01/25/2016 01:28 AM (UTC)
Total_Attraction Wrote:
I can see why Testyourmight people loved you.

Come on, kid, I've grown tired of you taking shots at me. It was funny at first, now it's just tiring and a little pathetic. lol

About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

01/25/2016 01:34 AM (UTC)
PaletteSwap40000 Wrote:
Detox Wrote:
Sigh, it just isn't a KP2 related thread till we're all slinging shit at each other, is it?

Anyway. I've never been much of a cyber ninja fan(other than Smoke), but Tri-borg just oozes fucking style. And watching Ketchup and Mustard show them off absolutely sold me on them. Holy hell. Wish Smoke would've gotten a little more screen time, but, I suppose the short end of the stick is something most Smoke fans know well, ha-ha.

And anyone who hates that fatality is too smug for their own good. MEAT CUBE!

Just so you know, telling someone they're too smug for their own good" is slinging more shit...

I'm gonna go ahead and assume I missed your post about not liking the fatality.

Point taken, as well. Smug comment withdrawn.

Fatality is big, dumb, MK3 style fun though.
About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

01/25/2016 01:36 AM (UTC)
I want to see that Meat Cube Fatality again. Did anybody record it in 1080p? Please post a YouTube link
01/25/2016 01:39 AM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
I'm gonna go ahead and assume I missed your post about not liking the fatality.

Point taken, as well. Smug comment withdrawn.

Fatality is big, dumb, MK3 style fun though.

Speaking of big, dumb, MK3 style fun, Triborg better have a blow up the entire planet fatality or I call foul. lol
01/25/2016 01:40 AM (UTC)
Holy hell! I loved Cyber Sub-Zero, mostly because my friend who got MK9 at the same time as me mained him and we used to have some epic match ups. I also loved how him and Bi Han ended up as corrupted versions of their former selves.

Admittedly a little confused at the naming convention now, but still, all the robots in one is fucking sick.

Also makes me think he will have more than two fatalities.
01/25/2016 01:41 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Total_Attraction Wrote:
I can see why Testyourmight people loved you.

Come on, kid, I've grown tired of you taking shots at me. It was funny at first, now it's just tiring and a little pathetic. lol

Hey, fucking practice what you preach dude. I wasn't taking any shots at you until you started acting smug for no goddamn reason. Calling me delusional and telling me to grow the fuck is I think is more immature than someone saying "I can see why testyourmight people loved you."
01/25/2016 01:42 AM (UTC)
Warbro666 Wrote:
Holy hell! I loved Cyber Sub-Zero, mostly because my friend who got MK9 at the same time as me mained him and we used to have some epic match ups. I also loved how him and Bi Han ended up as corrupted versions of their former selves.

Admittedly a little confused at the naming convention now, but still, all the robots in one is fucking sick.

Also makes me think he will have more than two fatalities.

At this point there really should be. Two fatalities for four cyborg variations would be a criminal injustice.
01/25/2016 01:44 AM (UTC)
Any word on release date or when we are getting the patch update?
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

01/25/2016 01:45 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Detox Wrote:
I'm gonna go ahead and assume I missed your post about not liking the fatality.

Point taken, as well. Smug comment withdrawn.

Fatality is big, dumb, MK3 style fun though.

Speaking of big, dumb, MK3 style fun, Triborg better have a blow up the entire planet fatality or I call foul. lol

Was JUST thinking that the other day. Or better yet, the most bad ass brutality of all time!
01/25/2016 01:45 AM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
Any word on release date or when we are getting the patch update?

For Triborg? KP2 in its entirety is all March 1'st I believe.
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

01/25/2016 01:45 AM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
Any word on release date or when we are getting the patch update?

I would assume it right before the KP2 release.
01/25/2016 01:46 AM (UTC)
Came in for Smoke, left excited and hype as hell for Smoke and Sektor lol

Definitely gonna main those two. Cyrax looked awesome too, but I am not much of a set up guy and he looks like a lot of his play and combos rely on setting up bombs and stuff, so ill probably pass on him even though he looked great too.
01/25/2016 01:46 AM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
PaletteSwap40000 Wrote:
Detox Wrote:
Sigh, it just isn't a KP2 related thread till we're all slinging shit at each other, is it?

Anyway. I've never been much of a cyber ninja fan(other than Smoke), but Tri-borg just oozes fucking style. And watching Ketchup and Mustard show them off absolutely sold me on them. Holy hell. Wish Smoke would've gotten a little more screen time, but, I suppose the short end of the stick is something most Smoke fans know well, ha-ha.

And anyone who hates that fatality is too smug for their own good. MEAT CUBE!

Just so you know, telling someone they're too smug for their own good" is slinging more shit...

I'm gonna go ahead and assume I missed your post about not liking the fatality.

Point taken, as well. Smug comment withdrawn.

Fatality is big, dumb, MK3 style fun though.

I suppose it is, it just didn't do it for me. To each his own! wink
01/25/2016 01:51 AM (UTC)
On the subject of KP2 surprises, I think it's highly likely that the pit will have a daytime alternate. They don't allow the Sky Temple in tournament because it's too dark. I'm sure tourney players will want to use the new stage, so a brighter alternate would make a lot of sense.
01/25/2016 01:51 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Warbro666 Wrote:
Holy hell! I loved Cyber Sub-Zero, mostly because my friend who got MK9 at the same time as me mained him and we used to have some epic match ups. I also loved how him and Bi Han ended up as corrupted versions of their former selves.

Admittedly a little confused at the naming convention now, but still, all the robots in one is fucking sick.

Also makes me think he will have more than two fatalities.

At this point there really should be. Two fatalities for four cyborg variations would be a criminal injustice.

Ah I just managed to pause it on the fatality screen from the "Death Machine" fatality on Youtube. Seems like he only has two fatalities and a stage fatality. Meaning the Cyber Sub-Zero must be the "variation-less" option. I'm wondering what happens when he does the "Teamwork" fatality then. Who gets left out?
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

01/25/2016 02:12 AM (UTC)
PaletteSwap40000 Wrote:
On the subject of KP2 surprises, I think it's highly likely that the pit will have a daytime alternate. They don't allow the Sky Temple in tournament because it's too dark. I'm sure tourney players will want to use the new stage, so a brighter alternate would make a lot of sense.

Thanks for reminding me...that Pit stage is absolutely gorgeous. I don't give a damn if they did rip it from MK9. Just...fucking look at it.
About Me

01/25/2016 02:19 AM (UTC)
Loved everything they showed, all the variations looked hype but im especially happy to have Cyrax in this game. Cyber-Sub is such a nice surprise too!
01/25/2016 02:20 AM (UTC)
did you notice it's replacing the random stage select?
01/25/2016 02:24 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
Any word on release date or when we are getting the patch update?

For Triborg? KP2 in its entirety is all March 1'st I believe.

Yeah triborg is the only one I am interested in better not hve to wait till march 1st the delay on this KP2 has been ridiculously long already. They are probably holding out until the release of mkxl to try and coax more people into buying the complete edition rather then saving money and just picking parts of the KP2.
About Me

01/25/2016 02:42 AM (UTC)
fuck, i can't wait for triborg. wish they did more intros though. he really is his own cyborg. thought he would have picked up sektor or cyrax's voices. i'm definitely going to main smoke though. as much as i love sektor, it's been too long without cyber smoke.
PaletteSwap40000 Wrote:
did you notice it's replacing the random stage select?

Sorta, random select is just below it, in the middle.

Interesting gameplay. Love Sektor's upgraded moves.
Ping pong Cyrax gets more agressive gameplay style.
Smoke is a sweet combination of MK3 & 9. Excellent.
Sub-Zero variation too! Loved his dropkicks, but seems limited to one now. No ice bombs, or is the drone do that now?

Smoke's taser trident, Sub-Zero's drone and their electric arcing idle animation are a nice nod to Legacy Hydro.

All Cyborgs present, and accounted for.

01/25/2016 03:04 AM (UTC)
He has ice bomb and drone, you can pause the vid when they paused the game and see his special move list
01/25/2016 06:23 AM (UTC)
Im definitely hyped for Triborg. The name is still a dorky pun but it's only there as a function rather than form. They had to give him a collective name, and NRS can't refuse a bad joke.

Cyber Sub tho? Hidden characters in MKX? I'm pumped. I love Cyber Sub. Most trolly character in all of MK. Definitely learning him along with Smoke smoke smooooke.
About Me
01/25/2016 08:41 AM (UTC)
Cyber Sub-Zero is not a surprise at all! He was predicted long time ago and I suppose NRS took the idea from the fans as they do a lot of times which is kool. Cyrax's bombs look and explode like shit. All of them. They were better in Mk9.
01/25/2016 03:53 PM (UTC)
These are the kind of secrets that used to make MK the mysterious game we all talked about. It's so unfortunate they spoil everything, show everything beforehand and just want to be the first ones to show off everything. Let us find out for ourselves!

One downer: 2 fatalities for 3 different characters, possibly 4, is a bit lazy if true. Damn, if only this game had some characters replaced and some more / better / more varied stages, it would've been the perfect game. I hope that these DLC and exclusion of some, does not diminish their chance for the next game.

All in all, very cool!
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