Mortal Kombat: Destiny (ERMACS COMMENTS ADDED!!!!!)
posted11/26/2007 04:29 PM (UTC)by
About Me

Member Since
11/14/2007 02:30 PM (UTC)
As I said in the Introductions Forum, here's the long project of MK8, called Mortal Kombat: Destiny. This project will include:

- Character bios
- Game modes
- Overall description
- Game engine
- Extras

Usually, these kind of projects start with an intro, and this is mine...


Argus and Delia are in the archway, watching the ruins of the Pyramid. Months have passed since the fury of the battle, nearly shattered the realms. Delia grabs Argus's hand, and stares at his eyes. Meanwhile, Argus closes his eyes, remembering the catastrophe.

Argus and Delia are watching the sky turning red, and on the ground, laying unconscious, their traitor son, Daegon. Unaware that his parents were there, he rises, as he watches Blaze sorrounded by flames on the top of the Pyramid. Rushing to the archway, Daegon looks down, focusing Taven, which is running through the savage crowd of warriors fighting below the Pyramid. Daegon angrily slams the ground. The archway teleports him down. Meanwhile, Shinnok is on a fight with Raiden, near the top. When he sees the Edenian brothers rushing upwards, he mobilizes Raiden, and leaves to hunt down Taven and Daegon. Argus and Delia watch carefully, as the apex of destruction is near. Taven is almost near the top, when a powerful energy blast comes by Shinnok, which throws Delia's son away. Daegon climbs the Pyramid stairs, watching the fight. Taven grabs the fallen Elder God by his arm, and slams him furiously. Unsheathing his Drakesword, a lighting bolt strikes Taven from the back. It is Raiden, which wants to finish Shinnok himself.

The intense battle, makes Blaze hungry for a fight. Slamming with all his strength, the Pyramid tremors itself, unbalancing the warriors standing on It. Scorpion is in an intense fight with the sorcerer Quan Chi. Hotaru and Havik are facing each other in an epic clash of Order VS Chaos. Sareena and Frost are battling to the death. Noob Saibot is fighting against the Wind of Justice, Fujin. Nitara and Ashrah are bleeding each other to death, as Rain and Ermac, are clashing their weapons. Daegon gets hit by a sword on his leg. Shang Tsung wanted to kill someone, while drawing his last breath. Daegon maniacally laughed, as he decapitated the sorcerer. Taven is trying to get himself up, only to find his brother alive, rushing at him. As they fight, they unknowingly climb upwards, only to reach the top. The moment had come. Blaze roared, as the fighters stopped. They were all watching the top. Argus steps to the edge of the balcony, anxious to know which of his sons, will be alive. Delia watches as her own blood fights for saving the realms from Armageddon. Daegon seems to have the upper hand, as he locks Taven's weapon and throws It at the edge of the top. Taven sweeps Daegon, and launches himself to the Drakesword. Meanwhile, Shinnok tries to cease the moment, and finish Blaze. Raiden electrifies his back and throws him down. The spark was given, and the intense battles resume.

Taven, with a smart move, slashes Daegon's knees,and then his chest. Daegon kneels before his brother. In these moments, the camera slow-motions, as showing all the fights, and Taven's eyes. Argus shouts, and Taven gets distracted, Daegon grabs one of his swords, and stabs Taven's chest. In the same time, Taven is happy to know his parents are alive, as blood and tears cover his face. Watching his chest, he then watches his brother's face, laughing. Pulling out the sword impaled to him, and using It with his Drakesword, Taven finishes his brother off. Severely injured, he then focuses his wrath on Blaze. Charging with the speed of light, Taven impales the weapon to Blaze's torso. The gigantic flaming firespawn roars from pain, as Taven shouts. Sareena is shown impaling her Demon Fang to Frost's chest, and twists It, killing the evil Cryomancer. Mileena and Kitana are near death. Having no strength left, Mileena still impales her Sai to Kitana's arm, as Kitana slashes Mileena's chest. Smoke has just woken up, being unconscious. Onaga and Shao Kahn twist themselves flying, as they both kill themselves on air. Reiko has put his arm on his Hammer, as watching the top, and breathing heavily. The camera then goes to normal speed.

Taven is being lifted on air on the top of the Pyramid. The sky upon him opens, as the elixir essence of Blaze flows, covering Taven, giving him full godhood. From the Catalyst Armor, the essences spread through the warriors. The exhausted combatants watch their strength overflowing from the flames. Thinking Armageddon would go away, Taven smiles to the balcony. Argus is crying and in joy for having accomplished what had almost destroyed reality. But, as Taven was in joy, the sky, began to turn in purple nuances. Meteors were falling down, bolts were striking down the warriors below. Argus was shocked to find out the Elder Gods chose to waste the last chance to save reality, by remaking It. Taven is slowly absorbed by the Vortex of the divine storm, which furiously destroys everything in its way. The warriors try to escape, as the unlucky ones, die or get absorbed. Running, Sub-Zero watches behind Scorpion, which is left unconscious by Quan Chi. The sorcerer had escaped with the fallen Elder God, Shinnok. Fujin watches an unconscious Raiden, and saves him from the devastation. Argus and Delia are trying to stop the storm. The Protector uses his powers, creating an ethereal barrier which stops the storm from advancing. Meanwhile the sorceress uses her powers to her limits, trying to save the warriors, teleporting them randomly in the realms, as much as she can save. Then a blinding light covers the whole screen. The camera then shows Argus watching the ruins, at present time.

Still Armageddon is between the realms, preserved by an unknowing force of evil, corrupting the very fabric of the realms, and, the Elder Gods themselves.

The camera shows now every survived warrior, and the new warriors. Sub-Zero is shaking his hand with Scorpion. The wraith shows his thanks by allying with the Cryomancer Grand Master.
Ermac is in Netherrealm, lurking in the wretches of Hell. Kitana is being crowned in her realm, as the people cheers. Nikka stands by, wielding her Vahura, and smiling to the new Queen. Tanya is standing in middle of the crowd, having her eyes glowed in the darkness created by the cloak she carries. Mileena is standing atop a temple, watching the crowning. Fujin is walking in the mountains of Outworld, searching for an energy hidden. Etherus senses the coming Wind God, and is walking in a hollow hall. Sareena is in Seido, watching Noob Saibot wandering the realm. Quan Chi and Shinnok are staring the tanks of magical fluids, which hold Selena and Xyr. Reiko is in Outworld, in his throne, smiling. Nitara in Vaeternus, thinking about Ashrah's whereabouts. An' Hette is standing atop the Vampiric Pools, reflecting, as a soft wind, breezes her hair. Oxanna is training in her garden, as Rain is walking aside the canyons, as he watches Argus and Delia, standing in the balcony near. From the Sky Temple top, Raiden is performing his Kata, as a bolt strikes his mighty Thunder Hammer. Leothen is practicing with his Rapier. Calming himself down, sweat drops from his face, as his right eye glows in red. Crowxor is standing atop the Pyramid ruins, opening his large dark crow wings. Vanessca is staring at a military Outworld encampment, near the doors of the colony of Vaeternus. Amylya is watching her sister, Anya, being cheered by the Seidan people for becoming the new ruler. Havik is in the Dungeons of Horrors, deep below the Palace of Order and Justice, watching the tortured prisoners. Ashrah is in Chaosrealm, wandering the unknown place. Hotaru is there too, as he's being sorrounded by cloaked warriors. From them, Ursula reveals her cloak to the Seidan Commander. Seraphine is training herself with the Korhydra in the Lin Kuei Palace. Tassia and Tremor are sparring a match together. Reptile and Khameleon have located the last source of the Saurian, a holy shrine. Smoke is in the old Lin Kuei Temple, where he has found interesting information. Seth Aseroth is wielding his Khopesh, as Crystalsya is walking the divine corridors of The Heavens. Heaidea is having her two Holy Symbols glowing in magenta and in blue light, in her arms. Omni, slowly walks in the mighty arena of the Divine Colosseum. In the boundaries of time and space, in a place where everything is abstract, the Unholy One has been awakened. In the Sacred Sanctuaries of Chaos and Order, Anthe, and Hepathra have awakened.

The Remake is near. Soon, the realms will be rebuilt, and the Unholy One will be stopped once and for all. - Words of Omni

The screen turns into a grudge background, with blood and scratches everywhere, as the Dragon Logo slowly appears. Destiny has been awakened...


Through the following time I'll spend here, I'll slowly show bios of new and returning characters...
11/14/2007 09:26 PM (UTC)
i don't know... destiny doesn't really fit in with this to well seeing how they want mk to be darker. to me. not to others... but to me, it feels that this doesn't suite.
11/14/2007 09:54 PM (UTC)
I was hoping for detailed feedback and stuff, but I think others will give It. MK Destiny is darker, and it doesn't need a title to express It.

I expect more feedback coming...glasses
11/17/2007 07:17 PM (UTC)

ORIGIN - Outworld
SPECIES - Fused Warrior Souls
STATUS - Soul Warrior
ALLIES - Forces of Light, Xyr, Selena
ENEMIES - Unnikxhal

FIGHTING STYLES - Choy Lay Fut, Xingyiquan, I Liq Chuan ( HE HUN QUAN ) Tiger Soul Fist
WEAPON STYLE - Malybra ( A double-headed serrated Axe at its edges, under Ermac's magical control. Manipulates souls.)


- TELEKINETIC SLAM - Ermac levitates the adversary for then slamming him on the ground, creating an opportunity to strike the inert opponent, while he's bouncing.
- HADO BLAST - Ermac launches from his hand the blast of his souls' energies to the adversary, launching him away.
- MYSTIC RAIN - Ermac, while on air, starts a rain of souls falling down the head of the adversary, and then hits with his legs the adversary's head.
- MYSTIC TOUCH - (After Mystic Rain) - Ermac adds an extra bonus of damage, by grabbing the adversary's head with his leg, launching him upwards, and hitting him with his fist.
- MYSTIC FLOAT - Ermac floats on air, avoiding any attack from the adversary below.
- SOUL'S REVENGE - (During Mystic Float) - Ermac bombards the adversary, floating, with green orbs of souls, stunning the opponent below.
- TELEKINETIC TOSS - Ermac grabs the opponent with his kinetic powers, throwing him by both sides, three times.


- MYSTIC TRIP - Ermac slams the opponent numerous times, in numerous places around him, before he can grab his leg and slam him one more time.
- ETHEREAL ILLUSION - A copy of Ermac in ethereal form, comes from Ermac, as the opponent is being held by him, and the ethereal form thrusts his hand through the adversary's torso, for then going inside Ermac's body, as the adversary's body falls down.


- KINETIC TORTURE - Ermac slowly makes the adversary float on air, the adversary groans and moans on pain. Ermac closes his palm, the adversary feels more pain. Ermac then lifts him more upwards, for then slamming him two times rapidly, before he can destroy him in an ultimate powerful slam. Ermac then opens his palm, as green energy is being generated.

- AXE OF VENGEANCE - Ermac kneels the opponent, pulls his Axe out, throws It vertically upwards, and watches as the Axe gets impaled in the torso. Ermac then walks away. Surprisingly, the adversary is alive, and throws the Axe to Ermac. The Axe obeys to Ermac only, and as he dodges It, It comes as a boomerang to the adversary, cutting him vertically, in two equal parts. Then Ermac grabs the Axe, and watches the camera, as blood is dripping from the blade.


- SOUL MASSACRE - Ermac levitates the opponent, slams him on the ground, and while he's bouncing, slams him numerous times, spins 720 degrees around himself while having the opponent in his arms, throws him upwards, shoots with a Hado Blast, pulls out the Axe and throws it on the opponent. Then, Ermac watches as the opponent is trying to escape with the Axe impaled on his back. Ermac stomps the body, pulls the Axe, and hits the adversary's back multiple times, while the opponents screams from the pain. What is seen is a massacred back, lots of blood, and Ermac hits the back one more time, chopping the body in two pieces. Then Ermac raises his hand while holding the blooded Axe.


- MAGIC DEATH - From Ermac's body, the souls inside him gradually seperate, until he's sorrounded by 10 copies of him, in ethereal form. The copies thrust their fists on Ermac. Then Ermac's body dissolves in air like ashes, and the souls vanish.


- FIRST COSTUME - MK Armageddon 1st outfit base, with gauntlets, shinguards, and an armor.
- SECOND COSTUME - MK Armageddon Alternate outfit base, with flag-like decorations on his gloves, and his suit, and his mask reveals more facial features.
- ALTERNATE COSTUME - Arabic-oriented outfit, with light armor on the knees and legs, leather armor on the front, and a mask that hides all of his face, revealing his glowing eyes.
- SPECIAL COSTUME - UMK3/MKT Ninja outfit, totally redesigned, with a more customized mask by Ermac, and several belts going horizontally his body, a leather cloth on the front, and a leather cloth on the back.


- We are Ermac ! - From a floating stance descends on the ground, ready to fight.
- Our might, our strength, our magnificence, will shadow you ! - His eyes glow green while talking...

- Useless ! - Ermac slowly approaches the defeated opponent, lifts him, and nears his face to that of the opponent saying the quote...
- The magic is all on the training ! - While saying the quote, he drags the adversary through th arena, while the opponent that is being dragged moans...


The ominous force came more intense during the final battle. I had foreseen, Forces of Light, and Forces of Darkness, clashing their weapons. The prize however was an elaborate trap to kill us all. As the divine storm initiated, We managed to save Ourselves from the devastation, but the evil presence of the place We stepped in, hurt Our souls. The strange thing was that the ominous force had become more powerful since the Pyramid Battle. Armageddon was still present, but still It was preserved by this unknown force. Onaga and Shao Kahn have fed this flow of energy with their greed for power, and domination. The very fabric of the realms were being manipulated by this corruption. His return must be stopped at once, as the Unholy One will bring destruction to reality.

Nekros, the only city built in the wretches of Hell. I remember aiding Shao Kahn long ago, feeding him, and the damnation manipulating him. My atonements for the atrocities I had done in the name of the Emperor, could never lift or free such a powerful energy. As I found a portal, not far from the inside walls of the city, an aura wave caught my senses. Concentrating myself more intensely, I realized, the waves were messages of help. Following them, I found myself outside the city gates, and felt the magical essence in me, being drained. The aura waves were guiding me to the Soul Stones, as It was trying to save me at the same time. I found a massive structure, with a way down. The source of the energy was coming from inside. Following the way, I encountered the most shocking thing. Two vertical tanks of magical fluids, preserving two being inside. I felt the waves coming only from the female being. Approaching myself to the tanks, what I saw left me without words. If these beings are truly what I think they are, a ray of hope is for reality.

' I finally managed to open the tanks of magical fluids. A blinding flash of light came immediately from them. As I recovered, I saw the silhouettes getting clearer. They were those who I suspected to be - Xyr and Selena. Within a moment, we were catapulted in Earthrealm. My job was simple from now on, to inform the Forces of Light. Selena told me that a ninja specter called Scorpion would be interested in the information she would give to him. The only safe place I sensed, was the White Lotus. There, I met the leader Oxanna, which agreed to help me informing Scorpion. However, I sense something has gone more wrong. The ominous force has grown stronger since my presence in the Netherrealm. I hope It is not too late..' - Ermac's words.

Ermac has managed to free Xyr and Selena from their magical prisons. The couple has interesting information, that are useful to the ninja specter. Ermac is suspicious about what is of such great importance. Even with his mind-reading abilities, he cannot pass the hermetic mind of the divines. Only time will reveal the secret...

So, what do you think about this?!
11/18/2007 07:40 AM (UTC)
pretty cool can you make reptiles bio smile
11/19/2007 08:04 PM (UTC)
Here are the Comments on Ermac's MK Destiny Bio..

It was definitely one of the characters I had to return and evolve his storyline, introducing him into more interesting and more important story arcs of the project. Now, I'll go through his bio, overall, in details...

His fighting styles were a bit difficult to adapt at first. I immediately thought of Choy Lay Fut as a style Ermac had fit very well in MK: D and MK: A. After, I went through the other fighting styles, in which I integrated in his Tiger Soul Fist personalized styles. Xingyiquan and I Liq Chuan were most than perfect for him. An internal fighting style and a Mind-Boxing fighting style, definitely a wise choice. For his weapon style, I intended to input his Axe back, but instead, I put a Labrys Axe, with serrated edges, Ermac's decorations on the Axe, and giving to It the name Malybra, which literally means Malign Labrys or Evil Labrys. Adding an extra touch on It, the magical control of his wielder, definitely made its appearance unique.

As you all may have seen, the specials in the returning characters have been fully revamped. Having old specials again would make the character less interesting in the fighting department. I've also noted that most of you are surprised by the throws and of the amount of power the specials have. The throws are chain ones, and the health bar has been multiplied three times, and many other features which will have their time to be shown.

What has impressed me is the effectiveness his storyline has proven to be by the story arc I have given to him. I'm most delighted by this. As I stated in the first paragraph of Ermac's comment, I wanted Ermac to be part of the stars, which are plenty in here. His role is more than important. The bio is just a bit revealed. The progress of what he's undergoing, will be mostly revealed in Konquest.

As for his future, It will come the time to show the potential upcoming characters for the MK9 project, which has been announced a bit ago. But that is another thing..
About Me

MK vs DC... there's something I never saw coming!

11/21/2007 05:29 PM (UTC)
don't wanna be a bitch but... the first thing of your story is already wrong. Argus and Delia were killed by Daegon, that's what we found out in Konquest.
11/21/2007 07:35 PM (UTC)
BarakaFanatic Wrote:
don't wanna be a bitch but... the first thing of your story is already wrong. Argus and Delia were killed by Daegon, that's what we found out in Konquest.

Actually, the deaths of Argus and Delia were a trick. Daegon thought he had killed them, but in reality, they are alive.
About Me


11/22/2007 05:31 AM (UTC)
Its all good to me
About Me

MK vs DC... there's something I never saw coming!

11/24/2007 09:38 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
BarakaFanatic Wrote:
don't wanna be a bitch but... the first thing of your story is already wrong. Argus and Delia were killed by Daegon, that's what we found out in Konquest.

Actually, the deaths of Argus and Delia were a trick. Daegon thought he had killed them, but in reality, they are alive.

You mean that? Damn! I should play MKA again tongue. I really thought they were killed. Sorry, my fault.
11/24/2007 02:46 PM (UTC)
BarakaFanatic Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
BarakaFanatic Wrote:
don't wanna be a bitch but... the first thing of your story is already wrong. Argus and Delia were killed by Daegon, that's what we found out in Konquest.

Actually, the deaths of Argus and Delia were a trick. Daegon thought he had killed them, but in reality, they are alive.

You mean that? Damn! I should play MKA again tongue. I really thought they were killed. Sorry, my fault.

Yes. Argus narrates all the endings except for Taven's Konquest ending. Rain's and Quan Chi's endings indicate that Argus had at some point ascended to Elder God status.
11/24/2007 03:53 PM (UTC)
good job on the story so far I'm looking foward to the next biosmile
11/26/2007 04:29 PM (UTC)
What are your thoughts in the Intro guys? I'm glad you liked Ermac's bio.

I've been working on different stuff for the project, and there are some surprise things coming soon...winkgrin
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