MKX final roster! (serious speculation)
posted08/24/2014 02:59 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/06/2014 07:36 PM (UTC)
So this is what "I" believe will be the final MKX roster. I did some research on MK its history within the game, story from mk4 through Armageddon, and its characters. Also based on what little Boon has revealed about the story. I think that the following list will be pretty close to the final roster(minus 1 or 2), because I'm basing it off real concrete information, history, etc.

-So we're getting anywhere from 24 to 27 (this is based off previous games).
Boon said that X will introduce the most new characters that any game has ever intruded. MK DA introduced 8 new characters (the most new fighters up until MKX).
My guess we'll get anywhere from 8 to 10 new fighters.

-Boon said that Radian is facing Kotal without the help of his dead allies. Meaning that those who died are staying dead at least for this game. MK also gives lots of clues.

1. Scorpion
2. Sub Zero
3. Raiden
4. Kano
5. Mileena (only female survivor besides sonya)
6. Quan Chi (coming back because he is important in Shinoks return)
7. Shinok (MK9 ending suggesting that we'll get at least part of the story)
8. Tanya (Important to Shinoks storyline)
9. Reptile (survivors)
10. Ermac
11. Baraka
12. Cyrax/Sector (at least one robot)
13. Rain(big favorite)
14. Frost (sub zero(grandmaster) will still hold the tournament and she will still win and go after him.)
15. Li Mei (She was 1 or like 3 new character to appear in all 3 new games, plus they need more females)
16. Cassie
17. Kotal
18. Ferra/Torr
19. D'vorah
20. Bo' Rai Cho (semi important to the post mk4 story. Plus also appeared in all 3 new games)
21. new
22. new
23. new
24. new
25. new
26. new
27. Maybe Lui Lang (he may or may not be dead. If he survives he will def become angry at Raiden. (boss)
28. Maybe Jonny (i doubt we'll see him & Sonya both as playable characters, they'll be in story mode though)

Thoughts? Sorry if its kind of messy (not much time)
08/06/2014 07:41 PM (UTC)
Kabal died too you know :-p

You forgot about him! And Mileena wasn't the only surviving girl, what about Sheeva? :-p
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08/06/2014 07:42 PM (UTC)
My thoughts are that there should be a roster speculation thread because all the fans who think they can predict the final roster are a little naive.

But let the dreamers dream i guess.
08/06/2014 07:45 PM (UTC)
oops I forgot about Kabal's death for a second.
Sheeva? I doubt she'll make a comeback.
08/06/2014 07:50 PM (UTC)
I totally get what you're saying but this isn't really wishful thinking.
Jade is my favorite and I didn't even include her.
I know this is MK and its hard to predict the roster but events of previous games are pretty concrete for at least one game.
I also based this on the main story, key events within the story that connect to current character and current story arcs and events of MK4-MK9.
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08/06/2014 07:57 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Kabal died too you know :-p

You forgot about him! And Mileena wasn't the only surviving girl, what about Sheeva? :-p

Poor Sheeva doesn't stand a chance.
08/06/2014 08:12 PM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
My thoughts are that there should be a roster speculation thread because all the fans who think they can predict the final roster are a little naive.

But let the dreamers dream i guess.
08/06/2014 08:17 PM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
My thoughts are that there should be a roster speculation thread because all the fans who think they can predict the final roster are a little naive.

But let the dreamers dream i guess.

... there is a roster speculation thread. There is about 5 of them. No one is cleaning this stuff up.
08/06/2014 08:22 PM (UTC)
You guys I know there are like 100 of these threads but at least tell me if you guys agree or not with my roster. I'm not pulling fighters from out of nowhere. They have a place for a reason.
08/06/2014 08:23 PM (UTC)
Yeah I kinda doubt Frost will be playable. Mentioned in the story line sure, but playable? Possibly same case for Bo Rai Cho. Who knows tho. I think Havik might have a shot considering Noobs ending in MK9, and maaaaybe Hotaru since Johnny seems to be in Seido (sp?) in his ending. Basically I don't trust NRS's ability to follow their own storyline, everything after MK4 is up in the air other than what was hinted at in MK9. And I think even the MK4 events will be heavily altered. Raiden changed a bunch a shit and we're gonna have like 10-12 new characters to further alter the story line. And the events of MK5 I think are gonna be straight up skipped since Lui Kang is already dead and Shang got put in Sindel before she died (which was fucking retarded btw).
08/06/2014 08:36 PM (UTC)
Spaceman Wrote:
Yeah I kinda doubt Frost will be playable. Mentioned in the story line sure, but playable? Possibly same case for Bo Rai Cho. Who knows tho. I think Havik might have a shot considering Noobs ending in MK9, and maaaaybe Hotaru since Johnny seems to be in Seido (sp?) in his ending. Basically I don't trust NRS's ability to follow their own storyline, everything after MK4 is up in the air other than what was hinted at in MK9. And I think even the MK4 events will be heavily altered. Raiden changed a bunch a shit and we're gonna have like 10-12 new characters to further alter the story line. And the events of MK5 I think are gonna be straight up skipped since Lui Kang is already dead and Shang got put in Sindel before she died (which was fucking retarded btw).

-I don't think Havik or Hotaru will be playable. I know its a personal thing, but they are both at they very bottom of any real list if it excited.

-Raiden knows what is going to happen in the future so i'm sure that he will try to recruit some of the "good" characters, since most of his alliance are dead. (li mei, Bo, Frost, new characters)

-Honestly Raiden didn't really change much. Lui Kang dies in both timelines. All the good guys died in MK deadly/deception.
-The only change is the to the Deadly Alliance seeing how Shang Sung is dead.
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08/06/2014 08:39 PM (UTC)
If only I was still a mod.... Lol

This forum title is beyond misleading. Not impressed.
08/06/2014 08:41 PM (UTC)
Was it ever confirmed that Liu Kang is dead? We can infer his death, but I don't think that it's ever been definitively confirmed that he died (as bad as his wounds looked).

He could have just passed out from shock (no pun intended).
08/06/2014 08:50 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
Was it ever confirmed that Liu Kang is dead? We can infer his death, but I don't think that it's ever been definitively confirmed that he died (as bad as his wounds looked).

He could have just passed out from shock (no pun intended).

Liu Kang's death is up in the air really. There is a good chance that he is dead but there is also a chance that he survives.
If he does survive he will more than likely turn against Raiden.
08/06/2014 08:53 PM (UTC)
Your list is alright (EDIT). Frost is doubtful. Bo rai cho is doubtful.

This is what you call a serious speculation:

From MK4-A I honestly think 1 will return. Shinnok. I strongly believe MKX is striving to differentiate itself from the past; I believe that is the reason for NRS Making the Story a Time Jump in the first place. Since Kenshi and Quan chi were in MK9 they count towards returning MK9. Tanya and fujin will probably be DLC

Quan chi - shoe in
Kenshi - highly likely
Mileena - highly Likely
Reptile - highly likely
Lui - highly likely (after leaked dialogue)
Sonya - highly likely (after leaked dialogue)
Johnny - highly likely (after leaked dialogue)
Ermac - likely
Sektor - likely
Baraka - likely
Noob/cyrax/Jade/Kitana - toss up (if johnny, sonya, lui rumor is false these players would cycle into the roster to fill the gap..)

Shinnok - likely due to story as well as MK9 ending.
Fujin - I could possibly see Fujin being in a roster spot due to story. (in which case the [toss up] spot would be eliminated])


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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/06/2014 09:06 PM (UTC)
Well since I haven't posted my prediction (in any thread), I'll post it here. Going with 26 initially and considering the gamepro info...

Launch -

1. Sub-Zero
2. Scorpion
3. Raiden
4. Bo Rai Cho
5. Johnny Cage
6. Liu Kang
7. Kano
8. Fujin
9. Shinnok
10. Quan Chi
11. Reptile 12. Sektor/Cyrax (can't decide but I betcha it'll only be one!)
13. Sonya Blade
*14. Kotal Kahn
*15. D'Vorah
*16. Ferra/Torr
*17. Cassie Cage
*18-26. New.


1. Reiko
2. Havik
3. Kitana/Mileena
4. Noob Ermac

Honorable Mentions

*Rain, Kai, Nitara, Ashrah, Kenshi, Hotaru, Frost, and Sareena.
08/06/2014 09:13 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
Your list is alright (EDIT). Frost is doubtful. Bo rai cho is doubtful.

This is what you call a serious speculation:

From MK4-A I honestly think 1 will return. Shinnok. I strongly believe MKX is striving to differentiate itself from the past; I believe that is the reason for NRS Making the Story a Time Jump in the first place. Since Kenshi and Quan chi were in MK9 they count towards returning MK9. Tanya and fujin will probably be DLC

Quan chi - shoe in
Kenshi - highly likely
Mileena - highly Likely
Reptile - highly likely
Lui - highly likely (after leaked dialogue)
Sonya - highly likely (after leaked dialogue)
Johnny - highly likely (after leaked dialogue)
Ermac - likely
Sektor - likely
Baraka - likely
Noob/cyrax/Jade/Kitana - toss up (if johnny, sonya, lui rumor is false these players would cycle into the roster to fill the gap..)

Shinnok - likely due to story as well as MK9 ending.
Fujin - I could possibly see Fujin being in a roster spot due to story. (in which case the [toss up] spot would be eliminated])



Dude we pretty much have the same
I guess we can all agree that this is the list most want?
08/06/2014 09:15 PM (UTC)
Prediction that I'm willing to bet on:

From MK9, 12 of these (probably in this order):

1. Raiden
2. Scorpion
3. Sub-Zero
4. J. Cage
5. Sonya
6. Liu Kang (maybe not playable?)
7. Kano
8. Quan Chi (NRS favourite)
9. Kenshi (NRS favourite)
10. Skarlet (Ed Boon seems to care for her a lot)
11. Ermac (if they care about most fan opinions)
12. Mileena (if they care about most fan opinions)
13. Sektor (25 years is a period in which the Lin Kuei has got to do smtg, also Sub-Zero is in)
14. Noob Saibot (high popularity)
15. Reptile
16. Baraka
17. Cyrax
18. Rain (long shot, the team doesn't really like him, as he didn't even get on the roster for the trilogy remake, but the fans keep demanding)
19. Shang Tsung (a really long shot, as NRS seems to have replaced him with a better, stronger, wiser version, Quan Chi)

8 from MK4-MK Armageddon:

1. Shinnok (hopefully non-playable so they don't fuck him up again)
2. Tanya (MK 2011 cameo chained in Kahn's arena, Ed Boon really likes her)
3. Reiko (MK2011 cameo in The Pit)
4. Sareena (MK2011 cameo in The Pit, linked to Quan Chi)
5. Daegon (MK2011 cameo in The Pit, linked to Shinnok and half-brother Rain)
6. Kira (MK2011 cameo chained in Kahn's arena, maybe one of Raiden's new fighters)
7. Frost (MK2011 cameo in The Pit, linked to Sub-Zero)
8. Bo'Rai'Cho (MK2011 cameo in Kung Lao and Shang Tsung's endings)
9. Havik (cameo in Noob Saibot's ending)
10. Li Mei (planned MK 2011 cameo chained in Kahn's arena, if Bo'Rai'Cho's in, then she might play a role)
11. Shujinko (former protagonist, in 25 years we should see him, but maybe only in cameo)
12. Taven (former protagonist, but probably will only appear in MK11, as he's asleep beneath underground)
13. Fujin (cameo in Kratos' ending, but the NRS team doesn't seem to like him much, as he wasn't playable in either MKDA or MKD)
14. Hotaru (if Havik is in , then maybe Hotaru too and there's the whole Hotwire tweet, but perhaps he'll only be in a cameo)
15. Kai (looong shot, maybe for a lack of heroes)

Ed Boon tweeted 11 for Ashrah so that 99% means she's not in MKX and that means no Nitara now either.

+ 10 new ones (MKDA had 8 playable new ones+ the 2 secret characters Blaze and Mokap)= 30 without DLC
08/06/2014 09:20 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Kabal died too you know :-p

You forgot about him! And Mileena wasn't the only surviving girl, what about Sheeva? :-p

Poor Sheeva doesn't stand a chance.

I know poor sheeva doesn't make a chance in mkX, but she didn't die, so Mileena isn't the only bad-girl that survived. :-p
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Twitter~Facebook~Youtube~~~~~PSN: Casselman/LockUpYourBones
08/06/2014 09:28 PM (UTC)
Raiden saying "it is over but only at the gravest of costs.", looking at Liu Kang and saying "So many are lost. Their light has sunk into the earth. I am responsible for their loss" pretty much writes Liu Kang off, for me. At least when they created that scene, he was intended to be dead. No doubt.
08/06/2014 09:31 PM (UTC)
Right now we got this:

Confirmed (in order of confirmation):

- Sub-Zero
- Scorpion
- D'Vorah (new)
- Ferra/Torr (new)
- Kotal Kahn (new)
- Cassie Cage (new)
- Raiden
- Kano

Heavily Hinted:

- Quan Chi (MK9 ending)
- Shinnokh (MK9 endind)
- Tanya (voice actress)
- Johnny Cage (article about the age variations)
- Sonya Blade (article about the age variations)
- Liu Kang (article about the age variations)

That's 14 characters if we are ready to count the heavily hinted on the roster (I'm ready).

We've got Ed Boon stating that the game will feature the most new characters in a MK game, which if the statement is correct (it wouldn't be the first time he brings vague info or exagerates a bit). That means the game would have more than 11 new characters (Deadly Alliance included 11 new characters setting the precedent for most new characters in a MK game).

If we take the number as "strictly one more" it's 12 new characters (the ongoing rumor is 14 new), and in the 14 known ones we mentioned we only got 4 of these new characters, which means there could still be 8 more of them if Ed didn't exagerate.

That means that between the confirmed and pseudo confirmed characters plus the new guys we know nothing about, we already got 22 spots occupied.

The ongoing rumor is that the game will feature the same roster size than MK9 (here is hoping we got at least 32 like the extended version selection screen, but for now we have to asume it's 28).

This leaves us with just 6 spots for returning characters.

Judging by Ed Boon twitter rampage, we could assume 2 of those 6 might be Ermac and Reptile, I'm not including these 2 on the "heavily hinted" section as it's just some twitter stuff, thugh I'd say at least Ermac has a shoe in.

If that was real, then we got just 4 more spots to try to guess a character, the mentioned 6 spots if it isn't.

Not much room for imagination to be honest. I think Kotal Kahn is going to shred most outworldian characters opposing him on his way to the throne (like Mileena and Baraka) so they probably won't be playable and we will only learn about their deaths or even see them in a cutscene to show us how badass Kotal is destroying him with no effort or something like that.

This line of though is reinforced by the fact that there is literally no room for too many returning characters.

The cyborgs are in a weird place too. They survived MK9 and the variations style would do wonders for them, but if you have to start cutting characters from the roster you can kill them the same way I described withthe outworldian guys. Though I'd say they have more chances to be in the game.

Personally I'd love to see Sareena returning. At this point seeing how many spots we got left my hopes are a bit down on seeing that, but I still hope she's playable as her dual forms could be great for the variations based gameplay.

In my perfect world the roster would be the same than the previous game plus new characters (like Tekken sequels) and this way you don't have to worry about your fav character making the cut if he's already part of the series.

I also hope that with "most new characters" Ed meant "most characters not present on the previous game" so some of them could be MK4-MKD characters, rising the chances of returning for many of them.
08/06/2014 09:38 PM (UTC)
Casselman Wrote:
Raiden saying "it is over but only at the gravest of costs.", looking at Liu Kang and saying "So many are lost. Their light has sunk into the earth. I am responsible for their loss" pretty much writes Liu Kang off, for me. At least when they created that scene, he was intended to be dead. No doubt.

But he also said something along the lines of "let us tend the fallen". Fallen doesn't necessary imply death.

-@lokheit I hope Sareena isn't included over any of the other post MK4 females. Sorry, I just don't find her that interesting.
08/06/2014 09:55 PM (UTC)
Cordova21 Wrote:

-@lokheit I hope Sareena isn't included over any of the other post MK4 females. Sorry, I just don't find her that interesting.

Meh I find Frost or Ashrah ultra boring and paling in comparison to Sareena's already stablished background plus her untapped potential with the powers we know she has but still haven't seen in game. Plus at least Sareena has connections with multiple characters that will probably appear given how she's part of the shadow brotherhood and is linked to sub-zero (she could even be a key player on sub-zero's return from netherealm if this is Kuai Liang).

(Really I can't believe you included Frost on your list, I've always tried to pretend she didn't exist at all, never liked the concept, her story or her looks... not to mention Sub-Zero already has 3 ice based playstyles so we don't have too much left for her).

Anyway I don't think we got too many spots left and there are already multiple characters claiming one for them, so I wouldn't be too high for either of them :/
08/06/2014 09:58 PM (UTC)
I bet Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade will not be playable. Be part of the Story Mode, however. But should appear only in Cutcenes (possible to fight there). I would say the same about Shujinko and Blaze and Liu Kang.

Whereas Kotal is the retinue of the Emperor Mileena becomes much more unlikely.

And the vital persoangens the MK4 (Shinnok, Sub Zero, Scorpion, Raiden, Fujin, Quan Chi, Reiko, Tanya) must all be. Besides them Sareena, Kenshi and Bo Rai Cho seem very evident.

The rest should be new character, or classic or Skarlet that should not have been created just for DLC for a game and then discarded.

I doubt that dead characters back without an actual purpose. This means that Kitana, Nightwolf, Striker, Sindel, Shang Tsung, Shao Khan, Jax, Kung Lao and Kabal certainly not appear. And Jade does not appear as Jade. Smoke could appear as Enenra, however. What about Noob Saibot not know if he actually died.

Henchmen Mileena, Ermac, Reptile, Baraka, Sheeva, Goro, Kintaro, turn two at most, I truly believe that only return one (and here depends on the number of characters, if 27 or less will be only one).

We know that around Kano and Sektor probably go back and play the arch of the Lin Kuei in Trash, what it means to not seeing Cyrax.

- Raiden
- Sub Zero
- Scorpion
- Kano
- Sektor
- Kotal
- Cassie
- D'vorah
- Ferra / Torr
- Shinnok
- Quan Chi
- Tanya
- Fujin
- Reiko
- Sareena or Ashrah
- Kenshi
- Bo Rai Cho
- Nitara or Skarlett
- Hotaru or Li Mei or Frost
- Baraka or Reptile
- Mileena Ermac or
- Smoke or Noob Saibot
- Women's Final of Jade
- New
- New
- New
- New
- New
08/06/2014 10:03 PM (UTC)
Mortal kombat deadly alience had 11 new characters so it likey we get 12 or more new characters inculding the ones we have now
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