More Powers than Usual?
posted09/07/2009 07:46 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/27/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
I know I did this thread a while ago... Though, I'm not sure where it's at and I'm pretty sure it's passed three months to where I'm not fine in bumping it, and it's an interesting question too

So anyways, I wanted to ask this again because I have some questions. Okay, some characters are a bit more powerful than we think.

I mean, Kitana has the ability to instantly kill a person when she kisses someone... But leads into a question seeing how I'm taking this clearly from the movie when she kisses Liu... if Kitana kissed him, shouldn't he have died if the director ventured in more with her and the ability she posses? (Let's just say out of the sake of it really being that she can kill people when she kisses)

Does this mean Edenians, or just her, have more powers than we think? Seeing how she can instantly kill someone with a kiss. A mere kiss... Because Tanya has the same thing, even though she did not have her kiss of death fatality in Deception, but she still possessed the fatality in the first place, therefore giving her the ability to kill someone by a kiss. But then where the heck does Sonya come in if you're thinking this? I always thought, seeing how she does not DIRECTLY kiss the person, she probably throws something in the face of the person she blow kisses... I mean, really... every time she kisses, she never kisses the person directly... just blown something at them... Grr

Shang Tsung has more powers than we thought too. Despite having the morphing ability, he can kill someone by going straight into their mouths and popping right out of them, blowing them up and destroying them instantly. Therefore, Shang Tsung can instantly kill someone just by entering their mouths.

What about Baraka? For some reason he can shoot his blades out of where his blades are at... does this mean he can rapidly reproduce whatever his blades are made of? I don't know if they said what his blades are actually made up of, I always thought they were bone... somewhat like Marrow from X-Men... does this mean Baraka can rapidly produce bone?

Sub-Zero has super strength for some reason... he can rip out a spinal column... as well as Quan Chi, who can rip out a leg. They're ripping bone right out of a skeleton... And I don't think that it's THAT easy to do so. As well as Kano... for some reason who can rip out an entire skeleton... Super strength from these guys?

Fascinating ain't it? Making you think about this again ain't it?
08/14/2009 03:21 AM (UTC)
I always imagined Kitana's Kiss of Death as a special technique she developed or learned that involved harnessing her chi or energy, not unlike Liu Kang's ability to shoot fireballs or Johnny Cage's Shadow Kick, etc.

And as a technique, I suspect she would be capable of controlling when she wants it to work and when she doesn't want it to work.
Furthermore, I always imagined most of the other characters' so-called "powers" were also the result of training.
08/16/2009 05:13 AM (UTC)
I always thought those extra powers were to just add a kick to the series. Like how Kabal takes off his gas mask thingy, and scares the soul out of the opponent in MK:T.
08/18/2009 03:02 AM (UTC)
Gho$t Wrote:
I always thought those extra powers were to just add a kick to the series. Like how Kabal takes off his gas mask thingy, and scares the soul out of the opponent in MK:T.

I thought that too for a while, but then I started getting more focused about certain things in people's abilities on this game.
08/19/2009 12:04 AM (UTC)
well i guess if you get deep into it you could come up with reasons why everyone is more powerful than they appear but i like to think that it takes the ability to concentrate to do these moves(fatalities) and you can't concentrate in the middle of fighting.

When did Baraka shoot his blades out? his projectile move is not blades its some kind of spark he makes when he rubs his blades together.
08/19/2009 12:22 AM (UTC)
Oh, I always thought he just shot out his blade and regenerated them... Yet, I've never really played too much as Baraka because I just never did.
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Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

08/19/2009 12:55 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
does this mean Baraka can rapidly produce bone?

maybe if he sees this

</moronic humor>

but in all serious-ness, i leave my belief in his power based on the name, it is officially called a blade spark(according to the games). I've noticed he does his move at a very, very high speed, and figured that the speed could cause him to be able to launch some sort of super hot spark from his blades, like rubbing flint and steel.

Unfortunately, that leaves the question of how, because there are no known Metals that are capable of that. The only answer i have is that his blades are made of an unknown alloy(at least unknown to EarthRealm inhabitants)

EDIT: As for Sub-Zero, It's always possible that his super strength comes with the fact that he's a Cryomancer. After all, we have only known the fact that he is a cryomancer for 3 games, so they still have the chance to flesh him out.
09/07/2009 07:46 PM (UTC)
this is why i think we gave MK to little credit when they were put in MK vs DCU sure the super heroes were super strong but look at the MK characters they can uppercut people through the roofs etc. thats pretty damn strong :D
but ya sub-zero's origin is still much of a mystery since im not quite sure but the MK story makes it out that not all the lin keui have ice powers since sub-zero was surprised that frost had the same ability. and in MKA konquest when taven faught the lin keui they never used any ice powers only weapon was that ice wond that sub-zero had in MK 4. so his race could be super strong, i mean his brother faught the 5 elements in MK mythology SZ.

barakas move is actually a spark, as named in his move lists, i assume like everyone else focused with chi makes a more powerful spark, or its just an excuse to give him a projectile move since he has no other ones.

kitana i assume she can control her kiss of death power as well as tanya, though i assume they just gave tonya that move because kitana wasn't in mk4.

and since mileena had that "suck you up and spit out your bones move" im thinkin edenian woman have dangerous mouths XD
probably why they seem to be dominant in their realm. which kitanas MK vs DC ending fit so well they basically became Amazons like wonder womans people.

but ya i assume we dont give the MK characters enough credit on strength and powers compared to other universes like DC
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