MKX - The Appreciation Thread
posted02/10/2015 05:57 PM (UTC)by
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08/01/2004 05:22 PM (UTC)
Ok, this post won't be long, maybe I'll add something to it later, but for now I'll keep it short. Mortal Kombat X is really shaping to be ultra awesome and I want you all to give positive feedback about what you liked so far. I mean we all gave constructive/positive criticism, someone including me even hated a lot about some stuff, but this is the appreciation thread and if you wanna be part of this don't hate, instead give your positive feedback and love for the best team ever existed on the planet, because they even listen to our ideas and whatnot!

So when I see booN and the others of MK Team speak like that about MK, with passion and love, I'm just feeling happy homies. I really respect NRS as a whole and I love this guys giving us another MK! Sure I'm ultra fan of this game and even if they make one that is total shit I'll still play it and love it, that what kind of fan I'am.

That is for now from me, I'll update with what a really dig in the new MK later, but now it's your turn. Show some love to the people who gave us one of the best games that ever existed and made us gather with our friends, smoke some and really go into the game and violence, playing home tournaments with 20 people every day especially on MK:DA and MK:D (that was my reality for several years), not to mention the arcade shit with MK1, MK2 and UMK even Trilogy!

ENOUGH! grin
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

02/10/2015 06:36 AM (UTC)
Great thread!!

I feel like we are so lucky to be MK fans. Seriously, my wife sometimes would tease me about how obsessed I am with MK and I would joke saying that "well it doesn't help that they just keep coming out with games!" I mean these guys are very consistent. If they make a game that is incredible like MKX is going to be or even make a MK that sucked, I feel that we should appreciate that. CONSISTENTCY.

Think about it. How long did Street Fighter fans have to wait for SFIV after SF3? How long did fans of the original Killer Instict and Killer Instinct Gold have to wait for this new one? Another game that took years to come out was Marvel vs Capcom 3. I'm among the fans waiting for MVC4!

The only 2 fighters (I know of) that are as consistent as MK is Tekken and Soul Caliber. Ed Boon and team just keeps us busy and I love it! Love those guys!

Not to mention the multitude of fan made projects for MK. We are an incredible and passionate fanbase. Sometimes whiny perhaps, but because we have passion for this game.

Then to add on to that we have movies, action figures/statues, comic books, t-shirts you name it. The amount of merchandise for MK is absolutely astounding. Even I as a huge MK fan couldn't possibly keep up with that stuff.

MKX. Ah MKX. We all know that not all of our favorites are going to make the final roster. That said and that aside, just the amount of work and effort that they have put into this game is amazing guys. That's another thing you can count on when it comes to MK. CONTENT. And this game appears to have boat loads of it. When you think about it EVERY MK game that has been made so far had additional content in it from the very beginning. Hidden charcters, secret codes and unlockables, different types of modes and so on. The fighting mechanics may not have always been there and it's been better since MK9 but somehow they always kept us hooked and kept us playing. MKX is shaping up to be the best MK of all time. I hope that I can speak for everyone when I say thatsmile

Finally the story. It really takes talent to piece together the events of MK and get the actual lore. (I'm looking at you RazorsEdge) but nonetheless it is a very fasinating story. I can't name another fighting game besides MK where I actually care about the story. Can't wait to see what MK has in store for us! And the fact that the dialog is specific between each and every character is mind blowing! They have really raised the bar for future fighting games.

02/10/2015 07:28 AM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:

I agree with everything you said, I didn't quote it because we don't need two walls of text haha.

But yes, we are very spoiled fans. NRS really cares about us it seems.

I too get comments that I'm obsessed with MK, especially during this time of year because it's all I talk about!

But on to MKX, wow. This game is shaping up to be the magnum opus of MK games. Loaded with content, great visuals, new gameplay mechanics and new characters.

All the new character designs are great, especually Sub-Zero's and Reptile's, just excellent.

I don't really think there is any complaints I have right now, between Factions, the Living Towers and who knows what other content there is, I'd say we are in for a treat.
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This beautiful sig was made by MINION.

02/10/2015 08:28 AM (UTC)
Yay! Positivity! Why didn't I think of this thread?

What I like? Ermac's outfit and build. A very unique body structure for mk. I also like his levitation during game play and his whole dissapearing act.

Kitana's reveal. She fucking OWNED that screen dancing around with her fans letting Quan Chi know she's on that gansta shit.

Raiden's canon x-ray so ethereal, over the top, and godly. Compared to everyone else's his x-ray sticks out.

Cassie's xray. The exploding balls already make it win, but even the hits afterwards are pretty insane.

Kotal Kahn. Majestic design, an awsome xray, and a decent backstory. So far he seems to be a very well thought up kharacter. Kotal's kharacter is part of proof to me that NRS is taking new steps with mk while still keeping it recognizable as Mortal Kombat.

Let's not forget the Komic. The story and art is overall satisfying and it keeps me wanting more and waiting for the next Sunday. As a gamer who values a game's story and characters strongly, the extra media is highly appreciated. It's like getting delicious hot bread before the meal, but it has cheese on it too. So much win.
02/10/2015 08:40 AM (UTC)
Windy_Thunderstorm Wrote It's like getting delicious hot bread before the meal, but it has cheese on it too. So much win.


MKX is as comforting as a Grilled Cheese Sandwich.

MK is just that nostalgia trip that I will always want to take no matter the outcome it's all about the journey.

Plus who the fuck doesn't like to be rewarded with Grilled Cheese?
02/10/2015 08:43 AM (UTC)
*holds up plate of grilled cheese sandwiches*
The snack of Mortal Kombat Champions
About Me

This beautiful sig was made by MINION.

02/10/2015 08:45 AM (UTC)
^Especially the kind where the cheese is also cooked and crusted on the outside. Oh lawd.
02/10/2015 10:04 AM (UTC)
Good stuff guys keep the positivity going every second post I read is a roster prediction or people moaning about the 3d characters or the characters coming back from the dead etc etc! I must admit that I am anxiously awaiting the return of my favourites Noob and smoke but even if they don't make it in there are already enough awesome characters I am dying to play with like Kotal, Ferra/Torr, ermac, scorpion, go to and the roster isn't even half way done yet!!! They all look awesome and even characters I dislike like Kano and Kung Lao look pretty awesome!!

This game is going to rock; the factions, the towers the variations all look so new and innovative I can't wait to dive in!!! Then there's the story and after replaying the MK9 story, the injustice story and reading the comics I am absolutey aching to play MKXs story I have read so many interesting theories and have so many of my own theories in my head I just can't wait till April!!!!
02/10/2015 12:56 PM (UTC)
Boon and Co. have done a great job thus far on MKX. Everything from character designs, development, variation system and right down to the Faction Wars. This game will certainly blow everything out of the water. Hype!

Thanks NRS!
02/10/2015 01:04 PM (UTC)
I'll appreciate it if you put FUJIN in.
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"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.

02/10/2015 01:26 PM (UTC)
Im gonna be appreciating my squad, invading those other factions.
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02/10/2015 01:32 PM (UTC)
I have to give NRS a break myself guys because they worked hard on this no matter how good the game or story is. I have liked mostly every MK game so far. Except Armageddon I played it once at a friends house and didn't like it but the gameplay was fun. Like I said it doesn't have to be good to have good game playing in it. I will always be obsessed with MK till the day I die. This MKX game will be my dream game I have always wanted but I am waiting for just the Komplete Edition version of it for one thing it is a pain paying for DLC when you can get them for free in about a year. I appreciate everything NRS has done thus far. With MK9-MKX and injustice included. Thank you NRS for bringing my dream game to life.wink
02/10/2015 04:26 PM (UTC)
Since the first MK I've always had a certain excitement every time a new MK was announced... I still do till this day.

The thing I like about MK is the amount of addtional Kontent they put it...starting from MKDA... as it made their games feel worth buying. They gave us a lot of variety besides just the fighting aspect which many other developers never really allocate time for.

Their story mode set the bar for all other fighting games and till this day, MK is champion of the fighting game story mode.

I like that MKX is a completely new game and not a cut and paste game like other fighters...they could have easily ported MK9 to PS4 but they chose to give us something new... that deserves praise.

As a long time MK fan, this game will be a day one purchase for me even though I have certain things I'd like to see differently tongue
02/10/2015 05:13 PM (UTC)
I could type a wall of text about everything I like and appreciated about the game so far, NRS, and being a MK fan in general but it looks like most of that stuff has been stated already so I wont bother.

Ill just say that im glad to be a lifelong MK fan and im glad Boon and friends seem to actually care about us and consistently pump out games for us to enjoy.

MK was the first video game I ever played and have been playing since I was probably 3, so the series in general is pretty special to me.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

02/10/2015 05:16 PM (UTC)
MKX has some of the most interesting character designs ever seen in an MK game, IMO. I can't wait to see the rest of the cast.
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"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham

02/10/2015 05:41 PM (UTC)
I really love Midway/NRS's commitment to trying new things. Every game they try something new, be it a new gameplay style, new or re-imagined characters, or taking risks with the story. Even if it doesn't always work, you gotta appreciate the effort to offer fans a new experience with most every game.
02/10/2015 05:47 PM (UTC)
I'm more excited for MKX than i've been for any other game honestly. It looks so fucking amazing, I can't wait to see all the new designs and fatalities.

NRS has done great so far from what i've seen. Can't wait to see more.
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02/10/2015 05:57 PM (UTC)
This game looks amazing. Everything about it. NRS has taken MK to a whole other level.

The characters look amazing, the gameplay is the best its ever been, the arenas look outstanding, the Fatalities are just downright gruesome and epic, and the feel of the game is darky/gritty - which is what I love about MK.

Also, the amount of content that this game is going to have is going to keep us all very, very hooked on the game. The replay value is there.

I don't even HAVE a PS4 at the moment, and I'm going to buy one prior to MKX's release just to play it. It will be my first game.
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