MKX Could Diversify Gameplay Styles Greatly With Nitara... Would You Be Down For It?
posted07/12/2014 09:39 PM (UTC)by
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07/06/2014 04:27 PM (UTC)
So MKX is coming up soon, and I've been considering Nitara and her wings. Now I have no idea if she'll be in or not, or how she could be revamped/redesigned, but if she keeps her wings in tact, I would quite like to see her air game get involved.

The first idea I had was about making her unique, in that she would be weak on the ground, with small combos and rare chain opportunities, making her maximum damage roughly 20-30%. This would make her quite disadvantaged against the other characters. However, her air game could be improved, so that if she caught you in the air, she could perform chains whilst flying, and do air combos, which would not be anything like air-combat in MK:A, but essentially the exact same as ground combos except that you performed the first hit in the air and continued, and all the animations could be in the air, along with the run being fast flying. Nitara could also block in the air, and would have an unsafe launcher to do air combos on opponents she caught out with the move. Essentially, this would make others have to deal with her by avoiding jumping, and possibly diversify the roster gameplay and match ups. Her X-Ray could also be one that only works when both players are in the air, which could also help increase her air game devastingness.

Personally, I think it would be cool to see a character that plays this way.

Another idea could be to add air chains of maybe two hits in length to every character. I'm not sure how much I like this idea but for example Scorpion jumping in with square, could then do X to do a kick, and the two moves combined could be 7% damage.

Anyways, refraining from discussing how this would fit Nitara as a character, I'd like to see how people feel about the inclusion of this gameplay element into the game.

07/12/2014 04:09 PM (UTC)
I had to read your post twice to see if I understood it correctly.

It sounds like you're wanting air juggles to play a bigger role in this game but just for specific characters to diversify play styles, is that right?
07/12/2014 05:30 PM (UTC)
Why Nitara of all people?
07/12/2014 05:52 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Why Nitara of all people? helps to read more than just the thread title.

I miss Nitara, and I believe they could do so much with her. I just hope she's not another Reptile/Baraka type character (somebody just to beat up in story mode)

If they could pull off air-combat (that means it being better than MKA) with characters that go with it, I'm all for it.
07/12/2014 06:00 PM (UTC)
Wanderer Wrote:
I had to read your post twice to see if I understood it correctly.

It sounds like you're wanting air juggles to play a bigger role in this game but just for specific characters to diversify play styles, is that right?

Thank you for reading it! I had another thread where people only replied to the title... :/

Something like that, except I was thinking it would be much better than in MK:A. Like normal fighting, except aerial. In that she would fly towards the opponent by pressing block during an air dash just like how normal characters run, and would therefore do combos just like every other character, except in the air. But like, proper combos, with different chains and specials. For example, Scorpion has punch punch kick, launches them in the air, uses spear, attacks with a teleport enhanced, and then does a final attack for the final bit of the combo. Now Nitara could do an aerial punch punch kick, which would make the opponent fall to the ground and bounce back up, then she could do a chain that keeps them in the air as she juggles them, and finally a special to end the combo where she could grab the opponent and fly them into the ground like a DDT.
07/12/2014 06:20 PM (UTC)
It's possible, but NRS probably would have tried something like that already with Sindel had they wanted to go down that road.
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07/12/2014 06:40 PM (UTC)
I don't know if what you're suggesting is possible, as it might be too complex to implement long-chain mid-air combos. However, Nitara was one of my favourite newcomers in DA and so any inclusion would be uber-cool.

We know that every character in X will have 3 fight styles, so one of them being more air-based, one more ground-based, and one being between might actually work.

Hell, even if she plays like Hawkgirl it'd be something.
07/12/2014 08:16 PM (UTC)
I think that with Nitara's gameplay style, it should reflect her craftiness. She definitely needs good air mobility options, and it would be nice to see vampire-related powers implemented for her aside from flight and blood-spitting. I would like to see her given new life.

PickleMendip Wrote:
I don't know if what you're
suggesting is possible, as it might be too complex to implement long-chain mid-air combos. However, Nitara was one of my favourite newcomers in DA and so any inclusion would be uber-cool.

We know that every character in X will have 3 fight styles, so one of them being more air-based, one more ground-based, and one being between might actually work.

Hell, even if she plays like Hawkgirl it'd be something.

If she were to play like Hawkgirl, she would end up being one of my main characters to use, especially to piss off one of my friends as he HATES me using Hawkgirl. tongue
07/12/2014 09:01 PM (UTC)
I'm not a big fan of the idea for any character, but I'll pass on Nitara being in the game in general. She's pretty damn boring.
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

07/12/2014 09:39 PM (UTC)
Nitara is one of the characters from Deadly Alliance/Deception who I would love to see return.
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