Mortal Kombat 7...changes that need to be made.
posted05/21/2005 07:43 AM (UTC)by
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05/04/2003 11:16 PM (UTC)
Before I start listing my opinions, I wanna get one thing straight. These are just my opinions. Yes they are debatable, but instead of the typical “shove it remarks”, I would rather (if you are about to reply) have you give your take rather than just disagreeing with mine and not saying what is wrong and how to fix it.

Anyway, I’ve been meaning to make this thread for a while, however, knowing that even if midway does happen to read this chances are they wont do anything about it really isn’t any sort of a motivation.

First things first...The three fighting styles.

This needs to go. You did it, it sort of worked in MKDA, but its old and its quite frankly stupid now. The fact of the matter is there really isn’t that many fighting styles in the game. Just a few that are reused over and over and end up being visually displeasing.

The solution to this is to limit the styles per character to two. One weapon and one actual fighting style. I would also rather an option to choose at the select screen which style you want to play in. That way you get rid of the stupid style branch combos and you can actually focus on animation and creativity per style. The amount of moves is just so limited. There is hardly anything to master and thus that equals less replay. Maybe in the Kombat menu you can have the option of Weapon Kombat or Hand-To-Hand Kombat.
Sure style branch combos are something you can master, HOWEVER the problem is it makes the game way to unbalanced. Games like Tekken, Soul Calibur and Dead or Alive have a limitless amount of throws and basic techniques to master. MKD had basically one throw per character. :(

Second, the endings.

Ok, this is the “HD-Era” we are more of the boring images and voiceovers. You watch it once...twice maybe and you don’t care for it anymore. Its time for the FMV endings. Sure in some cases you might not get to cover a whole lot, but if its fun to look at, its more worth it in the end. Plus, people have even said that they wont mind even having in-game footage rather than FMVs for ending. Just stop it already with the stills. It cost more money, I know. Plz.

Third, the look of the game and effects.

Let me address one issue people have pointed out. Shock Value...people say its gone, so its not as exciting anymore. But honestly, if the blood and effects were to look much more realistic, you trust me, shock value will be there. The blood in MK looks like little red squirting bubbles. Its not realistic enough. I think there is a way of making it looks realistic and while keeping the humour intact. Oh, and the red popcorn speaks for itself.
Also some would much rather a more dirty, dark and gritty look to capture the true essence of the MK universe. There also needs to be more visually pleasing graphics in the game. Other fighters seem to be leaps and bounds ahead of MK when it comes to graphics and effects. Plz midway...get with the times.


This is sort of going back to the fighting styles comments above so I’ll just tap into this one. THE F**KING GAME IS HIGHLY UNBALANCED! Lol, sry, I had to. But really, how many times do we need to say this before something is done? GOSH! Enough said.

Fifth, you might as well take the money you pay the testers and put it to better use.

I’m not even going to get into how buggy MKD was. There were glitches left, right, centre and out of my a-hole. Please Midway, stop releasing games just for the sake of releasing games. It was almost like MKD had no testers because no one in their right mind would release a game with that many bugs.

Midway, listen to us. You say that you do but really, you don’t. We need these things addressed. If MK7 is anything like MKD it will be the 3rd and final strike for many games. I’ll stick by your side but if these things are not addressed then you might as well go back to making 2D MK games. I’m sure there are some issues I left out (hey, its late and I need sleep), but that’s what this thread is about. We can only take so much.

Please, feel free to comment and even offer better solutions and add to my list.
About Me

05/19/2005 01:16 PM (UTC)
You know, the three style system should Definitely stay. it is a very good idea and gives (or should give) a completely different feel to a character when switching styles.

However MKD executed that idea in a more bland and unispired way. There are hundreds of differnt and autonomous styles that could be used for MK, without the need to reharse other moves in other styles. Why are the style branching combos bad? From my real life experience the more ways you know to fight, the more of a person you are. Besides, relative martial arts such as karate styles and fan zi/ba shan fan or long fist/ mi zong have moves that may vary, but in essence they serve the same purpose in the same way. I don't see why two styles should be a valid point in the future development when we already had three.

Pair up the styles in a manner that makes sense for each character, and make them feel completely different. It's not that hard.
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PSN: Eazail70x7

05/19/2005 01:23 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:

Why are the style branching combos bad?

I think the branching combos are very good! I use them with every character and it is a great way to make transitions between the fighting styles.
05/19/2005 04:30 PM (UTC)
|CAMK| Wrote:
Before I start listing my opinions, I wanna get one thing straight. These are just my opinions. Yes they are debatable, but instead of the typical “shove it remarks”, I would rather (if you are about to reply) have you give your take rather than just disagreeing with mine and not saying what is wrong and how to fix it.

Anyway, I’ve been meaning to make this thread for a while, however, knowing that even if midway does happen to read this chances are they wont do anything about it really isn’t any sort of a motivation.

First things first...The three fighting styles.

This needs to go. You did it, it sort of worked in MKDA, but its old and its quite frankly stupid now. The fact of the matter is there really isn’t that many fighting styles in the game. Just a few that are reused over and over and end up being visually displeasing.

The solution to this is to limit the styles per character to two. One weapon and one actual fighting style. I would also rather an option to choose at the select screen which style you want to play in. That way you get rid of the stupid style branch combos and you can actually focus on animation and creativity per style. The amount of moves is just so limited. There is hardly anything to master and thus that equals less replay. Maybe in the Kombat menu you can have the option of Weapon Kombat or Hand-To-Hand Kombat.
Sure style branch combos are something you can master, HOWEVER the problem is it makes the game way to unbalanced. Games like Tekken, Soul Calibur and Dead or Alive have a limitless amount of throws and basic techniques to master. MKD had basically one throw per character. :(

Second, the endings.

Ok, this is the “HD-Era” we are more of the boring images and voiceovers. You watch it once...twice maybe and you don’t care for it anymore. Its time for the FMV endings. Sure in some cases you might not get to cover a whole lot, but if its fun to look at, its more worth it in the end. Plus, people have even said that they wont mind even having in-game footage rather than FMVs for ending. Just stop it already with the stills. It cost more money, I know. Plz.

Third, the look of the game and effects.

Let me address one issue people have pointed out. Shock Value...people say its gone, so its not as exciting anymore. But honestly, if the blood and effects were to look much more realistic, you trust me, shock value will be there. The blood in MK looks like little red squirting bubbles. Its not realistic enough. I think there is a way of making it looks realistic and while keeping the humour intact. Oh, and the red popcorn speaks for itself.
Also some would much rather a more dirty, dark and gritty look to capture the true essence of the MK universe. There also needs to be more visually pleasing graphics in the game. Other fighters seem to be leaps and bounds ahead of MK when it comes to graphics and effects. Plz midway...get with the times.


This is sort of going back to the fighting styles comments above so I’ll just tap into this one. THE F**KING GAME IS HIGHLY UNBALANCED! Lol, sry, I had to. But really, how many times do we need to say this before something is done? GOSH! Enough said.

Fifth, you might as well take the money you pay the testers and put it to better use.

I’m not even going to get into how buggy MKD was. There were glitches left, right, centre and out of my a-hole. Please Midway, stop releasing games just for the sake of releasing games. It was almost like MKD had no testers because no one in their right mind would release a game with that many bugs.

Midway, listen to us. You say that you do but really, you don’t. We need these things addressed. If MK7 is anything like MKD it will be the 3rd and final strike for many games. I’ll stick by your side but if these things are not addressed then you might as well go back to making 2D MK games. I’m sure there are some issues I left out (hey, its late and I need sleep), but that’s what this thread is about. We can only take so much.

Please, feel free to comment and even offer better solutions and add to my list.

This stuff i copied and posted from another post that had some stuff in it.

Elder gods wouldn't turn against mankind, they are mere watchers and sit by and watch events, good guys against all powerful gods who turned evil=good guys lose and no more mk games. Besides elder gods don't just watch humans they watch all reamls planets and existence.

Deception wasn't all that great as it was hyped up to be. I even bought the special edition for 60 bucks and it wasn't all that great, i got the sub zero thing and it misspelled moloch as molok and it had scorpions data.

As for the game it was kinda nice to see a main staple and lead character get killed off, it would be nice to hav e him come back but after hes been gone for more than one or two games. Every game has characters that are staples, they are the ones that usually appear in the games. Each game has a mold that they have and eventually staples are put into them, and then it takes shape. You can work the mold around the staples but they each have their own individual areas that can't be disturbed. The area around the zone that can't be distrubed has to be molded around that staple or character. Eventurallly the staple can be remove and then you have an area that has been left of an imprint but can be molded over the create soemthing new. With MK, they take away and put back staples as they please. Just my talk about staples and such

-Reptile isn’t the dragon king.

-Quan chi and shang didn’t defeat earth realm they just defeated the warriors., there are stil some on earth that are going to protect it, like fujin etc.

-we don’t know if havik resurrected kahn clone yet.

I don’t think the one being, being introduced here was bad, when was he supposed to be introduced? Under what circumstances would it be more suitable? I though it was fine

I also didn’t have a problem with MK4

I didn’t like the fact that liu was back so soon after his death, kung lao and rest of earth hero’s should’ve stepped up to the role that he filled.

Don’t like how the earth heroes were easily defeated and killed in MKDA by the tarkatans when obviously in MKSM they have no problem dispatching them.

Quan and shang are dead as it was stated in one of the bios, not sure which one since I haven’t played it in like 6+ months since it became stale pretty quickly.

Don’t like how kabal is bad now and leading a new black dragon that is supposedly more “ruthless” than the old which I honestly doubt. Also don’t like how he recruits two, has them fight each other to the death which lowers the number of useful and skilled recruits. Whats to say that the new recruit won’t turn on kabal and assume leadership since kabal pretty much taught them to turn on each other just for a position in an organization. I honestly think that kabal has one of those chaos necklaces around his neck. Making him bad as just a thing to do since the games was lacking bad guy organizations. Not to mention that kabal has a habit of being left for dead, once with the extermination squads and then with mavado.

Also don’t really like “cannon fodder” characters that are introduced in one game just to get killed like hsu hao, frost, mavado, kobra. I think they just killed kobra since he looked too much like ken masters from Street fighter, a magazine even reported saying that it was a fact that ken was in the game. Also don’t like how mavado was killed offscreen, we should have been given the chance to play as him and view it from his angle and see what would’ve happen if he had won.

Like in the Intro with onaga being so powerful that not even the combined efforts of raiden quan and shang could stop him, but didn’t like how he could be easily defeated with repeated combos, or other wise killed with simple martial arts proving that raiden didn’t need to go all a-bomb on the place since if all three teamed up they probably could’ve taken him.

Didn’t mind shujinko but don’t like how hes phrased as the next “liu kang” and how from the looks of it he may be the fighter that can beat up anyone since he can absorb their fighting ability. Also didn’t like how his konquest mode made some inconsistences with the games and such etc., like we don’t have other confusing questions about other things with the story, along with how things work and such. Konquest should have been some kind of adventure game like shaolin monks. Don’t mind if he sticks around for other games.

Didn’t mind the return of nightwolf and Tanya although she shouldn’t have white eyes, I think they just do that to giver her more sinister look.

Don’t know why the DK made the fallen earth realm warriors his slaves and not have them fight for him.

Don’t mind that they have characters that don’t have much to do with the main storyline such as ashrah who can’t leave the netherealm and hasn’t left the netherealm during MKD. Or sector and noob in MKTE. They are merely side stories

Raiden is a god, just because he released his ethereal energies in a blast and reforms on earth isn’t a reason or proof that the sorcerors are alive. Him being a god leads to another confusing story issue.

Don’t mind if they bring back classics who aren’t dead, I always wonder what happened to them. Johnny cage dieing from assassination squad was overwritten.

Don’t like how they added kahn and goro as the characters for gamecube. It really messed up the story, they could’ve added others like sareena , sektor and such.

I also not too sure of the fighting styles. Even though there are three the characters just don't have a lot of moves. I agree with what was said about tekken, DOA, and soul caliber, they only use one fighting style and they have lots and lots of moves. And the moves they have all seem similar to each other and none of them really feel unique which means the styles are really represented well. Sai and Dagger were the same. Sun-moon and butterfly were the same. Person said how know ways to defend or fight or whatever helps make a better person, that may be true but this is a game they are just characters, they aren't fighting, you are pressing buttons to make them do stuff. The stories are pretty much what make them who they are.

I also don't like people bitching about how ermac, reptile, the ninjas are just pallette swaps. They stopped being pallette swaps after MKT, since then they have become different individuals. Idiots fail to realize this. Also people saying that frost is a clone of sub zero. sure she wears blue but at least her siut looks different and she is a female. Her freeze goes along the ground and she has the slide that subby doesn't have anymore. I don't see peole bitching about kira. KIRA: Kenpo(sonya), Xing Yi(kano), Dragon teeth(kanos butterfly), cannonball(kano), kiss of death(sonya). She is just basically a clone of kano and sonya, but because she doesn't look similar to them no one bitches about her being a clone. They could make a hell of alot more characters if they jsut mixed and match the styles and techniques. Also some of the character designs seem the same, the males all looked like weightlifters with the same physique.

I agree the endings don't cover a whole lot. They could have the frame that is used for the pics at the end of MKD but have FMV that is inside the picture thing and still explain what is going on just fine. I also don't like how almost all of them are just two frame things. LIke sub zero for instance, he cam with raiden and others so they all ended up in the same place on outworld, what did each of them do? Sub zero went off somewhere, got betrayed by frost, buried her then it said he was heading back to the rendevouz point to earthrealm when he was attacked by the tarkatan. He didn't nor did the story say anything about him attacking or doing anything against the deadly alliance.

I don't like the popcorn blood stuff either, its stupid. The fatalities are geting lame. So are the specials.

I wonder if this game would be better if it was made in japan. MKD got stale very quickly for me. I got the special edition, it had scorpions stats and spelled moloch, molok. The extra stuff really wasn't worth it.

There is a high probability that this won't ever get read by anyone associated with the production of the game and i bet that if they do read it and see any bad mouthing about it they will probably skip over it. Ed boon and Co are starting to suck big thick ones.
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05/19/2005 05:11 PM (UTC)
Then the answer is simple and clear.

make each fighting style seprate and usable at least on Tekkens level.
The two hand-to-hand style should stay, alongside with the weapons.
Everyone should have the chance to fight in one style effectively, or branch
two styles together in another tactic.

The main problem is that the styles aren't exploited to their fullness, and some of them are the same. Get rid of the look alikeness, increase the number of usable moves in one style to the possible maximum (I would recommend 100% of the moves). if we have each style looking separate and 90-100% usable, thn everyone would be happy, and the three style system would fulfill anyones wishes. Those who want to remain in one style could fight with 100% effectiveness due to the game usability would be happy, and those who change styles more often shall also get what they want.

Don't tell me that would be complicated. I've seen it though in differnt forms.
05/19/2005 06:52 PM (UTC)
I would probably prefer that each character have on hand to hand and one weapon that way if there happens to be more charactes than there are fighting styles it would be easier, i know there are exotic styles out there that ppl haven't heard of but i'm not really sure if the crew would have enough time or money to fly to those distant locations and film or whatnot the martial artists. why have two hand to hand when you can pretty much beat the game with one.

Also keep the characters weapons as they have been. By saying that i mean i would rather jade have a staff that the weapon she had in the game and the one she had in the ending. I don't mind if both she and raiden both had the staff. There is more the one style and set of moves for them.
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05/19/2005 08:11 PM (UTC)
Well speaking of many characters...thats anothing thing I have a problem with. The new characters. Lets face it, most of them end up sucking. I think midway should focus on developing the characters they already have...all 50 something of them. Stop with the lame new characters. There should be no more than 3 or 4 new characters per game. I'm sick of getting excited for a character only to get slapped in the face. Such in the case with Kira, Kobra, Darrius, Dairou and even Hotaru. Unless they mean alot to the story, dont include them. Plz Midway. STOP!
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05/19/2005 08:12 PM (UTC)
Point taken, but MK should have max. 35 characters for a roster, no need for another trilogy. Too many characters ruin not only the story, but overall the uniqueness of each other of the characters. it's a basic law applying for almost everything streching from literature to movie making.
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#MicksDesk, #gamiz, #tmk, #mortalkombat
05/21/2005 07:43 AM (UTC)
i just hope MK7 wont be so Buggy in the Online Fuction
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