MKX for Casuals or Pros?
posted06/15/2014 03:33 AM (UTC)by
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06/13/2014 12:41 PM (UTC)
Story and characters aside, do you think MKX will cater to the casual crowd? Or do you think NRS has finally listened to the true MK fans and made MKX a game only a competitive player can hope to master?

Personally, I'm hoping for the latter. smile

Your thoughts?
06/13/2014 11:22 PM (UTC)
Troll alert!
06/13/2014 11:25 PM (UTC)
On the contrary, I'm being serious here. Whatever words you and I exchanged in that other thread are behind me. The choice is your's if you want to continue the feud.

Or, you could post your opinion on this topic. smile
06/13/2014 11:29 PM (UTC)
Done exchanging wisecracks with you. There's nothing serious about your post. The game is for both types of players. You desperately seek attention, that's all.

Troll alert!
06/13/2014 11:32 PM (UTC)
Nah fuck that. MK has casual appeal, and that's to its strength. Everyone feels comfortable picking up an MK game and seeing cool shit, even if they're just slamming on buttons. MK9 did a great job of straddling both sides of the fence, and they should continue in that way. They're already making it deeper with the variations themselves. The depth is there if a player wants it, there's no need to alienate people that don't have the time to dedicate to that.
06/13/2014 11:32 PM (UTC)
Or, there's always the third option: I could always report you for trying to derail a legit thread and a topic I'm passionate about.

I offer my olive branch to you one more time, good sir. smile
06/13/2014 11:33 PM (UTC)
For the civility of this thread I will answer the question!

It seems that this will cater to both casuals and "pro" players. Ed Boon specifically said the game itself will have a meta for online purposes.
06/13/2014 11:35 PM (UTC)
I see your point, but shouldn't people who put more effort into the game be rewarded?

I guess what I'm saying: shouldn't skill prevail and be the focal point?
06/13/2014 11:38 PM (UTC)
@ ReptzMK Report me. I don't care. You're a troll and I told the truth. Still waiting for your apology... Then we'll bury the hatchet.
06/13/2014 11:42 PM (UTC)
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
@ ReptzMK

I don't care. You're a troll and I told the truth.
Still waiting for your apology... Then we'll bury the hatchet.

Ok, then I'm sorry. I was wrong to assume what you were thinking.

I apologize. smile

Hatchet buried?
06/13/2014 11:44 PM (UTC)
Yes. We are friends now. I'm sorry for the momma stuff I said.

"I relieve you from your burden." wink
06/13/2014 11:50 PM (UTC)
Great! smile

Now, back to business. I think we can all agree that without the competitive scene accepting MK9, it wouldn't have been quite the success that it turned out to be. Simply put, if the hardcore, dedicated fans (aka, the competitve players) aren't listened to, the game won't do very well in the competitive scene and will thus sag commercially.

Casuals simply can't keep this game afloat, and thus it needs to be tooled towards the pro's.
06/13/2014 11:53 PM (UTC)
I would argue that most of MK9s success, aside from critical acclaim, was based on the nostalgia trip it was. There were almost 20 years of memories backing that game up, everyone who loved the game in the 90s had their favorite character brought into the modern day, and MK was back to being a 2D fighter. It was the casuals that made that game.
06/13/2014 11:55 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:Casuals simply can't keep this game afloat, and thus it needs to be tooled towards the pro's.

NRS is hiring the EVO guys to help balance the game.

Also, they're taking notes on the UI and other stuff.

I'm sure the game will be big in the tournaments.
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06/14/2014 12:12 AM (UTC)
There is no difference. What you are looking for is in truth an entry barrier.

Is the game handy when picked up? How easy is it to get into the gameplay and controls?

Depth is an entirely other matter. Any noob can pick up a Starcraft game, but only an experienced and attentive player can delve into its depths.
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06/14/2014 12:49 AM (UTC)
Good topic, one I am always interested in. I was really hoping they would cater to pro players more this time but it seems like Boon decided to keep things more or less the way they were in MK9. Don't get me wrong, MK9 was a major improvement in terms of gameplay and even made it to EVO. But they can do better. We still have a long way to go and have to wait and see how the game develops, but I am really hoping to see some more additions and modifications to the gameplay.

For example;
- Make the input for the X-Ray's character-specific
- Add longer chain combos. We had 7-hit chain combos in MK3
- Make enders to chain combos special/normal-cancellable
- Add 4 variations of jump-in attacks, one for each button, instead of 2
06/14/2014 01:19 AM (UTC)
Demon_0 Wrote:
Good topic, one I am always interested in. I was really hoping they would cater to pro players more this time but it seems like Boon decided to keep things more or less the way they were in MK9. Don't get me wrong, MK9 was a major improvement in terms of gameplay and even made it to EVO. But they can do better. We still have a long way to go and have to wait and see how the game develops, but I am really hoping to see some more additions and modifications to the gameplay.

For example;
- Make the input for the X-Ray's character-specific
- Add longer chain combos. We had 7-hit chain combos in MK3
- Make enders to chain combos special/normal-cancellable
- Add 4 variations of jump-in attacks, one for each button, instead of 2

Yes! This is what I'm talking about. Good suggestions! Maybe NRS will see them and consider implementing them. smile
06/14/2014 01:36 AM (UTC)
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
Troll alert!

I have to agree simply because the E3 videos made it CLEAR that they're appealing to casual and pro gamers at the same time. SHIT, they've been saying that since friggin MKDA.
06/14/2014 01:40 AM (UTC)
The answer is always both...However to say that the competitive scene success effected sales figures for MK9/Injustice is dead wrong. The competitive scene is very tiny. All MK games are designed with easy to manage controls for the casual gamers that simply want to jump in and beat on their friends. The casual market is HUGE.

That being said...MKX variants really seem to cater to the more competitive players, as does the run/dash meter. I'm thrilled the competitive fighting game community (16bit, Dizzy, Arturo et al.) will be helping balance the game as that will help keep OP'd characters in check and make online less frustrating (assuming the net code improves...). But NRS is always trying to balance the game for casual and competitive players...they have layered the last 2 game well to hit both marks, IMO.
06/14/2014 02:46 AM (UTC)
Both, but with more leanings towards casual. I don't want MK turn into Guilty Gear or whatever japanese stuff. Keep it relatively simple and accessible for everyone.
06/14/2014 06:54 AM (UTC)
Coming from a technical standpoint, Mortal Kombat has always had a dedicated block button and probably always will have a dedicated block button. This essentially takes away a layer of strategy found in other games like Street Fighter because there is no cross up game. The only way (usually; there are a few exceptions) you can catch your opponent off guard is through the use of high/low mixups, and even then, those aren't as well implemented as the crouch/stand/hop/jump system in SNK fighters.

A dedicated block button can work really well in games where you have to control three dimensional space, like Soul Calibur, because, when thinking about your defensive game, you have more options to move away and avoid attacks. Because mortal kombat (these days) is set on a 2-dimensional plane, given the fact that there is a block button, it makes the game a lot more aggressive, and in recent games, systems have been put into place to further accentuate this. However, there are still 2D fighters out there who employ a back block and have some insane options for offense. (See: Guilty Gear)

The Mortal Kombat team hasn't really had a great track record for making appealing, balanced, tournament viable fighting games. MK9 was the first Mortal Kombat to be featured at EVO ever, and a lot of players who were originally part of that scene quit because of seemingly reactionary character nerfs. Injustice still had a little more depth, but it still feels really mortal kombatty. So as far as competitive professional level play, Netherrealm is progressing further and further along with every game they put out, and I'm sure MKX will make an appearance at EVO.

In the end, any individual or team who makes a game for a company like Midway or Warner Brothers or Capcom or SNK is out to make money. Professional players are a very small subset of everyone who plays the game. I think Ed Boon and the other higher ups at Netherrealms realize this and try to make more complete experiences out of their games. Mortal Kombat 9 had a cohesive plot, and one of the better plots as far as fighting games are concerned, not to mention a cornucopia of other fun gameplay modes. Ultra Street Fighter IV has an arcade mode, a practice mode, and online play and that's it. While it may have more technical depth than MK, MK is just plain funner to play, and in the end, that's what prevails.
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06/14/2014 06:57 AM (UTC)
I love the new wave of fans here at mko. Good times ahead, oh yes. Been ages since i seen skulls. Thought extinct, thus no longer. smile
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06/14/2014 07:15 AM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
Great! smile

Now, back to business. I think we can all agree that without the competitive scene accepting MK9, it wouldn't have been quite the success that it turned out to be. Simply put, if the hardcore, dedicated fans (aka, the competitve players) aren't listened to, the game won't do very well in the competitive scene and will thus sag commercially.

Casuals simply can't keep this game afloat, and thus it needs to be tooled towards the pro's.

Not even remotely close to being true and I'm a fan of the offline tourney scene. MK9 sold 2 Million copies in the FIRST MONTH alone. That has little to do with the competitive scene from a market demographic standpoint. NRS has done a tremendous job with MK9 and Injustice in striking a balance by producing tournament level games that retain mainstream appeal.

Honestly though I'm surprised this question is even being asked since anyone that's been following NRS since 2011 knows that they're very active in collaborating, employing, and interacting with the offline FGC scene. So, NRS is obviously wanting a tournament level game.
06/14/2014 07:38 AM (UTC)
Since Mortal Kombat 1 to Mortal Kombat today, I have enjoyed it as a casual player, So I would like to get Mortal Kombat into the competitive scene like Street Fighter is. And us casuals enjoy Street Fighter.
06/14/2014 09:09 AM (UTC)
These games should always focus on the competitive players first, in my opinion. You can make a good competitive game with casual appeal, but it's far more dificult to make a casual game with competitive appeal. There is no better set of examples to this than the PS2-era Mortal Kombats.
So many people in this thread are approaching this with the mindset that since they're a casual player, they'd like to see the game aimed more at casuals. This is the wrong mindset. As a casual player you should want the game to have depth so that if you so that if you so choose, you can dig deeper into the game's mechanics.
Limiting the game for your current playstyle doesn't just hinder the competitive community, but it hinders you as well.
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