MKT-like difficulty: a thing of the past?
posted05/03/2014 01:44 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
Can we ever have a new MK game, or at least a difficulty setting, that ever comes close to being as hard as the PSX version of MKT was?

The PSX version of MKT has to be one of the hardest games I've ever played. It is challenging, even on medium. Whereas the last game, even on the expert difficulty, doesn't really come close. Don't get me wrong, the last game could be challenging, but I've found myself losing no more than a round on the expert difficulty, once.

We should have a difficulty setting worthy of MKT. It could be called the MK Champion. Along with maybe two even more difficult settings, named Elder God and the One Being.
05/03/2014 01:07 AM (UTC)
The difficulty in MK9 was okay. I liked it where it was. They just need to have AI that adapts to a player's attacks and strategies. MK9 had a few AI exploits that made matches really easy.

- Characters with teleport attacks always do them on wake up leaving for an easy punish.

- The AI will always block if you do any charged attack, they don't avoid it or try to interrupt it.
05/03/2014 01:44 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
The difficulty in MK9 was okay. I liked it where it was. They just need to have AI that adapts to a player's attacks and strategies. MK9 had a few AI exploits that made matches really easy.

- Characters with teleport attacks always do them on wake up leaving for an easy punish.

- The AI will always block if you do any charged attack, they don't avoid it or try to interrupt it.

So are you saying you don't want a MKT-like difficulty setting? I like your AI adaptation idea, as that could keep things exciting, but MKT-like difficulty would be even more exciting, in my opinion.

Or how about our ideas combined? MKT-like difficulty setting with adaptable AI.
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