Mortal Kombat 07 Idea
posted07/04/2006 01:21 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/18/2005 12:25 PM (UTC)
With the confirmation of an XBox Live Arcade style downloadable software system to be in place for the PS3, and Nintendo Revolutions 'Virtual Console' perhaps, instead of drawing talent from MK 8 (which NEEDS to be a massive title to keep the franchise afloat IMO, because even dedicated fans have their limits) MK Team could gather a small group of programmers to work on an old school style 2D MK game for download on all platforms for their 2007 title (assuming they continue to release one per year).

The title could include a reworked MK I through III based engine, with all old characters in MK I, II and III forms, aswell as new sprites based on modern MK:A forms. Tag Team and Team elimination modes could also be added.
07/03/2006 10:29 PM (UTC)
You're wrong, it's better off that they work on MK8.

If they want to do a side project, that is okay, but it should only be UMK3, MK Trilogy, or MK4 Online. Otherwise MK1 through MK3 should not happen.
07/04/2006 01:21 AM (UTC)
outworld222 Wrote:
You're wrong, it's better off that they work on MK8.

If they want to do a side project, that is okay, but it should only be UMK3, MK Trilogy, or MK4 Online. Otherwise MK1 through MK3 should not happen.

Thats what im saying. Instead of drawing talent from MK 8, IF they do a 2007 game (which is likely since they want one per year) then i was saying, to minimise talent drawn from MK 8, they shoudl do something like this. What im describing is supposed to be like a Hyper Super Street Fighter II: Anniversary type thing of the first 3 MK's (including Ultimate 3) and trilogy. Minimise talent, but still release a sellable game by putting it cheap for microtransactions online.
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