mortal kombat 10 3D or 2D??
posted03/11/2012 11:50 AM (UTC)by
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02/20/2012 08:53 PM (UTC)
One of the biggest questiont of mortal kombat mortal kombat 10 going to be a 2D or 3D game...if they making it a 2D game i hope that they make it more a new mortal kombat 2D game and more whit that classic feeling and if they making it a 3D game i hope that they make it more sikker than all the other mortal kombat 3D whit better graphigs
03/08/2012 11:07 PM (UTC)
Oh god, 2D please.

MK is finally back on the right track...I say leave the 3D in last decade and try to forget it ever happened.
03/08/2012 11:10 PM (UTC)
I think NRS understands that the 2D is more indicative of the classic (and better-received) MK games, and it worked better for the movesets of characters.
With so many projectiles, the 3D MKs made a large portion of moves utterly pointless.

I'm pretty sure they saw the positive feedback about going back to the classic formula, and will most likely stick with it (at least for a while.)
03/08/2012 11:42 PM (UTC)
This isn't something that bothers me too much. In fact i still play some 2d games, recent or older games.

The 3d though, in my opinion could have me like MK better. Since when they arrived with it, i was so happy that i didn't have to stay in the way of Scorpion spear like an imbecile or any other projectile move. With being able only to block or jump? I mean, the jump is even overused imo, when used to avoid stuff as much as it is used to go forward. Sad that the 3d did not have that possibility to move forward with the fast dash like it was when pressing backwards 2 times.

So, i'll still play 2d games but in the case of MK particularly, some more stuff on the side of defense should be added to keep it more interesting if they intend to remain 2d. Maybe bring back things like parry, reversal. More stun moves etc.
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Thanks to MINION for taking my Siginity!

03/09/2012 12:05 AM (UTC)
I honestly don't think we will see another 3D MK Fighting game.
03/09/2012 12:17 AM (UTC)
I'd love another 3D MK game. Even if it was just 2D with sidestepping like MK4 and MK vs DCU. Deadly Alliance is still my favourite game in the series, and anything that brings us closer to that is fine by me. Surely there are ways they can do a 3D fighter that's just as a fast and projectile heavy as the 2D games.

It won't happen though, at least not for MK10. They've got great core gameplay going, it would be stupid to scrap it already.
03/09/2012 02:25 AM (UTC)
My bet is that they'll stick to 2D, I don't think NRS would gamble on a sure thing. But also I'm not implying they couldn't make a great 3D MK if they were serious about it.
03/09/2012 02:27 AM (UTC)
Honestly, it's a no-fucking brainer. Not to sound hostile or anything, I actually loved the 3D games, but the revenue they made on this game and the reactions were fantastic. They need to fix things, input bug, block advantage, etc. I think if they fix up the mistakes in this engine to perfection in MK10, it will be the best MK game ever.

They shouldn't do 3D until there is a new console released, or if they perfect the 3D engine.
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"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers

03/09/2012 04:45 AM (UTC)

... that is all
03/09/2012 06:47 AM (UTC)
03/09/2012 07:07 AM (UTC)
Without a doubt it will be 2D. I thought the 3D games where ok, and not horrible, but they where a miss step. The gameplay wasn't good, and it was just more proof that fire balls don't work on a 3D space. Also keep in mind that the 3D games only existed because of market influence. If a fighting game wasn't 3D in the late 90s then it was looked at as outdated.

Now the market is all about classics and what works. There was only 1 3D game at EVO last year and there is only one this coming year. 2D is popular, and I think NRS is finally happy with how this game style has turned out.

On another note I do think this next game is up for a lot of changes. I think there will be a lot of new characters and more obscure characters making the roster. Even though I strongly believe the next game will be 2D, I think the gameplay is going to change a lot. I'm thinking tweaks to the combo system, different meter system, and different normals and specials for returning characters. The past three games all play differently, and unfortunately I think that will happen here.
03/09/2012 09:50 PM (UTC)
Whatever MK4 was. I want the option to dodge something not just duck, jump, or block. It makes it just that more realistic. MKvsDC's version sucked for some reason.
If Scorpion misses his spear because I did a side-step, I want to be able to run up to him while he's still vulnerable and beat that ass.
03/09/2012 10:23 PM (UTC)
blacksaibot Wrote:
Whatever MK4 was. I want the option to dodge something not just duck, jump, or block. It makes it just that more realistic. MKvsDC's version sucked for some reason.
If Scorpion misses his spear because I did a side-step, I want to be able to run up to him while he's still vulnerable and beat that ass.

Street Fighter X Tekken works this way. They added the feature because the Tekken characters aren't as projectile happy as the Street Fighter characters. The reviews I've read say it works quite well and doesn't affect the balance.
03/10/2012 12:27 AM (UTC)
Kind of happy to hear that news about TekkenxSF. As Blacksaibot said and my first post. This is also my major problem that chars like Scorp end up having that free spear after a combo.

I remember in the MKDA days doing a sidestep and then using a projectile or middle/long range attack that would connect since he took time. He could use his spear faster than he did during those days. Still, providing with a sidestep and the addition of a run/dive/flying attack for particular characters would be great.
03/11/2012 03:10 AM (UTC)
both. here's what i mean. i'm thinking along the lines of what they did with the halo remasterd edition. where you could swap from the original x-box version and the x-box 360 version. i think something along these lines seems quite possible. i know i'd like to see another 3d mk game but don't see it happening since the 2d craze is back. don't get me wrong i love the 2d craze more than the 3d craze but why not have my cake and eat it to.

maybe make the 2d version 1st then copy that format into 3d. maybe have a menu where you can toggle 2d to 3d. if your online against someone that has 2d set and you have 3d set it goes into 2.5 d. which i think would be pretty sweet to have a fighting game that incorperates 2d,2.5d,3d.

think that be a 1st if it were to happen. this way all fans would get what they wanted. so how you guys/girl think of my idea to make everyone
03/11/2012 11:50 AM (UTC)
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