06/10/2010 04:55 PM (UTC)
looks amazin!!

i hope Jade is back i love female characters!!
06/10/2010 04:56 PM (UTC)
With one word : BADASS!! First the cool movie trailer now this badass game trailer! Thank you ED! Thank U! It seems awesome!
06/10/2010 04:57 PM (UTC)
Looks good! And Kung Lao is there, finally!

It really feels like the good'ol MK era we all loved.Brings me much more nostalgia than MKDA,MKD, MKA and MKDC.

Too bad they disabled the blood for the trailer. It does not look very dark but the environnements are very well done.
06/10/2010 04:58 PM (UTC)
I can't wait to see the select screen. I hope they shade out some characters so we can have the "guess who that shaded out character is" contests of the good ole days on this site...
06/10/2010 04:59 PM (UTC)
I'm not convinced this is a retelling of MK2-3. But there are signs pointing to it. Let's break it down.

MK1-3 era signs:
- Sub-Zero's lack of Medallion, scar, and glacier arms
- MK1-3 stages, including older Shang Tsung in his palace
- Lack of "Dark" Raiden
- Reptile is not devolved as heavily as latter games
- Only MK1-3 characters demonstrated in combat

Post MK3 era signs:
- Sub-Zero has elements of his Dragon Armor costume, such as belt and arm guards
- Many characters that should not be around in MK3 are present, such as Daegon (who was awakened in MK:Armageddon), Dragon-theme Li Mei (from her "corruption" in MK:Deception), and Kira (who had no involvement until Kabal recruited her in MK:Deception)
- Other post-MK3 characters cameo, such as Kenshi and Reiko
- Many characters sport their contemporary outfits, such as Sektor, Mileena, and Johnny Cage with a tattoo (unless he got it removed between MK3 & MK4)

Personally, I hope it ties back to the original games but also extends beyond the latter ones to serve as a genuine sequel. While most of the newer characters were, well, lame, it would be a shame if characters like Kenshi, Sareena, and the other few positively received additions were neglected.

And we all know Scorpion's going to be in there. That's just common sense.
06/10/2010 04:59 PM (UTC)
It's not disabled, there's plenty visible blood. It's just that the sprays are more realistic rather than giant globs.
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06/10/2010 05:00 PM (UTC)
lordbilly Wrote:
Too bad they disabled the blood for the trailer. It does not look very dark but the environnements are very well done.

I dunno, in the last few games the annoying amounts of blood were WAY too cartoony, though MK vs DC DID do a good job with that

Skaven13 Wrote:
I can't wait to see the select screen. I hope they shade out some characters so we can have the "guess who that shaded out character is" contests of the good ole days on this site...

Unless it's just a block with a "?" instead of a silhouette
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06/10/2010 05:00 PM (UTC)
Yes, darkness and grit.

So far the characters look as threatening as your wheelchair bound grandmother on the fire escape.
06/10/2010 05:01 PM (UTC)
It is funny that no one is worried about Scorpion. Maybe this is the first MK in which the ninja doesn't appear in the first images of the game. Except Mk3, of course.
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06/10/2010 05:03 PM (UTC)
LordShaoKahn Wrote:
It is funny that no one is worried about Scorpion. Maybe this is the first MK in which the ninja doesn't appear in the first images of the game. Except Mk3, of course.

The Scorpion is a lie.
06/10/2010 05:05 PM (UTC)
LordShaoKahn Wrote:
It is funny that no one is worried about Scorpion. Maybe this is the first MK in which the ninja doesn't appear in the first images of the game. Except Mk3, of course.

Scorpion's in the very logo for "Neatherrealm Studios", so I don't think anyone thinks he won't appear.

... and I totally don't even mind that Liu Kang wasn't shown. I'm surprised by my total "okayness" with that. Maybe Kung Lao finally will step up and assume that lead role that MK:Deadly Alliance teased us with but then quickly scrapped in favor *shudder* Shujinko.
06/10/2010 05:06 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Yes, darkness and grit.

So far the characters look as threatening as your wheelchair bound grandmother on the fire escape.

Look, man. Games where everyone wears street clothes and the color palette is nothing but grays and browns are not entertaining, they look dull and awful. If you can't get this ridiculous need for everything to be more like junkies fighting over a heroin needle in a dirty alley out of your system, I'm sure there are plenty of games like that out there for you full of dust and light bloom and low saturation. Or you could watch the Rebirth trailer some more and wait for the full movie of that to get made.

Mortal Kombat the video game is about dudes with superpowers. There will be colorful clothes and energy beams.
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06/10/2010 05:10 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
Yes, darkness and grit.

So far the characters look as threatening as your wheelchair bound grandmother on the fire escape.

Look, man. Games where everyone wears street clothes and the color palette is nothing but grays and browns are not entertaining, they look dull and awful. If you can't get this ridiculous need for everything to be more like junkies fighting over a heroin needle in a dirty alley out of your system, I'm sure there are plenty of games like that out there for you. Or you could watch the Rebirth trailer some more and wait for the full movie of that to get made.

Mortal Kombat the video game is about dudes with superpowers. There will be colorful clothes and energy beams.

That does not equal darkness nor grit.

That is "everyone wears street clothes and the color palette is nothing but grays and browns" Do not mix what passes on for darkness and grit in with what darkness and grit actually means.

Btw,"I do not play everyone wears street clothes and the color palette is nothing but grays and browns" games. Since my system cannot manage them.
SUB-ZERO The First
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I am mortal - I am a thief and assassin - I am a Lin Kuei warrior - I am SUB-ZERO

06/10/2010 05:11 PM (UTC)
This game will be awesome!!! One thing I want to ask from Ed Boon to make this the perfect MK: Please oh please do something with Sub-Zero's fighting stance and with others fighting stances too! Sub-Zero needs back his classic MK2 stance. This was his trademark. Please bring it back!
Wow, I did not see even 1 person say something bad about this game... awesome.

And the trailer is perfect.
06/10/2010 05:21 PM (UTC)
WB will become rich when they launch this game
LMAO! WB are already rich.
06/10/2010 05:36 PM (UTC)
MortalKombatFan2010 Wrote:
LMAO! WB are already rich.

Well yeah but after this comes out, they could be as rich as Warner Brothers.
06/10/2010 05:37 PM (UTC)
looks cartoony. backgrouds look great. fighting looks like mkvsdc. 2.5d which is great. still looks slow though....looks like they used shaolin monks graphic style..... i need to see more.
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06/10/2010 05:38 PM (UTC)
Two things I'd like to know :
1. The opening roster
2. If there will be any DLC. Not what, not how much. Only if there will be any.
06/10/2010 05:39 PM (UTC)
YES! Mortal Kombat is back!

This looks great so far. I too am impressed that Scorpion was not in this but, like someone else said, this trailer seems to focus more on characters that were not in MKvsDC.

It looks like we'll have some kind of tag team or maybe assist characters during the fights.
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06/10/2010 05:43 PM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:

- Many characters that should not be around in MK3 are present, such as Daegon (who was awakened in MK:Armageddon)

Actually one of the story points was that Daegon awoke LONG BEFORE MK:A. That's when taven woke up. That's why Daegon was all screwy cause he woke up too early
06/10/2010 05:43 PM (UTC)
Vash_15 Wrote:
Garlador Wrote:

- Many characters that should not be around in MK3 are present, such as Daegon (who was awakened in MK:Armageddon)

Actually one of the story points was that Daegon awoke LONG BEFORE MK:A. That's when taven woke up. That's why Daegon was all screwy cause he woke up too early

You're right. I was getting him and Taven mixed up again. Stupid generic characters...
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TonyTheTiger - Forum Director

Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.

06/10/2010 05:44 PM (UTC)
My only problem is that the MK Team has texture artists of middling skill at best. Everybody still looks like plastic action figures. That was fine last gen but with the 360 and PS3 you'd think things would look a bit better.

But other than the visual issues, this looks pretty damn good. The four player tag team is really piquing my interest as well as the fully 2D gameplay.

Plus it's always nice to see Johnny Cage and Kung Lao get some love.

But Cage gets killed again! Why does he always get the shaft?
06/10/2010 05:50 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Yes, darkness and grit.

So far the characters look as threatening as your wheelchair bound grandmother on the fire escape.

That could be pretty threatening depending on if you are on the receiving side. Ever seen Conspiracy Theory? Mel Gibson totally took out that guy on the stairs with that wheelchair...
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