I'm surprised no one has used the term ''sell out'' because that's really what Boon is doing to his own franchise. He's basically like ''Fuck all the great characters that have made this game unique over the years, I want universally recognizable non-MK characters that are going to draw in big bucks'' Like it's one thing to not include Frost, Havik etc. but to throw away MK fan favorite secondary characters like Rain, Noob, Jade etc in favor of guest characters basically spells out that they don't even believe in their own creations anymore.
About Me
Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.
I kill people for a living. Get over it.
I'm going to buy it for several reasons.
The reason why were all still here is that this is the greatest fighting game ever and even the people that are here bitching will still buy it.
I'm not happy about having any guest characters but they are here to stay.
Look what they did with Freddy, Predator & Jason. I
Ask yourself this; Is there really a shitty character in the game?
My number one negative about the game is the lack of Arenas. We know that we're getting 1 but NRS likes even number so there will be at least two. Hopefully more.
The reason why were all still here is that this is the greatest fighting game ever and even the people that are here bitching will still buy it.
I'm not happy about having any guest characters but they are here to stay.
Look what they did with Freddy, Predator & Jason. I
Ask yourself this; Is there really a shitty character in the game?
My number one negative about the game is the lack of Arenas. We know that we're getting 1 but NRS likes even number so there will be at least two. Hopefully more.

From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
I'm surprised no one has used the term ''sell out''
I'm surprised no one has used the term ''sell out''
Haha you must have missed the reveal trailer thread.
Ehhh... "Selling out" aside, like some of the people here, I will be purchasing the pack. My initial shock at the reveal has subsided and while it isn't what I'd pick myself, it's still extra content for one of the best fighting games around.
I'm a completionist too, I've unlocked and bought all the costumes thus far, I won't be missing out on any future ones.

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From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
I'm surprised no one has used the term ''sell out'' because that's really what Boon is doing to his own franchise.
I'm surprised no one has used the term ''sell out'' because that's really what Boon is doing to his own franchise.
Boon answers to WB, and I'm not sure he has as much executive power as people like to think.

About Me
Get that ass BANNED
BADASS6669 Wrote:
I'm going to buy it for several reasons.
The reason why were all still here is that this is the greatest fighting game ever and even the people that are here bitching will still buy it.
I'm going to buy it for several reasons.
The reason why were all still here is that this is the greatest fighting game ever and even the people that are here bitching will still buy it.
I definitely dont think this is the greatest fighting game. I personally started MK with MK9. Good game? Hell yeah. Best fighting? Nah. And I won't buy it if I dont own the game.
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
1 week later
1 week later
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Ninja_Mime Wrote:
Boon answers to WB, and I'm not sure he has as much executive power as people like to think.
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
I'm surprised no one has used the term ''sell out'' because that's really what Boon is doing to his own franchise.
I'm surprised no one has used the term ''sell out'' because that's really what Boon is doing to his own franchise.
Boon answers to WB, and I'm not sure he has as much executive power as people like to think.
This is the generally problem, I think. For all we know, maybe Boon and NRS really wanted an MK centric pack but WB came in and said "No, no, no. KP1 sold extremely well. We need another one of those. Give us two more guests."
I still stand firm believing that the cameos in MKX were a test screening of sorts for the 3D faces, seeing who got the buzz and who didn't and then will figure out a place for them in MK11 or as MK11's DLC. I have to believe at this point that NRS aren't that stupid so I'll give them some credit for the time being.

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This beautiful sig was made by MINION.
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
It still blows my mind what happens to Fujin. He's not only left out of games where he could shine (Lead earthrealm against Onaga and Dark Raiden in MKD, join the fight against the people trying to ressurect a freaking Elder God in MKX) but they keep teasing him.
In MKD they had his name appear in the clouds in the menu.
In MK9 there's a sound file of the announcer saying : "Fujin".
In MKX a fake Ed Boon troll references him in Cassie's fatality.
Shawn Kittelsen did a fine job trying to explain Fujin's absence(You need to have someone protecting the Jinsei at all times) but I do feel he should fight more.
It still blows my mind what happens to Fujin. He's not only left out of games where he could shine (Lead earthrealm against Onaga and Dark Raiden in MKD, join the fight against the people trying to ressurect a freaking Elder God in MKX) but they keep teasing him.
In MKD they had his name appear in the clouds in the menu.
In MK9 there's a sound file of the announcer saying : "Fujin".
In MKX a fake Ed Boon troll references him in Cassie's fatality.
Shawn Kittelsen did a fine job trying to explain Fujin's absence(You need to have someone protecting the Jinsei at all times) but I do feel he should fight more.
On top of the fact that he has 672 cameos and mentions throughout the whole series. And while it was explained why he wasn't around in the comics, I still think it was a waste that he was absent to begin with. The comics were yet another perfect opportunity to include him. It's not like they had time constraints on his model or moveset. They might get away with those excuses in the game but in the comic it would have been nice if we could have seen him do more. They could have let him join the final battle or something.

About Me
Could've done without Leatherface.

Interesting article. I'm pleased to see that Havik, Fujin, Sareena, Ashrah and Li Mei were contenders for at least one member of NRS. This would have been an amazing pack, but oh well - it gives me hope they might make the next game. Although if I'm honest, with the way this roster turned out I'm not very hopeful we'll ever get to play as them again.
The part about Fujin annoyed me, everywhere I look on the internet people are asking for Fujin. If they'd just put him in the bloody game to start with they wouldn't have to worry about him selling as DLC. He'd sell better than Bo anyway so that's a stupid argument.
And whilst I will 'vote with my wallet' and only get Bo, I have no doubt the guest characters will once again sell far more than the actual MK characters :(
The part about Fujin annoyed me, everywhere I look on the internet people are asking for Fujin. If they'd just put him in the bloody game to start with they wouldn't have to worry about him selling as DLC. He'd sell better than Bo anyway so that's a stupid argument.
And whilst I will 'vote with my wallet' and only get Bo, I have no doubt the guest characters will once again sell far more than the actual MK characters :(

Zero_Jade Wrote:
Interesting article. I'm pleased to see that Havik, Fujin, Sareena, Ashrah and Li Mei were contenders for at least one member of NRS. This would have been an amazing pack, but oh well - it gives me hope they might make the next game. Although if I'm honest, with the way this roster turned out I'm not very hopeful we'll ever get to play as them again.
The part about Fujin annoyed me, everywhere I look on the internet people are asking for Fujin. If they'd just put him in the bloody game to start with they wouldn't have to worry about him selling as DLC. He'd sell better than Bo anyway so that's a stupid argument.
And whilst I will 'vote with my wallet' and only get Bo, I have no doubt the guest characters will once again sell far more than the actual MK characters :(
Interesting article. I'm pleased to see that Havik, Fujin, Sareena, Ashrah and Li Mei were contenders for at least one member of NRS. This would have been an amazing pack, but oh well - it gives me hope they might make the next game. Although if I'm honest, with the way this roster turned out I'm not very hopeful we'll ever get to play as them again.
The part about Fujin annoyed me, everywhere I look on the internet people are asking for Fujin. If they'd just put him in the bloody game to start with they wouldn't have to worry about him selling as DLC. He'd sell better than Bo anyway so that's a stupid argument.
And whilst I will 'vote with my wallet' and only get Bo, I have no doubt the guest characters will once again sell far more than the actual MK characters :(
The real tragedy is most people are planning to buy them all EXCEPT Bo.
Yeah. We're screwed. I dread what the MK11 roster will look like. Perhaps 6-8 guests?

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
The real tragedy is most people are planning to buy them all EXCEPT Bo.
Yeah. We're screwed. I dread what the MK11 roster will look like. Perhaps 6-8 guests?
Zero_Jade Wrote:
Interesting article. I'm pleased to see that Havik, Fujin, Sareena, Ashrah and Li Mei were contenders for at least one member of NRS. This would have been an amazing pack, but oh well - it gives me hope they might make the next game. Although if I'm honest, with the way this roster turned out I'm not very hopeful we'll ever get to play as them again.
The part about Fujin annoyed me, everywhere I look on the internet people are asking for Fujin. If they'd just put him in the bloody game to start with they wouldn't have to worry about him selling as DLC. He'd sell better than Bo anyway so that's a stupid argument.
And whilst I will 'vote with my wallet' and only get Bo, I have no doubt the guest characters will once again sell far more than the actual MK characters :(
Interesting article. I'm pleased to see that Havik, Fujin, Sareena, Ashrah and Li Mei were contenders for at least one member of NRS. This would have been an amazing pack, but oh well - it gives me hope they might make the next game. Although if I'm honest, with the way this roster turned out I'm not very hopeful we'll ever get to play as them again.
The part about Fujin annoyed me, everywhere I look on the internet people are asking for Fujin. If they'd just put him in the bloody game to start with they wouldn't have to worry about him selling as DLC. He'd sell better than Bo anyway so that's a stupid argument.
And whilst I will 'vote with my wallet' and only get Bo, I have no doubt the guest characters will once again sell far more than the actual MK characters :(
The real tragedy is most people are planning to buy them all EXCEPT Bo.
Yeah. We're screwed. I dread what the MK11 roster will look like. Perhaps 6-8 guests?
Casuals won't buy anything aside of KP. Basically because for them, there's NO benefit to buy 3 separated instead of all KP.
You can find people that only will buy one character. Maybe two. More? Better option then to pick the KP.
Stop being so overdramatic. This only justifies more the 6-8 guests that all casual DLC buyers...

Ninja_Mime Wrote:
Boon answers to WB, and I'm not sure he has as much executive power as people like to think.
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
I'm surprised no one has used the term ''sell out'' because that's really what Boon is doing to his own franchise.
I'm surprised no one has used the term ''sell out'' because that's really what Boon is doing to his own franchise.
Boon answers to WB, and I'm not sure he has as much executive power as people like to think.
Considering how much Boon tweeted about Alien all these months, I think it's safe to put the blame on him. And really the same goes for Leatherface. I will %100 not buy all of KP2, might get Bo. They have upset a huge chunk of their core fan base and white they'll probably still make a profi off KP2t, I think it is going to have long term repercussions for the franchise.
I've got another proof that (some of) MK fans are pathetic crybabies, idiots and, also, apparently illiterate or seriously lack reading comprehension.
Chard, almost openly, stated that final say who will be in the Kombat Pack belongs to the Warners and not NRS, but no. "Boon is evil", "NRS don't listen", "sell outs". This is really awful. I would've been embarrassed being MK fan because of people like, but gladly there are still some normal fans around and gladly MK don't need you to survive anymore.
You guys deserved every piece of shit you get.
Have fun, drowning in your shit and tears.
Chard, almost openly, stated that final say who will be in the Kombat Pack belongs to the Warners and not NRS, but no. "Boon is evil", "NRS don't listen", "sell outs". This is really awful. I would've been embarrassed being MK fan because of people like, but gladly there are still some normal fans around and gladly MK don't need you to survive anymore.
You guys deserved every piece of shit you get.
Have fun, drowning in your shit and tears.

About Me
Mmmm....was wonderin' when we'd get a second serving of Bo Rai' Cho's special stew...
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I hope to find out the date of release and price. I'm buying the pack regardless. Only character I'm not happy for is Leather face. Alien is OK even though I do not like guest characters. I did buy Freddy Jason and predetor so I'm not against them
About Me
Calling it now: Tri-Borg is really Cyber Noob.
BADASS6669 Wrote:
I'm going to buy it for several reasons.
The reason why were all still here is that this is the greatest fighting game ever and even the people that are here bitching will still buy it.
I'm going to buy it for several reasons.
The reason why were all still here is that this is the greatest fighting game ever and even the people that are here bitching will still buy it.
LMAO! I`m sorry, but what?
Mechanically it’s the best MK game. But when compared to other fighting games nooo this is most certainly not the best fighting game evar. It’s not even the best Mortal Kombat.

trynax Wrote:
Nope I've already beat you to it in another thread. One thread about how to make Tri-Borg more interesting. Sorry.
PickleMendip Wrote:
Calling it now: Tri-Borg is really Cyber Noob.
Calling it now: Tri-Borg is really Cyber Noob.
Nope I've already beat you to it in another thread. One thread about how to make Tri-Borg more interesting. Sorry.
Thought it was Smoke
This pack does not look bad but it could be better. Personally I hoping they'd have three MK characters and only one guest character like they did with the MK9 kombat pass but I don't mind this. In regards to characters...I am saddened by the characters chosen. I am personally excited for Tri-borg and the Xenomorph, but Bo and Leatherface I'm not too thrilled. I've never been a big fan of Bo, he's not bad but I would've rather seen Havik, Noob, or someone else. Leatherface...just no, I don't think he should be in the game at all, they should've just brought back Freddy but I guess I can be glad that two of the characters look good.
Hi. I preordered the Kombat Pack 2 yesterday, and it downloaded the brazil and coldwar skin packs, but they are nowhere to be seen on the game. Is this an issue or all the kontent will be unlocked till march 1st? I appreciate your help
NRS are sell outs, since they could just tell Warner to shove it..one or two guests sure, but 4??? 4????
Fujin, Havik, Sareena, Khameleon were not considered, just one NRS employee personal favourites. Ironic they let a guy speak who is not involved in selecting characters..
Fujin, Havik, Sareena, Khameleon were not considered, just one NRS employee personal favourites. Ironic they let a guy speak who is not involved in selecting characters..
About Me
Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.
I kill people for a living. Get over it.
Onaga Wrote:
LMAO! I`m sorry, but what?
Mechanically it’s the best MK game. But when compared to other fighting games nooo this is most certainly not the best fighting game evar. It’s not even the best Mortal Kombat.
BADASS6669 Wrote:
I'm going to buy it for several reasons.
The reason why were all still here is that this is the greatest fighting game ever and even the people that are here bitching will still buy it.
I'm going to buy it for several reasons.
The reason why were all still here is that this is the greatest fighting game ever and even the people that are here bitching will still buy it.
LMAO! I`m sorry, but what?
Mechanically it’s the best MK game. But when compared to other fighting games nooo this is most certainly not the best fighting game evar. It’s not even the best Mortal Kombat.
You don't list what fighting game is better because your scared? A Troll or to busy jacking off over the cartoon boobs of SFV
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I will rock you.
I am waiting for XL so I can get all the characters without worrying about not having them lol.
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BADASS6669 Wrote:
You don't list what fighting game is better because your scared? A Troll or to busy jacking off over the cartoon boobs of SFV
Onaga Wrote:
LMAO! I`m sorry, but what?
Mechanically it’s the best MK game. But when compared to other fighting games nooo this is most certainly not the best fighting game evar. It’s not even the best Mortal Kombat.
BADASS6669 Wrote:
I'm going to buy it for several reasons.
The reason why were all still here is that this is the greatest fighting game ever and even the people that are here bitching will still buy it.
I'm going to buy it for several reasons.
The reason why were all still here is that this is the greatest fighting game ever and even the people that are here bitching will still buy it.
LMAO! I`m sorry, but what?
Mechanically it’s the best MK game. But when compared to other fighting games nooo this is most certainly not the best fighting game evar. It’s not even the best Mortal Kombat.
You don't list what fighting game is better because your scared? A Troll or to busy jacking off over the cartoon boobs of SFV
Normally I agree with you but yeah....this really isn't the best MK. I mean, sure the updated netcode is a great step forward and the game is pretty and all but it doesn't have the best roster, it didn't have the most replay value of the franchise for me and it had too many cons overall to be called "the best Mortal Kombat" let alone the "best fighting game."
MKII, Deception and Shaolin Monks are still miles ahead of MKX for me in terms of the franchise, for me anyway.
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