Mortal Kombat Adventure Game
posted04/02/2006 05:40 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/21/2004 03:23 PM (UTC)
I know someone had started one of these, and it was like Shoalin Monks except better. It was going really good, but I don't think they ever finished it. So I decided I was going to start a new one. Well, here it is

Opening FMV:

A dark screen appears, these words start to appear (as told by Raiden). Flashes of Shao Kahn and Shang Tsung are in the background.

"Mortal Kombat. A tournament born of evil, corruption, and power, it has been in exertion for a milennia. Those who control it only seek greed and prestige, driven by malevolence and hate. However, as a burden it may be, it is also a paradox that may save the realm of mortals - Earthrealm. The Elder Gods, who created the realms, composed the tournament to prevent the malignant emperor of Outworld, Shao Kahn, from taking Earthrealm into his grasp. However, nine consecutive losses will result in the invasion of Earthrealm, and it would slowly merge with Outworld into a barren, cruel wasteland."

Scenes of Kung Lao and Goro fighting.

"500 years ago, a Shoalin Monk by the name of Kung Lao had been successful in defending Earthrealm from Shao Kahn. But that winning streak was about to soon end. Prince Goro, a 2,000-year-old half human-half dragon was participating on the behalf of Shang Tsung, a sorcerer minion of Kahn. The Kung Lao was no match for the beast, and the relative safety of Earthrealm was at threat. Goro remained champion for those 500 years. This is the start of the ninth tournament."

The warriors are shown on screen one by one, and then finally Raiden.

"It is of utmost importantance that Earthrealm win this time. The fate of the world rests in the hands of six warriors. Liu Kang, a member of the Shaolin Monks, Johnny Cage, renound actor and martial artist, Sonya Blade, a top agent of the US Special Forces, Sub-Zero an assassin of the Chinese Lin Keui clan, Scorpion, an undead spectre bent on revenge, and Kano a thug and mercenary of the Black Dragon. They must set aside their differences and work together to save humanity as we know it. Their quest lies in your hands..."

The words Mortal Kombat appear on screen, and then opens up to the menu.

Single play mode won't be like MK:SM. You'll take turns playing as each character to get their full stories.

Level 1: The Balance of Light and Dark

The game opens in the plains of Outworld. Over the rugged terrain, you see Prince Goro and his brigade of Shokans. Suddenly, a flash of lightning strikes in front of them. Raiden the thunder god emerges.

Goro: "Wha-?!?!"

He and his men stagger back, blinded by the light.

Raiden: "Excuse the intrusion Prince Goro, but I would like to have a few
words with you."

Goro: "Thunder God? What brings you to Outworld. I know your powers
are weak here, so don't tempt me from bashing your head in..."

Raiden: "A last invitation, Goro, to participate on the side of light. Help the
Earth warriors defeat Tsung and Kahn, help them defeate their
evil conquests! With mighty Goro on our side, their treachery
will be ended forever. Then you could rule rightfully by your
Shokan brethren."

Goro: "I told you before, 'Thunder God', I am a creature of darkness. I
despise the light. It bothers me. You bother me!"

Goro lunges at Raiden, narrowly missing him.

Raiden: "Then our discussion is over, Prince. Just remember my words
in the days when you have fallen."

Goro: "But Raiden, I can't let you leave without a parting gift!"

Goro swings again, this time contacting with Raiden's chest. You enter combat with the Shokan as his bodyguards stand by and watch. This is a tutorial match, and just shows you the basics of fighting. Once you defeat Goro, Raiden vanishes from Outworld.

Level 2: Homecoming

The blinding light clears to an overhead view of the Shaolin Temples. The camera centers down on to a lone warrior - Liu Kang. You have just arrived back from America to China. You now can control him and explore the temple grounds. Stepping off the boat you are on, a monk, Shilun, approaches you.

Shilun: "Great warrior, Liu Kang, you are needed in the temple. Master
Master Rong says he has something very important to tell you."

Liu: "Thanks, Shilun. It is good to see you again. How have things been since I left?"

Shilun: "Oh, they have been very tense. With the Mortal Kombat
Tournament approaching, everyone is anxious. No-one knows
who will be chosen as champion."

Liu: "Well then, I see. Did Master Rong want to converse with me about the

Shilun: "I do not know Liu Kang, he did not speak to me of it."

Liu: "Alright then, it was good to see you."

Shilun: "The same to you, Liu Kang!"

They bow to each other. You head to the temple and enter, a quiet, hazy, candlelit room. Master Rong is meditating on the floor. As quietly as you approach, he still senses you.

Rong: "Liu Kang, how long has it been since you have fled from our

Liu: "I do not know, Master, for exact."

Rong: "Has the disappearence of your brother obscured your awareness
of time also?"

Liu: "No, Master, it has not."

Rong: "Well then, it is good to have to back. But the circumstances
bewilder me. How can you abandon us and all your hope, and
then arrive here one day, demanding your participation in the
tournament? You are a young and foolish one, Liu Kang. I do not
believe in your hastiness. You are not close to being able to defeat
Shang Tsung in the tournament, not even Goro! It is not only your
skills that evade you, it is your mind too."

Liu: "I'm am sorry master. I should have not lost faith in you after my brother
disappeared. It is just that...that he was on a mission for the Temples.
I know it was not your fault however."

Rong: "It is justified that you have learned your lesson, Liu Kang. But we
have already speculated on representative for the tournament.
Siang* is our top choice for Shang's scheme. I would consider it,
though, if you defeated him in combat."

Liu: "I will prove you, then. It will not be long until I return."

*Siang is from the comics, but I'm not making him the super-human he is.
He is just going to appear as a normal Shoalin Monk.

You exit the temple and search for Siang. You find him training in the sparring area. You challenge him.

Liu: "Siang, representative of the Shoalin Monks for the Mortal Kombat
Tournament, I confront you to combat."

Siang: "Liu, I see you have returned! What a pleasant surprise, however I
don't think it is wise for you to challenge me. You'll just get hurt."

Liu: "If you think you are so worthy, than fight me! Show you are better!"

Siang: "Silly Liu Kang, if you wish."

You fight him and learn Liu Kang's style in the process. A crowd of monks have gathered around you. Several run off rto spread the news. Siang walks away speechless and slighty broken. You quickly return to Master Rong, who has already heard the news.

Rong: "I see that you are worthy Liu Kang. I had no great deal of faith
in you that you could defeat him so quickly. I will grant your
wish of participating in the tournament. Good luck to you. The
fate of Earth lies in only the faith in yourself."

Liu: "Thank you Master, it is well appreciated."

Well, that was alot to write. There was alot of talking during this part, just beacuse it is the opening, but I promise more action later. I just want to introduce everyone in the first few levels.
About Me


03/31/2006 05:00 AM (UTC)
Dude thats cool! They should just remake every MK game and make it an adventure.
03/31/2006 05:18 AM (UTC)
ecwkombat Wrote:
Dude thats cool! They should just remake every MK game and make it an adventure.

*has a heart attack*
03/31/2006 11:06 PM (UTC)
Level 3: Ego Inflation
Character: Johnny Cage
Level: Film Set

The scene opens up in a dark film set. Suddenly the lights turn on, revealing your surrounds. Surrounded by thugs, you, Johnny Cage, must try to escape them. As a tutorial, you will practice beating them up to learn the actor's moves. Finally the director yells cut. A crewman, Dave, approaches you.

Dave: "Hey Johnny? How's the film comin'?"

Johnny: "Dave, I tell ya, these people in Hollywood are something. They all
want you to bow down at their feet like a god. Hey do this, do that.
Go here, go there. Uhh! It's ridiculous. Hey, why don't you go get
me a Coke and some wings, how bout it? Alright there's a good

Dave: "Okay sir, right on it!"

Johnny: "These people..."

Once you enter your trailer, your agents want to talk with you about this tournament you are entering.

Agent 1 (Man): "About this fighting tournament, Johnny. This is crazy, you
could get hurt.

Johnny: "Oh, people sure are going to get hurt. Proving I'm not a fake is
gonna be a painful experience for these people. That's for sure.
It won't be Johnny Cage, though. And after I win, I have another
great movie for me to make. It'll be a blockbuster hit!"

Agent 2 (Woman): "I'm not to positive about it either... Everybody I've talked
to has never even heard of it. Sounds like a scam to
me. Come on, before it's too late."

Agent 1: Yeah, Johnny. Shooting for Iron Claw begins on the 17th. You
haven't even read the script yet."

Johnny: "Well, that's the story of my life..."

04/02/2006 02:07 AM (UTC)
Character: Sonya Blade
Area: Streets/Docks

Late night, downtown. Sirens are heard in the background followed by gunshots ringing in the air. Suddenly a motorcycle comes flying around a corner, tailed by a black van. Kano, a Black Dragon clan member blindly fires his uzi behind him. The shots pepper the van's front, nearly blowing out two tires. Kano angrily yells in vain.

Kano: "Special Forces shitheads! Eat my lead!"

The van slowly began to lose the motorcycle. Inside, the members of the Special Forces (Sonya, Jax, Xiaver, Nina and Kreiger) quickly conversed.

Sonya: "Floor it, Jax, he's getting away!"

Jax: "I'm trying Sonya. I'm still right on his tail."

Kreiger: "Don't worry, this leads right into the docks. It's a dead end -
nowhere for him to run."

Sonya: "But plenty of places to hide. We can't let him get away! Of all the
Black Dragon members, Kano is the one I want the most."

Nina: "Don't look now, guys, but it seems someone wants to play a little

Kano's bike suddenly spun around and he floored it towards them.

Kano: "Come on bitches! If you want some of Kano, just bring it on!"

They get closer and closer. Just before they collide, Kano flips onto the roof of the van. Kano fires a couple shots into the van, as many as he can get before Sonya climbs up their with him.

Kano: "I'm sorry baby, but I'm late for my ride. We can chat later."

Sonya: "You can't just leave a desperate girl now, Kano. Where's your

Kano: "Desperate, are we?"

You enter a training session in a quick match against Kano on the roof of the van. After learning all the basics, Kano catches Sonya off guard and lands her a good one. Taking the moment, he throws a gas bomb in the van and leaps onto a rooftop. Sonya rolls off to the hard pavement below as the van hits a wall. Xavier jumps out, bleeding from the head.

Xiavier: "Sonya, go ahead, we'll catch up with you!"

Running into the dark docks you area attacked by Black Dragon thugs. You continously fight them, pushed on by the cat-calls of Kano. You finally reach a malevolent looking ship. Enshrouded by fog and mist you cautiously proceed up the ramp. Several more Black Dragon members fight you in your search. Rounding a corner, expecting Kano, you meet with your partners again.

Kreiger: "There you are Sonya, where's Kano?"

Sonya: "Somewhere on this ship. What is this thing? It's pretty creepy."

Nina: "I don't know bout we radioed for backup. They should look onto our
singal and proceed to meet with us."

Sonya: "Where's Jax?"

Xiavier: "He stayed behind with the van. Unfortunately it's totaled."

Kreiger: "All right, we better split up and search this ship for that bastard
before he gets another chance to avoid our grasps again."

Next level will probably be Sub-Zero or Scorpion most likely, so stay tuned for more later.

04/02/2006 02:49 AM (UTC)
This site pisses me off sometimes. I try to actually come up with creative topics to enhance the quality of these forums, and all my topics do is get shoved aside by things like "wsah teh collest mves uve evr dun in MK game be4". Then, I never get any DP from any creative writing I do come up with, but little things like four words long that are supposedly "thought provoking and interesting" get four DP, when they are just stupid. Aghh, these forums have gone to the pits.
04/02/2006 05:40 AM (UTC)
Legacy Wrote:
This site pisses me off sometimes. I try to actually come up with creative topics to enhance the quality of these forums, and all my topics do is get shoved aside by things like "wsah teh collest mves uve evr dun in MK game be4". Then, I never get any DP from any creative writing I do come up with, but little things like four words long that are supposedly "thought provoking and interesting" get four DP, when they are just stupid. Aghh, these forums have gone to the pits.

So you're just doing this for the DP's?
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