09/04/2014 05:38 PM (UTC)
Street Fighter 1 can barely counted in that scheme. The game was bad, to say the least, and it wasn't like other games in the series.

As for why people like old characters and usually dislike new ones - it's simple nostalgia and clinging to the familliar stuff. Which is stupid in my opinion, because it limits authors, when they wanted to do something new.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
It might sound gross, but human being can feel real empathy and affection towards virtual characters and sales wise it matters more than a competitive gameplay.

It goes only for franchises with small fanbases. MK is not like that and it success depends largely on general audience. For them only quality of the game matters. Which is a right thing.

projectzero00 Wrote:
The new characters will have to be AMAZING, with deep storylines, original movesets and fit right into the lore to please people.

Number of the "deep" characters among the classic stuff could be counted on fingers of two hands. The main thing for success of the new characters - interesting designs and gameplay. Story mostly important for the lore fans, which general audience is not.
09/04/2014 05:56 PM (UTC)
This is just my two cents on the whole new character thing for mortal kombat.. I feel like the developers do a good job with introducing new characters by tying them in with the old characters.

For example D'Vorah.. When she was shown I was thinking her origin was made from thin air, but come to find out she's always been around but due to Shao Khan ruling, her along with her people were forced into hiding... I hope I made some sense out of that.
09/04/2014 06:20 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:

It goes only for franchises with small fanbases. MK is not like that and it success depends largely on general audience. For them only quality of the game matters. Which is right thing.

Nope. SF3 is considered one of the best, if not the best fighting game, yet it was less popular than SF4 or SF alpha. And the reason for its underperformance was clearly the roster of characters, because that game was of top quality, and the SF franchise has a huge following. MK has been out for 20+ years with the same characters over and over again, do you really think everyone will be like "i don't care for the characters, just gimme good gameplay + gore" and it'll be as successful as MK9?
09/04/2014 06:41 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
RedSumac Wrote:

It goes only for franchises with small fanbases. MK is not like that and it success depends largely on general audience. For them only quality of the game matters. Which is right thing.

Nope. SF3 is considered one of the best, if not the best fighting game, yet it was less popular than SF4 or SF alpha. And the reason for its underperformance was clearly the roster of characters, because that game was of top quality, and the SF franchise has a huge following. MK has been out for 20+ years with the same characters over and over again, do you really think everyone will be like "i don't care for the characters, just gimme good gameplay + gore" and it'll be as successful as MK9?

This. Definitely this. /thread. grin
09/04/2014 07:21 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Nope. SF3 is considered one of the best, if not the best fighting game, yet it was less popular than SF4 or SF alpha. And the reason for its underperformance was clearly the roster of characters, because that game was of top quality, and the SF franchise has a huge following.

It's laughable to think, that the main reason for SF3 commercial failure was just a new roster of the characters. It's a stance of the fans of SF2, but it doesn't really represent reality.

The main reason behind commercial failure of SF3 was combination of multiple factors.

It was released at the time of 3D revolution. SF3 was looking outdated for new generation of gamers just because it was 2D game. Being 2D game was being unfashionable, at the time.

Also, SF3 hardware was very expensive and somewhat unreliable.

Besides, SF3 saw extremely strong competition from contemporary 3D titles (which basically returns us to the first point): Tekken 3, Soul Calibur and MK4 (it was not that succesfull, but still it was in "glorious" 3D...).

New roster alienated some people, but it was from the main reason behind SF3 failure. It was combination of wrong time and expensive hardware.

Also, bringing SC5 to the discussion is not quite right: the game was extremely rshed due to stupid deadline.
09/04/2014 07:37 PM (UTC)
So why was SF Alpha 3 so extremely successful, despite being released AFTER SF3:NG, being incredibly unbalanced (due to ISM's), still in 2D, with strong competition such as Tekken 3, SC and MK4, and low quality of sprites compared to the previously released SF3:NG, as well as low quality of graphics compared to its 3D competiton.

Wonder if all of the classic characters being in it had anything to do with that.
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-sig by MINION

09/04/2014 07:52 PM (UTC)
SpookyScorpion Wrote:
MK was always about introducing new characters, at least for the first 12 years
Deadly Alliance featured 13 returning characters and 11 new characters

this is nothing new but it seems people have forgotten due to a decade of greatest hits compilations.
Exactly. MK has never had a problem with new characters MKII, MK3, MK4, MKDA, and MKD all had a fuckton of new characters with older ones sitting out. The problem with MK is they make all these new characters and do away with them after one game if they don't become an instant classic. Kenshi, Li Mei, and Bo are probably as popular as they are (compared to the other MKDA/MKD debuts) because they stuck around.

diirecthit Wrote:
The difference between Tekken 3 vs SF3/SCV is that Tekken 3 was released like 3 years after the series/characters debuted, so there were really no staple characters at that point so early in the series. The roster overhaul proved to be successful
SF3 and SCV were released several years and sequels after the series' debut.
Mortal Kombat has been going for 20+ years and 9 mainline titles, most of their roster consisting of MK1+2 characters, so i think MK falls under the SF/SC category, and not Tekken's.
This too. And Tekken didn't drop their new characters like a bad habit either.
09/04/2014 08:26 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
So why was SF Alpha 3 so extremely successful.

Because it was pre-established subseries, familliar to people.

SF3 was entirely new game. And as I said before, roster changes has played part in the downfall of the game, but it was not the main reason behind it.
09/04/2014 08:36 PM (UTC)
Barring a few posts, this thread is filled with ignorance. It is truly amazing how people can consistently believe old and tired falsehoods and talk about things they don't have the slightest clue about.
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09/04/2014 08:38 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
Mkda resurrected, literally, the franchise.


Exactly why it pisses me off when people like to take shots at the MKDA/MKD generation. Those two games, especially MKDA, revitalized the series and actually saved MK from being the bad joke it became at the tail end of the 90s.
09/04/2014 09:50 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:

projectzero00 Wrote:
The new characters will have to be AMAZING, with deep storylines, original movesets and fit right into the lore to please people.

Number of the "deep" characters among the classic stuff could be counted on fingers of two hands. The main thing for success of the new characters - interesting designs and gameplay. Story mostly important for the lore fans, which general audience is not.

That wasn't an opinion to argue with. It is a fact. Fans of the franchise DO love some of the characters way too much to let go. And if they do, the newbies that will replace them will have to be damn awesome. They will have to create some amazing characters for me to accept the fact the Mileena might not be in the game. Same with Casselman and Sektor, same with Ahnka and Rain, same with unleash_your_tongue and Reptile, etc. It's perfectly normal for fans to at least have high expectations when they know their favs are probably not gonna make it.
And I wasn't talking about the general audience so what you said was a bit irrelevant to what I said.
09/05/2014 01:29 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
That wasn't an opinion to argue with. It is a fact. Fans of the franchise DO love some of the characters way too much to let go. And if they do, the newbies that will replace them will have to be damn awesome.

Awesomeness of the characters is in the eyes of the beholder. It has nothing to do with deep storylines or what not. Sektor is my favorite character as well, but is his storyline is deep? No. Another fanfavorite Baraka - is his storyline has anything to it? No. Reptile? No. Sheeva? No. The list goes on.

Making new characters as memorable as these ones would not be hard, if we go only by stories.

Old characters are loved not because they have OMG-AWESOME stories, but because people grow attached to them and their simple plots. In other words - what I have said before: devotion to the old characters is fueled by sense of familiarity and nostalgia.

And while cast of the old MKs is decent, only select few of them could be called ICONS (and mostly not because of their stories, which completely destroys your argument). The rest could be replaced without major fanrage.
09/05/2014 10:08 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
That wasn't an opinion to argue with. It is a fact. Fans of the franchise DO love some of the characters way too much to let go. And if they do, the newbies that will replace them will have to be damn awesome.

Awesomeness of the characters is in the eyes of the beholder. It has nothing to do with deep storylines or what not. Sektor is my favorite character as well, but is his storyline is deep? No. Another fanfavorite Baraka - is his storyline has anything to it? No. Reptile? No. Sheeva? No. The list goes on.

No. Whenever did I talk about the "awesomeness" (that's in the eye of the beholder-.-' ) for the old characters? Of course that is subjective to each person's taste since there is a lot of nostalgia going on. I was just talking about the new ones. We know nothing about them and it is obvious that fans will want them to be amazing in all aspects to embrace them if their favs don't make it. You are just spewing out stuff that are irrelevant to my point.

Making new characters as memorable as these ones would not be hard, if we go only by stories.

Old characters are loved not because they have OMG-AWESOME stories, but because people grow attached to them and their simple plots. In other words - what I have said before: devotion to the old characters is fueled by sense of familiarity and nostalgia.

Um you do realise you are saying the same thing with me right? I never said that all the OGs have deep storylines and are well rounded characters. They just happen to have appeared in the first 3 games which immediately gives them a boost compared to the new ones. Now if they present a new character that is on the same originality-storyline-moveset level as an older character, you know that fans are gonna complain. They have to be BETTER than just on par, in order for them to accept them.

And while cast of the old MKs is decent, only select few of them could be called ICONS (and mostly not because of their stories, which completely destroys your argument). The rest could be replaced without major fanrage.

Again I never said all of them are ICONS. However most of them certainly do have a fanbase that is gonna be disappointed if they don't make it and the only way I as a fan will accept that, will be them creating amazing new characters. Mileena is my fav character and I know she doesn't have a great role in the story and she might not even make it in MKX. But if the new characters that took her spot are great, then hat's off to NRS. I won't complain.

I don't know what you are trying to do here. It seems you are trying to sound smart but all you do is talk out of your ass just to prove me wrong when you are actually sounding stupid. Everything you say is totally irrelevant to what I am saying and you are putting words in my mouth. Chill bro. Haven't you had enough of arguing with users here?confused
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Twilight Muthafuckin' Sparkle

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09/05/2014 02:58 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
To be honest Deadly alliance had better gameplay than mk9

Had to stop reading here because this is just absurd.

Agreed. I have ALL the MK's. I've recently played DA and I call bullshizz on that claim.
09/05/2014 06:00 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
You are just spewing out stuff that are irrelevant to my point.

You said that old characters are awesome and it's a fact. Which is not fact at all. That's why I've said that awesomness of characters in the eyes of the beholder. Because of that nothing stops new characters to be as awesome as the old ones.

projectzero00 Wrote:
They have to be BETTER than just on par, in order for them to accept them.

Just because the old ones have nostalgia attached to them?
Please. That's not a reason for the new characters to be good.

projectzero00 Wrote:
Again I never said all of them are ICONS. However most of them certainly do have a fanbase that is gonna be disappointed if they don't make it and the only way I as a fan will accept that, will be them creating amazing new characters.

Someone will be dissappointed anyway. That's inevitable.
Also, I agree with other points.

projectzero00 Wrote:
I don't know what you are trying to do here. It seems you are trying to sound smart but all you do is talk out of your ass just to prove me wrong when you are actually sounding stupid. Everything you say is totally irrelevant to what I am saying and you are putting words in my mouth. Chill bro. Haven't you had enough of arguing with users here?confused

And some users say I am rude. grin I stop arguing, when I decide to do so.
If you can't figure out what I am saying and how it's relevant to your posts - it's not my problem. Become smarter. Than we'll talk.
09/05/2014 07:46 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:

You said that old characters are awesome and it's a fact. Which is not fact at all.

No I didn't. I said new characters have to be awesome and that's a fact. Learn to read. Or improve your english.

Just because the old ones have nostalgia attached to them?
Please. That's not a reason for the new characters to be good.

It's a reason for fans to hate them tho. If a new character is flawless and there is nothing really to complain about, there isn't gonna be so much hate from fanboys whose favs sat out.

And some users say I am rude. grin I stop arguing, when I decide to do so.
If you can't figure out what I am saying and how it's relevant to your posts - it's not my problem. Become smarter. Than we'll talk.

There's no really arguing here since you present irrelevant "arguments" as I already made clear. You are trying to change what I say constantly (never said all OGs are awesome, never said they all have deep storylines, never talked about the general audience just fans, pretty much everything you said had nothing to do with what I said lol) while I am perfectly sure that you do realize you're making no sense. Why try to fix it? Just leave it. You just said something to sound smart which eventually was irrelevant. It failed. Go on with your life. No hard feelings.
09/05/2014 09:09 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
No I didn't. I said new characters have to be awesome and that's a fact. Learn to read. Or improve your english.

You don't into logic more complicated than A and B, do you?

OK, since I am generous like that and since I want people to understand what I mean, which often goes over their heads (for some unknown reasons?) I repeat:

You said that new characters should be amazing to be on par with characters from classic games. It's directly implies that all classic characters are inherently amazing, which they are not. Or not all of them, for people who couldn't handle any kind of criticizm directed towards their favorites. Hence my statements.

projectzero00 Wrote:
It's a reason for fans to hate them tho. If a new character is flawless and there is nothing really to complain about, there isn't gonna be so much hate from fanboys whose favs sat out.

You do understand that you're talking about fanbase established nearly 25 years ago, right?
Those people will find a reason to hate on the character no matter who or what he / she is. Kotal Kahn, for example, can be as amazing as any of the old characters, even more so, and some people still will hate him for the sole reason of him being the newcomer. They will justify it, by saying that he is a clone of Ogre or some other random shit. It doesn't matter. In their eyes their hatred will be justified, no matter how laughable it will look for the people outside. Hell, if anything, you should have learned from being on this site, that some people can passionately hate just incarnations of the old characters. And you talking about new characters alltogether.

Besides, it's impossible to create flawless character. For every old character I can find a reason why they are not perfect. The same goes for the newbies. If you think you'll receive perfection - you won'r receive anything except for dissappointment.

projectzero00 Wrote:
You just said something to sound smart which eventually was irrelevant. It failed. Go on with your life. No hard feelings.

Explained above.
People NEED logic lessons.
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09/05/2014 09:28 PM (UTC)
Food for thought...if Sub-Zero was a new character introduced in MKX never before seen in Mortal Kombat...people would complain about his "goofy pro wrestling name" and being a generic "ice ninja character."
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

09/05/2014 09:30 PM (UTC)
I'm tired of people hating on the 3D era games here on MKO. I think everyone can fairly objectively agree that Armageddon was a pile of shit but I still have a very fond spot in my heart from MKDA and Deception, especially DA. None of us would be here right now talking about an upcoming new Mortal Kombat game if it weren't for those two games...again, DA especially.

I was actually around here(different name obviously) during that time and I remember that those games were well loved. Thanks to MK2011 though there are all these people around this forum who never had anything to do with the 3D era games, who only got back into MK with 9 or MKvsDCU and they love to shit all over DA and Deception. We ENJOYED those games back in the 00's. A lot. Is MK better being back in 2D? Yeah it is but I wish you guys would stop hating on a significant part of MK's history.

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Props to MINION for making this sig.

09/05/2014 09:31 PM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:
Food for thought...if Sub-Zero was a new character introduced in MKX never before seen in Mortal Kombat...people would complain about his "goofy pro wrestling name" and being a generic "ice ninja character."

Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
09/05/2014 11:28 PM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
I'm tired of people hating on the 3D era games here on MKO. I think everyone can fairly objectively agree that Armageddon was a pile of shit but I still have a very fond spot in my heart from MKDA and Deception, especially DA. None of us would be here right now talking about an upcoming new Mortal Kombat game if it weren't for those two games...again, DA especially.

I was actually around here(different name obviously) during that time and I remember that those games were well loved. Thanks to MK2011 though there are all these people around this forum who never had anything to do with the 3D era games, who only got back into MK with 9 or MKvsDCU and they love to shit all over DA and Deception. We ENJOYED those games back in the 00's. A lot. Is MK better being back in 2D? Yeah it is but I wish you guys would stop hating on a significant part of MK's history.


Same here.
I found MKO (back then MK5.ORG) thanks to the news about MKDA. It's still my favorite MK game in the series. It was a bit unpolished, but still good and interesting. Of course, not really close to the MK9, but not disaster either.
It's just simple to people to mindlessly shit on the past titles, that were less than awesome. Sort of a trend in the communities.
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