You people are too weird. YOU are the trolls. YOU, so not me LMAO.
I am seriously NEVER going to post anything in this website ever again. It's true, this time. LOL It is.
I am seriously NEVER going to post anything in this website ever again. It's true, this time. LOL It is.
Bye, never come back. You should check out TRMK. You would fit perfectly there.
About Me
FROID Wrote:
I would've like it if Kotal replied with "mini-skirt?"
I would've like it if Kotal replied with "mini-skirt?"
That just opens up a whole can of worms. For instance, Cassie talking into her headset; "Why you talking to yourself, crazy lady? What is that magic stick on your face."
razz2d2 Wrote:
It seems that they have the same animations during the intros, the only difference being how their mouths move. Cassie's dialogue was probably made faster to fit the window of her animation.
It seems that they have the same animations during the intros, the only difference being how their mouths move. Cassie's dialogue was probably made faster to fit the window of her animation.
Yeah I never like it when they do that. I like the idea of each fighter pairs having unique dialogue, but at least change up the animation a bit. Otherwise it comes off as way too artificial.
Speaking of artificial... it's incredible that they still haven't come close to giving her a decent face.
FROID Wrote:
I would've liked it better if Kotal replied with "mini-skirt?"
I would've liked it better if Kotal replied with "mini-skirt?"
NOOOOOO! Why would he be oblivious to everything in Earthrealm? Is he supposed to be stupid?
Because that would just be the equivalent of the shhiiiittttiiiiieeessssttt scene in all MK games: Kano showing Shang Tsung Earth weapons in MK2011
WTF? Shang Tsung is a human who had switched to Shao Kahn's side hundreds of years ago. His main task all these years was to ensure the conquer of Earth. He served as one of the 3 MK tournament Grandmasters. He knew everything about the participants and the realm. Why would the Outworld warriors even care about 20 shotguns and bazookas the Black Dragon could have?
This could have been portrayed intelligently if Shang Tsung would have gained access to the nuclear weapons of China or he USA through the use of highly secret organizations who rule the world, such as the Red Dragon or the Lin Kuei. But, no, he says to Kano: "I'm very interested in your merchandise" wat???

The more I see Cassie, the more I like her. And I was already on board with her since she was revealed.
About Me
Her concept was great and I keep liking her more and more every time they show something new.
Same goes for Kotal as well. These two have insanely impressed me thus far.
Her concept was great and I keep liking her more and more every time they show something new.
Same goes for Kotal as well. These two have insanely impressed me thus far.
FROID Wrote:
How can Kotal even know what a mini-skirt is?
How can Kotal even know what a mini-skirt is?
He doesn't have to, because he can tell she's making fun of him just by her tone.
And besides, skirts have been a thing for how many thousands of years? Even an outworlder would know what a fucking skirt is.
Maria_Linda Wrote:
Guys....................... it's kalled humour..........................
Kan you just please stop quoting me every 5 seconds, asking me if I am a troll every 2 seconds??? Move it along. What is the problem???? LOL
It's exhausting the way you quote me and question me. LMAO

Guys....................... it's kalled humour..........................
Kan you just please stop quoting me every 5 seconds, asking me if I am a troll every 2 seconds??? Move it along. What is the problem???? LOL
It's exhausting the way you quote me and question me. LMAO
Take a hint.
fedegita Wrote:
it's incredible that they still haven't come close to giving her a decent face.
it's incredible that they still haven't come close to giving her a decent face.

I know it's difficult to resist a trend, now it's getting redundant. There is nothing wrong with Cassie's design in this current build. It's obvious they are improving for every showcase & apparently, it's not good enough for the likes of the nitpickers. You think every female in this world has to have the obligatory short neck length?
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
I seriously hate how much of an influence Anime has upon society nowadays
I seriously hate how much of an influence Anime has upon society nowadays
About Me
"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot
FROID Wrote:
I would've liked it better if Kotal replied with "mini-skirt?"
I would've liked it better if Kotal replied with "mini-skirt?"
FROID Wrote:
I know it's difficult to resist a trend, now it's getting redundant. There is nothing wrong with Cassie's design in this current build. It's obvious they are improving for every showcase & apparently, it's not good enough for the likes of the nitpickers. You think every female in this world has to have the obligatory short neck length?
fedegita Wrote:
it's incredible that they still haven't come close to giving her a decent face.
it's incredible that they still haven't come close to giving her a decent face.

I know it's difficult to resist a trend, now it's getting redundant. There is nothing wrong with Cassie's design in this current build. It's obvious they are improving for every showcase & apparently, it's not good enough for the likes of the nitpickers. You think every female in this world has to have the obligatory short neck length?
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
I seriously hate how much of an influence Anime has upon society nowadays
I seriously hate how much of an influence Anime has upon society nowadays

Chrome Wrote:
Take a hint.
Take a hint.
I took the hint that some of you like to quote me over and over and over again for absolutely, literally NO reason. Even after I said I'd go offline.
You are not moderators so what are you doing yelling at me lol? What exactly?
Remind me what I ever did, ever, that was worthy of your attention/komplaining, in the first place? Post "Kassonya".... okay..... and?.... absolutely nothing.
So you guys were being more troll-ish than I ever could, in a million years.
To OttonVonSomething and IcyBaby, this will answer the questions you sent me via private message.
FROID Wrote:You think every female in this world has to have the obligatory short neck length?
I personally think that Kassie Cage Blade is a badaass because for once... a male was objectified by a female.
Kassie objectified Kotal in her intro speech. Kotal was not flattered lol.
Kassie does not care what people think about her neck. She remains an epik giraffe.
I say our Kassie sister is a smart and fearless kombatant!
I mean why aren't people nitpicking at Kotal Kahn's looks? Oh well.
Hahahaha, my own comments make me laugh.
Excuse me.
By the way, it's a free country. And MKX will be released here next year, 2015.
We should all be happy about this. Not mad. lol

About Me
Boon just posted a Scorpion & Quan Chi intro http://instagram.com/p/vq5fQSDPOO

ReptzMK Wrote:
I don't care what other people say, Maria_Linda, I think your comments are fun to read. It sure beats the hell out of what some users have to say.
I don't care what other people say, Maria_Linda, I think your comments are fun to read. It sure beats the hell out of what some users have to say.
I stay on-topik 99.99% of the time.
I post positive comments 999.99% of the time and I don't komplain about any karakters' dammn neck.
So, I too think my comments are okay. LOL
That's just my opinion, though.
lanoitarnu Wrote:
Boon just posted a Scorpion & Quan Chi intro http://instagram.com/p/vq5fQSDPOO
Boon just posted a Scorpion & Quan Chi intro http://instagram.com/p/vq5fQSDPOO
Fuck, you beat me to it.
I saw that, hey maybe Scorpion finally has a brain after all.
Unlike some.
Maria_Linda Wrote:
I took the hint that some of you like to quote me over and over and over again for absolutely, literally NO reason. Even after I said I'd go offline.
You are not moderators so what are you doing yelling at me lol? What exactly?
Remind me what I ever did, ever, that was worthy of your attention/komplaining, in the first place? Post "Kassonya".... okay..... and?.... absolutely nothing.
So you guys were being more troll-ish than I ever could, in a million years.
Chrome Wrote:
Take a hint.
Take a hint.
I took the hint that some of you like to quote me over and over and over again for absolutely, literally NO reason. Even after I said I'd go offline.
You are not moderators so what are you doing yelling at me lol? What exactly?
Remind me what I ever did, ever, that was worthy of your attention/komplaining, in the first place? Post "Kassonya".... okay..... and?.... absolutely nothing.
So you guys were being more troll-ish than I ever could, in a million years.
Weren't I?
Let's assess, shall we? You regularly post to antagonize, spam a joke that outstayed it's welcome - which I give is your souvereign right, and basically every odd number of your posts deals with you leaving.
Yet you do not.
Maybe you should actually review wether what you are doing is obnoxious, and only funny to you and the one exception what strengthens the rule. And finally, no one cares anymore.

Chrome Wrote: And finally, no one cares anymore.
Well, I am glad!!!
I will resume being myself with or without your approval, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you very much.
I'm like Kassie Cage. I am indifferent to your useless whining.
I listen to the musik in my headphones. Mariah Carey, the elusive Chanteuse.
I can leave, stay, post, lurk, it's all fine in a free country.
Be happy, you guys. MKX is koming in just a few months.
I feel like getting through to this person is like attempting to walk through a wall. You know you can't but still attempt to anyways. You stop, then go back one more time later on to see if you can walk through... And realize you can't.
Maybe once more if you're really bored but realize it's still impossible.
Yeap. That's how to explain it.
Maybe once more if you're really bored but realize it's still impossible.
Yeap. That's how to explain it.
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