posted02/09/2009 06:04 AM (UTC)by
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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

Member Since
12/04/2008 05:03 PM (UTC)
This game could be called mk9 to show that mk is back as its normal self, or it could be called MK vs 2( meaning that this is the sequel to only the mk side of mk vs dc) without using the letters DC for rights purposes or usin the dc characters.

Now firstly, im getting tired of ppl bashing the idea of a mk game with most of its returning characters, because im sure if it was done right and if the gameplay was excellent, everyone would get this game.

The best mk games in 2d were mk2, mkt, and umk3, now I do agree that umk3 gets more play as far as midway goes, but really everyone likes mkt, so I really dont know why they just dont put a faster than nintendo 64 version, mixed with all the correct stage music from the playstation version plus all playstation version chars and add the n64 girl khameleon version plus all the stages from all mks from mk1-mkt without leaving out a single damn stage, and make sure the stage music is correct because I dont know why the hell the n64 version stages(SOME OF THEM) had the wrong music on it, that ERKS me!

This is the damn 9th mk game for piss sakes, so by now we alt to be able to finish off every last character in the game with a finishing move (INCLUDES BOSSES!) as well as all bosses need finishing moves as well as they need to be bad asses, not as annoying as ONAGA was as a boss but like a dark kahn, I actually liked the idea that they had shaokahn, darkseid and dark kahn as a boss with the true boss(dark kahn) having all the powers of both darkseid and shao kahn, now that to me is a true boss.
BY NOW we should be able to do the following in a mkgame for now on:

ON char select screen be able to cycle through all old and new character costumes

Choose time of day: day, night, sunrise, sunset, dark kombat

Choose the weather: rain, sleet, snow, windy, sunny, pink skies, cloudy

Wake up system, each char should have their own
plus if you choose to stay on ground when knocked down, the other player should have the ability to keep quickly stomping you to u use the wakeup and get the hell up.

Choose ur destiny- from at least 4 different areas like in mk4 were u could also turn the blocks at the choose ur destiny screen.

a in game test ur might- done when both chars hit at the same time rather using a weapon like baraka fight seen from mk shaolin monks or rather usin hand to hand kombat and yall both strike at the same time.

- plus the return of running through walls, but in a more mk way meaning (bloody and clothes damage) and maybe when you come out from getting bash through walls, maybe something is above hung on the wall and by you hitting the wall a metal object or something could fall down on you like in mk deception death trap, if you dont sidestep after you come through the last wall you could be struck by a yellow caution(the metal object- but only takes caution damage) or if your smashed that would be a red death caution were as your life would end right there on the spot and ull lose the round.

Deathtraps should look different than the stage fatalities(like mka bell tower stage) and the yellow caution should be different than the red caution deathtraps.

Every stage should have a deathtrap and a good and evil stage.

About Me

finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

02/08/2009 05:44 PM (UTC)
So like I said I would keep all the mk chars of mk vs. dc with their endings since they were upgraded and so for now on through the next few mks, the storyline wont be back and forth, which would be the chance to start and pickup were it left off from mk vs dc.

In MK9 I would have the 11 chars that were in mk vs dc, then
I would fill up the other 11 dc missing chars slot with mk chars from mk2 that were left out of mk vs dc when really that game defined back to its mk1- mk2 roots so these chars should have also been in there, so il add

REPTILE- since he was missin from mk vs, and he was in mk1
(SHEEVA)- in umk3/mk3

then I would add more mk chars with better moves and looks, so far were at 22 chars which is mk vs dc like, now we will add more mk chars
(MOTARO)- in mk3
rain- all ninjas must return with different looks- umk3(genesis, snes)
Now were at 31 chars but I think we can fit a few more and maybe 3 new chars, plus remember we dont really need new mk chars because we have so many. All you would have to do is bring returnin chars back with some signiture moves and new moves and looks. now will throw in some of the mk4-mkd chars in there
Bo rai cho-mkda
lei mei-mkda/mkd
dairou-mkd- an evil bad ass
movado- fan favorite
hotaru-fan favorite I think
molach-bad ass fatalities and he's bulldog like, scarey
So far were at 49 chars plus remember some of these chars probably would have to be in the downloadable kontent version from online one the game is out already

NOW THE ONLY chars new should be

nimbus terrafaux
lin quei master-since in mk vsdc subzero abanded his clan, and no one leaves the lin quei clan as subzero would soon discover

Now all together that is a nice variety of chars so ppl wont get bored online, or pissed off cause their favorite char didnt make it in the game. Besides with the technology we have these days and the amount of ppl that play online most fightin games need more than 40 chars, it makes the game last longer!

Plus to the haters I do wanna see some girl chars wearing high heels when fightin, it makes the char look more unique when fightin with different outfits on and gear instead of the same old boring look over and over again, shit this not street fighter so get over it.

02/08/2009 07:22 PM (UTC)

A couple of things:

1) MK vs DC doesn't take place after Armageddon; in fact, it's not even canon.
Which means that according to the MK Universe, this never happened. It's like a "what-if?" kinda game.

2) Why would you want 40+ characters in a game? Didn't armageddon just give you all of the characters? I think there should be 15-25 characters, with about 10-15 returning.

3) Sub Zero didn't leave the new Lin Kuei.....he left the Lin Kuei back before MK3, which is the time frame for MK vs DC. And even he did leave, he is the current grandmaster; who's going to come after him?

4) Who's complaining about this not being Street Fighter?

5) Why should characters already get a spot just because they've been in MK since the begining. The only 3 characters that this should apply to are Sub, Scorp, and Raiden. The rest of the roster should be a toss-up.
02/08/2009 10:46 PM (UTC)
mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
This game could be called mk9 to show that mk is back as its normal self, or it could be called MK vs 2( meaning that this is the sequel to only the mk side of mk vs dc) without using the letters DC for rights purposes or usin the dc characters.

Okay stop right there... If they wanted to continue the story from MK vs. DC, they would obviously come up with a better title than Mortal Kombat Versus... that makes no sense, plus, this game is non-cannon, which means that none of what happened in the game actually happened. (Just in case you didn't know what Cannon and Non-Cannon meant.

mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
Now firstly, im getting tired of ppl bashing the idea of a mk game with most of its returning characters, because im sure if it was done right and if the gameplay was excellent, everyone would get this game.

Who hates returning characters? I haven't seen anyone bashing ideas for the classics to return. In fact, I wouldn't mind if they just had old characters returning, with the possibility of adding at least five new characters to a roaster like I don't know, 10 to possibly 15, and if there's 15, then boast up the new character numbers a little more, just to make things simple.

mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
This is the damn 9th mk game for piss sakes, so by now we alt to be able to finish off every last character in the game with a finishing move (INCLUDES BOSSES!) as well as all bosses need finishing moves as well as they need to be bad asses, not as annoying as ONAGA was as a boss but like a dark kahn, I actually liked the idea that they had shaokahn, darkseid and dark kahn as a boss with the true boss(dark kahn) having all the powers of both darkseid and shao kahn, now that to me is a true boss.

I'm pretty sure that they will be going back to the old roots for Fatalities with this next game. I doubt that we're going to be creating fatalities again.

mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
BY NOW we should be able to do the following in a mkgame for now on:

ON char select screen be able to cycle through all old and new character costumes

Choose time of day: day, night, sunrise, sunset, dark kombat

Choose the weather: rain, sleet, snow, windy, sunny, pink skies, cloudy

Stop right there again... Why should we be able to pick what kind of weather conditions or the time of the day? That's a pointless addon to be honest. No one cares about weather conditions, it's not going to affect anything during the fights, and it would just be a waste of time deciding on what to choose. I can already think of the conversation:

"Ooh, I don't know, I'm deciding on a pink sky in the back ground."
"No no, go with the sunset, with a touch of snow."
"Oh you think so? What about a dark kombat, with a pinch of sleet?"

Besides, what the heck is a dark kombat?

mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
Wake up system, each char should have their own
plus if you choose to stay on ground when knocked down, the other player should have the ability to keep quickly stomping you to u use the wakeup and get the hell up.

You mean the "Getting Up" system instead of wake up?

mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
plus the return of running through walls, but in a more mk way meaning (bloody and clothes damage) and maybe when you come out from getting bash through walls, maybe something is above hung on the wall and by you hitting the wall a metal object or something could fall down on you like in mk deception death trap, if you dont sidestep after you come through the last wall you could be struck by a yellow caution(the metal object- but only takes caution damage) or if your smashed that would be a red death caution were as your life would end right there on the spot and ull lose the round.

What? No, this idea is horrible. There shouldn't be more added to the mini-game than there already is. Players should not be able to have a "life or death" situation after they're done with the game. They should just leave it to what it is already.

mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
Deathtraps should look different than the stage fatalities(like mka bell tower stage) and the yellow caution should be different than the red caution deathtraps.

Every stage should have a deathtrap and a good and evil stage.


Death traps should go away. They're a pointless addon to the game because it makes the match end quickly. Let's say this, your opponent won against you, and you died right next to a death trap. Round two begins and all they did was punch you once and you fell right into the death trap. Cheap? I think so.

But don't get me wrong, I'm not hating the whole thing because of this little incident, death traps are stupid. If they want to have stage fatalities make a return, they should do that rather than having death traps because they're a waste of space.

Good and evil stage? There is no such thing as an evil stage or a good stage. How would a good stage be considered a good stage if they feature a death trap? Wouldn't that make it an evil stage?

mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
So like I said I would keep all the mk chars of mk vs. dc with their endings since they were upgraded and so for now on through the next few mks, the storyline wont be back and forth, which would be the chance to start and pickup were it left off from mk vs dc.

Basically, if they were going to keep the MK vs. DC endings for the characters who were in the game itself, they would be having DC be apart of themselves. Sonya has GL's ring, therefore she would have a part of DC on her which causes another appearance for DC in a Mortal Kombat game which I know for a fact that majority of this site's users would not appreciate that.

mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
In MK9 I would have the 11 chars that were in mk vs dc, then
I would fill up the other 11 dc missing chars slot with mk chars from mk2 that were left out of mk vs dc when really that game defined back to its mk1- mk2 roots so these chars should have also been in there, so il add

REPTILE- since he was missin from mk vs, and he was in mk1
(SHEEVA)- in umk3/mk3

Are there reasons why you want to have these characters to make another appearance in the next game, or is it because they were never featured in the MK vs DC game?

Reptile was not a missing character in MK vs DC, he was just not put in. That doesn't mean he was a missed character.

mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
then I would add more mk chars with better moves and looks, so far were at 22 chars which is mk vs dc like, now we will add more mk chars
(MOTARO)- in mk3
rain- all ninjas must return with different looks- umk3(genesis, snes)

Why would you want to bring Motaro in? Don't you think that the creators would have the same difficulties with Motaro like they did with him back in Armageddon? You want him to go back as a 2 legged Minotaur than a centaur? I sure wouldn't.

Besides, why would you have nothing but old character backs? No new ones? I doubt that MK9 would actually have 22 old characters returning.

mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
Now were at 31 chars but I think we can fit a few more and maybe 3 new chars, plus remember we dont really need new mk chars because we have so many. All you would have to do is bring returnin chars back with some signiture moves and new moves and looks. now will throw in some of the mk4-mkd chars in there

3 new characters? 3? That's it? No more than 3? That's WAAAAAAaaaaaay too small for an amount of new characters. You wouldn't want to ditch majority of the old characters for an exchange of new characters? Basically, instead of you bashing the "classics" you're somewhat in a way bashing new characters.

If you have noticed, Boon clearly said that he's going to start from scratch and a lot of characters will not be returning. Therefore, majority of the characters on these lists of yours won't make another return. Mortal Kombat 9 is coming out as a freshly baked game with a lot of things changing.

We do not need all these old characters returning.

mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
Bo rai cho-mkda
lei mei-mkda/mkd
dairou-mkd- an evil bad ass
movado- fan favorite
hotaru-fan favorite I think
molach-bad ass fatalities and he's bulldog like, scarey
So far were at 49 chars plus remember some of these chars probably would have to be in the downloadable kontent version from online one the game is out already

From the looks of this list, you're asking for another trilogy game... not going to happen.

mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
NOW THE ONLY chars new should be

nimbus terrafaux
lin quei master-since in mk vsdc subzero abanded his clan, and no one leaves the lin quei clan as subzero would soon discover

Why would a ditched character that has never made a single appearance in any Mortal Kombat game ever be coming in? Nimbus was just a thought seeing how the creators wanted a black character in the game, which basically turned out as Jax.

mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
Now all together that is a nice variety of chars so ppl wont get bored online, or pissed off cause their favorite char didnt make it in the game. Besides with the technology we have these days and the amount of ppl that play online most fightin games need more than 40 chars, it makes the game last longer

Stop... again, Mortal Kombat does not need this many characters for a new game. As you've seen it before, when Mortal Kombat was entering the new phase of technology with Mortal Kombat 4, they didn't go overboard with how many characters were going to be in the game. Not to mention, not that many classics returned, all that did were:

Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Raiden, Reptile, Sonya, Jax, Kang, Noob and Cage. Not including Gold though.

Yes, they did not went overboard with how many were to make an appearance in the game, and there's a good batch of new characters. But the way you're putting this game into, you want nothing but old characters returning with only 3 new characters.

That would not just suck, but it would also mean that it's just the same old Mortal Kombat again.

Plus, you're not exactly explaining on why these characters are making another return to the game. Who would they be up against? Why are they coming back into the tournament. There's noting saying here that they're coming back for a reason.

mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
Plus to the haters I do wanna see some girl chars wearing high heels when fightin, it makes the char look more unique when fightin with different outfits on and gear instead of the same old boring look over and over again, shit this not street fighter so get over it.

So basically, you want the girls revealing a lot more sex appeal than anything? MK seems to have the girls wearing normal outfits, despite Mileena's Deception outfits... but I'm glad that they don't go overboard with every single MK girl, giving them disproportional bodies just to make guys drool over. Yes, secondary outfits reveal a little bit more skin, but not alot to where the girls are barely wearing anything at all. Not to mention, this is all coming from a girl's perspective, which makes things a lot better when discussing about girl stuff.

Not to mention, charcacters have been looking differently, I'm not sure why you had to bring this up.

And to be honest, you're basically asking for another somewhat trilogy MK game. It's not good to have a brand of characters that have made lots of apperaances with only 3 new characters. That's just silly.

And also, I'm not trashing any ideas of yours, this is what you expect, and you want feedback so I'm giving it to you. I am not putting you down with the fact that I don't like your ideas, I just don't agree with you on basically what I have listed.
02/09/2009 06:04 AM (UTC)
dayum, how many threads are there now with "MK vs..." topics..?!!?!

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