Monster in the Dead Pool
posted07/10/2012 06:05 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/29/2012 07:05 PM (UTC)
Years ago when Mortal Kombat 2 came out, a bunch of rumors of secret fighters,that you could play against started appearing in magazines,one that i remember is the monster in the Dead Pool, though the rumor was false,fighting a monster that lives in the Dead Pool would be a cool character to fight against don't you think? They created Scarlet and Ermac from glitches why not the monster in the Dead Pool?
06/01/2012 08:58 PM (UTC)
If this appeared in magazines, do you have anything that actually proves this is real? Because I've never even heard of this rumor at all.
06/02/2012 06:43 PM (UTC)
Me either. I personally have never heard of this but it probably would have cool to see. If Netherrealm (Midway) actually did this back in MKII, they could have made some crazy requirement like: Don't Get Hit In Two Rounds, Only Use Low Punch & Use The Dead Pool Fatality. Boom A New Challenger Approaches...The Monster of the Dead Pool.
06/02/2012 08:23 PM (UTC)
There was a HUGE list of rumored characters that you could play against,i saw the list once,did not pay much attention to it until i played the new Mortal Kombat and the Dead Pool level was in the game,it made me remember the rumor.The rumor was false,but it most definately would be a great character to fight against;anyone would agree.
06/02/2012 11:05 PM (UTC)
Well, it'd be kind of tough to know how great a fight would be like up against a character that doesn't even existed...
06/03/2012 05:06 AM (UTC)
Exactly but we can dream lol. Probably wouldn't have been any harder than Smoke, Jade & Noob Saibot were in Mortal Kombat II.
06/03/2012 06:34 AM (UTC)
How you would determine if a fight would be good or not use your imagination.If you were going to make a monster that lived in the Dead Pool, that you could fight,what would he look like?,what moves would you give him,what would be his story?,would he be good or evil?,what fatalities would you make for him?,and what are the challenges to get to him?,perhaps something as easy as knocking someone in the Dead Pool one hundred times?,or something really challenging like getting to Jade,and beating her on a difficulty setting of hard.

06/03/2012 04:56 PM (UTC)
Submarine1 Wrote:
How you would determine if a fight would be good or not use your imagination.If you were going to make a monster that lived in the Dead Pool, that you could fight,what would he look like?,what moves would you give him,what would be his story?,would he be good or evil?,what fatalities would you make for him?,and what are the challenges to get to him?,perhaps something as easy as knocking someone in the Dead Pool one hundred times?,or something really challenging like getting to Jade,and beating her on a difficulty setting of hard.

I can't really see a monster in the Dead Pool after knowing what the place is actually meant for. I mean, it's an interesting idea, but this is just a room of pure torture that's used for Shang Tsung. I can't really see how a monster would fit into it unless it's used for what the demon-looking creature does in the background of the Dead Pool that's in the current game.
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06/03/2012 05:49 PM (UTC)

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06/06/2012 03:46 PM (UTC)
Yeah, never heard of a Dead Pool monster either. This is the first I'm hearing of one. Not saying someone couldn't have started such a rumor though. Back then, there were always names of characters that didn't exist getting thrown around and how to fight them etc.

I swear, you put a few secrets in to a game and everyone thinks that there are 20 more...

06/11/2012 12:37 AM (UTC)
An idea for a monster in the Dead Pool,i would make a monster that looks fish like,have a dorsal fin,and could be some kind of prisoner that is stuck in the Dead Pool arena.If not that then he could just be a zombie looking character that swims out of the Dead Pool,when you meet the requirements to find him. Remember this is Mortal Kombat,it does not have to make sense.I dont know if i would let him be playable,but it would still be a cool
06/11/2012 02:23 AM (UTC)
Submarine1 Wrote:
Remember this is Mortal Kombat,it does not have to make sense.

WHAT?! No. Just no. Mortal Kombat might not have a lot of sense when it comes to realism, but you have to be real here for a second. Not everything in Mortal Kombat doesn't make sense. Characters freeze in mid-air from Sub-Zero's freeze for a reason, because otherwise you cannot use his move in mid air when you clearly can. There's not making sense, and there's not making sense but toying around to where it could.

There's a story that follows each and every arena in Mortal Kombat. The Dead Pool is an area for Shang Tsung that has him torturing poor souls. This is what the Dead Pool is. It's not a place where mysterious monsters lurking throughout the acidic liquid that surrounds the platforms.

I'm not trying to say your idea is stupid or whatever, but it really doesn't make sense to have an out-of-place character for an area to have a monster in it when there's never really been monsters in there at all. Not to mention, I don't know any kind of living thing, even fictional, that can survive acidic liquids touching themselves. I really can't.
06/11/2012 09:01 PM (UTC)
Did you even read the post?,i said that if he were a character he would be some kind of prisoner deep in the Dead Pool.That would be part of his story the other part would be why is he down there?And yes you can make a monster in the Dead Pool survive acid, if you chose him to,this is a video game after all.
06/12/2012 12:51 AM (UTC)
Submarine1 Wrote:
Did you even read the post?,i said that if he were a character he would be some kind of prisoner deep in the Dead Pool.That would be part of his story the other part would be why is he down there?And yes you can make a monster in the Dead Pool survive acid, if you chose him to,this is a video game after all.

I did read your post actually, but you can't just state, "It's Mortal Kombat, nothing needs to make sense," or stating that "it's just a video game." Just becuase there's fictional stuff going on doesn't mean there's no sense that follows. You have to have sense be present, you can't just make up an entire story that follows no kind of sense.

If your monster-thing is supposed to have a story, what would it possibly do to get itself there? How is it supposed to be trapped with tortured creatures? How is this thing supposed to be weaker than Shang Tsung?
07/10/2012 10:37 AM (UTC)
I still believe that it would be cool if their was such a character that you could fight against.It would be neat if you saw a shape in the acid or a fin show up every 200 matches when you fight at the Dead Pool,so it does not get distracting,and it keeps the character somewhat hidden.I would make him somewhat difficult to get to.Maybe you have to win 1000 matches at the Dead Pool stage when in fight him.If you beat him you unlock him as a playable character.If you have the character and the online opponent doesn't he/she can't play as him,but you can.
07/10/2012 06:05 PM (UTC)
Well, the idea remains with having no sense, but I do like it. possibly not even in ANY human shape. It could've been a massive squid-beast formed by the bones and flesh of the victims. But the idea remains flawed.
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