Mortal Kombat 9 to be officially unveiled at E3 according to Boons twitter ....
posted02/01/2010 08:31 PM (UTC)by
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03/12/2004 04:20 AM (UTC)
Don't know if you guys caught this, but this on Ed Boons Twitter account

9:40 PM Jan 24th from Twitterrific

@noobde whats with all screeching like a little girl? lol

@Pxldood No that was a secret clue.
about 3 hours ago from Twitterrific in reply to Pxldood


I guess its official now.
01/26/2010 12:06 PM (UTC)
FTRST!! :P yay finally only a few months untill E3 but I wonder if there will be a teaser between now and then?
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01/26/2010 02:05 PM (UTC)
Let's hope this is going to be something significant, I'm really losing my patience.
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01/26/2010 02:17 PM (UTC)
Yeah, I don't mean to sound greedy, but we've got to wait until June!? Can't we at least get a magazine article before then? I was under the impression that this game was going to be released this year (not sure why I thought that).

Wouldn't it make sense to have a better roll out then being one of the 8 billions pieces of news that comes out of the biggest video game show of the year?

Plus the fact that it's probably only 4 to 5 months before the release (again if it comes out this year). So why give yourselves such a short window to promote the game?

News should start trickling in February, followed by a magazine article, some interviews with internet sites, more pictures revealed etc leading up to E3.

Oh well, I don't mean to sound ungrateful or dismissive of the news, but didn't most people think that we'd at least see SOMETHING before E3??
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01/26/2010 02:45 PM (UTC)
You should submit this as a news lead here.
I'll be looking forward to E3 even more if this is the case. I'd guessed that something might be showcased in E3 only a few weeks ago. If this info is accurate then I may have guessed right.
Adam Ronin
01/26/2010 03:30 PM (UTC)
Boon also just posted this on twitter 5 mins ago.

noobde "DDD"

Let the speculation begin
01/26/2010 03:38 PM (UTC)
GoDisNotHereTODAY Wrote:
Boon also just posted this on twitter 5 mins ago.

noobde "DDD"

Let the speculation begin

that one is for captain obvious...i bet its going to feature 3D...its all the RAGE remember.
Adam Ronin
01/26/2010 03:40 PM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
GoDisNotHereTODAY Wrote:
Boon also just posted this on twitter 5 mins ago.

noobde "DDD"

Let the speculation begin

that one is for captain obvious...i bet its going to feature 3D...its all the RAGE remember.

Oh shit!!!!

I didn't even put that together. I don't think it's going to be 3D like....3fuckinD in the theaters. Do you? Maybe it's 3D like.....the past MK games have been. haha
01/26/2010 05:02 PM (UTC)
DDD I think is just his way of saying the game is going to be a 3D fighter and not a 2D throwback that everyone is speculating.

Don't forget either that MK vs DC was teased on with a countdown that stopped the day before E3, and then showed a message saying the embargo would lift the next day, and then the next day at E3 it was unveiled for the first time, and was still released 5 months later ...... so I wouldn't be concerned.
01/26/2010 06:06 PM (UTC)

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01/26/2010 08:24 PM (UTC)
Edited. Misread the post. Revisions aside, I still hope they don't wait till E3 to reveal the first details. That would just be inexplicably lame.
01/26/2010 09:45 PM (UTC)
IM SAYING its official but Midway nor Boon has actually said "its official" , but when boon says EEE is a secret clue, I think its a pretty hint that its when its getting unveiled.

I'm actually kind of glad they are waiting. Deception and Armageddon had so much info overload that by the time the games came out I felt like I had already seen everything. There was no surprise element. Between character confirmation, fatality videos and screen shots its like I already had the game. I personally want to see the trailer and them im done. I'll wait for the game to come out. I want to be surprised.
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01/26/2010 11:27 PM (UTC)
jpetrunak Wrote:
IM SAYING its official but Midway nor Boon has actually said "its official" , but when boon says EEE is a secret clue, I think its a pretty hint that its when its getting unveiled.

I'm actually kind of glad they are waiting. Deception and Armageddon had so much info overload that by the time the games came out I felt like I had already seen everything. There was no surprise element. Between character confirmation, fatality videos and screen shots its like I already had the game. I personally want to see the trailer and them im done. I'll wait for the game to come out. I want to be surprised.

i agree, to much is given away. MK was all about secrets when it first came out, i think it needs to return to its roots in that regard.
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01/26/2010 11:43 PM (UTC)
FoDeah Wrote:
jpetrunak Wrote:
IM SAYING its official but Midway nor Boon has actually said "its official" , but when boon says EEE is a secret clue, I think its a pretty hint that its when its getting unveiled.

I'm actually kind of glad they are waiting. Deception and Armageddon had so much info overload that by the time the games came out I felt like I had already seen everything. There was no surprise element. Between character confirmation, fatality videos and screen shots its like I already had the game. I personally want to see the trailer and them im done. I'll wait for the game to come out. I want to be surprised.

i agree, to much is given away. MK was all about secrets when it first came out, i think it needs to return to its roots in that regard.

Perhaps, but I don't think the roster and gameplay revisions should be a secret. Giving out information slowly is good marketing, and I think Midway failed to do that with MKvsDC. Not to mention if you're worried about knowing too much, then you have the option of not reading the updates.

My excitement is perfectly proportionate to the amount of info they provide. If I have no info, I'll have zero excitement.
Adam Ronin
01/27/2010 04:01 AM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
FoDeah Wrote:
jpetrunak Wrote:
IM SAYING its official but Midway nor Boon has actually said "its official" , but when boon says EEE is a secret clue, I think its a pretty hint that its when its getting unveiled.

I'm actually kind of glad they are waiting. Deception and Armageddon had so much info overload that by the time the games came out I felt like I had already seen everything. There was no surprise element. Between character confirmation, fatality videos and screen shots its like I already had the game. I personally want to see the trailer and them im done. I'll wait for the game to come out. I want to be surprised.

i agree, to much is given away. MK was all about secrets when it first came out, i think it needs to return to its roots in that regard.

Perhaps, but I don't think the roster and gameplay revisions should be a secret. Giving out information slowly is good marketing, and I think Midway failed to do that with MKvsDC. Not to mention if you're worried about knowing too much, then you have the option of not reading the updates.

My excitement is perfectly proportionate to the amount of info they provide. If I have no info, I'll have zero excitement.

I am the same as you, my friend. I have a slow burning excitement knowing there is another MK game COMING but my overwhelming desire for it doesn't happen until they give me something to get excited about. Seems a little late in the game for a proper marketing program if they intend on releasing in less than a year.

I mean, come on. We knew about Street Fighter 4 like 2 years before it launched!!! It doesn't take an entire team of rocket scientists to throw together a good little 45 second teaser to get our cocks hard.
01/27/2010 04:16 AM (UTC)
I personally love it when developers unveil information little by little. It is a great way to market and ensures people to follow your project.
01/27/2010 05:19 AM (UTC)
I told you so

Can't wait
01/27/2010 05:12 PM (UTC)
so how can you tell it was ed boon saying this whos is twitteriffic im new to the twitter stuffwow
01/28/2010 07:47 AM (UTC)
Its Ed Boons official Twitter account, and the @ means your responding to someone. Twitter is almost like a really simple message board / facebook wall where you just post little messages, however you only see messages from those you subscribe too.

So you could post @noobde on your twitter, but unless Ed Boon happens to do a search showing his name mentioned in someone's post, and then adds you , he won't see your messages.

Someone that he is following responded to his EEE message, and he responded back. So when Boon responded with "its a secret clue" you could below the message to see what he was responding to , which was the post about screaming like a girl.

And btw, 5 months is more than enough time to get hype built up for a game.

June : E3
July : Print Magazines
Aug : Hands On preview from websites
Sep : More media released - vids - pics
Oct : Features , I.E. Mortal Mondays / Fatality Fridays
Nov : Final hands on and Ads circulate
Mid Nov : Game released
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01/28/2010 06:29 PM (UTC)
jpetrunak Wrote:
Its Ed Boons official Twitter account, and the @ means your responding to someone. Twitter is almost like a really simple message board / facebook wall where you just post little messages, however you only see messages from those you subscribe too.

So you could post @noobde on your twitter, but unless Ed Boon happens to do a search showing his name mentioned in someone's post, and then adds you , he won't see your messages.

Someone that he is following responded to his EEE message, and he responded back. So when Boon responded with "its a secret clue" you could below the message to see what he was responding to , which was the post about screaming like a girl.

And btw, 5 months is more than enough time to get hype built up for a game.

June : E3
July : Print Magazines
Aug : Hands On preview from websites
Sep : More media released - vids - pics
Oct : Features , I.E. Mortal Mondays / Fatality Fridays
Nov : Final hands on and Ads circulate
Mid Nov : Game released

If we're talking about sales figures, then no, E3 should not be the first time a game that's due to come out by the end of the year is first revealed to the world.

That's a terrible idea.

For one thing, TONS of news comes out of E3. There are always a few bombshells that get dropped at E3. Furthermore, you'll be seeing the triple A titles that will be coming out at the end of the year in their most revealed form.

Halo Reach, The Last Guardian, Project Natal, Gran Tourismo 5, The Force Unleashed 2, Fable 3, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Dead Rising 2, The next Treyarch Call of Duty game, Max Payne 3, Rock Band 3, Rage, Doom 4... The list goes on and on...

These are the games that a new MK game will have to share floor space with, face time with, media coverage with...

Why would you want MK to be shown to the world for the first time amidst the biggest news storm in the video games industry of the year?

If you introduce MK in a magazine cover in March, followed by an internet feature in April, then you've put the game in to people's minds so that when they're sorting through the despicable amounts of E3 coverage on an IGN or a Gamespot type of site, they'll at least know to look for MK.

My worry is that introducing a new MK against all of those games, plus tons more, PLUS the stories that we don't even know about yet... Well, I'd simply rather not see MK get buried in the avalanche of news.

Let MK have the spotlight to themselves in the spring, then go in to E3 with a full head of steam, then bring on the slow rollout in the months leading up to release.

To me, that's a better option. But then again, I never got a marketing degree so what do I know...
01/29/2010 01:03 AM (UTC)
theres a new tweet now it says its kold in Chicago
01/29/2010 05:45 AM (UTC)
Ed Boon did spend quite some time on Twitter being excited by 3D. You never know
01/29/2010 06:31 AM (UTC)
@ Baraka407

MK vs. DC was officially unveiled at E3 2008 on July 15, 2008. The game was released November 16, 2008 , roughly 4 months after it was first announced.

Now read this from wikipedia :

Midway Games announced that as of January 26 , Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe had shipped 1.8 million copies since its release in mid November 2008. These numbers do not include the Kollector's Edition of the game. The Kollector's Edition seems to have done well though, as noted by the COO of GameStop where he stated that the Kollector's Edition of the game made up 55% of Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe total sales at GameStop locations in its first week. In their 10-K filing, Midway Games revealed the title had sold over 1.9 million units, making it one of the company's most successful titles since 2002. According to Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe also, "...holds the distinction of being the most pre-ordered MK game of all time."

Basically MK vs DC was one of Midways most highest selling games of all time, with four months of marketing. I think MK9 will do just fine.
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01/30/2010 03:19 AM (UTC)
Ach! 5 months! but still very glad to know its gonna be at E3.

That's if it is!wow
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02/01/2010 08:14 PM (UTC)
...Would any of you believe I was wondering when they were going to unveil MK9 just the other day?....I....I think I may be psychic...or it's just a coincidence. Hmmm.
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