are not white, but blue and normally colored. Hair is black and slicked back.
Alt - Past Days: Classic MK ninja costume. Fits him better then Spiders version, but hood still hangs low over face.
Alt 2 - Demonic: Pretty much the MK4 secret costume that showed Skull head, only colored in the normal yellow.

Weapon - Roped Hook: His normal hook, held by a few feet of rope, which may shorten or lengthen depending on attack. Blade is a very simplistic in design compared to the last couple of incarnations, being just a basic spear with a few small designs on it. Leaves a trail of flame when it is swung at enemy.

1-The Spear: You know...GET OVER HERE!!!
2-Fire Spout: Fire bellows out from under enemy, causing them to briefly pause.
3-Fire Ball: Scorpion flicks wrist out quickly, launching a large slow fireball at enemy.
4-Heavenly Kick: Scorpion jumps away from enemy, only to reappear behind them and kick them.
5-Hellfire Punch: Scorpion rushes fist forward at enemy, then disappears, appearing behind and connecting with the blow.

Fatality - Toasty!: Scorpion rips off face, revealing his skull (if playing as Alt 2, he reaches at his jaw and unhinges it), and blows fire on his enemy, charring them to a crisp. He then looks to the screen, and in a very deep groan, says -Toasty-.
Name: Kano
Affiliation: Evil
Origin: Earthrealm

Bio: Silly little girl...Sonya thought she could get rid of me that easy, eh? Well, Kano doesn’t go down like that, no he doesn’t. She and that dirty Mavado might have given me a good once over when they teamed up on me, but that can't stop old Kano, no it can't. I faked death, as always, and returned to my, then, current employer. Shao Kahn was very explicit about my orders when it came to those dirty Sorcerers, Shang Tsung and Quan Chi. While they were busy muddling with all the hero chumps and the Dragon King, I laid the groundwork for all three of em to kick the bucket. Course, Shang Tsung and Quan Chi got themselves killed before my traps got them, but Onaga still feel in like the stupid old dinosaur he is. I stole his little trinkets and strung them about Onagas throne room. When him and Scorpion threw down there, Onaga didn’t have a chance. Course, Scorpion coulda done it on his own, but I like to think I helped. Armageddon called, but I didn’t really listen...just watched Shao Kahn’s back until he was killed by that crazy somabitch Scorpion...I really have to try and recruit him one of these days. I ran off real quick after that, and I decided it was best to stay out of Outworld affairs. Now I am the leader of the Red Dragon...yeah, Red, cause that ugly dog Kabal has got his burnt little hand clenched down tight on the Black Dragon. All his troops are weak little kids, its no concern of mine, I always liked the color Red anyway mate.

Main - Red Dragon: Red jeans, loose and slightly torn. Red Dragon tattoo sprawled across back. No shoes, shirt...or belt. Plate looks just a bit rusty and some meat can be seen around the edges, as if it is tearing its own seams. Sliver of Sonya’s hair around Kano’s neck now dosed slightly in blood. Hairy chest, of course. Hair on head and face more reminiscent of movie version of Kano.
Alt 1 - White Devil: MK1 costume makes yet another return, though a bit more subtle then the last incarnation, and with Movie-esque hairstyle mentioned above,
Alt 2 - Grey Warrior: White T-shirt stained with blood and various other liquids. Torn jeans, though now a faded blue. Big Black boots. Metal plate is completely rusted over, and eye is dim. Hair is grayer and much more ragged then in the other two costumes. Hair on top of head and beard is longer then usual.

Weapon - Machete: Long bloody knife, with a crook about three fourths of the way down. Has the Black Dragon symbol on it, but is slightly caked over with blood.

1- Blade Toss: Kano leans back with Machete in hand. Machete becomes charged with a red light, then he tosses it at enemy. If enemy jumps over or ducks under it, it can hit on the return loop.
2- Barrel Roll: Kano rolls into a ball midair and launches quickly at opponent, knocking them down.
3- Laser Pulse: Fires a laser beam out of Cyborg eye, making enemy stumble back.
4- Slide Kick: Kano slides across the ground, shoving his foot into his enemies face, popping them up for combos.
5- Stab Drop: Kano stabs his enemy with his machete, and then lifts them over his hand and slams them on the ground behind him, popping them up.

Fatality - Beam Streak: After giving a sadistic little chuckle, Kano lights up his cybernetic eye crisscrosses across his enemy's body. The enemy stands dazed for a few moments before sliding into many little bite sized packets of tasty Kombat Meat.
Name: Jarek
Affiliation: Evil
Origin: Earthrealm

Bio: Yeah...I was dropped off a cliff. So what? Do you got a problem there mate? Want to make something of it? They fixed me up good as new, no problem at all, even if it did put me outta commission for just a bit. I wasn’t really needed anyway, and it kept me away from that nasty slaughtering business that Mavado and his goons did on us. Kano ended up in a hospital bed right beside me, and we got to talking about the good old why we took over the Red Dragon. Is not like Mavado is going to be stitching himself back together anytime soon after what Kabal did to him. Anyway, I am getting quite content with my new seat of power. Unlike most Dragon clansmen on both sides, I don’t have those there -Delusions of Grandeur-. I’m happy being a well paid nobody, personally. I do get some power, though. I decide what we do whenever we have to let ourselves be hired out to get funds for the usual mischief. Just a bit before this new Mortal Kombat started, we got a message that we were to crash the proceedings. Seeing as I missed bashing heads in, I took it. Doesn’t help the sum offered was enough to put every member in the Red Dragon into retirement.

(Appearance side note. On all costumes, Jarek now has a metal plate almost identical to Kano’s on the opposite side as Kano.)

Main - Red Commando: Red leather pants. Spiked belt and large strap boots. Red tank-top with Red Dragon symbol on front. Hair spiked up like MKA.
Alt 1 - Loyal Dog: Revamp of MK4 costume. Major additions being spiked collar and bracelets, thus the name of the costume. Hair still spiked.
Alt 2 - Big Brother: Rehash of Kano’s MK3 costume. Reversed colors, to fit the Red Dragon motif, with Red Dragon costume on back. Hair slicked back.

Weapon - Guillotine: Guillotine blade with a wooden handle attached to the rear holding. Uses more of a slashing motion, but handle makes stabbing easy also.

1- Bungee Toss: Jarek entangles enemy in his bungee cord and throws them down behind him, popping them up.
2- Bungee Kick: Throws bungee cords on both sides of enemy, and then pulls self forward, kicking enemy.
3- Bungee Guillotine: Swings around, Guillotine snagging on Enemy if close enough and tossing them to the side.
4- Guillotine Toss: Charges and throws Guillotine, which lodges into enemy, making them stagger for a brief moment.
5- Haymaker: Slams arm across enemy’s neck, causing them to twirl midair.

Fatality - Trophy Maker: Jarek uses bungee hooks to pin enemy down. He then attaches Guillotine to arm (This all happens very fast) and then rushes at opponent like a haymaker. Enemy’s head flies off as their neck spouts fountains of blood. Jarek catches head midair and presents to camera with a sly smirk.
About Me

I hate this place.

10/28/2006 11:45 PM (UTC)
Oh my Fuckin God...

You bumped your thread too much, all I found in this was your messages, not anyone else's.

I like the way your going, but it's a bit confusing.
lol, I never bumped my thread, I just post one bio a night for the hell of it...if no one posts inbetween, its not really my fault. When I did mention bumping earlier, it was only because I had one charecter listing, but I revised it and messed it up, so I had to repost, and did not know how delete the origanel post. Every other non-bio post is just me trying to explain this or that.
Name: Al
Affiliation: Evil
Origin: Earthrealm

Bio: Al was orphaned at a young age. The Secret Forces killed her family during a raid of a Black Dragon installation. Her parents were there to pay off a debt they had incurred to buy themselves into a better life. While Al was taught by her grandmother, who’s custody she was put into after her parents death, to live a clean life, and to help ones self to avoid the same fate, Al could not help but boil over with rage. She was a member of the OIA for a short amount of time, under the false premise that she was only so small due to a disease, and assisted Hsu Hao in his mission to destroy it. She has been a Red Dragon member ever since, and was one of the very few original members to be spared when Kano took over. This is mostly due to the fact that she held no loyalties to the Leader of the Red Dragon, just the Red Dragon itself, and that even the cold and heartless Kano couldn’t bring himself to slaughter the small girl. This underestimation of Al could soon lead to his demise.

Main - Red Dragon: Black vest with a large red stripe down the center. Red shorts, black stockings, with red garters holding them up. Red gloves. Red Mary Jane’s (type of shoe if you do not know). Hair red and done back in pigtails. -I am aware this sounds a lot like Kira‘s stlye, but Kira being ten years older has received a face lift that will differentiate her at least a little bit.-
Alt 1 - Pirate: A predominately red Pirate outfit, complete with eye patch and poofy hat. Hair let down in a bowl cut and still red. (Is very detailed costume and I hate going into detail with the costumes. If you have ever played MvC, then think of Ruby heart only smaller, red haired, and with red clothes...there you go.)
Alt 2 - Radical: Loose white tank top, black hot pants, hair is red and in pigtails, red goggles on eyes. (the cop out is admitted!)

Weapon - Yoyo: Red Yoyo with a bundled metal wire for a string. The yoyo is actually a large ball with the string wound inside, so when swung it acts like a flail. Is slower and stronger then one would expect a yoyo weapon to be.

1- Walking the Dog: Puts arm behind back, the flings yoyo forward, first hitting the enemy’s foot, before it works its way up opponent’s body as enemy flies through the air from the force of the blow. Semi-popup.
2- Stranglehold: Wraps yoyo string around enemy’s neck, then tugs backward, causing the enemy to fall face first to the ground.
3- Slap Happy: Multiple strike long distance yoyo attack. (up to four hits)
4- Gat: Whips out a gun and fires three times.
5- Nut Kick: Self explanatory. Causes enemy to bowl over in pain and wallow on ground for a few moments.

Fatality - Jewel Thief: Al leans forward while pulling her leg so far back that it almost touches her neck. She then quickly swings her leg around, hitting her enemy in the groin. Two holes appear on either side of the top of her opponents head, gushing with blood, and the enemy falls. Alternatively, if a female enemy is being faced, the middle portion of their body will rip off of the left and right portion, leaving three slices of bloody mess on the floor.
Name: Tremor
Affiliation: Evil
Origin: Earthrealm

Bio: They said I was not disciplined enough for the Lin Kuei. They said I didn’t have the moral fortitude. Shows what they know eh? They all ended up killing each other off anyway, so it’s no skin off my back. I became a Black Dragon before I was ousted from the Lin Kuei, which is partly the reason I was kicked out at all. I was one of the first to get arrested when the Secret Forces chumps started to round us Black Dragon members up. While I was broken out by my dear friend Kano, I was not killed...quite the contrary, I lived a quiet life out in the west for awhile before the lure of money brought me right back home. I have been doing odd jobs for Kano for quite some time, keeping low for a fear of jailing. Of course, now I can do about anything I want and the cops can’t do a damn thing about it, with the Red Dragon having its hands in even the police’s pockets. Kano chose me personally to represent us in Mortal Kombat as a diversion to the others present. I will truly savor crushing the two new Lin Kuei warriors’ skulls in.

Main - Red Giant: Tremor is dressed in various pieces of red latex and rusted iron armor. Face is completely covered by latex.
Alt 1 - Earth God: Tremor is covered completely in cracked dirt. Face slightly emotes, but is mostly just a slightly shaped lump of earth.
Alt 2 - Classical: Giant brown MK3 style ninja. Beautiful to behold.
(I am considering Tremor as one of a couple sub-boss characters)

Weapon - Quake Hammer: A large stone tied to a slightly large tree trunk (like a larger version of the troll hammer). Is tied together with a vine, and covered in blood.

1- Rock Throw: Tosses rock at enemy, knocking them over.
2- Ground Smash: Punches the ground, sending a shockwave out which makes enemy stumble if hits.
3- Great Kick: Kicks hard at enemy, sending them up. Causes enemy to crash through roof if possible, if not, hits roof and falls back down. (This could cause problems with stage fatalities, but since this isn’t a real game, I don’t care)
4- Quake Punch: Hits enemy, causing them to tremble and stumble back for a couple moments.
5- Stomp: Stomps ground, causing enemy to flip into the air and sail towards Tremor.

Fatality - Endless Tremor: Tremor begins convulsing uncontrollably. He then places a hand on his enemy, causing them to take on the tremble. Tremor stands back and watches as the enemy shakes themselves apart.
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

11/01/2006 01:53 AM (UTC)
Bumpity bump bump. Holy crap dude you cant post that much.
You will notice in some of the above bios that I have about as much respect for MK's canon as the MK team does...little. I thought I might as well rewrite charecters past, since of course this is just a silly lil online thing, and I do not have to worry about pleasing the hordes of MK fans. As for what my game feels about Armageddon, it went like this...

Armageddon was actually caused by Havik getting hold of Onaga's heart and releasing all the old MK charecters en masse to battle on another into eternity. Scorpion returned Onaga's heart to his body, and then immediately killed him. Scorpion went about killing the various other big baddies of the MK series, and with the help of a couple other heros, he destroyed Blaze. Taven became a god and protecter of Edenia. As for the whole Konquest of MKA...most of it is untrue. Taven simply awoke, was given his sword, and dueled to the death with Daegon. He won, and went onto fight Blaze, simple as that, no muddling about with other charecters stories.

That being said, I might still make a ret-con that I didn't intend to, and will thus remake a bio, like I did with Kano. Hope you don't mind, if you are actually following this. I will try to remember to inform readers of any changes I might make.

And yes...I can post that much. I am simply posting one bio a night, with occasional other extras...what is it with people here and having a schedule? I can't just wait for it to fade into oblivion to post the new bio...I might never find it lol
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