06/14/2014 09:33 AM (UTC)
Progressive Wrote:
Limiting the game for your current playstyle doesn't just hinder the competitive community, but it hinders you as well.

But as long as it doesn't influence number of sold copies, who cares?

I am playing games for fun and entertainment. Not for breaking my brain and joypads over mechanics and stuff. MK was always kind of game, where I could have FUN and I hope it'll stays that way.
I don't see much fan in turning everything into high-level sports. Leave MK out of that. There is plenty of other games made exactly for competition.
06/14/2014 12:41 PM (UTC)
Progressive Wrote:
These games should always focus on the competitive players first, in my opinion. You can make a good competitive game with casual appeal, but it's far more dificult to make a casual game with competitive appeal. There is no better set of examples to this than the PS2-era Mortal Kombats.

So many people in this thread are approaching this with the mindset that since they're a casual player, they'd like to see the game aimed more at casuals. This is the wrong mindset. As a casual player you should want the game to have depth so that if you so that if you so choose, you can dig deeper into the game's mechanics.

Limiting the game for your current playstyle doesn't just hinder the competitive community, but it hinders you as well.

Yes, this entirely.

Rather than lower everyone to their standards, casuals should themselves strive to be better players and, you know, actually learn the game on a deeper level. Rather than being handed a victory, they should work hard, improve, and 'earn' the victory.

Well said, friend. glasses
06/14/2014 12:42 PM (UTC)
Red I don't really know why you as a fan would really care about copies sold? I mean it's really irrelevant because it's going to sell very well regardless of how much depth the game has. Of course we want NeatherRealm to be successfull, but I think that's a given considering the sells of their previous two titles and the hype surrounding MKX.
Honestly, it just sounds like you don't care about the competitive players and therefore you don't think NRS should either. That's a bit silly and downright selfish, frankly.
06/14/2014 12:49 PM (UTC)
Nm, edited. Looks like you were responding to sumac. smile
06/14/2014 12:51 PM (UTC)
That post was directed at Red.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

06/14/2014 01:48 PM (UTC)
Progressive Wrote:
You can make a good competitive game with casual appeal, but it's far more dificult to make a casual game with competitive appeal.

MK9 did pretty well for itself.

Demon_0 Wrote:

- Add longer chain combos. We had 7-hit chain combos in MK3

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the whole dial a combo thing one of the main reasons Mk wasn't taken seriously in the competitive field? Why revisit that?
06/14/2014 02:33 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
Story and characters aside, do you think MKX will cater to the casual crowd? Or do you think NRS has finally listened to the true MK fans and made MKX a game only a competitive player can hope to master?

Personally, I'm hoping for the latter. smile

Your thoughts?

'True' MK fan?

I've been playing MK for nearly 20 years, and I've never wanted to play competitively. To be honest, I don't think I've ever come across a MK fan who had a desire for competitive play.

The game just needs to be fun. That's it.
06/14/2014 03:23 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
Story and characters aside, do you think MKX will cater to the casual crowd? Or do you think NRS has finally listened to the true MK fans and made MKX a game only a competitive player can hope to master?

Personally, I'm hoping for the latter. smile

Your thoughts?

'True' MK fan?

I've been playing MK for nearly 20 years, and I've never wanted to play competitively. To be honest, I don't think I've ever come across a MK fan who had a desire for competitive play.

The game just needs to be fun. That's it.

I've taken part in UK tourneys thank you very much ;)
And btw 20 years? I always thought you were around 15 years old for some reason.
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Avatar is part of fanart created by Esau13

06/14/2014 05:43 PM (UTC)
Detox, if there's anyone who would be more than happy to see the dial-a-combo system disappear, its me. I rather have it be a system where your combos consist of normal moves cancelled into other normals or specials, allowing for a more customizable combo system. I was pleading for this or something in this direction back when they announced MK9.

The thing is, MK fans (majority) aren't very open to change. They immediately start thinking you want MK to turn into SF which really isn't the case, cause if it was I would just go and play, you know, SF. But if the fans and NRS aren't open to getting rid of the dial-a-combo system, at least give us more variations of it.
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06/14/2014 06:01 PM (UTC)
06/14/2014 06:02 PM (UTC)
Red I don't really know why you as a fan would really care about copies sold?

Because I want series to live and thrive. If games are not selling well, because MK stops being accessible to the regular gamers, it's directly impacting its future.

Progressive Wrote:
Honestly, it just sounds like you don't care about the competitive players and therefore you don't think NRS should either. That's a bit silly and downright selfish, frankly.
Wanting game to be FUN for everyone, not for the select few people, who want to find another field for the dick measuring, is now silly and selfish? LOL.
True selfishness is desiring game to be transformed into something, which will be played by very few people, including yourself. You want game to be turned into something crafted FOR YOU and completely forget about everyone else, who do not share your interests or views.
Just by the statistic there are more regular gamers than so called "professionals", so just by definition, catering to those few hundreds is a selfish idea, which directly impacts series possible future.
Bottom line: games were created for FUN, stop turning everything into competition. Want competition? Go into sprts and stop spoiling everyones fun.

Riyakou Wrote:
I've been playing MK for nearly 20 years, and I've never wanted to play competitively. To be honest, I don't think I've ever come across a MK fan who had a desire for competitive play.

The game just needs to be fun. That's it.

This man gets it.
06/14/2014 06:14 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
I've taken part in UK tourneys thank you very much ;)
And btw 20 years? I always thought you were around 15 years old for some reason.

I assume you find me immature... thanks. sad

I'm actually 23, but I've been playing MK since I was about four. Mortal Kombat II was actually the first video game I ever played, and I fell in love with it instantly, mainly because of the music, but also because Baraka is the shit. grin

But anyhoo, I must say I stand corrected. Still, I'm not a competitive player myself. It just takes all the fun out of the game, to me.
About Me

06/14/2014 06:15 PM (UTC)
MK X is going to appeal to BOTH casuals AND offline tourney players. Calm your nipples people. MK9 and Injustice did both and it's an underlying design philosophy that NRS has embraced. Casual appeal with tournament level gameplay depth.
06/14/2014 06:22 PM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
Progressive Wrote:
You can make a good competitive game with casual appeal, but it's far more dificult to make a casual game with competitive appeal.

MK9 did pretty well for itself.

Demon_0 Wrote:

- Add longer chain combos. We had 7-hit chain combos in MK3

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the whole dial a combo thing one of the main reasons Mk wasn't taken seriously in the competitive field? Why revisit that?

Uh, MK9 had competitive players involved throughout it's entire development and testing period. It was heavily aimed at the competitive community; PDP held a tournament within the first month of it's release and NRS has been putting in huge pot bonuses at EVO since.
06/14/2014 06:38 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
I've taken part in UK tourneys thank you very much ;)
And btw 20 years? I always thought you were around 15 years old for some reason.

I assume you find me immature... thanks. sad

I'm actually 23, but I've been playing MK since I was about four. Mortal Kombat II was actually the first video game I ever played, and I fell in love with it instantly, mainly because of the music, but also because Baraka is the shit. grin

But anyhoo, I must say I stand corrected. Still, I'm not a competitive player myself. It just takes all the fun out of the game, to me.

Lol no that wasn't what I meant. Dunno why I was under that impression really. MK1 was the first game that I played and it was on a black&white screen computer. Gosh I feel old now....
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

06/14/2014 10:10 PM (UTC)
Progressive Wrote:
Detox Wrote:
Progressive Wrote:
You can make a good competitive game with casual appeal, but it's far more dificult to make a casual game with competitive appeal.

MK9 did pretty well for itself.

Demon_0 Wrote:

- Add longer chain combos. We had 7-hit chain combos in MK3

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the whole dial a combo thing one of the main reasons Mk wasn't taken seriously in the competitive field? Why revisit that?

Uh, MK9 had competitive players involved throughout it's entire development and testing period. It was heavily aimed at the competitive community; PDP held a tournament within the first month of it's release and NRS has been putting in huge pot bonuses at EVO since.

Of course more of an emphasis was placed on the competitive scene, but anyone could pick it up and button mash and get through the game. If you wanted to dig deeper and master the game, the options were there. That's what good games do. NRS is building their games with everyone in mind these days.
06/15/2014 01:57 AM (UTC)
Good thing I remembered my login. Because this thread-starter just pisses me of. And I hoped my re-login would come on a better note.
Only thing you're saying with this thread is: " us 'pro' players are better than you mere casuals". Get off your high horse! And you're certainly not an MK fan at all, based on that alone. You would switch MK in a heartbeat for another fighting game that catered more to 'pro' players.

Just like most people here said, first and foremost, you play MK for the fun! That has always been its appeal. MK9 succes isn't because of 'pro' players at all. It's mainly because it got back to its roots and back to a 2D fighting plane. If anything, the more they cater to 'pro' players, the more they're going to lose people.
I think there are more hardcore MK fans that are casual players than there are 'pro' players. More than likely, it's the extreme points of gamers that are ruining games. You've got the really, really casual players (who play fb-games/mobile app-games and like to call themselves gamers) and 'pro' players who think they know it all, sucking all the fun out of games.
Real gamers aren't people who dedicate their whole spare time to gaming (or to a few single games). They pop in their games to have fun, enjoy the ride and know that it is still just a game. You still know what fun is, right?

I've been with MK from day one. And although the 3D era didn't do much for me, I still liked it fairly well. And MK9 didn't appeal to me because of the 'pro' player involvement. It appealed to me because of the nostalgia. That it got picked up again in the area where it was good. I always liked MK because of its reliance on special moves and not big ass combo's. And because of the atmosphere, the characters, the fantasy-element... and yes, certainly the brutality and gore!
Although I don't like every step MK has taken (but bravo for at least attempting different things), I've always been there with MK. And THAT is what makes you a fan!
06/15/2014 02:47 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Both, but with more leanings towards casual. I don't want MK turn into Guilty Gear or whatever japanese stuff. Keep it relatively simple and accessible for everyone.

for once we agree. It should always cater to both, but at its heart it should be about fun, and MK also has the best story of any fighting game.
06/15/2014 03:30 AM (UTC)
I think Mortal kombat X should be for both styles of gamers out there. I know for one I will be picking apart the game the moment it comes out one character at a time and learning all the variations for each character as well (that's going to be a time sink) for me when I was doing the arcade circuit of the 90s with street fighter 2 and its many rehashes, killer instinct, mortal kombat, virtual fighter and stuff iw ould love watching people that were good in the game and had certain characters down to a tee then that would peek my interest in the game even more. I learned a lot from the casuals to those that just played for fun or button mashed, and I learned a lot from pros too. sometimes the casuals taught me the most with the button mashing especially in mk 2 and mk3 trilogy. it goes hand and hand. would I love to see this game get love from evo hells yes I would and do I want to see it do a lot with the casuals to get another game after this one hells yeah.
06/15/2014 03:33 AM (UTC)
To be honest I always felt that UMK 3/Trilogy was the most competitive and tournament fighter Mortal Kombat has had to this day. That game WAS amazing for competitive matches. I remember my whole family would come over even the grandparents and older relatives would all sit down and join in. It had that competitive vibe. I miss that game. But don't think NRS will please everyone. The game needs to run fast as shit again.
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