02/08/2015 01:39 PM (UTC)
I am massive Mk fan like many of the older fans I used to play the shit out of MK1 in the arcade and at pubs where ever I could find it! Started owning them on home consoles from MK2 onwards I still remember staying up late during school holidays with my brother trying to fight Noob, smoke and jade they were just impossible to beat!!!

The only one I missed was mk vs dc I hired it but never got into wasn't much into gaming at time in my life so I didn't care for it!

Never got on board with the forums and googling until this game and that's only cause I am hanging out for my favourite character to
Be confirmed then I will back off it a bit and leave some to
Be a surprise!
02/08/2015 01:57 PM (UTC)
I think I was more hyped for MK9 in comparison to MKX now. I just have a lot of shit going on right now and I'm in the middle of a move all the way across the country, dealing with family, finding a new job, etc. It's all just bad timing on my part... but I still believe that MKX is going to be the best MK game ever, even surpass my 2 favorite MK games (MKII and MK9).

Once I'm settled in, I'm going to play the living hell out of MKX. I will know every single thing about it, study every move in the movelists, know every bit of story detail / intros / outros / endings / etc... I'll be a dedicated member to my White Lotus faction.
02/08/2015 02:13 PM (UTC)
02/08/2015 06:41 PM (UTC)
How is this game less hyped than MK 2011???? Are yall seeing how much coverage this game is getting???? MKX was trending worldwide on multiple occasions. And things pertaining to it (the Reptile, Kitana, & Kung Lao reveals and Kombat Kast.) Hell, "I now have a quarrel with you" has more buzz around it than MK 2011 did...
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02/08/2015 06:46 PM (UTC)
Actually I think I am more hyped about this game than any of the others to be honest because it is my dream game.
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02/08/2015 10:47 PM (UTC)
I really can't say at this point. I mean the game looks absolutely phenomenal, but there's just way too much I don't know, and while I enjoy a good mystery, too much mystery kills the hype for me.
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02/08/2015 11:29 PM (UTC)
Trying to objectively compare and measure hype levels while in the hype train is not possible. Only know this: it is real.
02/09/2015 12:15 AM (UTC)
If there was a hype scale, 1 being Meh and 10 being Hyped, I'd be about a 12.

Everytime I heard there was a new MK game, I'd be excited. And with every new MK that came, my excitement grew. MKvsDC comes and I'm a little reluctant, but still on board. MK9 announcement blew my brain all over my room with hype.

And then there's MKX. This game looks fucking awesome. Everything is improved, intro dialogue gives interaction between every possible matchup, variations give players different ways to play with their characters, game looks gorgeous, the story is actually going forward, new characters, new content, and factions that integrate all online MKX players.

This is the most ambitious MK to date. And I can't fucking wait.
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Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

02/09/2015 12:25 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
This is the most ambitious MK to date. And I can't fucking wait.

Sure you can. You don't have a choice.
02/09/2015 01:34 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
If there was a hype scale, 1 being Meh and 10 being Hyped, I'd be about a 12.

Everytime I heard there was a new MK game, I'd be excited. And with every new MK that came, my excitement grew. MKvsDC comes and I'm a little reluctant, but still on board. MK9 announcement blew my brain all over my room with hype.

And then there's MKX. This game looks fucking awesome. Everything is improved, intro dialogue gives interaction between every possible matchup, variations give players different ways to play with their characters, game looks gorgeous, the story is actually going forward, new characters, new content, and factions that integrate all online MKX players.

This is the most ambitious MK to date. And I can't fucking wait.

MK1-MK4 were my childhood, which gives them lots of love and nostalgia, but they also predated the internet mostly, so... not like I had lots of hype to latch onto.

I was into MKDA and MKD loads. I still love those games, despite their failings, and wish the current product revisted things from them more. I dug into them lots on the internet, and that's where I discovered this site. Loads of hype.

I was very hyped for MKA... and loved the idea of a complete roster. But that hype was mostly met with disappointment, as the game was very half-finished and sucky, as we all know. Kreate-A-Fatality was a half-assed way of getting around work that they tried to spin as a "Great new feature!" ... and really, I'd have killed for every character to have a bio. That small touch was all I really wanted. Would it have killed them to write a paragraph for each character explaining what they were doing in this game? I don't think so. Instead a small handful got internet only bios AFTER we complained about it... and the rest were, "Well... he/she made it to the pyramid somehow. Who the hell knows why? We're never gonna tell you."

The franchise honestly completely lost me for a time with MKvsDC. I hated the concept of a non-canon cross-franchise side-game. Played it very little. Still don't own a copy.

Now see, when MK9 first got announced, I started listening again... but I was in the same camp as a lot of fans where we said, "Omg, it's a story reboot? That SUCKS... BOO!" which was honestly my attitude because I'd followed the story deeply from MK1 to MKA... and that sucked to me. We went from the terrible no-bio story of MKA, to the non-canon tie-in of MKvsDC, to a reboot? I hadn't gotten new story for years and I HATED IT!

And Boon and Co. were all like, "No no no, it's not a reboot, it picks up right where Armageddon ended" to try and appease us, but lets face it, it was still a friggin' reboot. They just did it in the new Star Trek way, where they soften the blow with time travel and a cameo from Leonard Nimoy. (Well maybe not the second one.)

As it turned out... that aside, the gameplay/style/graphics and general quality of the game... was still great. All the characters were familiar and the game was loads of fun. Which helped ease the pain significantly.

I'm still not very happy this franchise got rebooted... but it's at least not completely unrecognizable. And has allowed them a bit or room to rebuild. So I guess I've settled into it now.

THAT said...

I think this game's story is the most excited I've been since the MKDA/MKD/MKA era... because it's moving in a new direction again. For the first time in YEARS. We've established the reboot continuity... which despite a few wonky deaths and a different cyborg here and there, isn't all that different from the original canon (it is when you pick it apart, but the broad strokes are similar enough)... and since Death means nothing in MK, we don't have to be sad that all those beloved characters got offed in the great Sindel Massacre.

So now, I enjoy seeing what new things MKX has to offer. I enjoy not knowing what's coming. I enjoy seeing new faces. I enjoy seeing new directions for old faces. I enjoy that even though they're not re-telling MKDA-MKD... they're incorporating stories and characters from those games into the new canon in small ways (possibly even big ways we don't know about yet). So as reboots go it's not the worst ever... and with time it could even be better than the original canon.

And beyond Story...

MKX just looks like a great fun game. That looks to be very ambitious, and crafted with every bit as much quality as MK9 was, if not more.

So yes, I am super pumped for this game. Probably more than I was MK9, and I totally acknowledge MK9 was a great game and I loved it.
02/09/2015 02:12 AM (UTC)
petrcech Wrote:

So my question to you is, is your love for MK still the same as it used to be? Are you as hyped for MKX as previous titles?

There are thousands of MK fans on the planet.... do you think they're ALL going to go online on a message board to talk about that? Of course not, and they don't have to.

The hype remains. Mortal Kombat is such a majestik, flawless franchise so far.

It inspires me to throw epik deluxe kicks in the air and whatnot. It's only a matter of time before I become the ultimate martial artist master LMAO. It inspires me to stay healthy and strong. A simple videogame can do that. It's great. Ed Boon did something right with the creation of Mortal Kombat.
02/09/2015 02:17 AM (UTC)
This game is on the same hype level as MK9.

Which was pretty damn high.

I still remember when I was on this forum and MK9 wasn't even out yet ;_;
02/09/2015 02:29 AM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:

I look forward to seeing the amazing motion-capture of MKX's selekt screen and the rest of the game in its entirety.

Needless to say, all the other fighting game franchises will be jealous of Ed Boon.

Capcom will delete all their Street Fighter polygons and renders and start everything over for their next game. lol

I'm just kidding, I like Street Fighter. Street Fighter is cute and fun. grin
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02/09/2015 05:33 PM (UTC)
Mine has been fluctuating with some of the recent reveals. Seems like mk9 again. Disappointed with some inclusions that didn't need to be there. But I don't make the games. We'll see though. I'm hoping to be shocked by some 3d era reveals.
02/09/2015 05:58 PM (UTC)
I don't think any other MK game has made me more hyped than this one.
Someone in the thread stated how long the wait has been since we got a fresh, canon, original story and its been almost a decade.

MKA didn't have any bios and was pretty much just Mortal Kombat Trilogy 2.0.
MKvDC was goofy and non-Canon.
MK9 was a reboot.

Its been since Deception where it feels like its a brand new game and not a crossover or a throwback.
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Get that ass BANNED

02/09/2015 06:59 PM (UTC)
I was more hyped for MK9. Of course, ive learned not to be hyped for anything anymore. I can be excited, but no more "I need this game right fucking now ifb4ozuebroz". I dont know if its the lack of info or what, but I aint feeling it.

02/23/2015 07:31 AM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
petrcech Wrote:

So my question to you is, is your love for MK still the same as it used to be? Are you as hyped for MKX as previous titles?

There are thousands of MK fans on the planet.... do you think they're ALL going to go online on a message board to talk about that? Of course not, and they don't have to.

The hype remains. Mortal Kombat is such a majestik, flawless franchise so far.

It inspires me to throw epik deluxe kicks in the air and whatnot. It's only a matter of time before I become the ultimate martial artist master LMAO. It inspires me to stay healthy and strong. A simple videogame can do that. It's great. Ed Boon did something right with the creation of Mortal Kombat.

Of course not. Not sure what you're referring to?

MKX is just around the corner. The HYPE is growing. That comic book series is definitely increasing the HYPE for MKX.
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