MKX Comic 20 (Spoilers)
posted05/23/2015 04:55 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
01/10/2014 11:37 PM (UTC)
Link removed for copyright.
-Reiko beats the shit out of Jax
-Jax gives him the Kamidogu
-Jacqui gets the shit beat out of Skarlet in front of Cassie in order to activate the "green energy" Havik needs to intiate blood magik
-Havik acquires two of the Kamidogu now (four more to go; three in Raiden's possession and one in the Kang Temple that Scorpion and Takeda are heading to)
-Tremor shakes Kintaro the Angry Four-Armed Wombat's army
-Kano blasts more than half of Kintaro the Angry Four-Armed Wombat's army with an atomic thingamagig
-Sonya and Johnny decide to leave for Shang Tsung's Island
-Kotal gives order to finish off Kintaro the Angry Four-Armed Wombat's army
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'Your soul is MINE!'

everything crossed for Reiko

05/17/2015 07:49 AM (UTC)
Great part today!

Loved seeing Reiko in action!
Sonya since 92
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05/17/2015 09:03 AM (UTC)
Yup, really good issue this week. The artwork was lovely!
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05/17/2015 10:57 AM (UTC)
I didn't like it. Mostly because Kittelsen has lost his magic. The issue where Kotal Kahn invoked the Gods before Gods and we had our eyes popping out when we though t Rain and Goro had bitten the dust was the highlight of these comics! That was magical, probably one of the best moments in MK history. No one was safe!

But now, Kittelsen just uses silly dialogue and actions. I like the writer, but I'm not going to rate him as high as others until the work is completed. Kano using an atomic hand weapon is just lame. If he had killed a few dozen warriors, then ok, but half of the shokan army?? With that hand thing?? So, the entire Outworld realm is a thousand years behind Earthrealm in war power? I always had the impression that bullets can't realm harm these guys and weapons of mass destruction can somehow be stopped by them, either through magic or through other means. I mean, you never see Sonya requesting help from the Special Forces to send 20 battle helicopters through the portal and destroy the shokan forces outside Z'unkharah. Imagine what the well prepared American or Russian armies could do to the armies of Outworld. I'm sure that some grateful President would be happy to allow such a military operation to save the daughter of Johnny Cage, the human savior (we even have a Secretary Blake in the game who sucks up to Cage). If not for Cage, then at least for the resources of Outworld, some greedy President commanding an Earthrealm army would have wiped out Outworld's defenses by now. I can even see Daegon and the Lin Kuei Grandmaster whispering in the ear of the Presidents to attack Outworld.

All in all, an attack using Earthly technology contradicts the very existence of an Outworld organized military. Helicopters and atomic devices should practically be disabled on the spot by shadow priests and magical advisers to the armies. If neither the shokans, nor Kotal, command the Shadow Priests anymore, where have they gone and how does Kotal keep away Earthrealm forces from doing to him what they've done to Saddam or Ghaddafi?
05/17/2015 02:59 PM (UTC)
Reiko and Havik were awesome. Reiko is losing a bit of his 'wow' factor with me from early on in the comics as now there's that impression that he's inferior to Havik. Still, love seeing him again and again.

Nice to see Skarlet some more.

Kintaro looks terrible imo. That wild cat face is just so bad.
You're crazy, this is the best he's ever looked compared to what NRS made him look like.

He looks more like a Shokan Beast here in the comic than Kittytaro in 9.
05/17/2015 03:14 PM (UTC)
Let's all agree that Vera is a "clone" of Sonya. Look wise.

Jax sure found a wife that look the same as his former MK2 partner. The green shirt, the pony tail... even the ring-bracelet.

Nice touch there.
05/17/2015 03:32 PM (UTC)
the bit with tremor was cool
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

05/17/2015 03:49 PM (UTC)
Comic Storyline >>>>>> Game Storyline
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05/17/2015 04:02 PM (UTC)
For some inexplicable reason, I feel like buying Tremor...
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05/17/2015 04:37 PM (UTC)
Really enjoyed the issue. I'm still hoping that a few months down the line we get Reiko and Havik as DLC along with storymode chapters 13-16
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Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

05/17/2015 04:58 PM (UTC)
So wait, an atomic blast is a more "precise" weapon than an earthquake?

We shouldn't be seeing Kintaro and a few uninjured Shokan standing at the fringe of a sweeping pile of smoldering corpses. No, everybody within range of that fucker who has not been vaporized now has severe radiation burns, cognitive defects and blood poisoning, Kintaro and Kotal and Kano included.

That blast was just a few hundred yards away from the city. The capital of Outworld is dead. Out of the ashes rises a new chosen warrior named Karcinoma who's covered is weeping skin boils, glows in the dark and breathes lasers. (There's an origin story in that, if they want to make Blanche playable.)

If the wastelands of Outworld have sand sharks -- and if they don't, they should -- then this chapter just jumped every single one of them from the back of a rocket dinosaur.
05/17/2015 06:41 PM (UTC)
Very great chapter indeed. Finally we got to see Reiko in action. Nice to see Johnny and Sonya share a moment and decided to go to Shang Tsung's Island. Like I said before the comic keeps getting better and better.
05/17/2015 07:37 PM (UTC)
The comic was awesome, one of my favorites. It was nice seeing Skarlet in her old outfit. Made me realize how much I actually like it. I guess she was just using the Red Dragon gear to infiltrate Kotal's throne room.

I guess Goro IS gonna be the king because there'll be other shokans left now...

It pains me so much that The New Deadly Alliance is not playable.
05/18/2015 06:22 AM (UTC)
10 points to anyone who photoshops George W. Bush's face over Kano and adds the caption, "One solution: Nu-Q-Ler Weapons."
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05/18/2015 07:07 AM (UTC)
umbrascitor Wrote:
So wait, an atomic blast is a more "precise" weapon than an earthquake?

Yes, it is. Earthquakes can have a much larger energy output than anything we can build, perhaps aside monstrosities like the Soviet Tzar Bomba.

A one kiloton device is not that large when it comes to explosions (smaller than Hiroshima), there are conventional weapons with more yield than that (M.O.A.B., the Russian F.O.A.B.).Still, the radiation is going to herald a very bad day for everyone.

05/18/2015 11:04 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
You're crazy, this is the best he's ever looked compared to what NRS made him look like.
He looks more like a Shokan Beast here in the comic than Kittytaro in 9.

I agree that he looks better than in MK2011, but it's still bad (to me).

UPDATE: I have some happy news for my fellow Fujin fans:

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Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

05/18/2015 01:57 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
umbrascitor Wrote:
So wait, an atomic blast is a more "precise" weapon than an earthquake?

Yes, it is. Earthquakes can have a much larger energy output than anything we can build, perhaps aside monstrosities like the Soviet Tzar Bomba.
A one kiloton device is not that large when it comes to explosions (smaller than Hiroshima), there are conventional weapons with more yield than that (M.O.A.B., the Russian F.O.A.B.).Still, the radiation is going to herald a very bad day for everyone.

I believe your last sentence validates my first.
05/18/2015 03:34 PM (UTC)
Where the hell did Kano get a BFG9000?
05/18/2015 06:01 PM (UTC)
MrInternational Wrote:
Where the hell did Kano get a BFG9000?

Simple: He went to LexCorp.
05/21/2015 03:16 AM (UTC)
krajax Wrote:
Link removed for copyright.

-Reiko beats the shit out of Jax
-Jax gives him the Kamidogu
-Jacqui gets the shit beat out of Skarlet in front of Cassie in order to activate the "green energy" Havik needs to intiate blood magik
-Havik acquires two of the Kamidogu now (four more to go; three in Raiden's possession and one in the Kang Temple that Scorpion and Takeda are heading to)
-Tremor shakes Kintaro the Angry Four-Armed Wombat's army
-Kano blasts more than half of Kintaro the Angry Four-Armed Wombat's army with an atomic thingamagig
-Sonya and Johnny decide to leave for Shang Tsung's Island
-Kotal gives order to finish off Kintaro the Angry Four-Armed Wombat's army

Glad to see Skarlet's making a impact in the comics, gives me some hope she might make it in MKX as DLC.
05/21/2015 03:27 AM (UTC)
It seems rather irritating that the comic's terrible trio of Reiko, Havik, and Skarlet seems to be comic only and not explored in the games besides the Reiko Accords and they're going way into depth on them. Also, am I the only one who finds it strange that Kung Jin isn't in the comics?
05/21/2015 03:50 AM (UTC)
SpellcraftQuill Wrote:
It seems rather irritating that the comic's terrible trio of Reiko, Havik, and Skarlet seems to be comic only and not explored in the games besides the Reiko Accords and they're going way into depth on them. Also, am I the only one who finds it strange that Kung Jin isn't in the comics?

I have a feeling we'll see him soon in the Kang Temple next issue.
05/23/2015 04:55 AM (UTC)
LordSkarlet Wrote:
Glad to see Skarlet's making a impact in the comics, gives me some hope she might make it in MKX as DLC.

The comic and game stories are not connected, and it's pretty slim to none that she's going to be DLC two games in a row, given that she's not highly regarded by NRS to begin with.
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