It would be awesome if they used the background of MK 2 or 3, maybe with the same music? But a little remixed or something.
06/06/2014 11:59 PM (UTC)
I wasn't going to address this because I've spoke about this at length quite a few times but...

projectzero00 Wrote:
Shinnok wasn't playable in MK3. He was in MK4 and that's what made him suck. If they go in a crazy-powerful-sorcerer/god direction with his moveset, he will be amazing. Shao Khan was too powerful in MK9 to be playable. That's what has to happen with Shinnok.

Being playable didn't make him suck. Having no original moves and stealing other people's animations made him suck. Shang Tsung in MK9 is a harder boss than Goro, Kintaro, and Shao Kahn. Clearly being playable doesn't make you a bad boss.

What he NEEDS is to be a real challenge. NRS can give him damage buffs, armor, and better meter gain. The fact that he's smaller and not so big actually gives him a greater advantage. Hopefully he won't be slow like the bigger bosses and have a shit ton of recovery on all of his attacks.
06/07/2014 12:26 AM (UTC)

I don't think its a good idea to not include characters just because they are "dead." This is MK after all, and we've already seen that Subby is back. Plus they may be doing more timey/timeline stuff, so yeah.

With that said, there just arent that many interesting females in MK. Nowhere near enough to list 7. NRS needs to make some new ones, and it looks like we'll be seeing some at E3.

Nitara and her realm should be left in the past. I dont think vampires and similarly western creatures fit MK at all. MK should stay heavily Eastern in influence. Ashra could have potential. Maybe. But she would need a MASSIVE overhaul. Her design was awful. She looked like a frumpy female Raiden. One of the most boring designs Ive honestly ever seen.

I also like Sheeva.
And Shinnok should probably be a bit taller and NOT wear those pants. Only robes and shit. He should probably be floaty too like Sinestro was. He is a fallen god after all.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/07/2014 12:37 AM (UTC)
Disagreed big time about Nitara.
06/07/2014 12:49 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Disagreed big time about Nitara.

Different strokes, then. To me, adding vamps, werewolves, etc. feels too Killer Instinct. MK's thing has always been basically "an American having a Chinese nightmare" in style, and I think there's still plenty of room to explore that. Having Universal Studios horror monsters just doesnt fit. I wouldnt want the god Pan, Loki, or mermaids and fairies either. Its just not MK.

My opinion.
About Me

Thanks to Minion for the Sig!

06/07/2014 12:52 AM (UTC)
I hope nitara doesn't show up. I'd much prefer a new female over her.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/07/2014 01:05 AM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Disagreed big time about Nitara.

Different strokes, then. To me, adding vamps, werewolves, etc. feels too Killer Instinct. MK's thing has always been basically "an American having a Chinese nightmare" in style, and I think there's still plenty of room to explore that. Having Universal Studios horror monsters just doesnt fit. I wouldnt want the god Pan, Loki, or mermaids and fairies either. Its just not MK.

My opinion.

And you're very much entitled to it. That said I'd welcome more exploration into Vampires. Nitara was a great concept and was fresh for the series. Comparing vampires to mermaids is a bit ott imo especially in a series that has demons, cyborgs, and other crazy shit. Vampires are right at home.
06/07/2014 08:16 AM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:

I don't think its a good idea to not include characters just because they are "dead." This is MK after all, and we've already seen that Subby is back. Plus they may be doing more timey/timeline stuff, so yeah.

With that said, there just arent that many interesting females in MK. Nowhere near enough to list 7. NRS needs to make some new ones, and it looks like we'll be seeing some at E3.

Nitara and her realm should be left in the past. I dont think vampires and similarly western creatures fit MK at all. MK should stay heavily Eastern in influence. Ashra could have potential. Maybe. But she would need a MASSIVE overhaul. Her design was awful. She looked like a frumpy female Raiden. One of the most boring designs Ive honestly ever seen.

I also like Sheeva.

And Shinnok should probably be a bit taller and NOT wear those pants. Only robes and shit. He should probably be floaty too like Sinestro was. He is a fallen god after all.

I didn't say they should never bring them back. I'm just saying that they killed off most of the characters for a reason. If they were to bring them all (or most of them) back right away, they wouldn't have killed them. Sub Zero is Sub Zero. He was gonna be back coz he is the poster boy. The rest of them were killed so that the MK4-MKD ones could be fleshed out a bit more in MKX. Of course Kitana, Smoke, etc, should be back...just not yet.

I agree with you that MK doesn't have interesting females though. However, that is because they haven't explored their stories and fleshed out their characters. There is some great potential in some of them (Ashrah, Nitara, Sareena, Frost, Sheeva, Jade), they just need to use it!

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
And you're very much entitled to it. That said I'd welcome more exploration into Vampires. Nitara was a great concept and was fresh for the series. Comparing vampires to mermaids is a bit ott imo especially in a series that has demons, cyborgs, and other crazy shit. Vampires are right at home.

Couldn't agree more. I always welcome the idea of new realms that change it up a bit, and with Vaeternus there are endless possibilities for new characters and storylines. I wanna see how it looks like. And I wanna see more of Seido and Chaosrealm too!
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