Mortal Kombat 7: Special Edition
posted04/18/2005 12:27 PM (UTC)by
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04/13/2005 02:41 AM (UTC)
I know this topic has probrably been made before. If that the case, I apologize. That been said, I'll move up to what I have in mind. Remember that the special edition of Deception had Mortal Kombat I on it. I actually bought the normal edition because at the time, I didn't have enought to pay the extra money and didn't care much for MK I. So, now I been thinking of the posibility that MK 7 might have Mortal Kombat II as an extra. I mean if Deception had MK I, then is logical to assume that MK 7 may have MK II. Since a lot of people (including myself) loved MK II, then the MK 7 special edition should sell more than the Deception one. So my question is, if Mortal Kombat 7: Special Edition has Mortal Kombat II as an extra, would you buy it? Would you spend the extra money instead of just buying the normal version?
04/18/2005 12:27 PM (UTC)
Considering that Mortal Kombat 2 is already doing the rounds on MAT2, I don't think we will see this game on an MK7 Special Edition. That was annoying, as MK1 was originally meant to be on this collection, and then it gets put onto a "special edition" of MKD that we didn't get in Europe.
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