posted04/30/2009 07:45 AM (UTC)by
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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

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12/04/2008 05:03 PM (UTC)
a perfect mk would be pullin characters from mka (all from 1st 3 games then pull out some of the newer ones from mk4-mka that were great to start a fresh mk. Then giv each char 1 style and tons of kombos and moves for their style. Every1 should hav their own wake up move into a kombo, like old times every1 should hav a uppercut , sweep and roundhouse kik. The throws can be done as a kombo but u should also hav a counter 4 throws and kombos. Unstiff the game by speedin up kombos and movement, make it 2d like mk vs. jus faster with 3d environments, plus environments need 2 b completely destructable from top to bottom. Deathtraps should differ from the stage fatalities, bring back new pits too. Make the kaks so that anymoves in the game can be put on the kak, as well as fatalities, they failed with doin this in mka id like 2 make my own ninja lookin kitana, not the kitana ive been seein lately. Put in all the females from mka, kira, tanya mileena jade khameleon ashrah sindel. CONTINUED
About Me

finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

04/30/2009 01:01 AM (UTC)
then, throw in endurance mode, dark kombat(refreshed), clappin when some1 wins the rounds, and make the boss watch all the fights in the arenas so he can say finish him or he could punish the loser somehow durin the fight like run up and uppercut you then run bak in the background and continue watchin the remainder of the fight. You should add all old costumes for all khars even if they werent in other mk games, giv them suits they would hav had if they were in certain games to make up 4 it, that way every1 has same amount of suits to choose from, but u should be able to choose costumes durin char select screen. it should also b avail 4 the create a char mode. This day in age fightin games r online so we need variety so we wont get bored, plus makin the kak bein able to hav all moves in the game will keep the game fresh forever, so when u get tired of kak u can jus giv him or her new moves, oh yeah u should add in a mk salon or haircuttin section so u can style their hair the way u want it for once n a mk
About Me

04/30/2009 07:45 AM (UTC)

Seriously, punctuation and paragraphs are your friends.
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