MKX DLC: Kold War Skin Pack Available Now

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As Mr. Sloan always says, there is no "I" in team, but there is an "I" in pie. And there's an "I" in meat pie. Anagram of meat is team... I don't know what he's talking about.
Blade4693 Wrote:
I kind of always assumed a season pass got you everything that came out as DLC during a certain timespan.
I kind of always assumed a season pass got you everything that came out as DLC during a certain timespan.

moneyguy Wrote:
Yeah, but stating "facts" and then saying, "you shouldn't expect anything" (as if it is okay/to be expected) isn't saying much.
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
I'm not defending anyone. I'm just stating facts. The kombat pack was announced for 4 characters + 4 skin packs. Releasing DLC that isn't included in the Kombat Pack/Season Pass/whatever is something that every developers do.
Randwulf Wrote:
Your defense of these shady, greedy tactics is gross. These companies have abused the notion of dlc, to say the least.
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
Hell, even games with a "Season Pass" don't include all the DLC sometimes. You shouldn't expect anything, especially when it comes to DLC.
Hell, even games with a "Season Pass" don't include all the DLC sometimes. You shouldn't expect anything, especially when it comes to DLC.
Your defense of these shady, greedy tactics is gross. These companies have abused the notion of dlc, to say the least.
I'm not defending anyone. I'm just stating facts. The kombat pack was announced for 4 characters + 4 skin packs. Releasing DLC that isn't included in the Kombat Pack/Season Pass/whatever is something that every developers do.
Yeah, but stating "facts" and then saying, "you shouldn't expect anything" (as if it is okay/to be expected) isn't saying much.
I totally didn't mean that it's ok. I just meant exactly what I said : "You shouldn't expect anything when it comes to DLC." It's the fastest way to get burned. I'm not defending or supporting arguably shady tactics. Unless otherwise stated, you should use caution when it comes to DLC.
NRS said the Kombat Pack would include 4 characters each coming with a 3 costume pack and a bonus Samurai costume pack. That's all they said. Other websites reported a bunch of stuff but MK's official website never added them to the KP list. Therefore I expected to pay for them and I didn't care when I had to.
It's not the first company to release a pack of DLC that doesn't include everything.
I checked and double checked prior to purchase of the kombat pack and it's giving, slowly, what I paid for.
Sonya (Sonja?) and Kano desperately need alternative skins, so I'll get this, but it all seems over-priced to me. And in game ads are unpleasant. And teasing skins and characters in game are hard selling tactics, irritating that 'completest gene' we have.
Sonya (Sonja?) and Kano desperately need alternative skins, so I'll get this, but it all seems over-priced to me. And in game ads are unpleasant. And teasing skins and characters in game are hard selling tactics, irritating that 'completest gene' we have.
I'm still having a hard time getting these for PS4. Everytime I go into the store and click on the skin pack, it never loads.
Anyone else having this problem? Sonya is my main and I really want hers.
But I agree, it is lame that we have to pay for these separately when we dropped $30 for the pack
Anyone else having this problem? Sonya is my main and I really want hers.
But I agree, it is lame that we have to pay for these separately when we dropped $30 for the pack
Status update - I spoke with the manager of my local Gamestop, and he agreed that, yes, buying something labeled a "Season Pass" that isn't actually a Season Pass was misleading advertisement.
Since they are unable to refund digital purchases, however, he offered me $30 in-store credit, which I was okay with.
If anyone else wishes to try their luck, print off a few advertisements or in-store descriptions and bring them in and see if you can't get a refund.
It might be a case-by-case basis, but it worked out for me at least.
Since they are unable to refund digital purchases, however, he offered me $30 in-store credit, which I was okay with.
If anyone else wishes to try their luck, print off a few advertisements or in-store descriptions and bring them in and see if you can't get a refund.
It might be a case-by-case basis, but it worked out for me at least.
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