Mortal Kombat 10 (Future) Roster
posted05/20/2012 01:44 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/06/2010 07:41 PM (UTC)
With some warriors in the Netherealm, there are those that must be brought back. Especially with those like the DLC.

Who deserves to be in the next game? What about their costumes?


Sub-Zero (1st costume - scarred MK3, 2nd costume - shredder grand master)
Johnny Cage
Li Mei
Bo'Rai Cho
Liu Kang
Smoke (1st costume - cyborg, 2nd costume - enenra/human)
Reiko (the new emperor)
Noob Saibot
Cyrax (1st costume - cyborg, 2nd costume - human)
Sektor (1st costume - tekunin ninja, 2nd costume - grand master lin kuei)
Earth Warrior
Quan Chi (sub-boss)
Shinnok (playable & final boss)
01/19/2012 06:26 AM (UTC)
I personally would like to see...

Noob Saibot
Quan Chi
Shinnok (final boss)
Shao Kahn (sub-boss)
Johnny Cage
Liu Kang
Kung Lao
Hsu Hao
Sonya Blade
Shang Tsung (sub-boss)
Bo' Rai Cho
Human Cyrax
Human Sektor
and a series of "new" characters within the game whom have a well-defined and fully developed moveset unique to Mortal Kombat.
01/19/2012 11:21 AM (UTC)
Li Mei
Bo Rai Cho
Drahmin (?)

I won't start naming the MK1-MK3 characters once again but wish to see many of them come back one day. As for now, the dead can remain dead for a game or 2.
01/19/2012 12:41 PM (UTC)
My ideal roster, with some notes on costumes.

Returning from MK9:

1. Scorpion
2. Sub-Zero
3. Raiden - Something darker, signifying a gradual turn to madness?
4. Sonya
5. Johnny Cage - I liked some of his MK9 concepts. Go an entirely different direction from what we've seen before.
6. Kano - Kano Mays has grown on me, but it might be cool to see his hairline slowly receding. Or maybe return to a shaved head.
7. Baraka
8. Mileena
9. Cyrax - I wouldn't mind the cyborgs looking exactly the same (It's logical), but give them their MKDA/MKA primaries as alternates.
10. Sektor
11. Kenshi
12. Rain
13. Reptile - Lizardman look, please. Or at least show his de-evolution in some way.
14. Skarlet
15. Quan Chi (Sub-Sub-Boss. Think Shang Tsung in MK2.)

Revamped and Made Awesome:

16. Fujin - I don't imagine they'll go with anything other than this, but that's fine by me.
17. Kai
18. Tanya
19. Reiko - I actually like what they did with him in Armageddon. More of that.
20. Bo' Rai Cho - Anyone who says he should be skinnier is wrong.
21. Li Mei - I'll be sad if they make her a total whore instead of giving her her armour.
22. Blaze - Regular sized as in MKDA, with elements of his rock armour from Armageddon. He could look awesome.
23. Mavado - I'd lean more towards the chainmail look of his alternate. It makes the Red Dragon appear so much classier than the Black Dragon.
24. Nitara
25. Havik
26. Drahmin - Just go with his MKDA alternate. It's badass.
27. Ashrah
28. Sareena

Bosses (Initially unplayable, unlockable for single player and offline modes):

29. Moloch (Sub-Boss)
30. Shinnok (Boss)

I don't really care what the DLC is as long as they keep guest characters to a minimum. A new character, zombie Liu Kang, Chameleon, and Batman. Sure, why not.
01/19/2012 03:08 PM (UTC)
As for the new characters,
1. Ashrah
2. Fujin
3. Reiko
4. Tanja
5. Bo' Rai Cho (but serious this time)
6. Dairou
7. Frost
8. Hotaru
9. Nitara

As for the old characters,
10. Sub zero
11. Ermac
12. Scorpion
13. Kung lao
14. Kitana
15. Reptile
16. Baraka
17. Johnny cage
18. Jax
19. N00b saibot
20. Cyrax
21. Mileena
22. Quan chi
23. Liu kang
24. Kabal
25. Rain
26. Shan tsung

As for the unlockable's and playable characters.
27. Shujinko
28. Shinnok

And boss characters,
-Motaro (sub boss)
-Shinnok (boss)
-Shinnok D-mon version (final boss)
* to separate him from the playable version
01/19/2012 11:05 PM (UTC)
- Skarlet
- Kenshi
- Rain
- Kai
- Reiko
- Fujin
- Jarek
- Shinnok
- Li Mei
- Bo'Rai Cho
- Mavado
- Dairou
- Ashrah
- Hotaru
- Havik
- Frost
- Jubei (Scorpion's son)
- Drahmin
- Moloch
- Earth/sand warrior
- Moon/gravity warrior

- Scorpion
- Sub Zero
- Liu Kang
- Kitana
- Smoke
- Jade
- Reptile (joins the good guys)
- Sheeva (joins good guys)
- Ermac (King Jerrod)
- Noob Saibot
- Cyrax
- Sektor
- Sonya
- Johnny Cage
- Kano
- Mileena
- Baraka
- Quan Chi
- Raiden
01/19/2012 11:54 PM (UTC)
Why are people still calling characters from MK4 and Deadly Alliance "new"?
01/20/2012 01:54 AM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
Why are people still calling characters from MK4 and Deadly Alliance "new"?

It really is getting annoying.

But here is my list.


Bo Rai Cho


01/20/2012 02:08 AM (UTC)
My roster considering the events will take place during MK4 timeframe and it will be about Netherrealm trying to conquer all realms and attack the Elder Gods

(25 chars main roster + unlockables + 3 sub-bosses and bosses + 5 DLC)

MK9 chars:
Scorpion (he is regular just like Sub-Zero and Raiden)

Sub-Zero (see above,though I don't know how they are going to revive him,possibly Sareena will help)

Raiden (see above)

Sonya (she is survivor of the Massacre just like Johnny; expect her to create Outerworld Investigation Agency and be leader of that group)

Johnny Cage (see above; probably shooting new movie about his adventures)

Kano (has SHITS of money now after selling so much gun to Outworld; expect him upgrade Black Dragon and be serious threat to Sonya and Earthrealm; probably allies himself and his organization with Quan Chi and Brotherhood)

Sektor (the Grandmaster of Lin Kuei,have his own agenda during Shinnok's invasion,could be WITH or AGAINST Shinnok and Quan Chi)

Cyrax (trying to break free of Lin Kuei's hold and restore his humanity; expect Sonya try to help him just like in MK4)

Kenshi (now with Shang dead,he can join OIA with Sonya or Raiden's new heroes group trying to stop Shinnok's evil)

Rain (will try to take Edenian crown; Tanya will help him only to stab him in the end,but he is not an idiot,so probably will anticipate this; make him go AGAINST Shinnok's invasion,he has too much ego and will not submit so easily,especially since he Edenian ruler)

Skarlet (don't know what to think for her,any ideas?)

Mileena (she is probably Outworld's heir,since in MK9 Baraka already proposed her to be Queen,and now since Shang is dead,the only challenger for the throne,and shokans and centaurs too busy fighting with each other,make Baraka and Tarkatans to put Mileena on the throne of Outworld; but this time they won't be bad guys,they will be against Shinnok and Quan Chi,therefore allies with Raiden because this invasion concerns Outworld as well)

Baraka (see above)

Reptile (make him Shinnok's bitch or make him Raiden's bitch,there is no third way for him)

Ermac (since Shao Kahn is no longer,he will become good guy and will try to rescue Kitana and SIndel,because,well he is their father and husband respectively; maybe he will free some other fighter along the way as well)

Sheeva (Don't know why,but I don't want Goro or Kintaro to represent Shokan race in this game,let's make some excuse like since Shao Kahn is dead,centaurs and shokans are at big war and Goro and Kintaro busy there; which leaves Sheeva to deal with Outworld invasion at home; make her ally with Raiden and his forces for this time)


Kai (recruited by Raiden and friend of Liu Kang/Kung Lao; wants to return his fallen Shaolin brothers from the clutches of Quan Chi or at least make them rest in peace rather than used as mindless zombies (considering Liu Kang is in Quan Chi's possession) )

Fujin (since Nightwolf is dead and the Heaven is under attack,we need somebody to assist Raiden,who is better for that than Fujin? And I have a feeling they are gonna make Raiden pay for all the mistakes he made in MK9 by killing him off or repeating that sacrifice/Dark Raiden route,then Fujin should be his successor)

Reiko (one of Shinnok's generals and member of Brotherhood of Shadows; his ambition to become Emperor of Outworld should be revealed towards the end of the game)

Drahmin (one of the onis who attacks Heavens or other realms; his connections with Scorpion and Quan Chi I think should be dropped; there are lots of characters he can become enemies with)

Sareena (a wild card which ultimately will help Earth warriors to defeat Quan Chi and Shinnok; her first mission would be freeing Kuai Liang from Quan Chi's grasps)

Tanya (now with Kitana,Jade and Sindel all dead,there is nobody to betray from Edenian royalty; perhaps she could be helping Rain to rule Edenia only to stab him in the end; I say connect her story with Rain; or another path is to appear as former friend of Kitana or Jade and lead Earthrealmers to trap)

Ashrah (Don't know what to do with her there,but she is a demon and pretty interesting character for me,just make her unique a lil bit and she will do ok; she is former Brotherhood of Shadows member,who ran away,so here is your potential connections with Sareena who is pretty much the same and Quan Chi who is her former master)

Havik (because this is invasion to ALL realms,why not involve Chaosrealm as well? Shinnok is creating chaos among realms,make Havik his ally; or other way around,if Shinnok is puting order,then make Havik his enemy and ally him with Raiden and Co. )

Hotaru (where there is Havik,there should be Hotaru,lol; since Havik will friend with Shinnok,Hotaru will help out Raiden's forces; maybe even agreeing to take Johnny Cage to Orderrealm to make him better fighter as in Johnny's MK9 arcade ending)


Noob Saibot (don't want Noob to become Bi-Han again,or rather to have freezing abilites,just make him a character with two personalities,one is Noob Saibot,the bad side of him,and the other one is Bi-Han,all the good that is left of him; that idea of giving him Scorpion's MK Deception storyline is lame IMHO and unoriginal; Noob Saibot LOVES to be wraith,while Scorpion didn't,which is fundamental and that's why it won't work; I think my idea of two personalities in him is better one)

Smoke (his enenra demon background will play some role in freeing his mind,I think,so he will be involved in MK10 events as well )

Jade (the woman in Jade's ending probably will help her to get free sooner than everybody else; as soon as she is back,I think she would try to rescue Kitana and Sindel as well,probably with the help of Ermac,since he is King Jerrod)

Evil Liu Kang (something like Evil Ryu,much much powerful than ordinary Liu Kang; his story is simple - he is REALLY REALLY pissed with Raiden lol)

Quan Chi (anyone surprised,lol? he is Shang Tsung of this game)

Moloch (since Quan Chi is this game's Shang Tsung;then Moloch is Kintaro/Goro; it won't make any sense for Shokan to be sub-boss in a storyline involving Netherrealm and demons)

Shinnok (needs to be revamped and made awesome,it is his ONLY and FINAL chance,he is Hell's ruler,for God's sake!)

DLC: If doing something like DLC of MK9 format,then:

3 returning characters:
Jax (classic)
Kitana (classic)
Kung Lao (classic)

1 new character:
Belokk (anyone?)

1 guest character:
As much as I would love Batman to be guest character,I know it is now impossible with M-rated MK game. Pick anyone you like guys. I say Jason Vorhees since we didn't get him in MK9.
01/20/2012 02:32 AM (UTC)
Kai, Fujin, Reiko, Tanya and DA and MKD characters shouldn't be called new. This is an insult in my opinion. PLZ, kindly use "Returning".

My apologies.
01/20/2012 03:33 AM (UTC)
DistraughtOverlord Wrote:
Kai, Fujin, Reiko, Tanya and DA and MKD characters shouldn't be called new. This is an insult in my opinion. PLZ, kindly use "Returning".

My apologies.

They are new relating to MK9 in my roster.
01/20/2012 03:39 AM (UTC)
Noobsmoke92 Wrote:
DistraughtOverlord Wrote:
Kai, Fujin, Reiko, Tanya and DA and MKD characters shouldn't be called new. This is an insult in my opinion. PLZ, kindly use "Returning".

My apologies.

They are new relating to MK9 in my roster.
01/20/2012 04:20 AM (UTC)
The next game needs new characters like...
- Earth/sand warrior
- Moon/gravity warrior

Then in next roster for MK11
- Plant warrior
Noobsmoke92 Wrote:
Evil Liu Kang (something like Evil Ryu,much much powerful than ordinary Liu Kang; his story is simple - he is REALLY REALLY pissed with Raiden lol)
I do like this Liu Kang. Hope he's got scars and that he'll return to the good side someday.
01/20/2012 04:48 AM (UTC)
Everyone keeps thinking Liu Kang's going evil, but I think the exact opposite.

His ending may have hinted at it, but I just don't see it happening.

I see Liu Kang being the first to tell Raiden that his visions were wrong. Because when Earth starts to fall to sh*t. It's going to be like look what you have done, just look Raiden. That will be the beginning of the end for Raiden's mind, and the birth of Dark Raiden.
01/20/2012 03:36 PM (UTC)
I'd be great if they brought everyone from MK2011 back as playable (don't care if they're in the story).

If the roster would be limited to say 30 playable characters, I wouldn't mind it looking like this:

01 - Sub-Zero
02 - Scorpion
03 - Raiden
04 - Kitana
05 - Mileena
06 - Liu Kang
07 - Kung Lao
08 - Kabal
09 - Ermac
10 - Noob Saibot
11 - Sektor
12 - Cyrax
13 - Johnny Cage
14 - Sonya
15 - Baraka

16 - Fujin
17 - Reiko
18 - Shinnok
19 - Quan Chi
20 - Kai
21 - Tanya
22 - Kenshi
23 - Mavado
24 - Bo' Rai Cho
25 - Nitara
26 - Ashrah
27 - Kira
28 - Drahmin

29 - New character
30 - New character

... ... ...


31 - Reptile
32 - Jax
33 - Sindel
34 - Smoke

... ... ...

NOTES: Some of these characters I generally don't care for, but considering various circumstances (MK2011 story mode, "trademark MK" status, etc.) I put them in. I also decided to leave Havik & Hotaru out for the next game even though I like them both. I feel like it's better to leave the whole chaos & order stuff for later, let's get the hell out of the way first.

... ... ...

CAMEOS: Jarek, Meat, Sareena, Kia, Jataaka & Moloch.

... ... ...

BOSS: Shinnok - fight him in an arena otherwise not playable.
SUB-BOSS: Drahmin - I'm sick of huge (sub)boss characters.

All of the bosses would be playable, but when as bosses they'd be powered up (life points 1.5x enhanced, damage points 1.5x enhanced). For Shinnok, he'd have some stage traps that would get in your way.

... ... ...


Keep up with the good designs for male characters & drastically improve the designs for female characters (basically, less skin, prettier faces and more feminine looking bodies, more creativity, ...). Increase the color difference between the player1/player2 versions of the same costumes and don't make alternate costumes look too similar to primary costumes like you did for Kung Lao and some others in MK2011.

As for some of the MKDA-MKA characters, I'd like to see their primary costumes based off of these previous designs:

Fujin - MKA primary design
Reiko - MKA primary design
Shinnok - MKA alternate design
Quan Chi - MK4 design
Kai - MK4 design
Kenshi - MKDA primary/MK2011 design
Ashrah - MKD primary design
Kira - MKD primary design

... ... ...

That's it for now from me. smile
01/20/2012 05:09 PM (UTC)
If there are ever new characters to join the MK10 roster. There should be an...
- Earth warrior who controls the earth & sand - an apprentice of Scorpion's in Outworld
- Moon warrior who is a master of the moon & gravity - a member of the Red/Black Dragon
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01/20/2012 07:11 PM (UTC)
Who deserves to be in the next game? Here are my thoughts along with costumes.

Why: Because he's an icon and because his movelist still has a ton of potential.
Costume: Maskless human with long black hair. He should be called Hanzo Hasashi.

Sub Zero:
Why: Also an icon, who has several plot threads that can be revisited or expanded upon going forward.
Costume: Part human / part cyborg. Human Lin Kuei costume with exposed, sparking metal in one arm and one eye that is completely black)

Why: Because he survived, because he's the narrator type of character, and because I still want to see him go quasi-evil.
Costume: Normal white costume, but with black as secondary color instead of blue, and a red border.

Johnny Cage:
Why: Because he also survived, and because I want to see NRS actually develop a romance for him and Sonya.
Costume: Keep the taped hands/wrists from MK2011, but he needs something closer to his MK1 look. Also, give him more of a near-bald look like Jasan Statham, and slightly more haggard since he's a fallen star.

Why: Becuase she survived, and because I want to see her do something besides saving Jax or hunting Kano. She's got so much more potential than that.
Costume: Something a little more military black-ops this time. No helmet, but definitely something black and sleek (but NOT slutty!).

Shang Tsung:
Why: because he's a classic villain and schemer that can either fit in with Quan Chi or make his own power grab. He's a major player and always has been.
Costume: Definitely his older look. But something leaning more toward dark blue and gold. His outfit should be ornate, with highly detailed patterns.

Why: Because I want to see her separated from the Edenians, Mileena and from the sort of but not quite Liu Kang's love interest.
Costume: I'd like to see a darker version of Kitana, with black as her primary color and blue as secondary. She should have a look that shows that she's controlled by Quan Chi, but not entirely (if that makes any sense).

Kung Lao:
Why: Becuase I still think that he has potential as the character that's not the chose one. I'd like to see him cope with that and the fact that he is actually the Great Kung Lao.
Costume: Something similar to his MK2011 costume, though again, a bit darker in tone given that he should also begin under the control of Quan Chi. I'd also give him a beard, not a long one, but something that ages him a little.

Why: Because he was one of the most well-received characters in the last game and because they really figured out a move list that worked for him.
Costume: Something similar to his alt costume. No straight long hair this time. I'd give his costume more of a shiny, platinum look though.

Why: Because he still has more plot to reveal between him and Sub-Zero. I also think that a conflict between him and Shinnok/Quan Chi for control of the Netherealm could be interesting.
Costume: Similar to his primary MK2011 costume, though I'd give him a hood that's a little more pronounced and lose the shredder mask.

Why: I want to see him vying for control of the vacated throne of Outworld. I want to see him not just as a leader, but as a lead player in the battle for control.
Costume: I'd like to see them go a different route for his primary this time around. They should do a sort of black arabian cloth mask (male of course, not female like Mileenas) that covers his teeth and only shows his yellow eyes. Giving him a look that meshes with that style.

Shao Khan (playable w/ regular character moves/combos)
Why: Because I want to play as a real, balanced version of Shao Khan. Perhaps have him fighting his way out of the netherealm while significantly weakened from his usual, giant muscled self. This type of defeated boss/villain has potential to me. Maybe he poses as Reiko, his own general to evade the new powers that are trying to take what he's lost.
Costume: A skull mask that only covers his face, with a dark leather hood and cloak. I'd give him a robe similar to the floating monks in the MK2 portal background.

Quan Chi
Why: He's the spoon that stirs so many of the plots in MK now that he absolutely has to be in this game.
Costume: MK:DA primary, for sure. Maybe some red or gold stitched pattern on the green flap, but that's about the only thing I'd change.

Why: Because I always thought that he had potential as the world-traveled martial artist who was a bit of loner, even if he was in the White Lotus Society. I want to see him as the new Chosen One with Liu Kang gone.
Costume: Remember the guy with the dredlocks in the first MK movie? The guy that had his soul taken by Shang Tsung? Yeah, start with that look, give him some thin stripes on his arms and chest and go from there.

Why: Because Raiden needs a real foil. Someone that's as powerful as he is that can oppose him when he goes off the deep end. I want to see two elemental gods clash.
Costume: I'd like to see him as the "wise old man" type. Long white beard, long white hair, gold plate mail with red, blue, green and gold stitch work design. Something that gives him more of an aura and presence.

Li Mei:
Why: Because I like that she can really go either way as a character. She came from a bad begining and in one ending went full on bad. So yeah, she's got potential, just leave the sais with Mileena where they belong.
Costume: I dug the purple armor she had in MK:D, so I'd start there. Lose the cleavage top and replace it with white armor. The helmet could use a little improvement as well. Or maybe even a switch to the purple rag

Why: Because he's post MK3 and because I think that he could have a place as a lone, silent operative / assassin for the OIA.
Costume: I honestly hate all of his costumes. They look like he's wearing muscle outside of his skin. I dig the red cloth covering his eyes, but he needs something like Mavado's MKDA primary to go with it.

Why: Because the elastic bands have a metric ton of potential in a 2D game and because I want to see a Red Dragon faction function without Daegon. This guy should be a big player in things, not a lackey.
Costume: I like the red mask, but not the armor. Ditch the chain mail and give him something like a long black, red and gold open karate gi shirt to go with his black and gold pants.

Bo Rai Cho:
Why: He's the "master" type character in this series. Take away the vomit and the farting and you've got a cool concept for a bigger character that could be a lot of fun to use.
Costume: I thought that his MK:D primary was perfect. It was ornate, it flowed, maybe change up the colors a little, add a few more designs here and there and perhaps have some cloth parts that flow behind him when he moves.

Why: His look is unique, whether it's the masked look or maskless look. Plus I like that he's an oni. It's different. Oh, I still want to see what they'd do with him if his MK:DA ending plays out (if that's possible in the altered timeline).
Costume: Not really a fan of the burlap diaper of doom. I'd take his second costume and put his mask from the first costume on it. That seems like a good starting point.

Why: She has a unique look and background. I might ditch the wings or at least make them retractable so that they look like a cloak (unexpected Gargoyles reference), but in a closed 2D environment, I think that her vampiric powers could really be put on display.
Costume: More clothing, for sure. Something that plays off of her MK:DA alt that might still show off her leg tattoo, but still giving her enough clothing to look respectable. Something with a little bit of a Gothic influence without being too whips and chains.

Why: Because the MK team thoroughly dropped the ball on her. She had a cool background, a cool look with the bright red hair and the outfits and they squandered her by giving her a lame through story of being a new Black Dragon reruit and giving her a terrible move set. She deserves redemption.
Costume: Keep the red hair, but ditch both hair styles. I'm thinking one long french braid. Something that's Black Dragon in style (and less skanky), but keep her away from the Black Dragon story-wise.

Why: Because she plays in to a few storylines, she's a fan favorite and she deserves a shot at being a real, full fledged, every day character.
Costume: Keep the light hair / dark hair mix, the eye/face paint and the wrist guards, but otherwise she needs something new. Something that says "assassin" for Quan Chi and not "sex slave." Something along the lines of Kate Beckinsale's outfit in Undersworld, perhaps with a few bits of red or purple thrown in, might work.

Why: She's a new character that deserves to have more of a story than just another assassin. This game has a ton of assassins. Perhaps with Shao Khan dead, she can find a new purpose? A new story or way of fitting in? I'd be curious to see how that would work.
Costume: Oh God, please give her some clothes. Maybe some sort of red, blood armor that's form fitting and sexy without having to show 98% of her body. Maybe a sort of konichi outfit that Taki wears as an alt costume, only less skanky?

After this, I say put six new characters in the game that wouldn't have been in had Raiden not not changed things. From there, I'd say 4 DLC with two returning characters that fans vote on and two guest charactesr, one from a fighting series and one not.
01/20/2012 08:10 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Costume: Not really a fan of the burlap diaper of doom. I'd take his second costume and put his mask from the first costume on it. That seems like a good starting point.

The mask actually changed with his fighting style, not costume. It was just off in the alt render. I never understood why they didn't use that look as his primary.

Good to see so many people in support of Drahmin.
01/21/2012 12:11 AM (UTC)
That roster should also add Khameleon since she's the only female Saurian of Zaterra.

Chameleon is out.
01/21/2012 03:00 AM (UTC)
Everyone from this game(minus guest characters) + Kai, Tanya, Fujin, Reiko, Jarek, Sareena, Drahmin, Ashrah, Bo'Rai Cho and Havik.

add 2 new faces for a roster of 42, I will be effortlessly sold on this roster.

01/21/2012 03:01 AM (UTC)
Li Mei
Bo Rai Cho
All of the people that survived from the story
Liu Kang (Bandaged up and scarred)
2-4 new characters on disc.

WISHLIST(But wont happen unless DLC or zombies)

2 new
2 left out.... Or 2 of the above^
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01/21/2012 03:12 AM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
Baraka407 Wrote:
Costume: Not really a fan of the burlap diaper of doom. I'd take his second costume and put his mask from the first costume on it. That seems like a good starting point.

The mask actually changed with his fighting style, not costume. It was just off in the alt render. I never understood why they didn't use that look as his primary.

Good to see so many people in support of Drahmin.

Oh wow, that's right! I forgot that his mask came off when switching fighting styles. Good call. I just looked at his profile pics of original and alt costumes as a refresher.

But yeah, I've always been a fan of Drahmin and never understood why Boon made it seem like we probably wouldn't see him again (or shouldn't).

I thought that his concept was really cool. I mean, just looking at him on the MK:DA select screen... To me, he's one of the most unique looking characters this series has ever produced.

Plus, his story laid the foundation for some good ideas, while his MK:DA ending was one of the best in that game, if not the best, as I really wanted to know what they would do with him once he emerged from the Inner Sanctom Chamber.

Glad to know I'm not the only fan of this character too.
01/22/2012 06:59 AM (UTC)
Returning playable characters
-Johnny Cage
-Quan Chi

Additional MK10 playable characters
-Drahmin(masked MK:DA alt)

Resurrected Playable Characters
(Quan Chi resurrects the best warriors to merge with Earthrealm, while making changes to others)
-Evil Liu Kang(Classic version alt)
-Ancient(Shredder)Sub-Zero(Classic Alt)
-Shao Kahn(unmasked alt)
-Cyber Smoke(Human alt)
-Shang Tsung MK3 look(redesigned alt)

New Playable Characters
-white costumed ninja
-new sub boss
-new earthrealm warrior

Unplayable Boss

DLC Playable Characters

Classic DLC Playable Characters
-Kung Lao

-Jason Voorhees
01/23/2012 03:14 AM (UTC)
I've posted this in another thread, but I figure why not post it here as well.

My roster goes like this.

Sub-Zero (Kuai Liang, no Bi-han splits from Noob crap this ain't spiderman)
Sonya Blade
Noob Saibot
Liu Kang
Johnny Cage
Quan Chi

Li Mei
Bo Rai Cho

That's 29.

New Character
New Character

That should finish it off for me.
01/23/2012 04:57 AM (UTC)
Scorpion - Revenge on Quan Chi
Sub-Zero - Return human again. Then replaces Sektor as Grand Master of the new Lin Kuei
Reptile - Speaks for the first time in MK10.
Liu Kang - Hatred for Raiden. Goes neutral in the form of Evil Liu Kang, like Evil ryu... but scarred.
Sonya Blade - Forms the Outerworld investigation agency
Johnny Cage - His powers go out of control and Raiden sends him to Seido to be trained in order to control his powers.
Ermac - King Jerrod takes control of Ermac
Kenshi - Joins the special Forces and the Forces of Light
Rain - The anti-Liu Kang and Prince of Edenia who seeks to rule his home realm and Outworld.
Skarlet - Fights for Reiko & Mileena in revenge for the former emperor. Maybe she can fight alongside Nitara since their both blood-based.
Mileena - Empress of Outworld
Jade - Possessed by the woman in her ending
Noob Saibot - Returns with both shadow & ice.
Smoke - Enenra power
Cyrax - Human again... but half cyborg.
Sektor - New grand master
Sheeva - joins the forces of Light
Quan Chi (also sub-boss)
Raiden - fights against Shinnok then goes dark Raiden on his former allies.

Shinnok - Playable & Final boss
Reiko - New emperor of Outworld
Kai - Fights against Shinnok and tries to stop Liu from killing Raiden
Fujin - Replaces Raiden as the new protector of Earthrealm
Li Mei
Bo'Rai Cho

Quan Chi
Raiden/Dark Raiden

Shao Kahn - unmasked and mortal
New Character
New Character

NO Guest characters

*Note: Shujinko and Onaga will return in MK11 for the Dragon King saga*
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