More offspring, descendants & apprentices/successors for the next game?
posted04/11/2015 04:24 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/06/2010 07:41 PM (UTC)
Will we get more to join for the next game?

I can imagine Johnny, Sonya, Jax & Kenshi sitting on the sidelines letting their children along with Kung Jin take over.

I said it before and I'll say it again. Liu & Kitana must have their own offspring join in.

In my view, it'll be someone who's like Trunks with a mix of the Prince of Persia, who has traveled to the past to stop a disastrous future which involves Onaga's return.

In order to do so to stop him and his "acolytes", he gets the new generation of the past to help him restore all those killed in the Outworld invasion back to life along with his parents.

Nightwolf and the others are easy. Except his parents & Kung Lao will be tough in his fight with them.
Liu and Kitana's kid coming from the future to prevent some crazy shit wouldn't be a bad idea. The best thing about it would be the cast realizing it must mean that they eventually restore some of the other revenants. It'd be a nice, small glimmer of hope after the dark storylines from the last two.
04/08/2015 12:34 AM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
Liu and Kitana's kid coming from the future to prevent some crazy shit wouldn't be a bad idea. The best thing about it would be the cast realizing it must mean that they eventually restore some of the other revenants. It'd be a nice, small glimmer of hope after the dark storylines from the last two.


What do you think if I named their son "Zhen Kang"?

What about when their kid back in his time was scarred by Dark Raiden in the face? Think of how Zuko was scarred.

How would you imagine him going to the past? Could he have been given some special relic from the Elder gods? I would see it shaped like a timer clock.

In one of his variations, even though he's a hybrid of human-Edenian, he can transform into some kind of "god-like state" as Raiden and Fujin with the white hair.
04/08/2015 01:11 AM (UTC)
Odachi Kang confirmed ;)
New Tarkatan please.
A new Tarkatan or Saurian wouldn't be a bad idea either. Wouldn't have to be related even. I'd take a revamped Chameleon/Khameleon too.
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04/08/2015 01:37 AM (UTC)
Hopefully we will have more new stand alone characters, no family crutch, Kotal and D'vorah seem to have worked great.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

04/08/2015 01:55 AM (UTC)
All things considered I think Frost actually needs to have a presence in the next game. She occupies that apprentice/successor role for the Lin Kuei whom currently have no true connection really with Cassie and the Scooby Doo gang. Given her past run-in with Cassie it just makes sense to link them back up.
I'd rather if we get a new saurian it's a direct descendant of Reptile.

Reptile deserves his happy ending. Frost would be a good addition next game as well, There could be some potential in a Frost/Takeda rivalry in addition to Frost/Cassie.
04/08/2015 02:46 AM (UTC)
Then would you all want a new saurian who is a good guy to join in, while Reptile becomes Onaga's vessel again?
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
Then would you all want a new saurian who is a good guy to join in, while Reptile becomes Onaga's vessel again?

A Saurian Good guy? Hell yeah Reptile at his best is neutral anyways.

But how about we just drop Onaga entirely?

Yeah I think I prefer dropping Onaga entirely.
04/08/2015 11:41 AM (UTC)
Perhaps two good characters after Reptile & Baraka can work.

Plus a warrior trained by Nightwolf. I can imagine a druid.
04/08/2015 12:36 PM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
TigerStyle Wrote:
In one of his variations, even though he's a hybrid of human-Edenian, he can transform into some kind of "god-like state" as Raiden and Fujin with the white hair.

A Super Saiyan? :B
04/08/2015 02:09 PM (UTC)
krajax Wrote:
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
TigerStyle Wrote:
In one of his variations, even though he's a hybrid of human-Edenian, he can transform into some kind of "god-like state" as Raiden and Fujin with the white hair.

A Super Saiyan? :B


But in this case...
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04/08/2015 08:52 PM (UTC)
Oh my God. NO. That's so stupid. Why keep making stupid little "offspring" instead of just having some CREATIVITY and making some REAL new characters? Jesus. There is no point in all of this, they might as well just keep the old characters if they're so afraid to let go of them that they have to make second versions of them.
Why not have both? Erron, D'Vorah, Ferra/Torr and Kotal show they CAN do it if they do a couple new characters but not too much.

I clearly don't want to have Sonya, Johnny and Jax show their faces again after this and I know most of you have gotten sick of Baraka. So why not?

Leave the old characters behind and like the new generation SF have descendants that have familiar but new movesets.

And of course the returning characters from the 4/A era that still have a shot at redemption like Tanya and Shinnok.
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04/08/2015 09:59 PM (UTC)
I would welcome a Nightwolf descendant, as I would hate for his self-sacrifice to be in vain and have he himself revived. If he is freed, I hope his soul ascends to heaven and another from his tribe takes his place.

I would welcome another Tarkatan or (revamped) Saurian character also.

I want the Minotaur to become an established race and be the spiritual successors to the Centaur.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/08/2015 10:03 PM (UTC)
I say no. If they feel the need for more apprentices then just give us revamped versions of Kai, Frost, Khameleon, and since everyone and their mama keep talking about a female Black Dragon- Kira.

All 4 could be apprentices for The Shaolin, Sub-Zero, Reptile, and Kano.

Not good enough? Then fuck it all and just come up with new characters that can exist on their own without having to lean on being other characters offspring/apprentices.
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04/08/2015 10:07 PM (UTC)
How would two dead people concieve a child? Nevermind that they were of two species to begin with.
04/08/2015 10:11 PM (UTC)
Yeah id like too see some more new not descendant characters too BUT if that's what it takes to get my Shokan x Tarkatan hybrid than f*** it, let Baraka and Sheeva make a baby.
04/08/2015 10:15 PM (UTC)
Just because these types of characters are from the old characters, doesn't mean they share the same abilities as they do. There'll be those that have their own.

Right now, my idea on Liu & Kitana's kid from the future is worth it.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/08/2015 10:23 PM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
Just because these types of characters are from the old characters, doesn't mean they share the same abilities as they do. There'll be those that have their own.

Right now, my idea on Liu & Kitana's kid from the future is worth it.

Why can't it just be a new character from the future? Why does it have to be Liu and Kitana's kid?

What kind of fanfiction nightmare has NRS started?
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04/08/2015 10:40 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:

What kind of fanfiction nightmare has NRS started?

That's what a lot of this feels like to me. Instead of creating actual new characters, they're turning fan fics into reality so they can please the fans. That's what this all feels like, fan service. Keep all the old favorites in, discard the lesser popular characters, and add in the characters everyone has already imagined, like Skarlet, Tremor, and the child of Johnny and Sonya.

As I said before, I was totally fine with Johnny and Sonya having a kid but that was the extent of it. To me, by having a slew of other kid characters, it over saturates things. Now everyone will want to see the spawn of [insert character] and [insert character].

Kotal Kahn, D'Vorah, Ferra/Torr, and Erron Black were the kind of "new characters" I had in mind before all the reveals. Not [insert Trilogy character]'s kid and [insert other Trilogy character]'s nephew or whatever. It just makes me feel like NRS is being too safe by bridging the gap between old characters and legitimately new characters. I wonder if they'll even bring back D'Vorah or Ferra/Torr or just throw them in the dumpster along with Drahmin and Kai and other post-Trilogy characters. To make way for Kitana 2.0 and Liu Kang 2.0. They might as well make Kid Thunder a real character.
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04/08/2015 10:45 PM (UTC)
Kidd Thunder? All my yes.

Lemme go start that petition.
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04/08/2015 10:54 PM (UTC)
I want Quan Chi and Shinnok to have a bastard child named Rich Homie Quan Shi
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