MKX character reveals from MK4 - MKD and the future of these characters
posted07/16/2014 10:18 PM (UTC)by
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07/13/2014 07:01 PM (UTC)
So yesterday, it was revieled that Raiden would be the next fighter in Mortal Kombat X. Its great to see another original character making it into the game, but what about the fighters who made their debut from MK4, MK:DA and MK:D? A majority of these fighters were only in 2 to 3 MK games total. Characters like Quan Chi and Shinnok are (most likely) going to be playable in MKX and that is awesome, but what about some fighters that we haven't seen in a long time. Fighters that stick out in my mind are Hotaru, Havik, Drahmin, Kobra, Kai, Jarrek, Reiko, Fujin, Ashrah, Mavado, Nitara, Hsu Hao, Li Mei, Shujinko, Dairou, Darrius, Kira, Sareena, Taven, Daegon, and even Onaga. I feel like NRS has forgoten about some of these kombatants. It would be great to see any of these fighters in the new game, but if they aren't, what will the future hold for these characters? Will we just never see or hear from them again? Just thinking about that makes me uneasy as a long time MK fan. I'm curious to see what you guys think below. sleep
07/14/2014 03:25 PM (UTC)
Hi.. Glad someone brought up this topic..

Im pretty sure besides Quan chi and Shinnok we will have at least 3 more MK4- MKdeception era..

In my personal opinion.. ALL the characters introduced in MKDA and Deception suck! exception of Kenshi, I honestly dont understand what someone people do see in Bo Rai Cho, Nitara and Frost,, bla!

On the other hand.. I think all the MK4 character are amazing, except for Jarek, and maybe Kai.

If I could pick up some of them (besides Shinnok and Quan chi, who will obviously be in), it would for sure be :

Sareena (MKA)
07/14/2014 03:39 PM (UTC)
I really want to see Li Mei and Taven again (and maybe Shujinko and Daegon).

There are characters like Hsu Hao, Kobra, Mokab, Mavado, Drahmin, Jarek, Darrius and Dairou that need to be forgotten and NEVER heard of again.

There are Ashrah, Kai, Sareena, Nitara, C/Khameleon, Frost and Kira who also suck IMO, but they do have fans, so I can see them return.

Kenshi, Havik, Hotaru, Onaga, Reiko and Tanya are also good characters.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/14/2014 05:24 PM (UTC)
I actually liked Drahmin. It was cool to have a playable Oni. Not only that but he was a smart addition. I thought the conflict between him and Scorpion was a nice change from the Subby feud. I know it technically leads back to the Quan vendetta, but it was a good refresher.
Ashrah is another I'd like to see again. Along with Onaga, Hotaru, Havik and Shujinko. I wouldn't even mind Taven and Daegon.

Hsu Hao, Kira, Kobra, Dairou, Mokap, Mavado, Frost, Darrius. They could scrap all of them and I wouldn't be the least bit heartbroken.

As for MK4, I think Reiko, Shinnok, Fujin, Tanya, and Quan have the highest chances for MKX. I'm neutral on Jarek and Kai. In or out, I'm fine with it.
07/14/2014 05:35 PM (UTC)
If the legends are true (AND I FREAKING HOPE THEY ARE) we see 8 MK4 and up characters back in X.

I really hope on most of the MK4 characters.

Shinnok is boring, but probably makes it in, can't help it.

Quan Chi, Kenshi and Tanya are given.

Fujin, Ashrah, Reiko and Havik aren't given but I really would love them back.

I really fear for Li Mei and Bo Rai Cho, I really don't like those and I hope they don't make it.

I fear we never will see Frost and Hotaru again, well maybe DLC.

I loved Kira for her red hair only, but now I have my Skarlet, Kira can rot.

I wouldn't mind Kai, Sareena, Drahmin, Moloch, Nitara or Jarek, but they have to change drastically.

All others are horrible, or maybe I forgot someone. I really dislike Bo Rai Cho, Li Mei, Dairou, Darrius, Mocrap, Hsu Hoa, Mavado, Shinnok, Kobra, Blaze and Onaga.
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07/14/2014 05:40 PM (UTC)
Characters from MK4 to MKD need to return. Either to continue on the series, or just end their stories. I don't know why they always bring up new characters, just to forget them in futures games. I'm sure MKX will have new characters that we won't see them again... That pattern its very annoying on MK, because some of these new characters are actually good. However, they get overshadowed by classic one, since they are shove down our throats. -_-'
07/14/2014 06:00 PM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:
I really want to see Li Mei and Taven again (and maybe Shujinko and Daegon).

There are characters like Hsu Hao, Kobra, Mokab, Mavado, Drahmin, Jarek, Darrius and Dairou that need to be forgotten and NEVER heard of again.

There are Ashrah, Kai, Sareena, Nitara, C/Khameleon, Frost and Kira who also suck IMO, but they do have fans, so I can see them return.

Kenshi, Havik, Hotaru, Onaga, Reiko and Tanya are also good characters.

I've never understood this hatred for Mavado. His backstory is solid if uninspired, and his design looks cool. But they subsequently gave him the axe the next game to bring Kabal back, whom ended up having this awful Black Dragon resurrection story.
07/14/2014 06:04 PM (UTC)
This topic keeps coming up and it actually seems to go in the same direction.

•What about MK4 - Deception characters?
•They sucked!/They DESERVE to come back!
•NRS always abandons new characters for classics. What's the point?

The weirdest thing to me is that people keep talking like NRS is the same people that made DA - Armageddon. That was Midway. NRS is backed by WB and has WAY more STAFF, time, and resources. And that staff all have new ideas. Likely people that see MK less like Ed does and more how the fans do. It is ignorant to hold NRS to Midway's old ways of doing things. Midway NEVER could have made Injustice.

I hope returning characters from DA and Deception are scarce. I dont want the new artists at NRS having to re-make old characters that for the most part werent very good to begin with. Let them focus on making already great characters even better and brand new characters. So far they are off to a great start.

07/14/2014 06:29 PM (UTC)
I hated Mavado because he replaced Kabal, and I don't like two characters having the same weapons. (especially since those blades are rare)

I wouldn't mind Mavado if he was less human.
07/14/2014 08:20 PM (UTC)
I believe that Shinnok, Ashrah, Kai, Sareena, Nitara, Chameleon/Khameleon, Kenshi, Havik, Onaga, Reiko and Tanya are going to be in future MK games and some are going to be in MKX.

I also see people like Li Mei, Taven, Daegon, Hotaru, Hsu Hao, Mokap, Mavado, Frost, Darrius and Dairou never returning.

Some characters I can see maybe getting redesigns like Shujinko, Drahmin, Jarek, Kobra, Meat and Kira. But only time will tell
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

07/14/2014 09:31 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
This topic keeps coming up and it actually seems to go in the same direction.

•What about MK4 - Deception characters?
•They sucked!/They DESERVE to come back!
•NRS always abandons new characters for classics. What's the point?

The weirdest thing to me is that people keep talking like NRS is the same people that made DA - Armageddon. That was Midway. NRS is backed by WB and has WAY more STAFF, time, and resources. And that staff all have new ideas. Likely people that see MK less like Ed does and more how the fans do. It is ignorant to hold NRS to Midway's old ways of doing things. Midway NEVER could have made Injustice.

I hope returning characters from DA and Deception are scarce. I dont want the new artists at NRS having to re-make old characters that for the most part werent very good to begin with. Let them focus on making already great characters even better and brand new characters. So far they are off to a great start.

To a certain extent- I agree. I don't want them to have to be forced to bring back characters they don't want to bring back just to make certain fans happy, it would probably backfire and a lot of those characters would probably be seen worse than they were before. But at the same time, I'm not one of those people that dismiss the entire MKDA-MKD generation and call them all crap. Many of those characters had great potential that weren't executed BECAUSE of Midway, so why not give a few of them another shot? I' not saying bring all of them back, but I'd like to see at least 4 or 5 MK4-MKD returnees. 4-5 out of a roster of 30 + is hardly anything to cry about. Not to mention many of the well loved classic characters specifically from MK3 weren't that well loved pre-deception. I was here and I was around, and I remember people feeling that characters like Ermac and Jade deserved to be left in the past, but when they were given fresh new designs and important roles, that mentality changed. Who's to say it can't be the same for the PS2 era characters?

The only new characters from those days that I wouldn't care to see again are-


But even the last two had great and interesting stories, but I thought in the long run they felt like filler simply to flesh out the Chaos/Order story that I thought Havik and Hotaru already had nicely covered. But the other characters from that time-

Bo' Rai' Cho
Li Mei

Were all rather interesting characters that I wouldn't mind returning in MKX or MK11 or MK12.
07/14/2014 09:45 PM (UTC)
I used to be part of the crowd that wasn't really fussed with Taven, but I recently dug out my PS2 and started playing Armageddon and its Konquest mode, and I happen to actually really like Taven. His storyline was pretty decent, and as a character he was not too bad. I think most people dislike Taven purely based on the fact he was in Armageddon, which is unfair, and I would like it if he was to return, but chances are we'll never see Taven again which, to me, is a shame.
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"Retirement my ass!"

07/14/2014 10:30 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
This topic keeps coming up and it actually seems to go in the same direction.

•What about MK4 - Deception characters?
•They sucked!/They DESERVE to come back!
•NRS always abandons new characters for classics. What's the point?

The weirdest thing to me is that people keep talking like NRS is the same people that made DA - Armageddon. That was Midway. NRS is backed by WB and has WAY more STAFF, time, and resources. And that staff all have new ideas. Likely people that see MK less like Ed does and more how the fans do. It is ignorant to hold NRS to Midway's old ways of doing things. Midway NEVER could have made Injustice.

I hope returning characters from DA and Deception are scarce. I dont want the new artists at NRS having to re-make old characters that for the most part werent very good to begin with. Let them focus on making already great characters even better and brand new characters. So far they are off to a great start.

Yeah, but it's not the fault of NR that they weren't that good (as you pointed out), it was the fault of Midway. Perhaps if NR had had the resources then that they have now, those characters would have turned out way differently. People hate them now (well not all people) because they were never developed past their very first appearances in the series (save for Bo Rai Cho, Kenshi and Li Mei who got a bit more added to their stories from MKDA to MKD). These characters were rushed out to meet Midway's ridiculous release deadlines. So they all gave of off that vibe of "Hi, I'm place-holder character *insert number here*" No wonder no one ever really cared about them. Who knows what NR would have had planned for these "throw away" characters if not for that handicap imposed by Midway?

Each and every one of these hated discards could have been great. With the MK universe being changed as of MK9, they can literally write whatever they want for them. A fresh start. MK X is the perfect chance for NR to fix some of the mistakes they made with these guys. And break the "seen for one game and forgotten" curse that seems to attach itself to their new characters. With the intros and wins between characters they can flesh out personalities and breath life into these characters.

For instance... Kira. Most hate on her because she's a dreaded "clone" character. Her story isn't awful and can be improved and expanded. So the biggest gripe is her stolen moves. They can give her a brand new move set that is completely original, set her up with a cool story line (Given what happened with Kabal and his circumstances being totally different now.. maybe she wasn't recruited to the Black Dragon at all and has a completely different reason for being involved?) and give her a killer personality. After that, I bet, she could become a favorite easily. Same holds true for any of the others.

Point is that many of them can be redeemed (all infact). I'm not saying we need all of them to return this game (or even that I want that) ... but why don't a few of them deserve a second shot?
About Me

07/14/2014 10:34 PM (UTC)
ed boon said Ashrah 12% of chance to be in the game. its was just a tip for the Evo salon day, or we c an considerate that Ashrah doesnt have a big change to be part of the game?

its a bit confusing, isn't? lol
07/14/2014 10:53 PM (UTC)
KcinTnarg Wrote:
I believe that Shinnok, Ashrah, Kai, Sareena, Nitara, Chameleon/Khameleon, Kenshi, Havik, Onaga, Reiko and Tanya are going to be in future MK games and some are going to be in MKX.

I also see people like Li Mei, Taven, Daegon, Hotaru, Hsu Hao, Mokap, Mavado, Frost, Darrius and Dairou never returning.

Some characters I can see maybe getting redesigns like Shujinko, Drahmin, Jarek, Kobra, Meat and Kira. But only time will tell

I will never understand how people place Li Mei Into the bad characters bracket. Yet, Reiko is one of the "better" characters from that era?

I would just look at characters who had two appearances from MK4-MKD. Tanya, Li Mei, Bo Rai Cho, Quan Chi, and Kenshi all had two appearances which shows me they at least slightly care about those characters. Fujin had a glitch in MK9 and was on Boon's poll for DLC as well. So, I would assume these are the 6 they probably care enough to bring back. Kenshi and Quan have already proved their capable of revamps.

If I had to take an educated guess as to which MK4-MKA characters they would bring back I would say.

Tanya, Bo Rai Cho, Li Mei, Fujin, and Havik are shoe-ins.

Up in the air would be Kai, Reiko, Sareena, Nitara, and Hotaru.

Mavado, Drahmin, Hsu Hao, and Ashrah have already been pretty much deconfirmed. Frost is unlikely with the variations.

Characters like Jarek, Dairou, Darrius, Kobra, and Kira are all just pretty forgettable to be honest.

So yeah I would pretty much expect to see Kenshi, Li Mei, Bo Rai Cho, Tanya, Fujin, and Havik. I also think that the variations give us a good opportunity to bring in Kia, Jataaka, and Sareena. I wouldn't accept that for any other characters, but it makes sense for those 3.
07/15/2014 12:46 AM (UTC)
I'm missing a bunch of characters from the MK4-MKA era too but i don't think that most of them won't be seen again. It's seems there will be a lot of new faces but i don't see this as a bad sign for returning characters that didn't have their hour under the sun yet. For faces that i want to see return, these new characters could provide a cool vehicule to finally have the story go forward. Let's remember that MK9 killed a lot of fans favorites, yet i don't think they're gone for good.

I'm hoping that from now on, and for the next 2 or 3 games we'll have more of:
-Li Mei
-Bo Rai Cho

I would also like to see what they've got for Drahmin and Moloch, unless they intend to diminish their status as Neitherrealm monsters. Hum... Whatever it means.
07/15/2014 01:51 AM (UTC)
If the rumors are true, and we'll be seeing 8 post-MKT characters making a return, then these are the characters I'd personally like to see make that journey back into the spotlight. Can only think of four atm, but I'm sure more will come to me later

1. Shinnok (given, pretty much): Shinnok has the potential to be a total badass in MKX, both visually and move-wise. Would really like to see him portrayed as the powerful Elder God (albeit fallen) he is. Maybe dark, maroon robes with a hood. Levitating just slightly above the ground. Just an air of superiority, overall. Would make Shinnok appear very imposing.

2. Li Mei: Like someone said earlier, not sure why Li Mei gets so much flak. I didn't much care for her MKDA look or moves, but she was a ton of fun in MKD. Would love to see her redesigned for MKX.

3. Hotaru: Needs some work, but I really like him more than Havik. Been playing D&D since 2000, and Hotaru really reminds me of a stern Paladin or even Cleric of St Cuthbert. Lawful neutral (maybe evil), law is the law-type of character.

4. Frost: Why not? wink
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

07/15/2014 02:00 AM (UTC)
Wasn't Frost winning that one giant "Characters you want back for MKX" poll? If NRS really took that poll into account I wouldn't be surprised if she popped up as a last minute DLC.
07/15/2014 02:40 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
If NRS really took that poll into account I wouldn't be surprised if she popped up as a last minute DLC.

Would buy. grin
07/15/2014 03:21 AM (UTC)
TomTaz Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
This topic keeps coming up and it actually seems to go in the same direction.

•What about MK4 - Deception characters?
•They sucked!/They DESERVE to come back!
•NRS always abandons new characters for classics. What's the point?

The weirdest thing to me is that people keep talking like NRS is the same people that made DA - Armageddon. That was Midway. NRS is backed by WB and has WAY more STAFF, time, and resources. And that staff all have new ideas. Likely people that see MK less like Ed does and more how the fans do. It is ignorant to hold NRS to Midway's old ways of doing things. Midway NEVER could have made Injustice.

I hope returning characters from DA and Deception are scarce. I dont want the new artists at NRS having to re-make old characters that for the most part werent very good to begin with. Let them focus on making already great characters even better and brand new characters. So far they are off to a great start.

Yeah, but it's not the fault of NR that they weren't that good (as you pointed out), it was the fault of Midway. Perhaps if NR had had the resources then that they have now, those characters would have turned out way differently. People hate them now (well not all people) because they were never developed past their very first appearances in the series (save for Bo Rai Cho, Kenshi and Li Mei who got a bit more added to their stories from MKDA to MKD). These characters were rushed out to meet Midway's ridiculous release deadlines. So they all gave of off that vibe of "Hi, I'm place-holder character *insert number here*" No wonder no one ever really cared about them. Who knows what NR would have had planned for these "throw away" characters if not for that handicap imposed by Midway?

Each and every one of these hated discards could have been great. With the MK universe being changed as of MK9, they can literally write whatever they want for them. A fresh start. MK X is the perfect chance for NR to fix some of the mistakes they made with these guys. And break the "seen for one game and forgotten" curse that seems to attach itself to their new characters. With the intros and wins between characters they can flesh out personalities and breath life into these characters.

For instance... Kira. Most hate on her because she's a dreaded "clone" character. Her story isn't awful and can be improved and expanded. So the biggest gripe is her stolen moves. They can give her a brand new move set that is completely original, set her up with a cool story line (Given what happened with Kabal and his circumstances being totally different now.. maybe she wasn't recruited to the Black Dragon at all and has a completely different reason for being involved?) and give her a killer personality. After that, I bet, she could become a favorite easily. Same holds true for any of the others.

Point is that many of them can be redeemed (all infact). I'm not saying we need all of them to return this game (or even that I want that) ... but why don't a few of them deserve a second shot?

This makes little to no sense. The MK team, under whatever name you want to call them, is responsible for the MK material, not Midway and not WB. The MK team are the ones who design, program, write stories, etc. How long exactly should they get to develop a game?

There was two year span between 3 & 4. There was a 5 year span between 4 and DA and another two year span between DA and Deception. Two years between Armageddon and Vs DC, and three years between Vs DC and MK 9. It'll be about 4 years between MK 9 and MK X.

So that's a 2-5 year window regardless of where the MK team were working. It encompasses a short time (2 yrs) and a longer time (5 yrs) under Midway. The length of development time seems to have more to do with jumping up systems than being pushed by their employers to churn out games. Deception and Armageddon were running on the same platforms and engine as DA so they would have had to do less with fight mechanics.
07/15/2014 03:27 AM (UTC)
totally agree dude, after so many years and I grew up with the original MK . I think this new generation is the time for the MK4 and after characters to shine. The original ones have had their time. Ed Boon doesn't seem to like or care about these new ones. With a new storyline and designs these post MK4 folks could be fleshed out very well, even Hsu Hao lol, I really want to see Frost back. She could be a new villain or good gal, also Darrius, Reiko, Li Mei, Hotaru, Ashrah, Shujinko.confusedfurioussleep
About Me

07/15/2014 07:08 AM (UTC)
Exaggerating of course, but I would set fire to someone if Dairou, Darrius, Hotaru, Bo' rai Cho, Mavado, Hsu Hao, basically the MKDA MKD cast would return.

I cannot and should not care about ANYONE FROM MK4. That game is basically the ripoff game, the only new characters who had any ounce of originality were Quan Chi and Kai. All others were invented basically as other characters.

And those newcomers were shit.
07/15/2014 09:20 AM (UTC)
TomTaz Wrote:

For instance... Kira. Most hate on her because she's a dreaded "clone" character. Her story isn't awful and can be improved and expanded. So the biggest gripe is her stolen moves. They can give her a brand new move set that is completely original, set her up with a cool story line (Given what happened with Kabal and his circumstances being totally different now.. maybe she wasn't recruited to the Black Dragon at all and has a completely different reason for being involved?) and give her a killer personality. After that, I bet, she could become a favorite easily. Same holds true for any of the others.

Couldn't have said it better. I don't know why people are so quick to jump on the hate train for some characters. NRS did a great job redeeming characters like Stryker, Nightwolf, Rain. That tells me they could also do a great job for characters like Kira too. She has a good story that they can work on, it's just her moveset that needs a total revamp. If you think about it, they can do a ton of stuff to those characters specifically BECAUSE they are so underdeveloped. I'm up for any MK4-MKD character returning if they can make them awesome. Yes even Hsu Hao!
07/15/2014 05:38 PM (UTC)
Rubex75 Wrote:
I used to be part of the crowd that wasn't really fussed with Taven, but I recently dug out my PS2 and started playing Armageddon and its Konquest mode, and I happen to actually really like Taven. His storyline was pretty decent, and as a character he was not too bad. I think most people dislike Taven purely based on the fact he was in Armageddon, which is unfair, and I would like it if he was to return, but chances are we'll never see Taven again which, to me, is a shame.

07/16/2014 03:47 AM (UTC)
Couldn't have said it better. I don't know why people are so quick to jump on the hate train for some characters. NRS did a great job redeeming characters like Stryker, Nightwolf, Rain. That tells me they could also do a great job for characters like Kira too. She has a good story that they can work on, it's just her moveset that needs a total revamp. If you think about it, they can do a ton of stuff to those characters specifically BECAUSE they are so underdeveloped. I'm up for any MK4-MKD character returning if they can make them awesome. Yes even Hsu Hao!

If im not mistaken, even before MK9 came out, Boon assured that at least Hsu Hao, Kobra and Chameleon/Khameleon would NEVER EVER be seen again in a MK game.

Another that I think it really SUCKS! Is not even a chacarater to me is Meat, he just became something in Mortal Kombat Armageddon, before that he was just a nameless skin.
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