Mortal Kombat: Ending Mania returns!
posted08/24/2005 09:25 PM (UTC)by
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08/18/2005 11:34 PM (UTC)
It's called mk:em(Mortal Kombat:Ending Mania!) Here's how to play:
1. An mk fighter will be mentioned and other players will make a 5-20
sentence ending for that character.

2. After that player makes an ending he/she will get to choose the new
character. If the player wants to make things even more complicated
they can choose which mk game the ending of the character has to
be from. EXAMPLE:P1-says''reptile from deadly alliance''after he types his
ending then P2 will have to type an ending based 'somewhat' on the
MK:DA storyline.

3.Think of the ending as an alt. alt. bio. the next person has to do that
ONLY if the previous person states an mk game. Got it?

4. You can repeat charaters thrice! (is that a real word?)

5.HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!

The character is Sindel!
08/23/2005 08:36 PM (UTC)
I never saw her MK3,UMK,MKT or MKD ending so i don't know how to re-make it.Hold on,I'm trying nowwink
08/23/2005 08:52 PM (UTC)
Once upon a time sindel had a husband called johnny cage.they had a child called millena.johnny cage took millena as his own drove sindel to kill 5,000,000,000 years later,she was ressurected by reptile.they,with millena battled johnny cage in MORTAL KOMBAT!for driving sindel to her death.they were nearly deafeated by johnny cage until sonya came and said,"johnny cage,where have you been for the past 5,000,000,000 years,you got some splanin' to do!","i was with this hot babe who is 10,000,000,00 years old"johnny said."HOW CAN YOU FIND HER ATTARCTIVE!!!!!"the battle raged between sonya and johnny cage.sonya had won very easily.then she pretended to help sindel up but quickly turned on her."YOU (beep!!)"sonya said.sindel died.

Liu Kang MKD
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I've gone back to my original forum as the ban messages have drove me insane...empty as hell though. FILL IT UP! Tetra_Vega, get on your myspace...

08/23/2005 09:23 PM (UTC)
After The Battle With The Dragon King Sindel returned to Edenia where she would rule alongside with the woman she thought was her daughter.But soon the woman thought to be Kitana revealed that it was Mileena under the veil.Mileena and Sindel fought for hours until Mileena blind sided Sindel in an act of desperation.Then Mileena drew her knife and killed the ruler of Edenia...Long Live Queen Mileena!
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08/23/2005 09:40 PM (UTC)
lol. Liu Kang now a zombie, had cracked! he went around and slew everyone in earthrealm by beheading them. He then ripped off the hair
off of all 9,999 heads he cut off. He tried them on, his favorite was sindel's
hair! At that time he saw something...brains. He took a lick... it was splendid! When he was done he was fatter than four cows combined!
Liu rolled over he saw brainless, scalpless heads which included: sub-zero, johnny cage, jax, sonya, raiden, kung lao, and baraka. ''wtf'' liu thought he wondered how he eat baraka's brains and why was there so many people with annymous written over their head? Then he found a walnut.
He cracked it open and ate it. Liu Kang exploded and it rained brains and a walnut for 60,000 milenniums!

About Me

I've gone back to my original forum as the ban messages have drove me insane...empty as hell though. FILL IT UP! Tetra_Vega, get on your myspace...

08/23/2005 09:59 PM (UTC)
Reptile Had Gotten off The Palace grounds To get a Drink.Looking like an idiot the Guards kicked his lizard butt around.Before long they got bored and walked off.Reptile Finally Got To The bar.But Before He could get in Bo Rai cho' Exited and Puked all Over Reptile's Clothing wow.
Reptile then puked acid on Bo rai cho and he died grin.When Reptile got in the bar Stryker went nuts and shot reptile in the head.

Bye Bye Reptile Guy! KABAL!
08/24/2005 10:40 AM (UTC)
Kabal turned in to Darth Vader after the extermination squads attacked him.He was then left with no where to go.A ship came down with Stormtroopers on it.They said "Will you be our new Darth Vader,the old died in the 70's".Kabal said yes,and he begun training.-disk scratch-."Wait,we can't have a Vader without an emporor"Said Kabal."Oh,we could recruit Shoa Kahn",said Kabal.So they went to Out world to recriut Shoa Kahn in his palace.He was laying dead on floor,WITH HIS HELMET OFF!!!
So Kabal found out that Deadly Alliance did this.He went there with stormtroopers and THE DEAD CORPSE OF LIU KANG!!!!Shang Tsung took a blow at Liu Kang.Liu's arm fell off,and hes other arm,and his legs,and his head.Kabal fought the Deadly Alliance vailintly.they tried to steal his soul,but they did the wrong thing.since vader is evil and turned good,shang tsung and quan chi turned good also!

08/24/2005 02:57 PM (UTC)
Kitana was able to break free of Onaga's control after Ermac's spell released her. Kitana spent a short time reunited with her Earthrealm allies but decided that she must return to her realm of Edenia and regroup with her mother and her armies led by Jade. Kitana returned to Edenia to find it in chaos and that her people have turned on her. Kitana unaware of what happened in her realm during her untimley absense had now discovered her people thought of her as a tyrant. Kitana had to flee away from her own people in hopes of survival. Kitana disguised herself as an elderly woman and snuck her way into Edenia's royal palace. Kitana managed to find Jade locked in a prison cell and was wounded from her battles. From Jade, Kitana learned of her sister's plot in ruling Edenia. Mileena had disguised herself as Kitana and used her armies as a tool to do her bidding. Kitana also learned of the fate of her mother Sindel. It was Mileena herself who struck down Sindel in battle and claimed Edenia for herself. Mileena had hung Sindel's corpse from the royal balcony as a sign that the new Queen, Kitana is now in power. Kitana enraged freed Jade and told her to gather what was left of her armies for a strike against the new fabled "Queen." Kitana with her soldiers bombarded the Edenian palace and Kitana locked in Mortal Kombat with her evil twin. All watched the two battle and watched Kitana mercilessly slaughter her sister in a bloody rage. Kitana cut Mileena's head off and stuck it to a pike. With her home in ruins, Kitana now has nothing to fight for. She sits in a depression and mourns the loss of her mother whom she thought would live in peace with. Due to Mileena's plot, Kitana must now live a life of constant battle, in Mortal Kombat.

Johnny Cage
08/24/2005 06:49 PM (UTC)
Good ideas. Since most people are doing dumb funny ones, I guess I better too.

After being ressurected from death again, Johnny Cage's life hit it's lowest point. His new movies were going straight to video, Sonya had sued him for sexual harrasment, and Mileena was claiming he was the father of her new baby after a drunken one night stand. Plus Raiden and the other heroes still didn't take him seriously, or even really like Johnny. Unfortunately, all of Earth's other heroes had been attacked and killed by Shang Tsung while they were stoned on Nightwolf's tribal weed.

Both Earthrealm and Edenia realised that Johnny Cage was their only hope, and immediately surrendered to Shang Tsung, thinking Johnny would fail badly. Johnny knew he would need more power to save the Earth, and have everyone worship him as their hero. So he trained in a technique banned in most fighting tournaments, even MK. His own acting ability, so bad it made even Steven Segal look like Al Pacino. Johnny killed many of Shangs army by forcing them to endure his acting skills, which made their brains rot and their eyeballs bleed. Eventually, Johnny used this power to destroy Shang Tsung himself. The Shang Man threw himself into the Dead Pool, rather than watch more of Johnny's acting.

Even after Johnny Cage had saved them all, still nobody took him seriously, and the movie based on his events flopped too. Johnny Cage then came up with a new way to make himself respected in Mortal Kombat, he took over Midway. Then he rewrote MK to make himself look like a legend, and gave himself the best parts in every new game. Other fighters had to accept this or be fired, since MK now belonged to Johnny, and he could do whatever he wanted in it. Now the world had no choice but to see Johnny Cage as the greatest fighter ever.

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08/24/2005 09:23 PM (UTC)
Raiden decided earthrealm neede a gang, an elder god gang. Only shinnok joined. This duo went realm to realm causing mayhem, until they got to Seido the realm of order. Hotaru had enough trouble with darruis and the resistance but when the elder god gang got there shinnok's head was melted by hotaru hot liquid magma. This enraged raiden to perform head zapping fatalities (mk1) to hotaru and all of the seido guards. When he was done darruis and dairou decided to join his gang which was all about to end. When havik and the black dragon joined raiden lost it and committed suicide which detroyed the chaosrealm!!
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08/24/2005 09:24 PM (UTC)
Raiden decided earthrealm neede a gang, an elder god gang. Only shinnok joined. This duo went realm to realm causing mayhem, until they got to Seido the realm of order. Hotaru had enough trouble with darruis and the resistance but when the elder god gang got there shinnok's head was melted by hotaru hot liquid magma. This enraged raiden to perform head zapping fatalities (mk1) to hotaru and all of the seido guards. When he was done darruis and dairou decided to join his gang which was all about to end. When havik and the black dragon joined raiden lost it and committed suicide which detroyed the chaosrealm!!

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08/24/2005 09:25 PM (UTC)
Raiden decided earthrealm neede a gang, an elder god gang. Only shinnok joined. This duo went realm to realm causing mayhem, until they got to Seido the realm of order. Hotaru had enough trouble with darruis and the resistance but when the elder god gang got there shinnok's head was melted by hotaru hot liquid magma. This enraged raiden to perform head zapping fatalities (mk1) to hotaru and all of the seido guards. When he was done darruis and dairou decided to join his gang which was all about to end. When havik and the black dragon joined raiden lost it and committed suicide which detroyed the chaosrealm!!

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