MKTrilogy 2 idea
posted08/24/2005 03:00 AM (UTC)by
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06/06/2005 08:49 PM (UTC)
I've been thinking about this for some time now. What if MK7 was a 2nd Trilogy but had 3D graphics & 2D gameplay. It would be like playing the 1st MKT but with better graphics & hopefully less glitches. What you guys think?
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Deep within the netherealms lies the ELDERGOD SHINNOK powerless without his amulet

08/14/2005 06:46 AM (UTC)
pretty good bout wat bout the characters maan we need shinnok furiousfuriousfurious
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I had a sig, but Chuck Norris ate it.

08/14/2005 07:51 PM (UTC)
08/14/2005 08:13 PM (UTC)
this is retarded...whats the point of 3d graphics if you have 2d gameplay...besides that would mean it is a step backwards from MKD.......besides some characters moves would make no sense in 2D......not to mention that it would give weapons an unfair advantage...due to couldnt side step long weapons.....i have a better idea...lets play MK7 on my commodore 64 on a black and white TV...with a one button joystick....that would be real make it more fun lets get rid of all the characters except Scorpion and sub - sounds exciting
08/14/2005 09:19 PM (UTC)
3d graphs with old MK gameplay is pretty much the MK4 engine...
I guess that would work... but the game woud be kinda boring
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I had a sig, but Chuck Norris ate it.

08/14/2005 11:54 PM (UTC)
Not really, but hey its your opinion!
08/15/2005 12:55 AM (UTC)
I actually kind of like this idea. Since MKT2 would be, in a lot of ways, a nostalgia game, the nostalgic feel would be nice.
08/15/2005 07:23 AM (UTC)
how do u make a forum
About Me

I had a sig, but Chuck Norris ate it.

08/16/2005 04:12 PM (UTC)
Aracc Wrote:
I actually kind of like this idea. Since MKT2 would be, in a lot of ways, a nostalgia game, the nostalgic feel would be nice.

08/16/2005 05:37 PM (UTC)
The best idea for MKT2 is for there to NOT BE an MKT2.
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I had a sig, but Chuck Norris ate it.

08/17/2005 04:00 AM (UTC)
The only reason that everyone hates the idea of an MKT2 is that the original MKT was full of glitches, had holes in the storyline, & a lot of the characters were just pallette swaps of each other. But that was the PAST! Video Game technology has exceled greatly from the days of MKT. Besides, The next MK fighter will be on the next gen consoles which, hopefully, will mean an even better balance of quality & quantity. Even someone at Midway (Boon, wasn't it?) said that the next MK fighter would have the biggest roster ever seen. It has to be at least something like a second Trilogy.
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08/17/2005 07:40 AM (UTC)
uselessinfo_52891 Wrote:
The only reason that everyone hates the idea of an MKT2 is that the original MKT was full of glitches, had holes in the storyline, & a lot of the characters were just pallette swaps of each other. But that was the PAST! Video Game technology has exceled greatly from the days of MKT. Besides, The next MK fighter will be on the next gen consoles which, hopefully, will mean an even better balance of quality & quantity. Even someone at Midway (Boon, wasn't it?) said that the next MK fighter would have the biggest roster ever seen. It has to be at least something like a second Trilogy.

Yes. And thats why it will most probably suck. Quantity over quality never works, and gameplay has nothing to do with plotholes. They will take a hot bath with the "biggest roster ever" and I think MK games have already been degraded to a level of laughter. And second: save for MKDA and MKD, Trilogy and MK4 characters were horrible. Gravely uninspired characters like Rain (who is a slave o his own self, mostly why I dislike him+his spec. moves and story unoriginality), Shinnok, Jarek, Kai (egad, how did they come up with them?)

Some characters would simply hurt the storyline overall should they come back.
About Me

I had a sig, but Chuck Norris ate it.

08/17/2005 10:44 PM (UTC)
Let me highlight what I really said....
uselessinfo_52891 Wrote:
The only reason that everyone hates the idea of an MKT2 is that the original MKT was full of glitches, had holes in the storyline, & a lot of the characters were just pallette swaps of each other.

I was trying to explain why everyone is so single-minded about the subject. Also, I know that plotholes have nothing to do with the gameplay. What I said was that is one reason why nobody liked MKT.

But that was the PAST! Video Game technology has exceled greatly from the days of MKT.

It just seems to me that you completely skiped this part, Chrome.

Besides, The next MK fighter will be on the next gen consoles which, hopefully, will mean an even better balance of quality & quantity.

I am NOT favoring quantity over quality. Quality is every bit as important as quantity and vice versa.

Even someone at Midway (Boon, wasn't it?) said that the next MK fighter would have the biggest roster ever seen. It has to be at least something like a second Trilogy.

Why is it that everyone on this site hates variety? I think that this "biggest roster" is a is a good idea, so long as they focus on quality as well. Besides, now Midway can take any MK character, improve their storyline, & make them a better person to play as (example: Ermac).

Next time, read the entire post nstead of skimming. But enough, were getting off subject.
08/18/2005 01:42 AM (UTC)
Well, and MKT type of game has some strengths and weaknesses, for storytelling, gameplay, and, really, everything.
On one hand of gameplay, you had a ridiculous amount of playable characters, which adds to replayability, which is a majour factour in how I lay down my hard-earned money. Quantity is just as important as quality, really. If a game with the best gameplay ever lasted only five minutes, I wouldn't buy it. If a game with mediocre gameplay lasted 50 hours, easily, that's different altogether. A game with good gameplay, which can be easily achieved, even with tons of characters, and tons of characters (adding more gametime to completion), I would definitely buy.
The gameplay downside is that you're going to get repetitive characters or moves. There are only so many original feeling characters you can make with an eight button, 8 direction control system. Also, the more well-developed characters will have repeat storylines, almost certainly, since MKT type games occur outside of the canon.
From a storytelling standpoint, the main advantage is toward un- and under-developed characters. This game is a free shot to add to their history and personality with a bio, while not having to catch up with a storyline, which makes adding or re-introducting characters easier and more seemless.
The downside is that some characters will have similar storylines, some characters' bios will be entirely repeat material, and the game itself will not have a storyline.

In other words, an MKT type of addition to the series wouldn't win any awards for breaking the mold or innovative storytelling, but have the opportunity to offer great gameplay, and storyline help for those in need of it.

Also, don't assume that because MKT1 was terrible, MKT2 would be as well. MKT was one of the first times anyone had tried doing something quite like that, and it turned out pretty poorly. However, the MK team has shown that it listens to criticism, and thus may fix most or all of the problems with MKT for this new game.
08/18/2005 02:26 AM (UTC)
Aracc Wrote:
Quantity is just as important as quality, really.

Not really, thats like saying 10 rotten eggs is as good as one normal egg.

Personally i think and MK Trilogy 2 game would be a terrible idea, i mean the fighting engine is already flawed, imagine if there were over 60 characters total to give 3 styles too, we all know how lazy the MK team can be at times and i have a good feeling this would be one of those times. Plus whats the point of bringing back characters that the majority of fans dont care about, as opppse to that, i would rather see them focus on improving the depth of the fighting engine and the characters people do want around, both in those characters story/personality and there moves.

And also is anyone else sick of these MK Trilogy 2 threads, i swear theres like 5 or 6 a week, and there all exactly the same.
08/18/2005 02:50 PM (UTC)
Duh, yall r not real mk fans because if yall were yall would hav positive thoughts as to what mk can do or not do.
Duh mkt2 can work out especially with the technology we hav 2day. all new modeled characters would b in there. The game would hav every last character from mk to mkdeception with a few new characters. Then the gamepla would be continued from mk:d and there would b fatality 1 and fatality 2, pits( super death traps),brutality and 1 weapon fatality 4 every last character. even boss characters which mk always seems to fuck up on.

Plus if they upgrade all the characters that were wak and boring with better moves and combos in mkt:2 all yall will love this game so stop the hate and congradulate because right now mk is on top and if midway wants mk games can last forever. Just think about it with all the characters mk games had they dont need new ones all they have to do is super upgrade the old characters with better moves and etc.
08/18/2005 02:51 PM (UTC)
Duh, yall r not real mk fans because if yall were yall would hav positive thoughts as to what mk can do or not do.
Duh mkt2 can work out especially with the technology we hav 2day. all new modeled characters would b in there. The game would hav every last character from mk to mkdeception with a few new characters. Then the gamepla would be continued from mk:d and there would b fatality 1 and fatality 2, pits( super death traps),brutality and 1 weapon fatality 4 every last character. even boss characters which mk always seems to fuck up on.

Plus if they upgrade all the characters that were wak and boring with better moves and combos in mkt:2 all yall will love this game so stop the hate and congradulate because right now mk is on top and if midway wants mk games can last forever. Just think about it with all the characters mk games had they dont need new ones all they have to do is super upgrade the old characters with better moves and etc.
08/18/2005 03:32 PM (UTC)
how can you update any character with an all ready shitty broken engine, and i am a real MK fan im just not a fan boy who is gonna to himself saying that MK still has the populatrity it had eight years ago, i just want MK to not be a laughing stock among fighting games because currently it is. And to all the people who will say look how much Deception sold, answer me this what fighting game came out to compete with it in its peak, not one, SC 2 was old, Tekken 5 wasnt out yet, it was the only game on the market.

MK Trilogy 2 would fail just as the first one did and i think anyone who understands a thing about quality fighting engines would agree.
About Me

I had a sig, but Chuck Norris ate it.

08/18/2005 04:57 PM (UTC)
All you guys who think that an MKT2 would be horrible only think that because you think that it will be exactly like MKT1. But you forgot 2 little factors that you most likely never heard. Their names are CHANGE & PROGRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! furiousfuriousfuriousfuriousfurious

Aracc Wrote:
The gameplay downside is that you're going to get repetitive characters or moves. There are only so many original feeling characters you can make with an eight button, 8 direction control system. Also, the more well-developed characters will have repeat storylines, almost certainly, since MKT type games occur outside of the canon.

Yeah, but what if there was a Trilogy type game that was inside the canon? What if it had its own storyline? What if the characters in MKD had a new or revised bio in the 2nd MKT? I've got the perfect storyline for it,too!

It takes place right after the defeat of Onaga. Shujinko shattered the Kamidogu & knocked Onaga unconscious, Sindel retrieved Onaga's soul using an incantation, & Nightwolf transports the soul to the Netherrealm. Jade defeats Tanya, Kira defeats Kobra, Mileena destroyed Kitana's alliance with the Shokan, Lui Kang came back to life and freed his alies, & Ermac sences a disturbance in reality. Havik drank the blood of the Dragon King after everyone left the broken body, giving him the ability to ressurect the dead. His next destination is Outworld, where he reanimates the lifeless body of Shao Khan. Khan then travels to the Netherrealm were he not only retrieves Onaga's soul, but he ressurects Shinnok as well. The two Dictators traverse back to Outworld where they put the soul of Onaga back in its original body. Shao Khan, Shinnok, & Onaga then form an unholy brotherhood bent on fusing the realms & ruling all. Finally, they revived all those who served them in the past & died, creating an army of ressurected kombatants. Realizing the impending doom, Lui gathers all of his alies together to fight off this new threat. Hearing this, Jax notifies his aunt, a voodoo priestess, to ressurect their fallen alies & assist them in defeating the dictators.

Also, don't assume that because MKT1 was terrible, MKT2 would be as well. MKT was one of the first times anyone had tried doing something quite like that, and it turned out pretty poorly. However, the MK team has shown that it listens to criticism, and thus may fix most or all of the problems with MKT for this new game.

Finally, some1 understands!
08/18/2005 06:41 PM (UTC)
I'd like it better if they made mkt2 as mk7 with the combat system of mkd but with all the characters from mk4 mkda and mkd.
08/18/2005 11:19 PM (UTC)
ZenMasterMike Wrote:
Aracc Wrote:
Quantity is just as important as quality, really.

Not really, thats like saying 10 rotten eggs is as good as one normal egg.

10 rotten eggs will keep you alive longer, if that's all you have to eat, but be less satisfying. Both have they're ups and downs, and neither one works without the other. Quality probably is a litte more important, true, but I was just generalizing and simplifying. Also, I would prefer one outside of the Canon, personally. As I said, it gives them a chance to 'catch up' on characters, and also doesn't force them to try and fit 40 characters into a single storyline, which doesn't always work.
08/18/2005 11:58 PM (UTC)
Aracc Wrote:

Also, I would prefer one outside of the Canon, personally. As I said, it gives them a chance to 'catch up' on characters, and also doesn't force them to try and fit 40 characters into a single storyline, which doesn't always work.

I can agree with you there, some of the characters story seem to have absolutley no direction currently. Personally i think Vogel has dug himself into a hole because there are possabilities for tons of plot holes. Personally i would much rather have a prequel to MK 1
About Me

I had a sig, but Chuck Norris ate it.

08/19/2005 01:06 AM (UTC)
MKZero....... interesting! It could be about the Great Kung Lao & how he entered the tournament centuries ago. I like it, but my idea isn't bad either! Plus, we could still apply the 3d graphics+2d gameplay idea to it.
About Me

I had a sig, but Chuck Norris ate it.

08/24/2005 03:00 AM (UTC)
Elfire313 Wrote:
I'd like it better if they made mkt2 as mk7 with the combat system of mkd but with all the characters from mk4 mkda and mkd.

That is the exact same thing as MKT2.
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