MKM:S-like gameplay for the story mode
posted08/15/2011 06:11 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
For future games with 2D gameplay like MK9's, I was thinking that certain parts of the story mode (if it returned) could feature MKM: Sub-Zero-like gameplay. MK9's pointless stance switching button could become the turn button. You'd have the capacity to run, which would work exactly like it did in MK vs DCU by pushing forward twice.

MK9's story mode could have benefitted from such a feature. Jax's chapter could have had two MKM:S-like segments, one set during the assault on the Shaolin temple, and another beginning from the armory after the fight with Jade, and ending in the deadpool.

Such a concept requires nameless minions for those segments, of course. Every one of MKM:S' foes from the netherrealm would be perfect for segments set there. I admit I'd love to have the giant cyborgs from the prison of souls back, and to fight them as someone other than Sub-Zero (and to play as them, but that's another story).

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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

08/15/2011 09:02 AM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
MK9's pointless stance switching button could become the turn button.>

The turn button was one of the reasons I hated MKM. If they were to do something like this, they'd have to ditch that and just go full on arcade beat em up, Streets of Rage style.
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08/15/2011 11:40 AM (UTC)
The stance change is a good feature, thus not pointless.
08/15/2011 06:11 PM (UTC)
If my idea was used, then these segments shouldn't just involve fighting, they could also involve avoiding or destroying obstacles, finding important items, etc.

Character chapters could really just be MKM:S-like levels featuring a certain character, sometimes teaming up up with others. When that happens, you can switch characters, with the other(s) serving as AI-controlled assistance. If one of your characters dies, he/she can no longer be used. Character deaths in "co-op" levels could affect the outcome of the story, they could force the players to play as a different character in other levels, they could even make certain levels inaccessible.

Once you've beaten the story mode on the hardest difficulty setting, you have the option to play as anyone you want in any levels. You could use Kai in a Stryker level, for example. When playing as an unintended character (so to speak), you get no cutscenes, just the gameplay segments. Although I wouldn't mind non-canon cutscenes to justify (even if unnecessary) what Kira is doing fighting an enemy of Shinnok she has absolutely no connection to.
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